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Can we turn off the new jump animation?

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Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1081 - 2013-07-09 21:14:17 UTC
Deacon Abox wrote:
Welp, Ranger1 - click, hide posts.

I suggest you do the same with mine. Because I'll keep posting about my discomfort from (and my dislike for) these new graphics.Cool

at least until I unsub if they don't fix them by September

Your call, but I'll keep yours open because as I said:

Far from being upset, I encourage you to detail what you ascertain to be the exact causes of your discomfort so that they can be more easily identified and corrected. At the same time I recognize that the effect is not likely to be completely removed or be given a toggle, as that is simply the reality of the situation.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#1082 - 2013-07-09 21:16:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Ranger 1 wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
(...) To simply have a blank screen is completely unacceptable to any game company, and would be ridiculed. (...)

So this is why they removed the 10 years old iconic animated login screen and replaced it with a black screen and a white progress bar with text that doesn't fades and becomes an unreadable white blob? Lol

You're clever, Ranger 1.

Hello Ishtanchuk. I believe they've already mentioned it is on the list for a more interesting animation, along with all the other loading screens in the game. Smile

I quickly suggesteded to put an animated character selection screen instead, and others followed, elaborated and had the same idea independently.

To understand why nobody CCP figured that a replacement for the login screen was necesary with Odyssey, you can refer to the sinchronization issues i hinted above.

Scrum development is fast, but requires a good management structure and by accounts CCP management is sketchy at best. All the way from 2007 to 2013, former employees complain that at CCP talking to your buddy is the only safest way to drive information vertically -if you speak Icelandic, that is. So even if many *someones* knew that the animation guys had messed up, that information never reached the appropiate decission-person in time. Once the feature was deployed for feedback, the only possible feedback was how the players loved it. And they roared and cheered at Fanfest so it was a success, wasn't it?

Until even persons who don't suffer motion sickness, find it troublesome to watch the animation more than six or seven times in a row for causes that have been known since the 40s in the past century...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1083 - 2013-07-09 21:30:43 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
(...) To simply have a blank screen is completely unacceptable to any game company, and would be ridiculed. (...)

So this is why they removed the 10 years old iconic animated login screen and replaced it with a black screen and a white progress bar with text that doesn't fades and becomes an unreadable white blob? Lol

You're clever, Ranger 1.

Hello Ishtanchuk. I believe they've already mentioned it is on the list for a more interesting animation, along with all the other loading screens in the game. Smile

I quickly suggesteded to put an animated character selection screen instead, and others followed, elaborated and had the same idea independently.

To understand why nobody CCP figured that a replacement for the login screen was necesary with Odyssey, you can refer to the sinchronization issues i hinted above.

Scrum development is fast, but requires a good management structure and by accounts CCP management is sketchy at best. All the way from 2007 to 2013, former employees complain that at CCP talking to your buddy is the only safest way to drive information vertically -if you speak Icelandic, that is. So even if many *someones* knew that the animation guys had messed up, that information never reached the appropiate decission-person in time. Once the feature was deployed for feedback, the only possible feedback was how the players loved it. And they roared and cheered at Fanfest so it was a success, wasn't it?

Until even persons who don't suffer motion sickness, find it troublesome to watch the animation more than six or seven times in a row for causes that have been known since the 40s in the past century...

You're losing me, are we talking about the loading screen animation or the jump gate animation in your post?

I fully understand that the Launcher/Start Loading screen are a work in progress. Not much else to say there.

As to the rest, working out the rough spots (and getting feedback on the exact parts of the effect that need attention) is what this thread is about... and we already have acknowledgement that the issues have been noted, are being investigated, and changes will be made as soon as their schedule allows.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Sister Sophia
#1084 - 2013-07-09 22:53:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Sister Sophia
Ranger 1 wrote:
Far from being upset, I encourage you to detail what you ascertain to be the exact causes of your discomfort so that they can be more easily identified and corrected. At the same time I recognize that the effect is not likely to be completely removed or be given a toggle, as that is simply the reality of the situation.

Hey Ranger. Smile I think you're probably right about this. And, honestly, if CCP can just make the whole thing gentle on the eyes/ears I personally will be pretty cool with it all. I'm actually enjoying the end part of the tunnel where we come out. It's kinda' neat. Also, the fact that the camera now moves toward the gate before going to the side is helpful. I can at least keep oriented. The old version (if I remember right) just swung sideways and was disorienting. Oh and I want to say that the space-distortion effect on the gates is very cool. Cool

So here are a few things I'd personally still like to see polished or have heard mentioned by others:

  • the audio effects are too loud and drown out battlecoms;
  • people who use tactical overview on gates do not like the camera zooming in at every gate. If they are focused on pvp i can understand why;
  • some of the Minmatar gates involve a long swing of about 270'. This is to orient in the 'correct' direction. But actually a short swing of 60' (or whatever) would be much better and easier to stomach. Realism be damned;
  • many of the Gallente gates have us jumping through a solid wall Shocked
  • the tunnel effect is still a bit too flashy. Keep in mind we often see it ten times in short succession;
  • the tunnel exit effect is a touch too abrupt. I mean it should be abrupt. but hey.... take it easy!

That's my laundry list so far. I'll take the 'off' toggle if there is one. But if not, that's what I'd like to see fixed.

P.S. Oh, and the fact that we no longer have that iconic login screen is a crime against EVE. It was such an amazing visceral experience.
Cesha Xenon
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1085 - 2013-07-10 00:58:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Cesha Xenon
Feeling disoriented? Maybe a wee bit deaf or nauseous, enraged or upset? We have the solution!

From the house of Sean Decker - EA Mindflood Booster token(always available through the local NEX store)!

EAch player gets a chance of random event happening upon use of EA Mindflood Booster token:

  • Jump animation removed
  • The exit station button placed back to where it belongs!
  • High Def texture pack gets enabled
  • The CQ door is opened and you can finally enter the Biomass chamber!

Mere 3501 Aurum can choose the true destiny of you and your character!
Special deals start next week and last between 5:00-6:00 GMT only.

HTFU to login and stuff yourrr pockets, chums! Pirate
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#1086 - 2013-07-10 06:52:58 UTC
Cesha Xenon wrote:
Feeling disoriented? Maybe a wee bit deaf or nauseous, enraged or upset? We have the solution!

From the house of Sean Decker - EA Mindflood Booster token(always available through the local NEX store)!

EAch player gets a chance of random event happening upon use of EA Mindflood Booster token:

  • Jump animation removed
  • The exit station button placed back to where it belongs!
  • High Def texture pack gets enabled
  • The CQ door is opened and you can finally enter the Biomass chamber!

Mere 3501 Aurum can choose the true destiny of you and your character!
Special deals start next week and last between 5:00-6:00 GMT only.

HTFU to login and stuff yourrr pockets, chums! Pirate

+1 and LOL'ed.

Add the "Vintage login screen collection: this item will randomly play one of the old login screens on top of the Launcher. Each package includes 16 runs and yes, we're fully aware that there were 18 animated login screens. HTFU and welcome to MT-land."

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Deep Space Resources Ltd.
#1087 - 2013-07-10 07:26:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Fodiam
Ranger 1 wrote:
An on/off button is far from a simple proposition in this case. While it may be acceptable (and coded that way from the start) to do without turret effects during high lag inducing activities like combat, that is a far different situation from an effect that is used often by everyone in the game... not only from a technical stand point but from a professional stand point. To simply have a blank screen is completely unacceptable to any game company, and would be ridiculed. An alternative would have to be developed and coded, tested, and finally implimented. It's not something that you can simply "do without".
I see you now have your employment at ccp. Based on what you write here, I understand you now have an insight into the code itself!!

Ranger 1 wrote:
If you are so intent on an immediate fix, and can't wait for the appropriate people to return from summer vacation, perhaps it is indeed time for you to take a short break. No one is going to make fun of you for doing so.
Short break! ... are you kidding me! The fact that ccp actually even says (Sorry we are on vacation!) that they actually puts vacation higher on their list tells me that ccp actually do not take this problem very seriously. Therefore, I believe there is long way to something being made ... made ​​proper means!

Ranger note also that I come with links to support what I write which you very rarely do. You make your own little reality world here in your many and loong posts - it almost tangent to spam. Why do you not like some of the others in here who also love this animation, write you love it on a line and then it's no longer - right?!?
Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1088 - 2013-07-10 09:08:16 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Scrum development is fast, but requires a good management structure and by accounts CCP management is sketchy at best. All the way from 2007 to 2013, former employees complain that at CCP talking to your buddy is the only safest way to drive information vertically -if you speak Icelandic, that is. So even if many *someones* knew that the animation guys had messed up, that information never reached the appropiate decission-person in time. Once the feature was deployed for feedback, the only possible feedback was how the players loved it. And they roared and cheered at Fanfest so it was a success, wasn't it?

Still in the garage stage of development. Gamers making games. Terrific, but they don't know how to manage the game itself at the higher level.

This is why it's important that CCP hires such management with the experience that only comes from the top 2 game companies -- and outside CCP's culture. CCP's shop is too closed and tunnel vision thrives in that environment. Tunnel vision is a game killer, as devs lose sight of what is really important...the players and their needs. Devs have their visions for a game, but it's a working relationship with who plays the game.

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

Bryla Jax
AeD Corp
#1089 - 2013-07-10 10:03:09 UTC
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Still in the garage stage of development. Gamers making games. Terrific, but they don't know how to manage the game itself at the higher level.

They manage patch and update like a garage software house.
If they like a feature, they put it on production.
They really didn't learn anything from Incarna
Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1090 - 2013-07-10 11:12:41 UTC
Bryla Jax wrote:
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Still in the garage stage of development. Gamers making games. Terrific, but they don't know how to manage the game itself at the higher level.

They manage patch and update like a garage software house.
If they like a feature, they put it on production.
They really didn't learn anything from Incarna

There's a lot of lessons in how Blizzard became Blizzard. Two guys who met in college with similar interests who wanted to make games. They literally started their company on extended credit cards, and lucked up in connecting with others (and having a mentor company to teach them the ropes about marketing and more).

But they made it clear that they won't release a game until it's good enough. They would throw 4 years of development down the drain and restart from scratch again to make it right (what is happening with Titan now). They did that even on a shoestring budget (long before having over a hundred million rolling each month), and earned the reputation of Soon™.

Can reinvent the wheel, or can learn the lessons that's free to learn from...and avoid the pitfalls and wasting time and money.

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1091 - 2013-07-10 11:17:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Zagdul
CCP Sisyphus wrote:
Just a thought - why am I not getting requests to turn off the warp tunnel?
It has EXACTLY the same reasoning behind it, and should we ever achieve our dream of multi node handling for a single system, it would probably serve the exact same purpose.

Yes the jump tunnel is sub-par, so we are working on improving it.

Warp tunnels don't move your camera causing your graphics card to calculate where the brackets (arguably the most intensive on the client) are positioned.

When running multiple clients, this process becomes unbearable on anything that is not cutting edge hardware.

Right now, the client is really, really slow. In fleet fights over 1k, I cannot right click my overview and broadcast a target because I'm running around 1-5 frames a second.

I don't have the greatest computer, but it's one that runs Crysis 3 @ 60 FPS on high (not ultra). It should be able to manage EVE.

Dual Pane idea: Click!

CCP Please Implement

Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1092 - 2013-07-10 11:30:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Ace Uoweme
Zagdul wrote:
CCP Sisyphus wrote:
Just a thought - why am I not getting requests to turn off the warp tunnel?
It has EXACTLY the same reasoning behind it, and should we ever achieve our dream of multi node handling for a single system, it would probably serve the exact same purpose.

Yes the jump tunnel is sub-par, so we are working on improving it.

Warp tunnels don't move your camera causing your graphics card to calculate where the brackets (arguably the most intensive on the client) are positioned.

When running multiple clients, this process becomes unbearable on anything that is not cutting edge hardware.

Right now, the client is really, really slow. In fleet fights over 1k, I cannot right click my overview and broadcast a target because I'm running around 1-5 frames a second.

I don't have the greatest computer, but it's one that runs Crysis 3 @ 60 FPS on high (not ultra). It should be able to manage EVE.

Glad you reposted the dev's comment. So CCP does want a form of CRZ and phasing in EvE. That's progress, as it offers a means to offload the load without the walls of hard instancing. As EvE needs this to not have hard limits on how many players can be in a zone. You don't see that in WoW, and if anything causes a bottleneck, they'll throw resources into it to fix the problem in days (like the Oondasta rush in 5.3, that caused multiple server boots for days, because the servers got overloaded). A standard web server can handle 1500 connections max (and not ideal for gaming), so folks can see the headache and how many blades are needed per zone conventionally. Have to offload the traffic, and without the hard instancing walls in how it's traditionally done. A form of CRZ and/or phasing can shift the load to little used nodes (servers), and spread the overall resource spikes evenly. Gamers will see this in practice in 5.4, when WoW virtually merges 10+ realms together as one world, with CRZ and phasing in place. Next step after battlegroups are virtually merged, is all battlegroups are merged...and it's EvE in WoW.

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

Nefer tite
Amarr Empire
#1093 - 2013-07-10 13:37:39 UTC
Bear I do "multibox" in the means i have 3 acc's running at same time but i manually have to change window to do anything on any of them. And i do travel with them all at same time in different directions and jump effect does not slow anything down.

sadly you probably need to upgrade your computer.

Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1094 - 2013-07-10 14:17:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Ace Uoweme
Nefer tite wrote:
Bear I do "multibox" in the means i have 3 acc's running at same time but i manually have to change window to do anything on any of them. And i do travel with them all at same time in different directions and jump effect does not slow anything down.

sadly you probably need to upgrade your computer.

If you have to change the windows to move them, you won't see the effects when changing windows. I multibox as well, and unless you have 2+ monitors and keeping an eye on all of them, you can't tell. This animation doesn't last very long...and on a single client, can still face getting across the tunnel and seeing but a blue screen in itself (especially in Jita).

And I have a $2000+ i7 system and 100mb internet.

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

State War Academy
Caldari State
#1095 - 2013-07-10 15:45:20 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
2: The former effect no longer exists, the loading screen is gone and no longer part of the code that has been rewritten. This has been covered multiple times.

Yet in this post, to quote -

Arrendis wrote:
You do realize that all of the graphics end of things is handled client-side by your computer, right? That as far as the server is concerned, there is no difference between making you wait at a loading screen and letting your home computer show you the Dr. Who tunnel? Server-side, the only thing going on is a session change.

Unless CCP's completely insane, it's the same thing for system scanning - the server tells your machine where things are, just like it always has, and your client handles the visual sweep and displaying the anomalies in space.

So depending on who is correct, if the graphic aspects are stored on our computer, then any less medically intrusive graphic can be used. Or if the execution file to jump through a star gate or scan the system is hard coded, then a "blank" apparently can be inserted as part of the on / off switch.

Since I am not a computer programmer, I can only speculate here.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1096 - 2013-07-10 16:12:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Fodiam wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
An on/off button is far from a simple proposition in this case. While it may be acceptable (and coded that way from the start) to do without turret effects during high lag inducing activities like combat, that is a far different situation from an effect that is used often by everyone in the game... not only from a technical stand point but from a professional stand point. To simply have a blank screen is completely unacceptable to any game company, and would be ridiculed. An alternative would have to be developed and coded, tested, and finally implimented. It's not something that you can simply "do without".
I see you now have your employment at ccp. Based on what you write here, I understand you now have an insight into the code itself!!

Ranger 1 wrote:
If you are so intent on an immediate fix, and can't wait for the appropriate people to return from summer vacation, perhaps it is indeed time for you to take a short break. No one is going to make fun of you for doing so.
Short break! ... are you kidding me! The fact that ccp actually even says (Sorry we are on vacation!) that they actually puts vacation higher on their list tells me that ccp actually do not take this problem very seriously. Therefore, I believe there is long way to something being made ... made ​​proper means!

Ranger note also that I come with links to support what I write which you very rarely do. You make your own little reality world here in your many and loong posts - it almost tangent to spam. Why do you not like some of the others in here who also love this animation, write you love it on a line and then it's no longer - right?!?

It doesn't take much insightt to be able to read the information the Devs have already provided... although you do learn a bit when in constant contact with a piece of software over a decade.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1097 - 2013-07-10 16:24:26 UTC
Guttripper wrote:
So depending on who is correct, if the graphic aspects are stored on our computer, then any less medically intrusive graphic can be used. Or if the execution file to jump through a star gate or scan the system is hard coded, then a "blank" apparently can be inserted as part of the on / off switch.

Since I am not a computer programmer, I can only speculate here.

To do that will allow modding the game. And CCP doesn't even allow addons -- especially with animations. That's one ugly allowance (nude modding for example) that the devs don't allow to wreck their ESRB rating.

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

Siresa Talesi
#1098 - 2013-07-10 23:35:34 UTC
The EVE launcher currently has a link in the lower left corner for an Odyssey player feedback survey. I suggest that everyone dissatisfied with the jumpgate animation (or any other new feature) take the time to fill it out.

The survey is actually very thourough in covering all aspects of the expansion, and it is very easy to indicate which details you like and dislike.
Deep Space Resources Ltd.
#1099 - 2013-07-11 06:58:52 UTC
Siresa Talesi wrote:
The EVE launcher currently has a link in the lower left corner for an Odyssey player feedback survey. I suggest that everyone dissatisfied with the jumpgate animation (or any other new feature) take the time to fill it out.

The survey is actually very thourough in covering all aspects of the expansion, and it is very easy to indicate which details you like and dislike.

Done ... thanks for the heads up!
Deep Space Resources Ltd.
#1100 - 2013-07-11 07:39:09 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Fodiam wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
An on/off button is far from a simple proposition in this case. While it may be acceptable (and coded that way from the start) to do without turret effects during high lag inducing activities like combat, that is a far different situation from an effect that is used often by everyone in the game... not only from a technical stand point but from a professional stand point. To simply have a blank screen is completely unacceptable to any game company, and would be ridiculed. An alternative would have to be developed and coded, tested, and finally implimented. It's not something that you can simply "do without".
I see you now have your employment at ccp. Based on what you write here, I understand you now have an insight into the code itself!!

Ranger 1 wrote:
If you are so intent on an immediate fix, and can't wait for the appropriate people to return from summer vacation, perhaps it is indeed time for you to take a short break. No one is going to make fun of you for doing so.
Short break! ... are you kidding me! The fact that ccp actually even says (Sorry we are on vacation!) that they actually puts vacation higher on their list tells me that ccp actually do not take this problem very seriously. Therefore, I believe there is long way to something being made ... made ​​proper means!

Ranger note also that I come with links to support what I write which you very rarely do. You make your own little reality world here in your many and loong posts - it almost tangent to spam. Why do you not like some of the others in here who also love this animation, write you love it on a line and then it's no longer - right?!?

It doesn't take much insightt to be able to read the information the Devs have already provided... although you do learn a bit when in constant contact with a piece of software over a decade.
So you believe in a ccp develop when he/she says, it is not an option since it is no longer possible to change! ... and this is the very same ccp developers who also told that it was not possible to make change to captain quarter Secret - for your eyes only! Look at post 6 .... Must say you are a bit naive Ranger!

Yes you should learn a little over 10 years Ranger - which I believe I have ... on / off over the past 10 years.