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EVE General Discussion

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The Petition - Skill Reimbursement - Battlecrusers & Destroyers for all players Sign up the Peti

First post
#21 - 2013-07-10 11:06:25 UTC
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
well its not rubbish ccp shuld inform you before they make major changes 2 skills that would take 30-40 days max is now devided into 8 i dont think its rubbish and yes its now total waste of time to cross train into other BC and yes people have real life issues and need to do things for thair country so its important that a game you pay for Gives you a Email few months before they do major changes to the game and inform you about the change am i right or wrong i had only Email on my phone ***** internet in the desert while in the army at least i would get an email i would tell some one at home to set up all the skills needed before the change

ccp did inform many times , try to read dev blog en news sites , you live under a rock?

Also if you play from 2008 off and on , thats not a long time

can i haz your stuff please?

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

gregory Chieve
mss industry
#22 - 2013-07-10 11:07:10 UTC
Props to a very respectable career and sorry you missed out

You can check devblogs etc via slowternet on a mobile phone, things will change ingame and people will always miss out.
Nightshade Mary
Darkwater Innovations
#23 - 2013-07-10 11:08:00 UTC
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
Nightshade Mary wrote:
When you are not subscribed, you are not a customer. Roll The fact that you're a soldier out on deployment; I applaud you for your dedication to keep the world safe. It doesn't however change the initial statement.

Customers were given ample warning of the upcoming changes.

CCP is friendly enough to store your characters and possessions for you whilst you are NOT a customer, that is a nice bonus. That is as far as it goes though.

Like RaTTuS posted; if you could fly it before, you can now. No harm done.

Seriously, there is no need for "free stuff" here.

its not about free stuff its about
an example if you wrere able to train in less days for other BC whole lot less now its like same skill x4 on bc and x4 destroyer
that is not funny

If, before the changes you could fly all BC and Destroyers, you can after the change.

If, you could not, you still cannot.

Plain and simple.
#24 - 2013-07-10 11:08:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarmatiko
Tobias Hareka wrote:
Check the date.
Yes, that's over a year ago.

It also looks like OP was active on that period in EVE:

Hawk-Tech LTD [HTLTD] from 2012.06.03 01:33 to 2013.05.31 15:39.
Viziam [VI] from 2012.06.03 01:26 to 2012.06.03 01:33.
Aces 'N' Eights [AAA88] from 2012.05.25 22:24 to 2012.06.03 01:26.
Viziam [VI] from 2012.05.25 22:15 to 2012.05.25 22:24.
Hawk-Tech LTD [HTLTD] from 2012.04.07 14:14 to 2012.05.25 22:15.
Viziam [VI] from 2012.04.07 14:09 to 2012.04.07 14:14.
We are here [WTHF] from 2011.12.10 21:55 to 2012.04.07 14:09.

Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
Christopher AET wrote:
CCP did inform you. The dev blogs are available for everyone to read.

Dev blogs yes but if you have good internet you can read stuff right in the middle of the desert you dont have good internet you only get email and mostly you dont download images just read the text :)

Riiiigh, "in the middle of the desert" just joining/leaving corps but cant read devblog about skill changes.
Jack Morrison
Team Liquid crp.
#25 - 2013-07-10 11:08:15 UTC
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
Christopher AET wrote:
CCP did inform you. The dev blogs are available for everyone to read.

Dev blogs yes but if you have good internet you can read stuff right in the middle of the desert you dont have good internet you only get email and mostly you dont download images just read the text :) i think i am right in a way
of old players getting skill reimburstment cause its not the issue its the issue that now i have to tran all bc skils to 5 ad all take 26 days + the same skill would have taken me 26 days before how you guys can ignore the fact that i am trying to fight for the players you guys insted are pointing out names on me :) want cheese and stuff like that

Nobody questions your goals, it is nice to step up for others, but most of us just dont share your opinion.

Looking for a group to pew with ? Have a chat with me.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#26 - 2013-07-10 11:08:15 UTC
I got all the new SP and all it got me was a bigger clone cost.
Gizmo Karkhand
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2013-07-10 11:09:06 UTC
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
well not really seen all the newsletters by ccp and its not unsuscribed because i was updated by newsletters but not with the important information i think a 2 month warning news letter had to been sent to all users

It's not because you "think they should" that you are right, every one in this game could watch fanfest videos read comments and forum threads for over a year about this specific change.

You got away for a year for whatever professional or personal reason no one should care except one point: happy to know you got safe back home

For everything else please stop moaning.

not moaning just pissed its not right its in the ccp benifit to make skills longer its 150 days its 5 * 15 USD = 75$ just that ccp is greedy for more money thats all i want to point lol
Anna Djan
Banana Corp
#28 - 2013-07-10 11:09:17 UTC
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
Anna Djan wrote:
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
well its not rubbish ccp shuld inform you before they make major changes 2 skills that would take 30-40 days max is now devided into 8 i dont think its rubbish and yes its now total waste of time to cross train into other BC and yes people have real life issues and need to do things for thair country so its important that a game you pay for Gives you a Email few months before they do major changes to the game and inform you about the change am i right or wrong i had only Email on my phone ***** internet in the desert while in the army at least i would get an email i would tell some one at home to set up all the skills needed before the change

I'm pretty sure the announcements for the SP changes we detailed extensively across multiple newsletters.

Are you saying you do not get a news letter if not subscribed? or that you chose NOT to have the newsletter by unsubscribing from it in account options?

well not really seen all the newsletters by ccp and its not unsuscribed because i was updated by newsletters but not with the important information i think a 2 month warning news letter had to been sent to all users

as some say down here they had to suffer 42 days of tranining but trust me 154 days its now same skill took less time i think its not right

I'm confused. So they announced the changes for over a year in multiple news letters, which you received. But because you didn't read the newsletters, it's CCP fault for not sending you an additional email which you may or may not of read for you not to skill up D5 and B5?

I think the problem is between the chair and the desk.
Rengerel en Distel
#29 - 2013-07-10 11:09:24 UTC
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
Christopher AET wrote:
CCP did inform you. The dev blogs are available for everyone to read.

Dev blogs yes but if you have good internet you can read stuff right in the middle of the desert you dont have good internet you only get email and mostly you dont download images just read the text :) i think i am right in a way
of old players getting skill reimburstment cause its not the issue its the issue that now i have to tran all bc skils to 5 ad all take 26 days + the same skill would have taken me 26 days before how you guys can ignore the fact that i am trying to fight for the players you guys insted are pointing out names on me :) want cheese and stuff like that

No, we're just telling you that you're wrong. There is no reason you have to train for every destroyer and BC to level 5. You obviously didn't before, so it's your choice now. You also don't get reimbursement for changes to the game that took place while you were gone. Are you also going to petition because you didn't get a chance to buy a procurer for 2M isk, or that battleships cost more now, so you should get isk reimbursed because you didn't buy them when they were cheaper, etc.?

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

Norian Lonark
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2013-07-10 11:10:28 UTC
Everyone was informed by CCP Roll

Its not CCPs fault that you didn't know what was happening, they sent newsletters, gave dev blogs, forum posts well in advance and if people are not able to login or play the game for a year for whatever reason again CCP are not responsible.

I most definitely wont be signing a petition for something which is a whine about absolutely nothing. Shocked

Start wide, expand further, and never look back

Xen Solarus
Furious Destruction and Salvage
#31 - 2013-07-10 11:12:26 UTC
I lost the internet for a week and totally missed the window on the Fidelity Contrafund investment possibility after the tech bubble collapse, and i totally demand to be given every single dollar of those potential profits that i could have made!!!!! Roll

Post with your main, like a BOSS!

And no, i don't live in highsec.  As if that would make your opinion any less wrong.  

Pr1ncess Alia
#32 - 2013-07-10 11:13:47 UTC
lock this thread

if he's lying his stolen valor ass can't be punished enough

if he's telling the truth, who cares? I know no combat vet that would try to spend his earned honor in exchange for free video game crap... though the Army does have it's fair share of bottom feeders.

go away OP/troll, it's far from funny.
In fact, if I'm right about you lying, it's actually criminal.
Gizmo Karkhand
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2013-07-10 11:14:30 UTC
Rengerel en Distel wrote:
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
Christopher AET wrote:
CCP did inform you. The dev blogs are available for everyone to read.

Dev blogs yes but if you have good internet you can read stuff right in the middle of the desert you dont have good internet you only get email and mostly you dont download images just read the text :) i think i am right in a way
of old players getting skill reimburstment cause its not the issue its the issue that now i have to tran all bc skils to 5 ad all take 26 days + the same skill would have taken me 26 days before how you guys can ignore the fact that i am trying to fight for the players you guys insted are pointing out names on me :) want cheese and stuff like that

No, we're just telling you that you're wrong. There is no reason you have to train for every destroyer and BC to level 5. You obviously didn't before, so it's your choice now. You also don't get reimbursement for changes to the game that took place while you were gone. Are you also going to petition because you didn't get a chance to buy a procurer for 2M isk, or that battleships cost more now, so you should get isk reimbursed because you didn't buy them when they were cheaper, etc.?

i dont think that game itmes is related ok the market is Flexible the game major changes is not well i am just shocked to see that i need to train for 150 days now and pissed about it cause it was 30 days at max
0asis Group
#34 - 2013-07-10 11:15:46 UTC
Gizmo Karkhand
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2013-07-10 11:21:08 UTC
Pr1ncess Alia wrote:
lock this thread

if he's lying his stolen valor ass can't be punished enough

if he's telling the truth, who cares? I know no combat vet that would try to spend his earned honor in exchange for free video game crap... though the Army does have it's fair share of bottom feeders.

go away OP/troll, it's far from funny.
In fact, if I'm right about you lying, it's actually criminal.

well you dont know me so dont tell share your thought about stuff that you dont know
about me ok and its about the way CCP handeles things i just want to point out that its importnat to inform players about major changes
Djana Libra
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#36 - 2013-07-10 11:22:05 UTC
I thought someone necro'd an old post but it looks like theres still some special people that are running late.

Well he is in the army so he must be special and everything and everyone else in the world must for sure consider he might be away for more than a year before changing anything.

Gizmo Karkhand
Amarr Empire
#37 - 2013-07-10 11:23:14 UTC
Djana Libra wrote:
I thought someone necro'd an old post but it looks like theres still some special people that are running late.

Well he is in the army so he must be special and everything and everyone else in the world must for sure consider he might be away for more than a year before changing anything.

if you didnt read the post title i am talking about everyone that has missed out here :)
#38 - 2013-07-10 11:29:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarmatiko
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
i just want to point out that its importnat to inform players about major changes

You was informed through official channel (March 2012 devblog) while you was active in EVE and your employement history proves this. You decided to ignore that and now complaining about "lack of information".
It's your own fault, deal with it.

Also go and read devblog again - there was no such thing as "free redistributable 6 MIL SP" so there is nothing to reimburse or compensate to you.
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2013-07-10 11:35:53 UTC
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:

...The story behind it is i am playing eve on and off from 2008...
You had neither Destroyers or Battle Cruisers trained to level 4 or 5?

What were your characters doing in EvE?
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2013-07-10 11:38:01 UTC
Gizmo Karkhand wrote:
well its not rubbish ccp shuld inform you before they make major changes 2 skills that would take 30-40 days max...
You started in 2008 and never found the need to take 30-40 days to train them. What has changed that now you are in dire need of them?