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Potential use of the Sun and solution to cloaky campers

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#41 - 2013-07-09 01:27:59 UTC
Haywud Jablomi wrote:
YAY it's Mag's. I am glad you decided to comment. I would feel left out if you didnt join in with your own brand of opinion that really skirts all the real issues, but attempts to make valid points thru the use of circular logic and other fun crap. Thanks.

As for alts? Na. Brother this is my main. I am trying to see how long I can go with only training for an Iteron V, and see how much Isk I can make in the game. So far its working rather well. Amazing how much isk you make just shuttling skill books from places into Jita.

Now we just need Gunslinger to jump in. He hates the idea of changing cloaks too.

Skirts the real issues.... OH THOSE!!

You must mean why local intel inspires cloaking!
Haywud Jablomi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2013-07-09 02:16:34 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Haywud Jablomi wrote:
YAY it's Mag's. I am glad you decided to comment. I would feel left out if you didnt join in with your own brand of opinion that really skirts all the real issues, but attempts to make valid points thru the use of circular logic and other fun crap. Thanks.

As for alts? Na. Brother this is my main. I am trying to see how long I can go with only training for an Iteron V, and see how much Isk I can make in the game. So far its working rather well. Amazing how much isk you make just shuttling skill books from places into Jita.

Now we just need Gunslinger to jump in. He hates the idea of changing cloaks too.

Skirts the real issues.... OH THOSE!!

You must mean why local intel inspires cloaking!

Your posts inspire me.
Azn Empire
#43 - 2013-07-09 02:17:25 UTC
Haywud Jablomi wrote:
YAY it's Mag's. I am glad you decided to comment. I would feel left out if you didnt join in with your own brand of opinion that really skirts all the real issues, but attempts to make valid points thru the use of circular logic and other fun crap. Thanks.

As for alts? Na. Brother this is my main. I am trying to see how long I can go with only training for an Iteron V, and see how much Isk I can make in the game. So far its working rather well. Amazing how much isk you make just shuttling skill books from places into Jita.

Now we just need Gunslinger to jump in. He hates the idea of changing cloaks too.
Main... ahh yes of course, main. Silly me. *chuckles* Good to see alts skirting the real meaning of alts in this thread, in an attempt to make their stance valid through use of 'it is on this account' logic. Thanks indeed.

Oh and heads up, train for a Bestower. That ship will be the one with maximum cargo capacity soon and you seem the type to fit for exactly that. Screw the consequences aye, it is high sec after all and what could possibly go wrong? Big smile

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Vayn Baxtor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2013-07-09 02:37:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Vayn Baxtor
Evan-Tal-Kuros sho-tal-vas wrote:

The Problem:

Cloaky ships are moderately expensive

Cloaked ships cannot be found once in system unless u have 24/7 bubbles and cans on a gate with at least 1 tackler watching the gate for when they come thru.

Cloaking has no cost associated with it for a status change ( i.e no fuel cost)

<- is not trolling.
As probably already the case, people are likely to feel very molested in their dignity when one speaks of the c-word.

Just to ask, how is the "Cloaky ship = expensive" part a problem?
I was under the impression that cloaking + vessel tech are, well, expensive special traits.

It is impossible to debate much about cloaking because it is a delicate topic like religion and drawing specific comics about holy figures of cultures. So I'll just stay out of that one. CCP knows what they're doing - and cloakers can stlil be dealt with in a way - or just bluntly ignored.

You are right though about once a cloaker is inside, you won't get him out as well as the fact that he can stay cloaked indefinitely.

But I too think there should several possiblities in taking on them, as you said like anti-cloaking special stuff etc, and like for cloaky vessels, there should be a bracket of ships about anti-cloak and other toys. I think one came make it interesting, while balanced.

I like your idea about utilizing PI goods. That is something that should be really focused on in upcoming addons, for my taste at least. For the sake of the thread (or whatever), I think you should disregard, if not REMOVE, the cloaky subjects. It is just going to attract more trolls than people willing to elaborate about it. Maybe you're better off making another thread.
But hey, I'm not Big Boss.

Covert Cloaks using fuel is a good idea, but the community won't like it. CCP would have to shove that one down their throats but I doubt it is going to happen.
Imo, it makes sense to me. But on the other hand, maybe you should consider imagining a unique ship that uses those isotopes etc for special abilities and stuff - as well as focusing more how to improve the need of PI commodities.

//Isotopes/Fuel harvesting from Stars/suns
I like that one. Ever since Elite:3 or Battlecruiser 3000AD, I always hoped to see stuff like that in this game.
Fuels unfortunately are pretty much just for chubby Capital Ships with Jumpdrives and PoSes.

I think you should focus here too on ships/modules that could harvest and have the "fuel" be saved in cargo bay -> you then can utilize that fuel for whatever, offensive, defensive, industrial etc.
You tackled that one quite well, so I'd say focus on that too :)!

I don't want to hijack this thread with my stuff as that will kill your thread.

Using tablet, typoes are common and I'm not going to fix them all.

Haywud Jablomi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2013-07-09 02:48:46 UTC
Very well said Vayn. +1

I like the sun idea too.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#46 - 2013-07-09 13:21:39 UTC
Vayn Baxtor wrote:
Seems to like those fuel ideas

Ok, that's hardly the most practical solution to this.

It's total effect, which should be perfectly obvious, will be to create a time limit for cloaked vessels to operate.
But, they can refuel, right?

SURE, just as long as they can get the fuel to the ship.... but, oh wait, they are in hostile territory. (This is SUPPOSED to be what people in PvP games do, go into hostile territory, etc)
Getting that fuel behind enemy lines will be difficult, assuming it is practical to begin with.
That places a truly significant burden on the cloaked vessel, in order to operate.

Now, in order to make any claims regarding balance, it must be also demonstrated how they are getting something of benefit out of this as well.

What, did you actually assume the devs left this part of the game out of balance just so you could come along and point it out to them?
Haywud Jablomi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2013-07-09 21:07:35 UTC
Awww Nikk. Great post.

"Getting that fuel behind enemy lines will be difficult, assuming it is practical to begin with.
That places a truly significant burden on the cloaked vessel, in order to operate."

Does that bother you? Oh hey about that benefit. How bout a cloak. Pretty sure that's quite a benefit. I could be wrong though. Maybe the fuel benefit could be the addiction of a slushy machine in the cockpit of the ship, so the cloaky pilot has a drink while he sits in space.

Also Eve itself is far more than a PVP game. Yes there is conflict but its not just a PVP. it's a sandbox game and you make what you want of it. So you like to PVP. You need to step down off that soap box of yours and realize not everyone wants to play that style of game, and OMG they can cause its in the game. Crazy isn't it? That more than just PVP can be done in a game.

As for your last statement. UMmm I think we just went thru a major patch and change to REBALANCE many things in the game. So if youre saying the game is absolutely perfect and the devs have it exactly the way they want, then why are they still changing things. Just cause you personally don't see a need for a change, doesn't mean that the devs agree or that a percent of the eve community agrees with you.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#48 - 2013-07-09 21:21:42 UTC
Haywud Jablomi wrote:
Awww Nikk. Great post.

"Getting that fuel behind enemy lines will be difficult, assuming it is practical to begin with.
That places a truly significant burden on the cloaked vessel, in order to operate."

Does that bother you? Oh hey about that benefit. How bout a cloak. Pretty sure that's quite a benefit. I could be wrong though. Maybe the fuel benefit could be the addiction of a slushy machine in the cockpit of the ship, so the cloaky pilot has a drink while he sits in space.

Also Eve itself is far more than a PVP game. Yes there is conflict but its not just a PVP. it's a sandbox game and you make what you want of it. So you like to PVP. You need to step down off that soap box of yours and realize not everyone wants to play that style of game, and OMG they can cause its in the game. Crazy isn't it? That more than just PVP can be done in a game.

As for your last statement. UMmm I think we just went thru a major patch and change to REBALANCE many things in the game. So if youre saying the game is absolutely perfect and the devs have it exactly the way they want, then why are they still changing things. Just cause you personally don't see a need for a change, doesn't mean that the devs agree or that a percent of the eve community agrees with you.

No soap box. Facts stated objectively carry enough weight on their own.

You are out of touch, if you think I am making any key points from personal opinion.

The game is in balance. Rebalance means changing balance aspects on both sides. Balance shifting means to affect only one side, or to affect both sides unevenly.

The cloak, as it is right now, is balanced. Is being unable to find it broken? Maybe, but then so is getting free intel out of a chat channel.

And PvP is everywhere in EVE. You mine for ore? PvP.
You sell on the markets? PvP.
You ratting? PvP.

Every aspect of game represents Player versus Player competition, as all the effects are interconnected.
Pricing for ores, and loot from NPC's, are all set by players.
As is the competition to get to those same NPCs and asteroids.

You have mistaken ship to ship combat for PvP.
Haywud Jablomi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2013-07-09 21:37:00 UTC
Wait. I am suppose to believe that you have no personal bias in this discuss at all? That you are arguing your points from a neutral standpoint in regards to game balance. You must feel very strong about this balance and also I think your statement is crap.

Also, just something to consider. I don't know if they have or not but with all the recent threads on cloak, I have yet to see a dev jump in and say. "Hey guys. This is balanced and the way we want it?" Cause you know if they did, all these threads would disappear.

There are several reasons why this is the case, though I would guess that they themselves haven't figured out a solid way to tackle the issue and are working on it. If they felt it was balanced, they would say so. There has been enough threads so far.
Azn Empire
#50 - 2013-07-09 22:00:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Haywud Jablomi wrote:
Wait. I am suppose to believe that you have no personal bias in this discuss at all? That you are arguing your points from a neutral standpoint in regards to game balance. You must feel very strong about this balance and also I think your statement is crap.

Also, just something to consider. I don't know if they have or not but with all the recent threads on cloak, I have yet to see a dev jump in and say. "Hey guys. This is balanced and the way we want it?" Cause you know if they did, all these threads would disappear.

There are several reasons why this is the case, though I would guess that they themselves haven't figured out a solid way to tackle the issue and are working on it. If they felt it was balanced, they would say so. There has been enough threads so far.

All these threads would disappear? That statement alone shows just how out of touch you are. We just had a thread on a freighter bumping in GD and even though it was pointed out and linked to show it wasn't an exploit, it went on for 59 pages.

Then we had a thread on margin trading and even after a dev posted it wasn't an exploit, people continued to argue the point.

Oh and nice to see you go into detail, in your argument against the points in Nikk's post. Would read again. Big smile

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#51 - 2013-07-09 22:09:45 UTC
Haywud Jablomi wrote:
Wait. I am suppose to believe that you have no personal bias in this discuss at all? That you are arguing your points from a neutral standpoint in regards to game balance. You must feel very strong about this balance and also I think your statement is crap.

Also, just something to consider. I don't know if they have or not but with all the recent threads on cloak, I have yet to see a dev jump in and say. "Hey guys. This is balanced and the way we want it?" Cause you know if they did, all these threads would disappear.

There are several reasons why this is the case, though I would guess that they themselves haven't figured out a solid way to tackle the issue and are working on it. If they felt it was balanced, they would say so. There has been enough threads so far.

You are correct, I have a stake in this discussion.

I am a miner in null. I will be directly affected by any changes in this context.

But wait, (you might say), is this not going against your best interests? Doesn't your PvE experience benefit from cloaked vessels losing ground in this?

No, absolutely not.

What is the likely result if cloaked vessels suffer a new requirement to operate, or other limit to their use?
One: more mining takes place. This is bad, since increases in supply mean either lower ISK value for ores, OR new limits being put in place to limit PvE play.

Case in point: The ice belts are now highly limited in available ice. I can ALWAYS get safe by watching local, but I can't mine the ice if it is already mined by someone else.
Someone that also enjoys perfect security.

What could we expect from cloaking being diminished?
More like this. The high grade ores were already in limited belts, now the ice is too.
If we get any safer, finding ore / ice worth the effort will become even harder.

I don't need this to be a race handed off to the first come first serve, I did not want a racing game where the guy in the right time zone always wins.
(No, the belts don't respawn unless they are COMPLETELY CLEARED, and there are always leftovers holding the otherwise empty belts for a lot of us)
We can mine the scrub ice / ore, or we can do without.

We need more risk, trim down the number of miners operating across the game. Make it so we have to be smarter to play.
Time sink gaming needs are what high sec is for, let's leave it there.

And seriously, before it is even suggested, redoing how the belts spawn is a work-around fix that would be on top of the already obvious work-around fix that the limited belts are.
We deserve a better option than that.
Haywud Jablomi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2013-07-09 23:33:30 UTC
Mag's so you are saying that if a dev logged into this thread, stated. "Cloaking is working how it should. We have no intention of changing it and the mechanic is working exactly how we planned." That a good chunk of threads wouldnt just up and disappear? You say I am out of touch. Geez brother.

The example I could find of the margin trading is a pretty good example. Yes, there were 2 pages of fluff after the dev jumped in and made the statement but the thread died several hours ago.
Vayn Baxtor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2013-07-09 23:46:30 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Vayn Baxtor wrote:
Seems to like those fuel ideas

Ok, that's hardly the most practical solution to this.

It's total effect, which should be perfectly obvious, will be to create a time limit for cloaked vessels to operate.
But, they can refuel, right?

SURE, just as long as they can get the fuel to the ship.... but, oh wait, they are in hostile territory. (This is SUPPOSED to be what people in PvP games do, go into hostile territory, etc)
Getting that fuel behind enemy lines will be difficult, assuming it is practical to begin with.
That places a truly significant burden on the cloaked vessel, in order to operate.

Now, in order to make any claims regarding balance, it must be also demonstrated how they are getting something of benefit out of this as well.

What, did you actually assume the devs left this part of the game out of balance just so you could come along and point it out to them?

Yes, I like fuel, but you missed out on the point that I was not referring to cloaking.
If ever, I'd be suggesting other special cloaking mechanics (as an addition to the standard one) that requires fuel but gives some other fun special stuff. However, there would need to be more anti-cloaking tools and mechanics as well.

Nevertheless, I was referring to other ideas and subjects with fuel. You do not need to go defensive on me about cloaking+fuel because that was not my point in the first place.
But I have no problem with cloaking requiring fuel either, just saying.

One should note though that most of the time Romulan Warbird mechanics are never really about balance and there are rarely MMOGs that handle that stealth aspect well. Plus, stealther-gameplay doesn't have to always be like that, yet many games promote it as it satisfy a specific flavor of being a ninja/steatlh bomber/ stalker etc.

Nevertheless, this is also why I say to leave out the cloaking in this thread as it is trying to tackle some 3 or 4 subjects, with one of them being a neverending dog-chasing-his-tail debate that could be left out for another seperate thread.

Using tablet, typoes are common and I'm not going to fix them all.

Azn Empire
#54 - 2013-07-10 08:40:50 UTC
Haywud Jablomi wrote:
Mag's so you are saying that if a dev logged into this thread, stated. "Cloaking is working how it should. We have no intention of changing it and the mechanic is working exactly how we planned." That a good chunk of threads wouldnt just up and disappear? You say I am out of touch. Geez brother.

The example I could find of the margin trading is a pretty good example. Yes, there were 2 pages of fluff after the dev jumped in and made the statement but the thread died several hours ago.
Oh it would be a 'good chunk' now and not 'all these threads'? Seems some goal posts are being moved around here.

I see you conveniently ignored the 59 page monster as well. Son, I am disappointed.

Let's stay in touch with reality here and I'll take the change of stance on your part, as admission you were wrong.

Maybe we could return to the subject at hand and have you argue against the points raised by Nikk. If you have any of course. Any that are in touch with something at least. (I.E. Not with the Fairies or Ponies.) You have 3 accounts, maybe another char could help?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

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