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Potential use of the Sun and solution to cloaky campers

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#21 - 2013-07-07 19:49:46 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Your assumption of a problem, and the way you explained it, defines the nature of your bias.

You clearly are threatened by cloaked vessels, and are seeking a means to limit them so you can operate free of their threat.

While you cannot remove the threat completely, and be seen as anything but unbalancing, you seem convinced you can make their operation more difficult as a deterrent to use.

If you were to consider WHY they are used in this manner, or at least ask if it is not clear to you, then you might see things more completely.

Bias is another name for "my side of an argument", the OP has his and there is nothing illegitimate about him stating his opinion.

You use an inappropriate argumentative form when you put the words "you cannot remove the threat completely and be seen as anything but unbalancing" into the mouth of the OP as he has never made such a statement either directly or tacitly.

If there is some point you want to make against the OPs suggestion do not take the passive-aggressive form of an argument either as this also is an inappropriate argumentative form, instead clearly state what the OP doesn't understand about "WHY" cloaked vessel mechanics as they currently exist in the game should be left alone so that he understands your point and can then raise a counter-point if he wishes.

As it currently stands the OP must be able to read your mind to determine what your "WHY" statement is referring to and I feel confident in saying, even without proof of case, that he cannot do this.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2013-07-07 20:33:33 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
1. Unlike some other posters i 100% agree that some form of reasonable counter to perma-cloaked camping needs to be found.

The counter to perma-cloaked camping already exists and it's three-fold:

1) Downtime forces the cloaked camper to log out each day at a set time, thus forcing him to relog at least once a day.

2) When relogging, the camping ship is uncloaked briefly before activating his cloak, thus allowing a very small window of oppotunity for observation.

3) Passing within 2000m of a cloaked ship will decloak it, allowing it to be attacked in any of the conventional methods of ship combat.

There is no point in mentioning the fact that a cloaked ship cannot aggress, neither can an AFK pilot. If both factors are present, you're doubly safe.

And that's all this comes down to, again and again and again: the perception of threat. Some folks see a pilot in local, cannot find his ship on dscan or in station, and instantly get so afraid because he's cloaked that they dock up and do nothing all day. Meanwhile, there's a chance the pilot is out of the house at the park, playing with his kids, or down at the pool, or taking a nap.

You folks that are scared of cloaky ships really should overcome your fear and play the game, you'll have more fun.

So, you're a bounty hunter. No, that ain't it at all. Then what are you? I'm a bounty hunter.


Eve Vegas 2015 Pub Crawl Group 9

Houston EVE Meet

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#23 - 2013-07-07 21:30:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Maldiro Selkurk
RoAnnon wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
1. Unlike some other posters i 100% agree that some form of reasonable counter to perma-cloaked camping needs to be found.

The counter to perma-cloaked camping already exists and it's three-fold:

1) Downtime forces the cloaked camper to log out each day at a set time, thus forcing him to relog at least once a day.

2) When relogging, the camping ship is uncloaked briefly before activating his cloak, thus allowing a very small window of oppotunity for observation.

3) Passing within 2000m of a cloaked ship will decloak it, allowing it to be attacked in any of the conventional methods of ship combat.

There is no point in mentioning the fact that a cloaked ship cannot aggress, neither can an AFK pilot. If both factors are present, you're doubly safe.

And that's all this comes down to, again and again and again: the perception of threat. Some folks see a pilot in local, cannot find his ship on dscan or in station, and instantly get so afraid because he's cloaked that they dock up and do nothing all day. Meanwhile, there's a chance the pilot is out of the house at the park, playing with his kids, or down at the pool, or taking a nap.

You folks that are scared of cloaky ships really should overcome your fear and play the game, you'll have more fun.

I accept all your statements as fact:

1. Logging onto the server once every 23 hours, seems not much of a deterrent to something you can then do for the rest of the game playing day.

2. Being uncloaked a few seconds leaves what is in my opinion insufficient time to reasonably counter perma-camping as it is highly unlikely that you would be able to do anything during that time in a real world scenario.

3. Given that a system can be "huge" to put a rather unscientific term to it, running around hoping to bump into or otherwise decloak a ship by some disruptive method that must be within 2km of said ship, is also in my opinion unreasonable because the cost / benefit analysis of doing so, so favors the cloaked vessel, particularly if said cloaked vessel has expanded the grid.

4. One reason that some have suggested that perma-camping is an issue has nothing to do with fearing that ship will kill them personally but that it allows for permanent spying on the Sov space of another corp / alliance without giving that corp or alliance a reasonably effective means to counter said spying.

I have presented my counterpoints to your "three", actually four arguments if you count the first comment you made after your third point, but the last two sentences of your post add nothing of substance to your argument and i therefore choose to present no counterpoint to them.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Trumpets and Bookmarks
#24 - 2013-07-07 22:03:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tchulen
Being cloaked afk in a systm performs a function. It is a valid method of attempting to disrupt your enemy's ability to create revenue and that in turn is a valid part of warfare.

You, as the camped, have several ways to get around this. If you do pve combat, get in gangs with more pvp orientated fits to do your ratting. If mining, get out of your hulks and into procurer's fit with tank, point and combat drones, again in a gang.

You could all move next door. If he logs in and finds no one in the system he won't bother camping it for too many days as it's pointless. Personally I wouldn't do that because if you define a system as yours you should use it, live in it and not let a solo person you think is afk stop you but that's just me.

Pretending to be afk is also a perfectly legitimate tactic.

By introducing fuel for cloaks you are significantly nerfing them when WH play style is considered. That alone, ignoring all the other reasons why it's a bad idea, is sufficient reason not to change them in the way proposed in the OP.

The thing about the fear of cloaked ships which is what most, if not all, the posts on nerfing cloaks or finding cloaked ships are about is that it's internal. Fear is entirely in the mind. You have no idea if the guy is AFK or not. In that respect, to you, it's like Schrödinger's cat in that it could be in either state, AFK or present but unlike Schrödinger's cat you're not the one with the key to the box, the pilot of the cloaked ship is. (edit - or the cat in the analogy)

So you can't control it. Your request to change cloaks so AFK cloaking is no longer possible is a request for more control on your system and a limiting of a valid warfare tactic. Currently, cloaks have balance in the negative aspects in using one as discussed in lots of other threads. All you're asking for is a nerf to cloaks. You're not balancing an aspect of the game. You're unbalancing it.

The problem, as you describe it, is in your head and the heads of those who fear what they cannot control. Free yourself of your fear and you will feel a lot better about yourself. You'll have more fun in the game, too :) I can tell you now that there are plenty of people who live in null who have no problem with afk cloaky campers. You as a corp can choose to either stagnate because of it and complain on the forums or you can see it as a way to galvanise your corp to work together better for mutual protection and gain.
Ice Fire Warriors
#25 - 2013-07-07 22:16:22 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
1. Logging onto the server once every 23 hours, seems not much of a deterrent to something you can then do for the rest of the game playing day.

There isn't much incentive for doing anything else when people simply run, hide, and log off as soon as an "unknown" person enters system and sticks around.

Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
2. Being uncloaked a few seconds leaves what is in my opinion insufficient time to reasonably counter perma-camping as it is highly unlikely that you would be able to do anything during that time in a real world scenario.

Having to deal with people that refuse to undock unless the entirety of local is "friendly" and/or they have 20 to 1 odds against the intruders is also equally "unfair."

Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
3. Given that a system can be "huge" to put a rather unscientific term to it, running around hoping to bump into or otherwise decloak a ship by some disruptive method that must be within 2km of said ship, is also in my opinion unreasonable because the cost / benefit analysis of doing so, so favors the cloaked vessel, particularly if said cloaked vessel has expanded the grid.

Who says only one person will be doing the scanning? You have a hundred/thousand strong alliance... with decent skills, probe auto-formations, and 5 people you can completely blanket scan scan several dozen AU... more if you have more people.

This same tactic can apply to any operation for that matter.

- You want to rat/plex? Hire one of the newbies (for cheap) in corp/alliance to follow you around in an insta-locking arty-fit Thrasher (kills Stealth Bombers in one or two shots) and/or a Griffin (can jam a cloaky T3).
Note: even if the newbie has no idea what he/she is doing, the stealth pilot will only see something that can kill/jam him/her. It's the appearance that matters.

- You want to mine? Get a bunch of your miner friends into combat-fit Procurers. Keep your combat drones outs. If you are willing to afford it (or someone has an alt), get someone in the corp/alliance to fly as an Interceptor/Attack Frigate and assign drones to him/her. Or hire someone in a cheapo Logi ship (I recommend a Scythe). A ball of combat Procurers is something to fear.

- You want to move stuff around? Use a faster/cloaked ship to get around. If you MUST use a Freighter or something huge, get a friend to use the webbing trick (it's not limited to empire space you know) and minimize any potential risk.

tl;dr... any mechanic or trick you give to one person can and WILL be used en mass by more organized players. Being part of a big group is and should be enough of an advantage. I suggest you use it.

Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
4. One reason that some have suggested that perma-camping is an issue has nothing to do with fearing that ship will kill them personally but that it allows for permanent spying on the Sov space of another corp / alliance without giving that corp or alliance a reasonably effective means to counter said spying.

In which case, counter the intel gathering with bad intel (ex. fly stupidly, use improper ships for various jobs, one day strong-another day weak, etc)? Use stealth yourself? Use the long routes? Shift your operations to something that seems less of a threat/interest? Ignore it (because you have nothing of value in terms of operations)?
Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#26 - 2013-07-07 22:28:13 UTC
I was hoping blowing up the sun would be his suggestion Sad Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Downloaded Bears
#27 - 2013-07-07 22:46:17 UTC
If you were able to launch bombs or attack while cloaked i could see the need of having the ship being able to be found in space. Since the ship cannot do anything while cloaked but scan and fly around there is no purpose to have it cost fuel or anything. Id accept your idea if bombers and cov ops prober ships can launch bombs and probes and remain cloaked the whole time. If that were the case then I would agree on having a fuel for the cloak.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#28 - 2013-07-07 23:39:31 UTC
I had said:
Your assumption of a problem, and the way you explained it, defines the nature of your bias.

You clearly are threatened by cloaked vessels, and are seeking a means to limit them so you can operate free of their threat.

While you cannot remove the threat completely, and be seen as anything but unbalancing, you seem convinced you can make their operation more difficult as a deterrent to use.

If you were to consider WHY they are used in this manner, or at least ask if it is not clear to you, then you might see things more completely.

Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
Bias is another name for "my side of an argument", the OP has his and there is nothing illegitimate about him stating his opinion.

You use an inappropriate argumentative form when you put the words "you cannot remove the threat completely and be seen as anything but unbalancing" into the mouth of the OP as he has never made such a statement either directly or tacitly.

If there is some point you want to make against the OPs suggestion do not take the passive-aggressive form of an argument either as this also is an inappropriate argumentative form, instead clearly state what the OP doesn't understand about "WHY" cloaked vessel mechanics as they currently exist in the game should be left alone so that he understands your point and can then raise a counter-point if he wishes.

As it currently stands the OP must be able to read your mind to determine what your "WHY" statement is referring to and I feel confident in saying, even without proof of case, that he cannot do this.


Quite simply, you and the OP are conveniently ignoring significant and obvious facts.

Facts present and establish what is objective, and anything that deviates away from this can be defined as having a bias.

A bias changes the direction of an argument or point, so it does not rely on facts exclusively.

It is accepted that AFK Cloaking happens almost exclusively in systems where PvE is attempted.
It is accepted that local chat provides free intel, which is demonstrated to allow PvE assets the ability to completely avoid hostile contact when properly prepared.
It is accepted that non cloaked vessels can be scanned down, and either destroyed or driven off, removing the threat to PvE assets.

The system would have a clearly defined winner, if it ended at that point. PvE could only be delayed except by forces able to brute force into systems, and those would either finish the job of knocking down the POS's and taking sov, or leaving.
Either way, the PvE assets could be evacuated if needed, resuming PvE if not needed.

But we have cloaked ships, spoiling the balance of risk free PvE activity by tainting the intel provided so freely, so otherwise perfectly.

Now, you can be objective, and acknowledge this, or you can be biased, and ignore these established points.

Your call.
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#29 - 2013-07-08 17:19:45 UTC
Wait a second... you can cloak and go afk at the same time? I never knew that. Well, at least the OP has a solution for us!! ;)

;) denotes sarcasm for the sarcastically challenged reader
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#30 - 2013-07-08 19:43:56 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:


Quite simply, you and the OP are conveniently ignoring significant and obvious facts.

Facts present and establish what is objective, and anything that deviates away from this can be defined as having a bias.

A bias changes the direction of an argument or point, so it does not rely on facts exclusively.

It is accepted that AFK Cloaking happens almost exclusively in systems where PvE is attempted.
It is accepted that local chat provides free intel, which is demonstrated to allow PvE assets the ability to completely avoid hostile contact when properly prepared.
It is accepted that non cloaked vessels can be scanned down, and either destroyed or driven off, removing the threat to PvE assets.

The system would have a clearly defined winner, if it ended at that point. PvE could only be delayed except by forces able to brute force into systems, and those would either finish the job of knocking down the POS's and taking sov, or leaving.
Either way, the PvE assets could be evacuated if needed, resuming PvE if not needed.

But we have cloaked ships, spoiling the balance of risk free PvE activity by tainting the intel provided so freely, so otherwise perfectly.

Now, you can be objective, and acknowledge this, or you can be biased, and ignore these established points.

Your call.

1. as i said before 'bias' is just another name for one persons opinion, we all are automatically given the right to have one so long as we don't put forth our opinion as anything other than just that, an opinion.

2. Saying "it is accepted" is not a magic wand that turns your personal biases (to use your phrasing) into a fact.

3. rambling nonsense, more rambling nonsense and to wrap things up, some more rambling nonsense. (this is all I can get out of the last half of your post so I cannot respond to it).

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#31 - 2013-07-08 20:02:12 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
1. as i said before 'bias' is just another name for one persons opinion, we all are automatically given the right to have one so long as we don't put forth our opinion as anything other than just that, an opinion.

2. Saying "it is accepted" is not a magic wand that turns your personal biases (to use your phrasing) into a fact.

3. rambling nonsense, more rambling nonsense and to wrap things up, some more rambling nonsense. (this is all I can get out of the last half of your post so I cannot respond to it).

Please, point out which of the following you disagree with.
These are not my opinions, but widely accepted details of the game, which can be independently verified, and considered as facts for any discussion on this topic.

I would be happy to explain why these should be accepted as facts.

It is accepted that AFK Cloaking happens almost exclusively in systems where PvE is attempted.
It is accepted that local chat provides free intel, which is demonstrated to allow PvE assets the ability to completely avoid hostile contact when properly prepared.
It is accepted that non cloaked vessels can be scanned down, and either destroyed or driven off, removing the threat to PvE assets.

The system would have a clearly defined winner, if it ended at that point. PvE could only be delayed except by forces able to brute force into systems, and those would either finish the job of knocking down the POS's and taking sov, or leaving.
Either way, the PvE assets could be evacuated if needed, resuming PvE if not needed.

But we have cloaked ships, spoiling the balance of risk free PvE activity by tainting the intel provided so freely, so otherwise perfectly.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#32 - 2013-07-08 20:24:20 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:

we all are automatically given the right to have one so long as we don't put forth our opinion as anything other than just that, an opinion.

Which is exactly what you are doing.
Haywud Jablomi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2013-07-08 20:38:32 UTC
Kalel Nimrott wrote:
Op thinks afk cloakers are a problem. Deleye op, problem solve.

I always hate it when I get deleyed
Silent Rambo
Orion Positronics
#34 - 2013-07-08 20:39:42 UTC
+1 for Sun mining. That sounds pretty cool.

-Over 9000 for AFK cloaking thread. This isn't a problem that can be fixed with different cloaking devises or cloak detecting stuff, its a problem with local. Why not just make it so if you don't touch your keyboard or mouse after 5 minutes you are labeled AFK in local? Why the **** not.

You really think someone would do that? Just log into EvE and tell lies?

Haywud Jablomi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2013-07-08 20:48:06 UTC
Hey look a thread about cloaking. Hey look the same people, giving the same crap answers about why its not broken and shouldn't be fixed and the same suggestions being thrown around again.

This is how I see these threads.

OP: \(^.^)/ (Hey I have an idea *insert topic*) +5 likes

Everyone else: ..|.. (^.^) ..|.. (your idea sucks cause I don't like it. Gives BS answers why) +5000 Likes

Inspired by Reddit
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#36 - 2013-07-08 21:13:59 UTC
Haywud Jablomi wrote:
Hey look a thread about cloaking. Hey look the same people, giving the same crap answers about why its not broken and shouldn't be fixed and the same suggestions being thrown around again.

This is how I see these threads.

OP: \(^.^)/ (Hey I have an idea *insert topic*) +5 likes

Everyone else: ..|.. (^.^) ..|.. (your idea sucks cause I don't like it. Gives BS answers why) +5000 Likes

Inspired by Reddit

You have triggered my compassion, allow me to assist you.

Actually suggesting that the problem begins with the pilot using AFK Cloaking tactics, ignores enough to be considered mislead.

I shall try to explain a few details that are usually glossed over crudely, but hold the truth.

AFK Cloaking: This is done in response to Local Chat flawlessly reporting pilot presence. It dumbs down the interaction between pilots by outright telling all parties who is present. Without this crutch, use of sensors, strategy, and cooperation would be needed to fill the void.
What does it achieve?
It creates a flaw in the usual flow of cause and effect for life in many systems. Often, a neutral or hostile pilot is seen entering, and activity is suspended until they leave. There is trivial risk, as standard procedure often involves being ready to get safe in the time frame provided by this instant alarm. Hostile pilots who refuse to leave are subsequently hunted down.
When the "AFK Cloaking" pilot enters, he disrupts this process, by not leaving. Further, since this intel tool persistently shows him present, the default response of suspending activity is perpetually pushed as chosen reaction.
This devalues the intel tool, as it is now being used against the native PvE pilots instead of helping them.
If local were removed, sensors strategy and cooperation would be placed as valuable means of protecting PvE income assets.
It would also be pointless to AFK cloak, as noone would be aware of your presence while you were passive.
It is widely anticipated that any change to local which stopped free cloaking awareness would also include a means to hunt cloaked ships.

Summary: That free intel tool favored by so many can be used by the hunters too.

Hot Dropping: Bridging is intended to bypass reinforced blockades and travel time. Here, it has been fine tuned to avoid advertising the presence of a fleet to the free intel tool as well by delaying the easily recognizable population spike till the last possible moment. The intention is to deny the warning local provides, although it still reports the presence of the cyno boat enough to be associated with AFK Cloaking instead.
Quite simply, while PvE pilots would never resume regular activities with a hostile fleet present, they are sometimes willing to gamble over whether a cloaked vessel represents that level of threat at a given time.

Sorry about the length, but the mindless repetition of "AFK Cloaking is bad mmkay" sounds foolish.
Haywud Jablomi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2013-07-08 21:39:26 UTC
Oh it's local. Oh hell, how could I have forgotten local. That's the most OP part of the game. Damn that local chat. It should be banned.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#38 - 2013-07-08 22:00:36 UTC
Solution to cloaky campers....

Didn't realize there was a problem, they seem to work just fine.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Azn Empire
#39 - 2013-07-08 22:04:19 UTC
Haywud Jablomi wrote:
Hey look a thread about cloaking. Hey look the same people, giving the same crap answers about why its not broken and shouldn't be fixed and the same suggestions being thrown around again.

This is how I see these threads.

OP: \(^.^)/ (Hey I have an idea *insert topic*) +5 likes

Everyone else: ..|.. (^.^) ..|.. (your idea sucks cause I don't like it. Gives BS answers why) +5000 Likes

Inspired by Reddit
Hey look an alt in a thread about cloaking. Alts that seem to arrive and give nothing to the discussion.

This is how these threads go.

OP: Hey I have an idea. Even though I really don't understand the mechanics of the game and what's being used. But I care not for game balance, I simply want to feel safe.

Everyone else (except the OP, others and their alts): You idea is bad because of the following.......

This goes on for some time, then alts appear and make very very funny remarks and we all laugh for a while.

Ahh, good times.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Haywud Jablomi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2013-07-08 22:51:35 UTC
YAY it's Mag's. I am glad you decided to comment. I would feel left out if you didnt join in with your own brand of opinion that really skirts all the real issues, but attempts to make valid points thru the use of circular logic and other fun crap. Thanks.

As for alts? Na. Brother this is my main. I am trying to see how long I can go with only training for an Iteron V, and see how much Isk I can make in the game. So far its working rather well. Amazing how much isk you make just shuttling skill books from places into Jita.

Now we just need Gunslinger to jump in. He hates the idea of changing cloaks too.
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