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[Odyssey 1.1] Skill group name changes

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Bru Swillis
Titan Technologies Inc
#381 - 2013-07-08 03:20:24 UTC
Please just leave well enough alone, please please pretty please cherry on top. Stop changing stuff that works perfectly fine, and that people have been used to for so long. It just causes alot of unnecessary aggrevation .
Stellar Production
#382 - 2013-07-08 04:24:09 UTC
There are some issues here that clearly haven't been thought through. I mean to be honest it doesnt make sense to say CPU Management is a pre-res for Targeting (Multiple Targeting). Another issue:

Armor: is a new skill group, that has all armor skills - the “mechanics” skill group has been removed.

Contains the Armor Honeycombing, Armor Resistance Phasing, Capital Remote Armor Repair Systems, Capital Remote Hull Repair Systems, Capital Repair Systems, EM Armor Compensation, Explosive Armor Compensation, Hull Upgrades, Kinetic Armor Compensation, Mechanics, Remote Armor Repair Systems, Remote Hull Repair Systems, Repair Systems and Thermic Armor Compensation skills.

As you can see, having "Mechanics" can mean armor or hull. When you think of the word mechanic, you think of metallic items on a ship that can be fixed or changed. Hull and armor fall under that. Your new proposal puts hull under an Armor category which doesnt make sense.

Electronic System: is the old “electronics” group. Now only contains offense EW related skills.

This change isn't really a change, its redundant. We spaceship pilots KNOW that anything fitted to our ship is a "system" it doesnt need to be re-iterated.

Engineering: now has all skills related with energy management and fittings in general.

Contains the Advanced Weapon Upgrades, CPU Management, Capital Energy Emission Systems, Electronics Upgrades, Energy Emission Systems, Energy Grid Upgrades, Energy Management, Energy Pulse Weapons, Energy Systems Operation, Nanite Interfacing, Nanite Operation, Power Grid Management, Thermodynamics and Weapon Upgrades skills.

Not sure where to even begin here. A)CPU Management doesnt belong, it is CPU not power and thus is not an engineering skill. CPU Management would be better suited in the Electronics System category. B) It makes no sense referring Nanite control to Neurotoxin Control and leaving Nanite Interfacing and Nanite Operation by its name. If you want to change one, be consistent and change all related. So you would have Neurotoxin Interfacing and Neurotoxin Operation. Be sure to also change the name of the item that these use like Nanite Paste to Neruotoxin Paste. If you do not do these things, you only create confusion where there was clarity before. Personally Id say leave the name for all nanite skills the way they are and save yourself some work.

The Planet Management skill group needs to stay exactly where it is. It makes no sense spreading 5 skills that are only useful for PI over multiple categories not related to each other.

Spaceship Command needs to stay Spaceship Command, not Spaceship Piloting. This is an adult game, not for 6 year olds. Adults understand the concept of what commanding a spaceship means, we don't need to play it down to grammar school grammar.

I like most of the categorizing but as for the 5 major skill renaming, they should stay the same. Leave electronics where it is instead of CPU Management. By doing so, the Electronics skill can be the anchor for the Electronics category. Having Engineering remain the same is the anchor for the Engineering category. It makes zero sense to change the two at all. Let eve players read the descriptions for these skills to better understand what they are. THAT is why the descriptions are there in the first place. The names are to invite a bit of reality to it. Targeting is also fine the way it is; however, you could rename Multitasking to Multiple Targeting or even stick with Advanced Targeting. As I stated with Nanite Control, that too should stay as is.
Ronny Hugo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#383 - 2013-07-08 06:12:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Ronny Hugo
How can we blame CCP for thinking changing the names and grouping improves the game when everyone in here argues for another change in name and/or grouping as "better"?

And am I really alone in thinking how skills work is the real way skills could be improved?
The skills are exactly like other MMORPG's. "Train this skill to get armor HP for your character", everyone trains it because everyone has lots of armor on their ships (even shield-tankers), and the armor HP skill gives armor to ALL ships, so you can not NOT train it. So the only thing it does is to make all the players exactly alike. These skills that give attributes to everything are like giving basket-ball players skills that make everyone five inches taller if they subscribe to a newspaper for a month. The subscription is not pricey enough to make some people not train it, so everyone must train it to be competitive. It does not add to the PVP side if it gives attributes to all ships. Skills that would add to PVP are skills that improve one attribute for one player, and another attribute for the other (you know, the fire-mage gets hotter fire and the ice-mage gets colder ice, not that they both get 5% more HP).

I do realize CCP 10 years ago thought that the skills had to pay off so much you can not NOT train them, because they had the overwhelming feeling that people had no reason to train skills just to get this and that attribute better. But there is no need to have skills EVERYONE must train. There are enough ships and modules and things to do that blanket-skills are not necessary anymore. Instead of having a skill-tree where one leads to more which leads to more. Just have One per module, which leads to sub-skills for different sizes, one skill per ship, which leads to sub-skills for that ship. That still means you could train for two decades and still not have them all, but you wouldn't need to train skills that buff attributes for all ships to be competitive, just your ship.
Vorll Minaaran
Centre Of Attention
#384 - 2013-07-08 07:34:47 UTC
Octoven wrote:

... B) It makes no sense referring Nanite control to Neurotoxin Control and leaving Nanite Interfacing and Nanite Operation by its name. If you want to change one, be consistent and change all related. So you would have Neurotoxin Interfacing and Neurotoxin Operation. Be sure to also change the name of the item that these use like Nanite Paste to Neruotoxin Paste. If you do not do these things, you only create confusion where there was clarity before. Personally Id say leave the name for all nanite skills the way they are and save yourself some work.

You have never used combat boosters, dont you? :)
Nanite Control: Proficiency at reducing the severity of the side effects experienced upon injection of combat boosters.
Neurotoxin Recovery: Proficiency at biofeedback techniques intended to negate the side effects typically experienced upon injection of combat boosters. (has prereq Nanite Control)
That's why they'll change Nanite Control to Neurotoxin Control and it makes sense.
Jacob Holland
Weyland-Vulcan Industries
#385 - 2013-07-08 08:08:08 UTC
Spaceship Pilotting is a poor name IMHO, it's inappropriate due to the naval scale of EVE ships, we are commanding a crew, instructing PWOs to determine firing solutions...etc after all.
Pilotting is likely to obfuscate that distinction - and might well lead to expectations of joystick flight, target leading and so on which will be difficult to manage.

Missile Launcher Operation should stay too, it is composed of skills which affect missile launchers after all. The use of T2 Torps for example is dependent on the use of a T2 siege launcher, rather than a skill after all.

There are various other changes which also seem counterproductive.
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#386 - 2013-07-08 10:16:40 UTC
So we will pilot something else than spaceships in the future?

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#387 - 2013-07-08 10:36:21 UTC
How about

Interstellar Vessel Piloting

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

Luscius Uta
#388 - 2013-07-08 12:12:51 UTC
just like most people here, there's some changes that I like and some I don't. I don't see a reason to change names of Electronics and Engineering skills, unless you want to change names of Electronics and Egineering T3 subsystems as well (since some of them will increase CPU and powergrid, just like parent skill). However, some skill names, such as Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing, are inaccurate and should be changed (my advice on new name is "Drone Networking").
I also welcome moving WU and AWU out of Gunnery group. Rigs and subsystems could be placed in the same group as those two (I would call it "Spaceship Upgrades"), along with some fitting-related skills such as Energy Grid Upgrades and Electronics Upgrades.

That's just my 2 cents :)

Workarounds are not bugfixes.

Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#389 - 2013-07-08 12:15:21 UTC
WU is an cpu skill in effect so should be in electronics

AWU is an pg grid upgrade in effect so should be in engineering

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

0asis Group
#390 - 2013-07-08 19:00:02 UTC
Everything sounds OK but please DO NOT RENAME SPACESHIP COMMAND to spaceship piloting for god sake Roll
Miss Mass
#391 - 2013-07-08 19:31:03 UTC
Add me to the list of people who don't understand why you're doing this. If the intention is to make it easier for new players to find the skills they need to train, there are two problems with this exercise:

1) The first, as many have pointed out, is that your new categorization scheme makes certain choices that are just as arbitrary or non-intuitive as some in the old scheme. Most likely any scheme that you come up with is going to contain some such choices.

2) The second is that there are many skills guides out there that are publicly available, and countless more that are corporation-specific. When you check in your proposed changes, you'll instantly obsolete all of that material that many new players use. You're creating work for all of the people who maintain wikis, as well as the folks who volunteer their time to produce tools for the EVE community.

For those of us who don't always equate "change" with "new and improved", it would be helpful to hear more of the motivation for a change when it's initially proposed. E.g. "we get 200 petitions a week about this problem" or "surveys consistently show that users are confused" or "the CSM forwarded complaints". In the absence of that, it's often easier to see the disruptive effects of the change as opposed to the benefits, which in this case aren't obvious, at least to me.
#392 - 2013-07-08 20:22:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Abishai

1) The new category names are weak at best. Spaceship Piloting.... this is a poor translation and should remain Spaceship Command

2) Targeting already implies multiple targets, calling the skill Multiple Targeting is unnecessary and still has nothing to do with the ability to lock targets. If you are changing this it should be Targeting Acquisition and Advanced Target Acquisition

3) More skill groups are nice, but some of the groupings are too narrowly focused and inconsistant with many skill prerequisites

4) Skill certificates are already in place to guide players through skill advancement. If you want players to use this it should have a proper tutorial.
Zane Tekitsu
The Munitions Miracle Network
#393 - 2013-07-08 20:56:00 UTC
The skill set seemed to be pretty good where it was. At the worst, neural influences could be in their own section.
#394 - 2013-07-08 21:14:14 UTC  |  Edited by: BoBoZoBo
I think most are VERY logical

HOWEVER - WTF is the point of changing SPACESHIP COMMAND ?

Not only does it sound silly, it just isn't correct on a technical level.
Piloting and command are two different things.

I do not simply pilot the craft like some low-level officer at the CON, I command it.

+1 To almost everything
-1 to changing Spaceship Command to Pilot.
-1 Targeting (name change is also a bit non-sensical)

That is just silly and completely unravels te rest of the renaming logic

Primary Test Subject • SmackTalker Elite

Inokuma Yawara
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#395 - 2013-07-08 21:59:50 UTC
Makari Aeron wrote:
Ohes noes, CCP has changed the names and grouping of skills that make my internet spaceship pixels have more oomph. I must emo rage about it!!1ONE11!!
(There was a severe lack of emo rage in this thread so I had to add some even if it was fake. My only complaint is that Spaceship Piloting sounds "weaker" than Spaceship Command)

On a real ship. The commander utters commands, and the pilot turns the wheel. You mean I'm getting demoted? I like command better.

Watch this space.  New exciting signature in development.

Ryelek d'Entari
Horizon Glare
#396 - 2013-07-08 22:17:04 UTC
TBQFH, nobody really cares about the group names, but the skill names themselves are important to us.

Don't rename the iconic Engineering and Electronics skills. At a minimum you'll be instantly invalidating 10 years' worth of guides and reference material, much of which is in your very own wiki (or are you going to troll through every page which references 'Engineering V' in text and update it? Good luck with that...)

Furthermore, you're not being very consistent here: the 'Corporation Management', 'Drones', 'Gunnery', 'Leadership', 'Social', 'Science', 'Trade' and 'Navigation' skills are still named the same as their respective groups. So don't change Spaceship Command or Engineering (or Electronics), that's just silly renaming for silly renaming's sake.

Skills which do deserve renames because their original names are weird

  • Multitasking --> "Advanced Targeting" (alternately, name the targeting skills Target Management and Adv Tgt Mgmt)

  • Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing --> "Long Range Drone Interfacing"

  • Energy Grid Upgrades --> "Engineering Upgrades" (encompassing both power grid and capacitor upgrades, neither of which are energy grids)

  • Shield Compensation --> "Shield Boost Economization" (or whatever: anything to differentiate it from the resistance-boosting "Kinetic/Thermic/EM/Explosive Shield Compensation" skills, which incidentally need some serious love)

  • Thermic XXX --> "Thermal XXX" (please stick with thermal, the two are synonymous but thermic is antiquated)

  • Frigate/Industrial/Cruiser/etc Construction : Please add an "advanced" in front of these, as they only have use for T2 production.

  • Remote Sensing --> "Remote Planetary Sensing" (especially since the context of being in the Planet Management group is now being lost)

  • Jury Rigging --> "Ship Rigging". While the phrase 'jury rigging' is technically the correct term for a makeshift modification, particularly in a nautical context, it is more commonly associated with corrupting a trial jury, a la Al Capone. It just smells weird, please rename. :)

  • Afterburner --> "Afterburners" or "Afterburner Operation". It's just odd to name a skill in the non-plural sense.

  • Hacking --> "Data Analysis" or "Encrypted Data Analysis". Basically tie this skill name to the Data Analyzer and Data Sites.

  • Archaeology --> "Relic Analysis" or "Archaeological Relic Analysis". Similarly tie this skill name to the Relic Analyzer and Relic Sites.

  • All T3 subsystems skills --> properly name these as "subsystem" skills, e.g. "Minmatar Propulsion Subsystems"[/i].
  • As they are now, they look very appealing for any pilot to train for their respective race. It is not clear by your proposed group/name combo that they are useful only for T3 ships (though the skill descriptions themselves are pretty clear).

Skill Groups

  • Electronics System (sic) --> "Electronic Warfare Systems"

  • Armor + Shields (combine the two) --> "Defensive Systems"

Other tidbits

  • Survey III as a prerequisite for Salvaging makes even less sense than it did before.

  • Energy Pulse Weapons really does not belong in the engineering group. Just stick it in Gunnery.

  • Cloaking really does not belong in with the other ewar skills. Could put it in targeting or engineering groups. If you do leave it with the ewar skills, should probably move the items from the 'Electronics and Sensor Upgrades" to the "Electronic Warfare" item group as a result, which is a little weird.

Remember, don't change stuff just to change stuff, or to satisfy someone's internal OCD. The real world is messy, Eve should be too. qwerty vs dvorak. 'nuff said.
Emiko P'eng
#397 - 2013-07-08 22:30:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Emiko P'eng
Spaceship Command +1

Piloting is just lame! As immortal clones we are supposed to be wired up to replace, in some cases hundreds of crew, we are Commander, pilot, navigator, weapons officer, electronics warfare officer, etc.... The skill covers not just piloting but how to synchronise all the ship systems to us. Just look at the bonuses you get for each ship with the current skill. Most of them have nothing to do with 'Piloting'

If you are really set on removing 'Commander' try 'Starship Familiarisation'

Targeting Systems / Advanced Targeting Systems +1

The military love their systems as we are supposed to be fighting using the word System is far more military

Subsystem skills independent category +1

As a skill set that you can lose skill on they need to be clearly marked as separate

Planetary Interaction skills independent category +1

Unless you are planning to totally overhauling Planetary Interaction, it has absolutely nothing to do with mining from a spaceship as it is all about building manned facilities on a planet.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#398 - 2013-07-08 23:09:32 UTC
Rayzilla Zaraki wrote:
marVLs wrote:
Cool but "Spaceship Piloting" ? Spaceship Command sounds better

I'm with this guy.

"Spaceship Piloting" is a little too limp-wristed.

I agree with commanders above.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#399 - 2013-07-09 00:07:06 UTC
This is so utterly pointless...

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Khira Kitamatsu
#400 - 2013-07-09 00:40:39 UTC
So this is what CCP waste time on? Renaming skills and skill sets?

Ponies!  We need more ponies!