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Community Spotlight: Mad Ani

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Kirito Enderas
Core Works Inc.
#21 - 2013-07-05 23:17:17 UTC
Excellent job with the stream Ani.

Music is great, commentary is also really top notch. I absolutely love seeing those gigantuan fleet battles, even if I won't participate in them myself.

Bring back the dancing dog if you can!
20th Legion
#22 - 2013-07-05 23:22:17 UTC
I watch Ani with my morning coffee and at night with my evening beer. I recommend you all do the same! Just not a big trance fan so sound is off.

Otherwise good job! P
Johnny Quay
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2013-07-05 23:38:19 UTC
Ani is a good bloke and the stream is entertaining to watch and listen to.
The guys in chat seem like a good bunch as well and it's always fun to have a chat over there or in his ingame channel.

He covers all the big fights and battles on a grand scale which I won't be able to see otherwise and me and many others are thankful for that!

It's not my favorite kind of music but I still listen to it in the background and I simply enjoy the stream for what it is -

Mad Ani is the (un)official war correspondent of Eve Online

Cheers mate! Keep going and I really hope you succeed with your project.
C DeLeon
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2013-07-06 07:24:04 UTC
Nerf Mad Ani! He is taking away war correspondents jorbs! :)
I would watch mad ani if I wouldn't be right where he is.
Hegh Batlh
Stille Gewalt
#25 - 2013-07-06 11:40:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Hegh Batlh
CCP tryes to get people into the game and further more they try to push people from highsec into 0.0 with gamechanges.

But the best way to get people to pay and to go into low and nullsec is to show them LIVE what it´s like to play the game. And this does Mad Ani. He shows and explains how Eve nullsec is played.

As a new player you can´t go into null, but with this stream i think many will strife to get there, to get into a corp and learn how to play pvp without a concord babysitter.

So, keep up the good work Ani. I hope you can manage your next job so you can continue streaming. This is the best public relation work i have seen since the great Jita-Burn-Videos where i start playing eve.
Illectroculus Defined
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#26 - 2013-07-06 16:25:59 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:

This was unacceptable for Mad Ani. He made his demand again and I politely declined. He them immediately perma-banned me from the channel completely. FOATR was a massive success though thanks to those sponsors and everyone who showed up. Ironically I was told Mad Ani attempted to get a live steam up in the system only to be killed on the entry gate when the system was too full.

I guess that's karma for you.

So far the 'official vid' has clocked 140,000 views, it would have been more but for the 'respectable game journalists' who grabbed it from youtube and reuploaded it to their own servers.
Mad Ani
Eclipse Navy
#27 - 2013-07-06 21:24:24 UTC
Actually I didn't read everything he posted, but reading the We were in private convo, you were asking me if I am ready to stream it. Dude what are you even talking about? As for dying upon entry? I was there before anybody else and streamed the entire thing. Bewildered with your comments dude, truly am lol. We were joking in pm and I said I hope you didn't have implants in. As you said we were in the same alliance, I streamed that event as you asked. Actually we were in the same fleet! You + anybody recording/streaming it. LolLolLol

♫ ♪ MAD ANI TV/RADIO • 24/7 EVE live stream with Trance/Dance/Chillout • On air since 17th Jan 2013 •Most popular stream •3rd Party Super Service

Ilari Srahir
#28 - 2013-07-07 01:14:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Ilari Srahir
Yeah, there's some good content on this stream.

I especially liked the incident a few weeks ago, where subsequent to you being decloaked and ganked while afk, you demanded CFC reimburse your ship, set you blue, and apologise to you via evemail before you'd edit a video of a bomber run they did. Funny stuff.
Mad Ani
Eclipse Navy
#29 - 2013-07-07 05:42:34 UTC
Ilari Srahir wrote:
Yeah, there's some good content on this stream.

I especially liked the incident a few weeks ago, where subsequent to you being decloaked and ganked while afk, you demanded CFC reimburse your ship, set you blue, and apologise to you via evemail before you'd edit a video of a bomber run they did. Funny stuff.

haha it's only fair? Lol

♫ ♪ MAD ANI TV/RADIO • 24/7 EVE live stream with Trance/Dance/Chillout • On air since 17th Jan 2013 •Most popular stream •3rd Party Super Service

Brain Gehirn
Tr0pa de elite.
#30 - 2013-07-07 10:33:04 UTC
Annoying. Kept posting his links all over the place (including coalition ops channel).
Have made some cool blue intel also.

Seens to care just for himself and his links while auto promotes himself trying to get some isks here and there.

Mad Ani
Eclipse Navy
#31 - 2013-07-08 01:36:57 UTC
Brain Gehirn wrote:
Annoying. Kept posting his links all over the place (including coalition ops channel).
Have made some cool blue intel also.

Seens to care just for himself and his links while auto promotes himself trying to get some isks here and there.


Coalition ops intel? That will be your allied dudes helping to advertise my stream.

♫ ♪ MAD ANI TV/RADIO • 24/7 EVE live stream with Trance/Dance/Chillout • On air since 17th Jan 2013 •Most popular stream •3rd Party Super Service

Illectroculus Defined
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2013-07-09 08:21:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Illectroculus Defined
So, since you're publishing an official devblog highlighting this stream and the fact that it's partnered and running advertising against Eve Online content does this mean that there now exists some official way to get approval for such endeavours, because the last time I asked (at the San Francisco Meet) it was made clear that such requests would not be officially granted. One of the things that stops me making more Eve videos is the fact that after months of enquiries I was unable to get permission to do so. So, has there been a change in this policy or is there some double standard between twitch and youtube?
Goonswarm Federation
#33 - 2013-07-09 18:43:13 UTC
o7 thanks for the article, and particularly useful was the info about Open Broadcaster Software. I searched for a multibox stream capable program quite a few times and couldn't find any. within an hour of reading this spotlight, I had my own twitch up and running!

ty again!
Isaak Artorius
Caldari State
#34 - 2013-07-11 21:51:29 UTC
Sorry, but no, since there is no actual live (albeit delayed by 30s-2m for the sake of OPSEC) coverage of the battles so I can't in good mind call that stream good or see why CCP gives it this attention. Ugh

I am for sale! 74M SP Tengu/Industrial/R&D Pilot!

token trade alt
Slamming Mad B-Balls
#35 - 2013-07-12 16:23:26 UTC
Was watching your stream a few weeks back. One of the nights when the server was DDoS'd as a system came vulnerable.

Went to bed before that so I wasn't wasting more time than I should have. There was one weird thing though. In your channel you were talking with a female gamer and made a really, really out of place sexually related, almost sexual harassment like comment. What was the deal with that?
Goonswarm Federation
#36 - 2013-07-12 16:55:22 UTC
just curious. what's the partnership with about

[ 2013.06.21 09:52:05 ] (notify) For initiating combat your security status has been adjusted by -0.1337

Scitor Nantom
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2013-07-14 01:53:57 UTC
We watch you Ani. We applaud your independent efforts.

Now that I have come out of "station stasis" for nearly a year, I've decided to link my camera drones during my operations. I am finding my way again.

So, I join the growing throng of New Eden pilots doing the same. Some baseliners follow captains logs but more and more are also following the live drama that you can find when watching from our drone's eyes.

Galnet site:
Illectroculus Defined
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#38 - 2013-07-15 15:36:45 UTC
Rain6638 wrote:
just curious. what's the partnership with about

It allows people to run commercials alongside the streams and make money off Eve Online video footage.
Feanira Darr
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#39 - 2013-07-29 00:05:39 UTC
your face deserves a name: WvB

...white vs blue

"Tibus Heth could also benefit from working 'The Plan'." -DMC

Amarr Empire
#40 - 2013-07-29 10:58:38 UTC
Back when I was promoting Flight of a Thousand Rifters III.....

You said you paid 30b for your event, yet you refused to give 2b to Mad Ani to promote your event and make it even bigger. People are giving him billions just because they like his stream, and you refused to pay him to get the biggest advantage for your event, a great promotion.
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