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Why are people still waering glasses thousands of years in future?

EvEa Deva
#41 - 2013-07-04 17:26:07 UTC
So people don't catch me eyeballing them with discontent, mine are off so im eyeballing the OP with discontent.
Zale Lennelluc
Blue Star Corp
#42 - 2013-07-04 18:01:19 UTC
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#43 - 2013-07-04 18:05:59 UTC
I e-ware mine because new superman movie...

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Vincent Athena
#44 - 2013-07-04 18:06:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Athena
Doav Inarvo wrote:
Its just ******* stupid to think people would still be wearing glasses this far in the future, not to mention they look god awful on all the characters I've seen them on.

I'm not talking about the gogles but the glass type of glasses, why the hell???

1) They turn dark when exposed to full sunlight. Saves you the trouble of getting "always dark" ones out every time you go planetside.
2) Think "google glass". They are computer readouts.
3) Fashion statement
4) I wish to live with the consequences if a past event. The glasses are a reminder. Like how some people keep scars.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

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Silivar Karkun
#45 - 2013-07-04 18:08:31 UTC
because **** you, that's why :P
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#46 - 2013-07-04 18:13:19 UTC
I have goggles I don't need a mod for seeing nipples X-ray vision all day Cool


Jose Ronald Palasialdana
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2013-07-04 18:22:33 UTC
Not everyone is blessed by deepset eyes and a strong brow ridge like the Brutor... that can take a punch or 57 and only a lil squint will save the eyeball... alot of poor google eyed Amarrian pansies need safety eyeglasses just to get into a fistfight.

So the reason is safety... just saying.


Fly safe! <-- wear eye protection!
Caldari State
#48 - 2013-07-04 18:48:46 UTC
Blood works quite well for shining your lens. Particularly children's bloodPirate

-10.0 since the Womb

Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#49 - 2013-07-04 21:41:27 UTC
Why are people still misspelling words in the future when we have spell check everywhere?

Mara Rinn wrote:

But why are we concerned about fashion when we can't meet in social spaces to show off our class and style?

We capsuleers really enjoy having our portraits taken at Sears.
Hogarth Starbanger
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#50 - 2013-07-04 21:46:43 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
All Minmatar glasses should have arrogant cop mustaches linked to their graphics. No off switch.

I lol'd
Arcaus Rotrau Romali
Empyrean Enterprise Conglomerate
#51 - 2013-07-05 13:07:15 UTC
Corrective eye surgery is an elective procedure and not covered by Obamacare which is still in place because the citizens of EVE are still on the hook for the funding deficit.
Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2013-07-05 13:10:52 UTC
Doav Inarvo wrote:
Its just ******* stupid to think people would still be wearing glasses this far in the future, not to mention they look god awful on all the characters I've seen them on.

I'm not talking about the gogles but the glass type of glasses, why the hell???

Looks are a legit complaint.

But if you ever had eye surgery, you'd understand prosthetics that are so light these days, are much better than the pain for weeks of surgery.

This is a game where you can get seriously sick taking drugs, even. If the future can't remove it by default, they certainly can't remove the pain!

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#53 - 2013-07-05 13:16:49 UTC
Thorn Galen wrote:
Doav Inarvo wrote:
Its just ******* stupid to think people would still be wearing glasses this far in the future, not to mention they look god awful on all the characters I've seen them on.

I'm not talking about the gogles but the glass type of glasses, why the hell???

Probably for the same reason there are skill books.

Also, it's a fashion statement, get with the program.

Books that we "inject"


Either the vat comes equipped with a really awesome blender or that is some EXTREMELY fine print.
Raptors Mole
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#54 - 2013-07-05 13:19:43 UTC
Cos getting sperm in your eye hurts.
Markku Laaksonen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#55 - 2013-07-05 14:34:28 UTC
Why are people still misspelling words in the present? Your internet browser even gives you a red squiggly line for misspelled words. What the hell?

DUST 514 Recruit Code -

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#56 - 2013-07-05 16:45:30 UTC
Doav Inarvo wrote:
Its just ******* stupid to think people would still be wearing glasses this far in the future, not to mention they look god awful on all the characters I've seen them on.

I'm not talking about the gogles but the glass type of glasses, why the hell???

Because When You're Cool The Sun Shine On You 24 Hours a Day Cool

The tears of the many, outweigh the tears of the few. Or the one. enterprise-psi©

Lilliana Stelles
#57 - 2013-07-05 16:48:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Lilliana Stelles
Minor cloning accident.
No big deal.
I knew that "budget grade clone" was a bad idea.

Not a forum alt. 

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#58 - 2013-07-05 19:44:28 UTC
Doav Inarvo wrote:
Its just ******* stupid to think people would still be wearing glasses this far in the future, not to mention they look god awful on all the characters I've seen them on.

I'm not talking about the gogles but the glass type of glasses, why the hell???


"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Inokuma Yawara
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2013-07-06 02:35:17 UTC
The answer is so obvious. "The future is so bright, you've got to wear shades..."

Watch this space.  New exciting signature in development.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#60 - 2013-07-06 03:47:41 UTC
Hipster douchebag-ism is eternal
