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Diplomacy Skills and Connection Skills are useless....

Alien Mindbenders
#1 - 2013-06-19 18:08:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Spatzuiver
I joined FW last week, and my overview setting were messed up, so I accidently shot a fellow militia member. (I didnt kill him)
Then I got a massive standing hit and got kicked out of FW.
So I decided to train up my Diplomacy and Connection skills to get my standings above 0 again.
Now I have +1 standing for both the Caldari Faction and State Protectorate, but I still cant join FW.

Now somebody told me that it needs to be RAW standings, but if that is true then it means those social skills are useless.
In the description of the skills it says: modifies the EFFECTIVE standing towards the faction or corporation....
So either this is a broken mechanic or the skills are just useless.....
Alien Mindbenders
#2 - 2013-06-22 11:00:40 UTC
Its still not working...
Jysella Halcyon
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-06-24 07:23:30 UTC
Standings are used for many things other than FW. Raw standings are standings unaffected by the Connections skill (Diplomacy increases the positive changes as they occur and thus helps raw standings). Effective standings allow agent access, reduces market broker fees, and affects faction navy responses in high sec.

I'm not a GM, but if you file a support ticket they'll tell you the same thing: Working As Intended (TM)
#4 - 2013-06-24 21:06:57 UTC
You're a few missions away from getting it above 0

Or you could do the Sisters of Eve mission.

Or... heh heh. You could join Gallente/Minmatar

Fastest way would be to turn in some tags to Data Center agents.... if you have the isk.

You could also join a FW corp. That corp would probably have an AVERAGE above 0. Then you'll get promoted and get a standing raise.

Then you won't need to be in a corp.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-07-01 15:12:58 UTC
J'Ribs wrote:
You're a few missions away from getting it above 0

Or you could do the Sisters of Eve mission.

Or... heh heh. You could join Gallente/Minmatar

Fastest way would be to turn in some tags to Data Center agents.... if you have the isk.

You could also join a FW corp. That corp would probably have an AVERAGE above 0. Then you'll get promoted and get a standing raise.

Then you won't need to be in a corp.

Thats not the point, the point is that the skills are not doing what they are supposed to do.