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At what point is something an Exploit and not game Mechanics ? Bumped for 60 Minutes

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Azn Empire
#81 - 2013-06-30 22:42:06 UTC
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Mag's wrote:
You can state exploit all day long. The only time in Eve something can be deemed an exploit, is when CCP do so. The point being the term 'exploit' has a very defined meaning in this game.

CCP doesn't make the definitions. CCP may police them in EvE, but they don't make the definition itself.

And apparently this is one exploit you guys came out of the woodwork to defend, rapidly even.

But you do realize these things change right? Is that why you're scared?
They make the definition of what exploit means in their game. It matters not what the term means elsewhere.

We defend it because it is not an exploit, no matter how many times you use the term.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

E-2C Hawkeye
#82 - 2013-06-30 22:48:21 UTC
S Byerley wrote:
Tippia wrote:
S Byerley wrote:
Falls under his description of harassment though:

"However, persistent targeting of a player with bumping by following them around after they have made an effort to move on to another location can be classified as harassment, and this will be judged on a case by case basis."
He hasn't made an effort to move to another location, and they weren't following him around, so no.

Yes yes, constantly trying to warp off and bringing a webber is intolerable idleness. Not going to bite any further, sorry.

Tippia wrote:
Judging on a case to case basis is silly; better to adjust the mechanic so you can't completely disable someone in that manner.
How is he being completely disabled? And no, all kind of harassment must be judged on a case-by-case basis. Not that bumping someone away from a gate qualifies…

I am remiss not to acknowledge that he had the option to eject or self-destruct, apologies.

Should you have children teenage or below you would have greater success convincing them and would have a more adult like interaction than trying to get some people to see or acknowledge the issue as you see it.
Azn Empire
#83 - 2013-06-30 22:51:16 UTC
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
Should you have children teenage or below you would have greater success convincing them and would have a more adult like interaction than trying to get some people to see or acknowledge the issue as you see it.
May I suggest you do not post then and let the adults continue the discussion. Thank you kindly.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

E-2C Hawkeye
#84 - 2013-06-30 22:53:38 UTC
Mag's wrote:
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
Should you have children teenage or below you would have greater success convincing them and would have a more adult like interaction than trying to get some people to see or acknowledge the issue as you see it.
May I suggest you do not post then and let the adults continue the discussion. Thank you kindly.

You may suggest whatever you like.
Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#85 - 2013-06-30 22:59:19 UTC
Mag's wrote:
We defend it because it is not an exploit, no matter how many times you use the term.

EvE is not so removed from gaming to defy even gaming definitions. Point blank.

As long as the devs didn't design it, and players discovered it, and uses what they discovered for an advantage, it's an exploit.

You want to hide under CCP's skirt because they allow it, but it doesn't change the definition.

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

E-2C Hawkeye
#86 - 2013-06-30 23:02:48 UTC  |  Edited by: E-2C Hawkeye
This issue just like in previous post addressing the exact same topic will go exactly the same way as the others. One side will view it as a broken game mechanic or exploit while the other side will use their rubber stamp replies of working as intended or they can't see the issue or refuse to acknowledge the issue until it gets locked.
Ice Fire Warriors
#87 - 2013-06-30 23:03:28 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Mag's wrote:
We defend it because it is not an exploit, no matter how many times you use the term.

EvE is not so removed from gaming to defy even gaming definitions. Point blank.

As long as the devs didn't design it, and players discovered it, and uses what they discovered for an advantage, it's an exploit.

You want to hide under CCP's skirt because they allow it, but it doesn't change the definition.

You do know that language is not set in stone and that words are often redefined over time depending on their usage. The fact that we are even discussing what an "exploit" actually is and can't agree is literally proof of that.
Elizabeth Aideron
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2013-06-30 23:04:50 UTC
its an exploit in the same sense rocket jumping is one
Azn Empire
#89 - 2013-06-30 23:05:07 UTC
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Mag's wrote:
We defend it because it is not an exploit, no matter how many times you use the term.

EvE is not so removed from gaming to defy even gaming definitions. Point blank.

As long as the devs didn't design it, and players discovered it, and uses what they discovered for an advantage, it's an exploit.

You want to hide under CCP's skirt because they allow it, but it doesn't change the definition.
But the definition of the term exploit as used by CCP in their game called Eve, is very specific. Point blank. No matter how much you wish otherwise.

As Tippia already stated. Bumping is a well-know, well-established, and intentional mechanic that some guys come out of the woodwork to incorrectly label as an exploit. So why should we hide under any skirt?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#90 - 2013-06-30 23:05:13 UTC  |  Edited by: handbanana
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Mag's wrote:
We defend it because it is not an exploit, no matter how many times you use the term.

EvE is not so removed from gaming to defy even gaming definitions. Point blank.

As long as the devs didn't design it, and players discovered it, and uses what they discovered for an advantage, it's an exploit.

You want to hide under CCP's skirt because they allow it, but it doesn't change the definition.

No one's hiding. Until CCP defines something as an exploit, you can throw whatever argument you want at it, they are the final word on everything around here.

I am really, really, surprised you have not gone into great detail yet explaining to us how Blizzard defines exploits or handles this situation better.

Now that we know you can make it through one thread without doing that, how about all threads from now on?

“It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.”    -Jack Handy

Azn Empire
#91 - 2013-06-30 23:08:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
handbanana wrote:
I am really, really, surprised you have not gone into great detail yet explaining to us how Blizzard defines exploits or handles this situation better.

Now that we know you can make it through one thread without doing that, how about all threads from now on?
Post 69.

Ace Uoweme wrote:
In WoW if you don't know if the exploit is valid or not, you risk losing your account. Yeah, people ask first in WoW because losing a 5+ year account to one mistake hurts. Those guys who found an exploit in archaeology using a certain addon, about 30,000 got permanent ban notices. CCP is real kind, other games are not.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#92 - 2013-06-30 23:09:44 UTC
Mag's wrote:
handbanana wrote:
Now that we know you can make it through one thread without doing that, how about all threads from now on?
Post 69.

Ace Uoweme wrote:
In WoW if you don't know if the exploit is valid or not, you risk losing your account. Yeah, people ask first in WoW because losing a 5+ year account to one mistake hurts. Those guys who found an exploit in archaeology using a certain addon, about 30,000 got permanent ban notices. CCP is real kind, other games are not.

Crap, I missed that. And I thought he was doing so well.


“It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.”    -Jack Handy

Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#93 - 2013-06-30 23:12:57 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:

You do know that language is not set in stone and that words are often redefined over time depending in their usage. The fact that we are even discussing what an "exploit" actually is and can't agree is literally proof of that.

Yeah, all those Dream Paragon supporters said the same. Dream Paragon still got a 10 day suspension and lost the world first -- and they deserved it. When professional gamers cheat, it's b-a-d. They know better.

Worst thing about that exploit was the excuses made, like if they didn't do it...the others would.

If folks got to exploit to play or have fun..."Houston, we have a problem..."

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#94 - 2013-06-30 23:15:12 UTC
handbanana wrote:
No one's hiding. Until CCP defines something as an exploit, you can throw whatever argument you want at it, they are the final word on everything around here.

I am really, really, surprised you have not gone into great detail yet explaining to us how Blizzard defines exploits or handles this situation better.

Now that we know you can make it through one thread without doing that, how about all threads from now on?

This is getting good. Getting the alts of alts out now to post.

Hmmmm, this exploit seems to be a very hot potato......

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

Sunshine and Lollipops
#95 - 2013-06-30 23:18:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Ace Uoweme wrote:
EvE is not so removed from gaming to defy even gaming definitions. Point blank.
…and no-one says it is. All we're saying is that there is no universal definition and that the only ones who can define what is and what isn't an exploit in any specific game is that game's developers. Only they can decide what you can and cannot legitimately do. Only they can judge whether or not some particular use goes against the overall intent of the mechanics involved.

As long as the devs didn't design it, and players discovered it, and uses what they discovered for an advantage, it's an exploit.
No. As long as the devs feel that some particular use of a mechanic produces undesirable outcomes, it is an exploit. Whether the players discovered it or not only matters to the extent the devs are fans of emergent gameplay. CCP are very big fans of this.

So the fact remains: it is not an exploit. There is no way around this — especially not your attempts to impose some non-existing law from on high.

Hmmmm, this exploit seems to be a very hot potato.
What exploit?
Ice Fire Warriors
#96 - 2013-06-30 23:21:15 UTC
Ace Uoweme wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:

You do know that language is not set in stone and that words are often redefined over time depending in their usage. The fact that we are even discussing what an "exploit" actually is and can't agree is literally proof of that.

Yeah, all those Dream Paragon supporters said the same. Dream Paragon still got a 10 day suspension and lost the world first -- and they deserved it. When professional gamers cheat, it's b-a-d. They know better.

Worst thing about that exploit was the excuses made, like if they didn't do it...the others would.

If folks got to exploit to play or have fun..."Houston, we have a problem..."

In that case, the DEVs of WoW considered it an exploit and acted accordingly. Again... as everyone has been saying... it's what the company deems an exploit that defines an exploit. It is both black and white and yet grey at the same time.

Tomorrow CCP could declare bumping an exploit and it shall be so. Because they get to decide what is and isn't one.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#97 - 2013-06-30 23:25:07 UTC
Ace Uoweme wrote:
handbanana wrote:
No one's hiding. Until CCP defines something as an exploit, you can throw whatever argument you want at it, they are the final word on everything around here.

I am really, really, surprised you have not gone into great detail yet explaining to us how Blizzard defines exploits or handles this situation better.

Now that we know you can make it through one thread without doing that, how about all threads from now on?

This is getting good. Getting the alts of alts out now to post.

Hmmmm, this exploit seems to be a very hot potato......

Sorry, I've just been painfully following some of the threads you have posted in recently and am just sick of your tiresome need to try to impose your beliefs and what other game companies do on EVE as if you have some kind of special insight.

We get it, you've played a lot of other games and you want EVE to fit your world view. I am again sorry to inform you that CCP does things differently here, sometimes even to their detriment.

If pointing that out that makes me an alt-of-an-alt, I guess that's your problem.

“It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.”    -Jack Handy

Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#98 - 2013-06-30 23:27:11 UTC
Tippia wrote:
No. As long as the devs feel that some particular use of a mechanic produces undesirable outcomes, it is an exploit. Whether the players discovered it or not only matters to the extent the devs are fans of emergent gameplay. CCP are very big fans of this.

And so are other game devs.

BUT, the definition is not yours or mine or CCP.

CCP can police their game to what they want, but not define the definition itself.

You're splitting hairs and you know it.

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

Sunshine and Lollipops
#99 - 2013-06-30 23:30:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Ace Uoweme wrote:
And so are other game devs.

BUT, the definition is not yours or mine or CCP.
…only CCP's.
They are the only ones who can define what the term means within the ruleset of the game they created.

So you can stop trying to apply your invented definition and instead use the only one that matters: CCP's — the one that makes none of what's been described in this thread as any kind of exploit.
Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#100 - 2013-06-30 23:30:55 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
In that case, the DEVs of WoW considered it an exploit and acted accordingly.

No the players.

Because Blizzard wasn't going to punish Dream Paragon, until the stink got so bad (threads upon threads over the issue) it couldn't be ignored any longer.

The squeaky wheel gets noticed. And they couldn't bury the issue.

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell