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>> Proposal << UI Improvements for Industry and Marked

Shadow' Broker
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2013-06-29 16:31:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Shadow' Broker
First off, i apologize if my English is not that good, i have a lot to say, and it will be difficult for me to find the right words, so that everyone can understand what i am talking about.

I believe that many Manufacturers and Business guys would love to have their UI to be less clicky and easier to keep track on everything.

I am not asking for a complete overhaul just yet, but i would propose to make at least some little adjustments to the UI that might help in the meantime:

At first : Sell/Buy orders:

Manufacturers always have a lot of marked orders running, and according to their production line they often have to set up the same amounts over and over again.

Here it would be nice to have the marked quickbar improved, so that one can save previous buy orders (amounts of minerals to buy, range of the stations/systems e.c.t. ... ).

This way one would be able to just go to the marked quickbar -> click on the previous buy order -> adjust the price, and click the "Ok" button.

It would of course be awesome to be able to set up and save entire shopping lists, and use those as buy orders, F.ex.;

A Dominix needs:
x amount of Trit.
x amount of Mexallon ........e.c.t.

Save the order and be able to re - use it whenever needed.

That said, i wanna point out that i currently use the awesome ISK per hour 3rd party program by Zifrian (thanks Zifrian for making this awesome tool):

This app can create shopping lists for anything you wanna build. I would love to see the possibility to import those shopping lists somehow into the marked interface. (BUT, well, .... i guess thats a long shot for now ;-)

Secondly, the Science / Industry interface:

To keep it simple, i am not asking for a complete overhaul here as well, but in the meantime some little tweeks could be made to the UI here:

Currently if for example i want to set up a Invention Job, i have to go to the blueprint, right click it, and go to invention, another window pops up,

now i have to select pick a station ... yet another window pops up,

done that i get a value, materials list and skills check, ... YET ANOTHER WINDOW POPS UP.

ok finally done that (assuming i havent clicked somewhere else on the screen by accident, which makes my window dissapear behind all the other windows ;-), ... YET ANOTHER WINDOW POPS UP ....

it tells me there is already a job running and it ll take "xxx" time till my job will starts ... i click ok, since i know that, it sayd that already when i chose the installation in the first place, ;-))

done that, now my job still isnt installed, i am back to the first window , ... and eventually i can finally install my job.

Huhh, this has beeen a long road, just to intstall a single job. Now i have to do this 10 more times, assuming i have the skills.

I think guys you know what i am talking about here, lol.


It would simply be nice here to just have one single interface, where you can choose all your stuff, ...

and if possible to have the ability to save some presets (f.ex. if you often use the same station / installation / POS Module) you only need to chose the assambly line, the number of runs e.c.t. and done.

I hope that i managed to write it so that everyone understands what i am trying to say ;-)

FEEDBACK is of course welcome and if you have better ideas, or want to improve my proposals, i invite you to do so.
