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Pretty tired of what you're doing CCP

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Ash Katara
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#41 - 2013-06-28 18:18:19 UTC
I currently am not a Pirate, I am much more likely to become a victim in these situations. That said I am not against there being some mechanic where by a Pirate can request and receive a ransom in exchange for letting a captured player go. This is typical highwayman behavior.

My question is thus:

Why would I pay you more then I stand to loose or have already lost, to convince you to let me go?

If you blow up my ship and ask me for 100m Isk as a ransom for my POD, you are likely to get the middle finger as my clone will only cost me 400k Isk. I would be more inclined to pay you a sum equal to a percentage of what I stand to loose if I refuse, a small percentage but nothing more. It would be the cost of doing business in the more risky areas a space. Something I would account for and plan for in my business endeavors.

The problem is that from my experience, most players, who choose to play, what we call a pirate, are not trying to pro-trey themselves as highwaymen and are in reality just evil people who derive pleasure from the suffering of others. EVE supports this and I have no problem with this, EVE is a PvP game. The issue is that those of us on the other side of these exchanges have no way of knowing weather any individual "Pirate or Pirate Corp" is Type A or Type B.

Now If I land in a bubble get webbed, scrammed and neuted, I am effectively trapped and would consider paying a toll or ransom to be let on my way. This option and mechanic would then be in the hands of the Piratesa
#42 - 2013-06-28 18:28:42 UTC  |  Edited by: paritybit
Ash Katara wrote:

My question is thus:

Why would I pay you more then I stand to loose or have already lost, to convince you to let me go?

The answer is that you wouldn't in that situation.

It is very difficult to ransom ships with guns because normally those guns can cause harm to the ransomer -- so most pirates will simply destroy the ship (unless it's a mining vessel) and ransom the pod. The capsuleer may contain high-end implants which will be destroyed when the pod (and therefore body) are destroyed -- some pilots prefer to keep them and will pay for that privilege. Often a pilot will have at least learning implants. If you have two +4 learning implants, that's 40 million isk to lose. Many would be willing to pay 20 million isk to keep those.

Ash Katara wrote:
The problem is that from my experience, most players, who choose to play, what we call a pirate, are not trying to pro-trey themselves as highwaymen and are in reality just evil people who derive pleasure from the suffering of others. EVE supports this and I have no problem with this, EVE is a PvP game. The issue is that those of us on the other side of these exchanges have no way of knowing weather any individual "Pirate or Pirate Corp" is Type A or Type B.

Now If I land in a bubble get webbed, scrammed and neuted, I am effectively trapped and would consider paying a toll or ransom to be let on my way. This option and mechanic would then be in the hands of the Piratesa

Then stop calling those pilots pirates. I am a pirate; I make isk by being a pirate. When I can't ransom (because of trust issues or whatever reason) I can't make isk. The problem with any mechanic I can come up with is that it will either be too restrictive and unwieldy or there will be a dozen ways around it. When a pirate is alone in a ship with one capsule who is warp disrupted and there is nobody else on grid then it seems like a clear cut situation; but that's not the most common scenario (though it's most commonly how I have successful ransoms).
Sir Dragon
Einherjar Yggdrasils
#43 - 2013-06-28 18:48:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Sir Dragon
So it is the honour system that we would have to build upon an small, simple, system / feature / game-machanic.

Something along the lines of a pirates "ransom reputation / honour".

The logic flow chart is allong the lines of and feal free to reinvent the wheel here.

3 Sets of people, "A" "B" and "C"
"A" being the pirate or aggressor (plural or singular)
"B" is the team & corporaton & alliance & gang & fleet that is related to "A".
"D" is very simply the poor fool that is panicing inside its pod.

"A" or "D" initiates an ransom exchange.

[Skip past the price negoiation.]

"D" can see inside the ransom interface an counter that tells him/her how many times "B" has honoured the ransom exchange.

"A" and "D" both agree upon an ransom.

"D" has some sort of immunity towards "A" &"B" ; now,
whether that immunity is mechanical such as "A" &"B" simply cannot target "D" ; or,
whether that immunity is mechanical such as an unavoidale popup warning warnd "A" & "B" of ransom agrrement.

I would not go with the count down timer or an grace timer of some x minutes;
rather, the pod of "D" contains the agreed upon ransom immunity.

Do not expect to use this system between 2 waring factions,
this idea is intended between a pirate gatecamping and his/her target victim.
So questions line " yeah what if it goes spying with an immunity "
then you are a bloody fool for not killing your sworn enemy and deserve worse ye dog.
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Jon Alois
Hyperflight Industries
#44 - 2013-06-28 22:19:13 UTC
Rather than introducing artificial timers, complex (read, "game-able" mechanics), etc., consider adding a new contract type (as a form of escrow). Pilot agrees to pay pirate if [insert condition] (ex., pilot reaches a station alive, vs. being killed). Only if the condition of the contract is met would the pirate receive the ransom (contract payout).

Defining the appropriate condition(s) would seem to be the only real challenge. The server knows if a clone is killed. The server knows when a clone docks. Putting those together in a way which ensures that the intent of the contract is fulfilled wouldn't seem too difficult.

This might even encourage more complex game interactions (like pirates escorting pilots to a nearby station to ensure that they get paid without the pilot getting popped by someone else, or "articles of safe passage" in pirate controlled areas).
Jon Alois
Hyperflight Industries
#45 - 2013-06-28 22:24:40 UTC
Come to think of it, "articles of safe passage" sounds like a really good idea. Say it was issued by a corporation, it would flag the pilot's ship in a manner similar to being in-corp, in-fleet, or in-alliance (just a different color), so that corp members, etc. would recognize the safe-passage status of the pilot (and make whatever decision they wanted to, not necessarily enforced by game mechanics, though it could be). This would be very helpful for encouraging independent miner/hauler corps operating in pirate space (which would seem to help open up low/nullsec more).
Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#46 - 2013-06-29 01:46:30 UTC
Nooooo... Don't remove prisoners dillema.
I want to get to chose if I blow people up after they pay instead of having to let them go.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Ash Katara
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2013-06-29 16:59:15 UTC
Jon Alois wrote:
Come to think of it, "articles of safe passage" sounds like a really good idea. Say it was issued by a corporation, it would flag the pilot's ship in a manner similar to being in-corp, in-fleet, or in-alliance (just a different color), so that corp members, etc. would recognize the safe-passage status of the pilot (and make whatever decision they wanted to, not necessarily enforced by game mechanics, though it could be). This would be very helpful for encouraging independent miner/hauler corps operating in pirate space (which would seem to help open up low/nullsec more).

I like this idea. A simple contract system like this has several uses. It could be used to hire protection for single transits or tasks, it could be used as a way for pirates or sovereignty holders to establish protection rackets for those people or groups they allow to use or pass through or operate within their space. It would be useful in any area of space and for almost any type of player.

Protection Contracts could be the the foundation for Protection Rackets, Mercenary Operations, Gate Tolls, Smuggling, ETC..
Vayn Baxtor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2013-06-29 17:47:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Vayn Baxtor
Sounds cool in general.

Just needs to have more details as well as counters that it won't be abused.
It was probably already mentioned - but I suppose this should only work if;

The pirate truly has the appropiate sec stat (-10, duh)
The target to ransom is in a pod

As a ruleset for starters.
If the Pod pays the ransom to live on, it could or would get temporary buffs, like,

- Invulnerabilty for the mentioned 60secs (or whatever is appropiate)
- T3 style bubble nullifier, so it can warp out - and perhaps have this "buff" a bit longer, so it cannot be ransom'ed again for the next minutes.

But yes, there has to be more to ensure it won't be abused, but I think the idea itself could be implemented as it is. CCP and the community in this case could easily figure the flaws and fix them as time passes.

I agree too that the "Being a Pirate" gameplay needs to be improved and expanded. I actually had an idea to support the that life outside of empire space. I will repost it some time around with improvements. Maybe you'll like it too - or not.

Regarding ransoming.
I think there needs to be some sort of "Pirate captain" flagging in some way, so that nobody else in the fleet doesn't try ransoming beforehand. In a way, anybody on in the Pirate team could hit the ransom button/right click menu option , but the pirate captain does the "talking" while others see what is happening.

Using tablet, typoes are common and I'm not going to fix them all.

Roy Kring
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2013-06-29 18:16:52 UTC
Jon Alois wrote:
Come to think of it, "articles of safe passage" sounds like a really good idea. Say it was issued by a corporation, it would flag the pilot's ship in a manner similar to being in-corp, in-fleet, or in-alliance (just a different color), so that corp members, etc. would recognize the safe-passage status of the pilot (and make whatever decision they wanted to, not necessarily enforced by game mechanics, though it could be). This would be very helpful for encouraging independent miner/hauler corps operating in pirate space (which would seem to help open up low/nullsec more).

I really like this idea, the pirate rackets could open their doors for a fee, good thinking.
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#50 - 2013-07-03 14:27:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Masao Kurata
The terrible thread title probably ensures this will be ignored, but an official ransom system sounds good. It's not too important if it's gameable (that may even add some spice) as long as it's not so gameable that it's worthless. On that basis, here's my idea for how it could work, keeping things simple:

If a random demand is accepted, the full amount goes into escrow. Two timers start (represented as one timer with an additional mark). One minute after the ransom is accepted, the target must be intact and free from all forms of warp disruption (including bubbles) or the ransom fails. For the rest of the timer, a further two minutes, if the target is warp disrupted or destroyed the ransom immediately fails.

If the full three minutes expires with the target intact and not warp disrupted for the last two minutes, the ransom succeeds and is paid to the pirate (or divided among his fleet directly, a checkbox for that when asking for ransom would simplify things). If any of the failure conditions are met the full amount is returned to the victim immediately. The ransom also succeeds immediately if at any time during the timer, the victim docks or leaves his current ship. It does not matter who warp disrupts or destroys the target.

The main ways to game this that I can think of favour the victim. A friend (or a warp disruption field made for this purpose) can warp disrupt him if they can meet inside the three minute timer to make the ransom fail. Cheap hulls with expensive cargo can deposit their cargo somewhere other than a station then suicide to a POS to incur only 30% of hull and all fittings damage. The latter is perhaps a bit too much, but an additional restriction on inventory management during the ransom timer would cover it.

Oh right, the pirates can game it by bumping. Still sounds good to me (sounds a bit better actually).
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