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Missile launcher models on ships?

Darius Shakor
Second Shakor Clan
#1 - 2011-11-08 11:30:16 UTC
It is about that time again when I feel the need to make a post I have been making occasionally since 2003.

Recently the devs have gone and made a bunch of new turret models for ships, which are awesome. I especially like the 150mm Autocannon which totally looks like a retro Dalek gun.

And still they did not take the time to create missile launcher models.

I have been playing on sisi for the first time in forever with the new ships on there and, remembering seeing the concept art for the Naga on the Dev Blog, notice the original player art from the competition shows the Naga with missile launcher models on it rather than turrets. For a moment we can all dream that we will have this in EVE eventually...

I even recall seeing something from the Fanfest vids on Youtube where the question was asked about it in relation to the new turrets being shown that day and the general gist of it was that they were in development, though they would not see the expansion after the FF when the other turrets were going to be introduced.

Any idea on when this will finally be implemented in EVE? I fit a Naga on sisi with torp launchers and more than on any other ship in EVE it looks kind of ridiculous since the hardpoint locations on the Naga are so pronounced on the model and they are physically empty.

Please CCP, spend a little time on this. So many expansions have gone by and I fully expect the Winter 2011 expansion to pass without this too. And so many chances with so many changes where it would have made an idea platform to develop something while the art team had their pens inked and ready for new shiny content. On top of all the other graphical improvements I have seen come over the 8+ years of play which show what I think to be unmatched talent, the way missiles are handled in EVE just looks amateur.

Darius Shakor - Kacha

Vandeamon Writing Project - EVE Works

Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#2 - 2011-11-08 12:24:57 UTC
Darius Shakor wrote:
On top of all the other graphical improvements I have seen come over the 8+ years of play which show what I think to be unmatched talent, the way missiles are handled in EVE just looks amateur.

Right, because being both praising and insulting in the same sentence are a surefire way to get what you want.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Darius Shakor
Second Shakor Clan
#3 - 2011-11-08 12:35:17 UTC
Jack Carrigan wrote:
Darius Shakor wrote:
On top of all the other graphical improvements I have seen come over the 8+ years of play which show what I think to be unmatched talent, the way missiles are handled in EVE just looks amateur.

Right, because being both praising and insulting in the same sentence are a surefire way to get what you want.

I think you misread it here. I did not say they are amateurs I said it looks amateur. There is a subtle difference. Does my post look like a rant? Because I doubt it does.

I am being honest and constructive here and the best honesty is to show where there are fundamental failings. On top of all the graphical work CCP are doing, the fact is that having missile sprites just emerge from any point on the ship originating on the centre point of the ship model does look like amateur coding in comparison. There are much worse ways people could put it but it does not change that simple fact that a game with so many good effects has this one weapon system where nothing has been done to improve it at all.

If you do not agree with me that the missile system has a problem because I call the way it looks being amateur then fair enough. If you do agree it needs looking at then maybe post something more relevant in support instead of just trolling.

Darius Shakor - Kacha

Vandeamon Writing Project - EVE Works

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2011-11-08 14:14:15 UTC
Jack Carrigan wrote:
Darius Shakor wrote:
On top of all the other graphical improvements I have seen come over the 8+ years of play which show what I think to be unmatched talent, the way missiles are handled in EVE just looks amateur.

Right, because being both praising and insulting in the same sentence are a surefire way to get what you want.

Which part of that was insulting? Or did you maybe mean to quote some other portion of the OP? All I see there is an observation - "you devs are doing great work, but hey you guys missed a spot."

Or are you one of those over-sensitive nancy-panted numpties with the maturity level of a seaslug that thinks the world is out to get them and they should get everything they want handed to them on a silver platter with a side of treat me like the victim I know I am?

(In case you were confused that last part is what a proper insult looks like).

Back on topic.

I can't remember where, and I can't be assed to go looking for it, but I half remember a dev blog about the new turrets where they did mention the missile launchers as one of the things they were looking at, but there were some special issues with them because of the way missiles are handled by the game engine.

That said, I would love to see actual launchers on our ships. Even if the missiles continued to spawn at some magical launching point in the middle of the ship, at least the launchers would look cool.

De'Veldrin's Corollary (to Malcanis' Law): Any idea that seeks to limit the ability of a large nullsec bloc to do something in the name of allowing more small groups into sov null will inevitably make it that much harder for small groups to enter sov null.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-11-08 17:32:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Zyress
the problem is with displaying all the missiles individual flight paths from their launchers to the targets, much more processor intensive than a single blip of light that appears above your ship and moves off towards the target. Yeah they could make some better looking static models of the launchers, but nothing like they have done for turrets
Darius Shakor
Second Shakor Clan
#6 - 2011-11-08 17:35:47 UTC
As far as I understand it, when you fire all at once the game still renders all the missiles, they are just on top of each other. So I cannot see how this would increase system load any more than if they all fired from a different point on the ship.

Darius Shakor - Kacha

Vandeamon Writing Project - EVE Works