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Upgrading Local to Eliminate All AFK Influence

First post
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris
Republic Military Tax Avoiders
#141 - 2013-06-25 21:02:52 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
The optical aspect of the cloak is quite cinematic, but falls far short of the greater needs of cloaking.

It's not that they are invisible to sight, but that they are undetectable to the sensors used to scan with.

And they can't see local chat. That is an enormous penalty.

Don't worry about their sensors, it is just as likely they are using probes in any case, and those will remain quite detectable to any pinging their sensors about.

Swap optical with any other sensor and you'll have same thing. For ship to receive any information it should be able to interact with some sort of input. Then any other ship using some sort of that input detection should be able to pick up that interaction. In other words - if ship uses D-Scan to detect things, then it should be detectable by D-Scan.

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#142 - 2013-06-25 21:20:24 UTC
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
The optical aspect of the cloak is quite cinematic, but falls far short of the greater needs of cloaking.

It's not that they are invisible to sight, but that they are undetectable to the sensors used to scan with.

And they can't see local chat. That is an enormous penalty.

Don't worry about their sensors, it is just as likely they are using probes in any case, and those will remain quite detectable to any pinging their sensors about.

Swap optical with any other sensor and you'll have same thing. For ship to receive any information it should be able to interact with some sort of input. Then any other ship using some sort of that input detection should be able to pick up that interaction. In other words - if ship uses D-Scan to detect things, then it should be detectable by D-Scan.

You are oversimplifying the logic.
You are in essence saying, "if you can see, you can be seen".

Rather think on this. It is not that they cannot be detected, but that noone knows how to detect them.

Want a simple analogy? Stand in the shadows.
Sure, someone can shine a light on you, if they have one. But on a bright sunny day, who carries lights, except for those worried about looking into the shadows.

Cloaked ships use technology to create their own shadows, and my other thread explains how ships can be specially prepared to shine the right kind of light in order to expose them.
#143 - 2013-06-25 22:50:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Sigras
Nikk Narrel wrote:
All details being considered and weighted... It seems the answer to AFK Cloaking's terror aspect is to ignore it while they are cloaked.
(A cloaked vessel not being capable of inflicting damage directly)

As it is not currently possible to evaluate threat levels properly under the current system, I suggest we upgrade local to exclude vessels which are not capable of interacting with ships and objects directly.

For balance, I would deny these classifications from accessing local at all. Let them be sent chat information in a version of local missing the pilot roster, no free intel for them. (Fully delayed local for all pilots present but not listed)

The vessels which should fit this classification for full local exclusion I described:

Vessels within the shields of a POS (They cannot target or fire, AFK POS items are misleading)
Vessels docked at an outpost (They cannot target or fire, AFK Outpost items are misleading)
Vessels cloaked in a system (They cannot target or fire, AFK Cloaked items are misleading)

Upgrading local intel with improved relevancy in this manner will benefit players wanting to know the actual active players present.

i would agree to this with the following provisions because this would ensure that cloaked ships are not able to inflict damage.

when your ship is cloaked:

you cannot move or warp
your camera bot turns off otherwise it will be detected
you cannot see local
you cannot see your overview
you cannot communicate with probes
you cannot use your ship scanner
you cannot use your directional scanner
you cannot be in fleet to provide a warp in

If all those things were true, then yes cloaked ships really couldnt inflict damage and it would be ok to remove them from local, but if any of these things are not true, cloaked ships can provide free from danger intel and therefore need to be in local.
Shawn James
Darwin's Theory
#144 - 2013-06-25 23:51:53 UTC
I am so tired of these care bear nerf cloaking posts. There is nothing wrong with cloaking as it stands. You are complaining about free intel in local for cloaked ships, but if you follow the golden rule of null sec and do not speak in local, there is not much intel to gain other than ships in space, and pilots in system. I live in curse and literally deal with afk cloakers on a daily basis. If you are smart you can gather your own intel about which afk'ers do nothing but afk, and which ones stalk ratters. You can obtain this information through observation, or by looking the character up on the any of the many killboard sites such as battleclinic and evekill. There is nothing wrong with afk cloaking, if you can not adapt to your surrondings in eve, either move to highsec, or quit playing the game, because you clearly should not be living in null.
Next Stage Initiative
#145 - 2013-06-26 00:28:36 UTC
What about just displaying local on your grid, instead of the whole system?

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

Next Stage Initiative
#146 - 2013-06-26 00:30:04 UTC
Shawn James wrote:
I am so tired of these care bear nerf cloaking posts. There is nothing wrong with cloaking as it stands. You are complaining about free intel in local for cloaked ships, but if you follow the golden rule of null sec and do not speak in local, there is not much intel to gain other than ships in space, and pilots in system. I live in curse and literally deal with afk cloakers on a daily basis. If you are smart you can gather your own intel about which afk'ers do nothing but afk, and which ones stalk ratters. You can obtain this information through observation, or by looking the character up on the any of the many killboard sites such as battleclinic and evekill. There is nothing wrong with afk cloaking, if you can not adapt to your surrondings in eve, either move to highsec, or quit playing the game, because you clearly should not be living in null.

This isn't just about nerfing cloaking. Local is a significantly powerful intel tool with no means of 'disrupting the system'. This one idea isn't focused on nerfing any one type of gameplay, but is a very systemic solution to a lot of complaints.

Fix the map statistics next so ninja-mining can become more capable, and I'll really be happy.

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#147 - 2013-06-26 00:40:55 UTC
Sigras wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
All details being considered and weighted... It seems the answer to AFK Cloaking's terror aspect is to ignore it while they are cloaked.
(A cloaked vessel not being capable of inflicting damage directly)

As it is not currently possible to evaluate threat levels properly under the current system, I suggest we upgrade local to exclude vessels which are not capable of interacting with ships and objects directly.

For balance, I would deny these classifications from accessing local at all. Let them be sent chat information in a version of local missing the pilot roster, no free intel for them. (Fully delayed local for all pilots present but not listed)

The vessels which should fit this classification for full local exclusion I described:

Vessels within the shields of a POS (They cannot target or fire, AFK POS items are misleading)
Vessels docked at an outpost (They cannot target or fire, AFK Outpost items are misleading)
Vessels cloaked in a system (They cannot target or fire, AFK Cloaked items are misleading)

Upgrading local intel with improved relevancy in this manner will benefit players wanting to know the actual active players present.

i would agree to this with the following provisions because this would ensure that cloaked ships are not able to inflict damage.

when your ship is cloaked:

you cannot move or warp
your camera bot turns off otherwise it will be detected
you cannot see local
you cannot see your overview
you cannot communicate with probes
you cannot use your ship scanner
you cannot use your directional scanner
you cannot be in fleet to provide a warp in

If all those things were true, then yes cloaked ships really couldnt inflict damage and it would be ok to remove them from local, but if any of these things are not true, cloaked ships can provide free from danger intel and therefore need to be in local.

This is a sister thread to one detailing a method to hunt cloaked vessels.

The balance point for that is, yes you guessed it, not being freely displayed in local.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#148 - 2013-06-26 00:46:20 UTC
Shawn James wrote:
I am so tired of these care bear nerf cloaking posts. There is nothing wrong with cloaking as it stands. You are complaining about free intel in local for cloaked ships, but if you follow the golden rule of null sec and do not speak in local, there is not much intel to gain other than ships in space, and pilots in system. I live in curse and literally deal with afk cloakers on a daily basis. If you are smart you can gather your own intel about which afk'ers do nothing but afk, and which ones stalk ratters. You can obtain this information through observation, or by looking the character up on the any of the many killboard sites such as battleclinic and evekill. There is nothing wrong with afk cloaking, if you can not adapt to your surrondings in eve, either move to highsec, or quit playing the game, because you clearly should not be living in null.

Yeah, this is about cloaked / docked / POS shielded vessels all being disconnected from local.

They cannot see local, and they are not listed in local.

Except for the players who enjoy AFK Cloaking specifically, most cloaking pilots like this idea too.

As a miner, I would be hapy to see this happen, specifically in conjunction with the sister thread to this:

Want scanning to be better all around too?
Shawn James
Darwin's Theory
#149 - 2013-06-26 01:25:06 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Shawn James wrote:
I am so tired of these care bear nerf cloaking posts. There is nothing wrong with cloaking as it stands. You are complaining about free intel in local for cloaked ships, but if you follow the golden rule of null sec and do not speak in local, there is not much intel to gain other than ships in space, and pilots in system. I live in curse and literally deal with afk cloakers on a daily basis. If you are smart you can gather your own intel about which afk'ers do nothing but afk, and which ones stalk ratters. You can obtain this information through observation, or by looking the character up on the any of the many killboard sites such as battleclinic and evekill. There is nothing wrong with afk cloaking, if you can not adapt to your surrondings in eve, either move to highsec, or quit playing the game, because you clearly should not be living in null.

Yeah, this is about cloaked / docked / POS shielded vessels all being disconnected from local.

They cannot see local, and they are not listed in local.

Except for the players who enjoy AFK Cloaking specifically, most cloaking pilots like this idea too.

As a miner, I would be hapy to see this happen, specifically in conjunction with the sister thread to this:

Want scanning to be better all around too?

If you make local disapear from a ship which is claoked all you will be doing is breaking the game. if a cloaky ship can not see local you have just broken cov ops, stealth bomber, force recon, and black ops gameplay, effectivly making all those ship lines useless... how does this "fix" anything? seems to me all you really want is a bland game, where everything is the same with no differences between ships or ship classes... is your basis for what eve should be world of warcraft?
Next Stage Initiative
#150 - 2013-06-26 02:47:06 UTC
Shawn James wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Shawn James wrote:
I am so tired of these care bear nerf cloaking posts. There is nothing wrong with cloaking as it stands. You are complaining about free intel in local for cloaked ships, but if you follow the golden rule of null sec and do not speak in local, there is not much intel to gain other than ships in space, and pilots in system. I live in curse and literally deal with afk cloakers on a daily basis. If you are smart you can gather your own intel about which afk'ers do nothing but afk, and which ones stalk ratters. You can obtain this information through observation, or by looking the character up on the any of the many killboard sites such as battleclinic and evekill. There is nothing wrong with afk cloaking, if you can not adapt to your surrondings in eve, either move to highsec, or quit playing the game, because you clearly should not be living in null.

Yeah, this is about cloaked / docked / POS shielded vessels all being disconnected from local.

They cannot see local, and they are not listed in local.

Except for the players who enjoy AFK Cloaking specifically, most cloaking pilots like this idea too.

As a miner, I would be hapy to see this happen, specifically in conjunction with the sister thread to this:

Want scanning to be better all around too?

If you make local disapear from a ship which is claoked all you will be doing is breaking the game. if a cloaky ship can not see local you have just broken cov ops, stealth bomber, force recon, and black ops gameplay, effectivly making all those ship lines useless... how does this "fix" anything? seems to me all you really want is a bland game, where everything is the same with no differences between ships or ship classes... is your basis for what eve should be world of warcraft?

Wait, why would removing local for a cloaked ship break the game? First, wormhole space has proven that no local does not break the game. Secondly, that cloaked ship would still be able to report any activity it see's ... you know, intelligence gathered through actual observation of the space around the ship?

Plus, the aggressively cloaked ship (aka, not the cloaked camper who is simply suppressing system activities, which is only one small part of using a cloak) gets more benefit from being cloaked as now they are also cloaked on the local grid.

Did we mention that the cloaked player could always decloak to check local before cloaking again, and that would be able to sustain a 'deprivation of resources' campaign through carefully uncloaking and cloaking at regular intervals to let everyone know he's there.

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

Shawn James
Darwin's Theory
#151 - 2013-06-26 11:24:17 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Sigras wrote:
[quote=Nikk Narrel]All details being considered and weighted... It seems the answer to AFK Cloaking's terror aspect is to ignore it while they are cloaked.
(A cloaked vessel not being capable of inflicting damage directly)

when your ship is cloaked:

you cannot move or warp
your camera bot turns off otherwise it will be detected
you cannot see local
you cannot see your overview
you cannot communicate with probes
you cannot use your ship scanner
you cannot use your directional scanner
you cannot be in fleet to provide a warp in

If all those things were true, then yes cloaked ships really couldnt inflict damage and it would be ok to remove them from local, but if any of these things are not true, cloaked ships can provide free from danger intel and therefore need to be in local.

This is a sister thread to one detailing a method to hunt cloaked vessels.

The balance point for that is, yes you guessed it, not being freely displayed in local.

This suggestion is what I was referring to when I stated it would break cloak ships.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#152 - 2013-06-26 13:30:18 UTC
Shawn James wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Sigras wrote:
[quote=Nikk Narrel]All details being considered and weighted... It seems the answer to AFK Cloaking's terror aspect is to ignore it while they are cloaked.
(A cloaked vessel not being capable of inflicting damage directly)

when your ship is cloaked:

you cannot move or warp
your camera bot turns off otherwise it will be detected
you cannot see local
you cannot see your overview
you cannot communicate with probes
you cannot use your ship scanner
you cannot use your directional scanner
you cannot be in fleet to provide a warp in

If all those things were true, then yes cloaked ships really couldnt inflict damage and it would be ok to remove them from local, but if any of these things are not true, cloaked ships can provide free from danger intel and therefore need to be in local.

This is a sister thread to one detailing a method to hunt cloaked vessels.

The balance point for that is, yes you guessed it, not being freely displayed in local.

This suggestion is what I was referring to when I stated it would break cloak ships.

I would take what Sigras said as an exaggerated troll, rather than a serious suggestion.
The only vessel that fits his description would be one where the player is logged out, as even ships docked in a station can see local, and report to intel when new ships arrive in system.
While ship spinning.
#153 - 2013-06-29 05:06:31 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Shawn James wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Sigras wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
All details being considered and weighted... It seems the answer to AFK Cloaking's terror aspect is to ignore it while they are cloaked.
(A cloaked vessel not being capable of inflicting damage directly)

I would agree with the following provisions; when your ship is cloaked:

you cannot move or warp
your camera bot turns off otherwise it will be detected
you cannot see local
you cannot see your overview
you cannot communicate with probes
you cannot use your ship scanner
you cannot use your directional scanner
you cannot be in fleet to provide a warp in

If all those things were true, then yes cloaked ships really couldnt inflict damage and it would be ok to remove them from local, but if any of these things are not true, cloaked ships can provide free from danger intel and therefore need to be in local.

This is a sister thread to one detailing a method to hunt cloaked vessels.

The balance point for that is, yes you guessed it, not being freely displayed in local.

This suggestion is what I was referring to when I stated it would break cloak ships.

I would take what Sigras said as an exaggerated troll, rather than a serious suggestion.
The only vessel that fits his description would be one where the player is logged out, as even ships docked in a station can see local, and report to intel when new ships arrive in system.
While ship spinning.

it was not a troll response; you stated that cloaked ships cannot inflict damage on the enemy and therefore should be removed from local.

I listed a series of ways that cloaked ships can infact inflict damage on the enemy. If those ways are removed, then I agree with your statement that there is no reason to have them in local, however if any of the above provisions stay, they represent actual damage able to be inflicted on the enemy and it would be unbalanced to have someone undetectable able to cause such damage.
National Institute of Mental Health
#154 - 2013-06-29 05:57:38 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
All details being considered and weighted... It seems the answer to AFK Cloaking's terror aspect is to ignore it while they are cloaked.
(A cloaked vessel not being capable of inflicting damage directly)

As it is not currently possible to evaluate threat levels properly under the current system, I suggest we upgrade local to exclude vessels which are not capable of interacting with ships and objects directly.

For balance, I would deny these classifications from accessing local at all. Let them be sent chat information in a version of local missing the pilot roster, no free intel for them. (Fully delayed local for all pilots present but not listed)

The vessels which should fit this classification for full local exclusion I described:

Vessels within the shields of a POS (They cannot target or fire, AFK POS items are misleading)
Vessels docked at an outpost (They cannot target or fire, AFK Outpost items are misleading)
Vessels cloaked in a system (They cannot target or fire, AFK Cloaked items are misleading)

Upgrading local intel with improved relevancy in this manner will benefit players wanting to know the actual active players present.

I'm not 100% sure that I understand what you're asking for. Am I correct that you're asking for Ships in POS, docked or cloaked to be removed from local? If so, Hell Yes! Please make it so sitting cloaked off of a gate/w-hole/POS isn't noticed by my presence in local. Please make it so my cloaked heavy tackle isn't noticed by null-bears until I lock down their bling-Mach. If you can convince CCP to do this I'll contract you a fully high-meta fit gank-Vindi and my first born child in the station of your choice.
Evangelina Nolen
Sama Guild
#155 - 2013-06-29 08:38:28 UTC
I wonder how some of you would fare in space that doesn't have local.
Kirkwood Ross
Golden Profession
#156 - 2013-06-29 08:41:13 UTC
They're fixing afk cloaking in the same patch they're fixing off grid boosting.
Sirran The Lunatic
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#157 - 2013-06-29 11:35:34 UTC
There is a man with a gun in my room.

I close my eyes.

Now there is no man with a gun in my room.



How about just grey/fade names out if they're inactive? Is that really too complicated? If they do as you're proposing, I'm just going to go murder ratters in nullsec until noone rats in nullsec anymore. PROBLEM SOLVED! Derp.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#158 - 2013-06-29 13:32:23 UTC
Nycodemis wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
All details being considered and weighted... It seems the answer to AFK Cloaking's terror aspect is to ignore it while they are cloaked.
(A cloaked vessel not being capable of inflicting damage directly)

As it is not currently possible to evaluate threat levels properly under the current system, I suggest we upgrade local to exclude vessels which are not capable of interacting with ships and objects directly.

For balance, I would deny these classifications from accessing local at all. Let them be sent chat information in a version of local missing the pilot roster, no free intel for them. (Fully delayed local for all pilots present but not listed)

The vessels which should fit this classification for full local exclusion I described:

Vessels within the shields of a POS (They cannot target or fire, AFK POS items are misleading)
Vessels docked at an outpost (They cannot target or fire, AFK Outpost items are misleading)
Vessels cloaked in a system (They cannot target or fire, AFK Cloaked items are misleading)

Upgrading local intel with improved relevancy in this manner will benefit players wanting to know the actual active players present.

I'm not 100% sure that I understand what you're asking for. Am I correct that you're asking for Ships in POS, docked or cloaked to be removed from local? If so, Hell Yes! Please make it so sitting cloaked off of a gate/w-hole/POS isn't noticed by my presence in local. Please make it so my cloaked heavy tackle isn't noticed by null-bears until I lock down their bling-Mach. If you can convince CCP to do this I'll contract you a fully high-meta fit gank-Vindi and my first born child in the station of your choice.

LOL, this idea is one half of a larger concept for balance.

The truth is, there are several nearly interchangeable ideas regarding how to limit local enough to make hunting cloaked vessels balanced. Including both halves all in one thread under the same discussion causes confusion, as has been demonstrated in the past.

The second half, which allows for hunting of cloaked vessels in the absence of local reporting them, is here:

Here is a thread detailing things to supplement local, and make it's absence for intel gathering something less missed and more competitive all around:
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#159 - 2013-06-29 13:34:34 UTC
Sirran The Lunatic wrote:
There is a man with a gun in my room.

I close my eyes.

Now there is no man with a gun in my room.



How about just grey/fade names out if they're inactive? Is that really too complicated? If they do as you're proposing, I'm just going to go murder ratters in nullsec until noone rats in nullsec anymore. PROBLEM SOLVED! Derp.

You were never using your eyes to know he was there.

You were seeing a list of "People you can chat with in your room"

Maybe using your eyes, and perhaps a flashlight too, would be the more sensible approach.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#160 - 2013-06-29 13:39:48 UTC
Sigras wrote:
I would agree with the following provisions; when your ship is cloaked:

you cannot move or warp
your camera bot turns off otherwise it will be detected
you cannot see local
you cannot see your overview
you cannot communicate with probes
you cannot use your ship scanner
you cannot use your directional scanner
you cannot be in fleet to provide a warp in

If all those things were true, then yes cloaked ships really couldnt inflict damage and it would be ok to remove them from local, but if any of these things are not true, cloaked ships can provide free from danger intel and therefore need to be in local.
This is a sister thread to one detailing a method to hunt cloaked vessels.

The balance point for that is, yes you guessed it, not being freely displayed in local.

it was not a troll response; you stated that cloaked ships cannot inflict damage on the enemy and therefore should be removed from local.

I listed a series of ways that cloaked ships can infact inflict damage on the enemy. If those ways are removed, then I agree with your statement that there is no reason to have them in local, however if any of the above provisions stay, they represent actual damage able to be inflicted on the enemy and it would be unbalanced to have someone undetectable able to cause such damage.

And I am pointing out that since cloaked ships need to make an effort to do any of those, detecting them should take effort as well.

The part about not seeing local was first suggested by me to begin with.