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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Pretty tired of what you're doing CCP

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Roy Kring
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-06-25 20:52:23 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Suvetar
How about updating piracy?

I was -10 trying out solo piracy for a year, the odds were really against me but I like a challenge.

One thing that really bothered me were ransoms, I often caught peoples pods and would try ransoming them.
Out of at least 100 pods I caught, only 2 guys payed me, one for 100m the other for 200m and I let both of them go.

The VAST VAST majority of people wont pay you because it's a trust game that other selfish people have ruined for the rest of us by killing them anyways.

I had an idea where a player (could be any player or only those with -5 and lower security status) could right click the character they're attack and select "Ransom" or something of that nature.
The initiating player could then write an amount of isk in the small box and hit accept. If the player on the receiving end of the ransom clicked accept on the box that came up, they would pay the pirate the agreed amount of isk and combat would be instantly stopped for 60 (or XX time) seconds and both locks would be broken for the duration allowing the victim to warp off safely
It's a raw idea that i'm sure could be refined but that's the basic idea.

Sorry; felt it best to snip a portion of your post to allow this idea to be discussed without trolling or derailment - ISD Suvetar
ISD Suvetar
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#2 - 2013-06-25 21:00:27 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Suvetar

I'm intrigued by your Ransom Idea so I've moved your thread to Features and Ideas discussion.
Perhaps you could flesh your idea out a bit more, how would this affect Warp bubbles, for example ?

Thanks for your comments though, we do appreciate it.

[b]ISD Suvetar Captain/Commando Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Max Essen
Bison Industrial Inc
Cat Scratch Fevers
#3 - 2013-06-25 21:26:50 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Suvetar
I would like to hear more on your ransom idea. if we kick that about some it may turn into something nice
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#4 - 2013-06-25 21:39:47 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Suvetar
Interesting read, a couple of thoughts to add:

Your "official-ransom" idea is alright, but as the dev said you need flesh it out some... What happens if you are in a bubble in nullsec??? Should be perhaps allow pirates to "break their word", while maybe delivering some other consequence? What happens when there are multiple tacklers? Etc, etc, etc..
ISD Suvetar
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#5 - 2013-06-25 21:44:11 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Suvetar
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

4.) Your "official-ransom" idea is alright, but as the dev said you need flesh it out some... What happens if you are in a bubble in nullsec??? Should be perhaps allow pirates to "break their word", while maybe delivering some other consequence? What happens when there are multiple tacklers? Etc, etc, etc..

Not a Dev, just a forum moderator - but thank you very much all the same Pirate


I'm sorry but to keep this thread on-topic in here, I've removed the controversial parts of this thread so we can stick on topic.

Thanks for your time.

[b]ISD Suvetar Captain/Commando Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Galaxy Chicken
Galaxy Farm Carebear Repurposing
#6 - 2013-06-25 22:04:53 UTC
ISD Suvetar, I like your new look.
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-06-25 22:12:12 UTC
Allowing people to lie and cheat and play dirty if they wish is a big part of what makes Eve what it is. So no thanks to magical enforcement buttons preventing people from breaking their word.

There are, or at least were, pirate groups who were known to honour ransoms and gained a reputation as "trustworthy" because of it, if you join or form such an organisation then you might find your efforts more successful.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-06-25 23:32:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Gorgoth24
I feel that this title is overly negative, and I'm conflicted on the subject, but I'm willing to give it positive suggestions.

Basic mechanics: Ransom has two boxes. Agressor inputs the amount asked for, the pod inputs a yes/no/counter-offer. If the agressor then accepts, it conveys a 60s invulnerability to locking of the pod by anyone. This timer should be set to 0 upon session change. The ransom should also be automatically declined if you are in the process of ransoming and are podded.

Warp bubbles? This should simply be up to the pilot. If you're deep enough inside the warp bubble that you can't escape or get to a gate in 60s (a rather long period) then you should just decline the ransom and die. The timer being stopped by session change also prevents a pilot from ransoming his own pod through an alt to get through gatecamps.

Multiple Characters ransoming? Ransoming should be done from one player to another (not to the entire fleet at once) but should convey an invulnerability to locking on the pod's part for the next 60s or session change timer

Note: Notice how I said "Invulnerability to locking" and not "Invulnerability". This means that the pod can still be smartbombed if the agressing pilot has one fitted and can kill the pod in between the time the ransom happens and the pod warps off. Considering this requires the pilot to fit a smartbomb, and a little pilot skill, I feel it is sufficiently pre-nerfed.

EDIT: After mulling over my conflictions on the subject, I feel that the bonus of making Pirating more of a profession then a fun-only sort've thing outweighs the possible damage to EVE's Lore as a "Trust him as far as you can throw him" attitude
Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2013-06-26 01:45:29 UTC
I like the idea of ransoming becoming more of a feature, because I haven't heard much about piracy being an actual profession at this point, most people who roam low-sec space (including myself) generally just do it for the good fights. However I'm not entirely sure it should function like a contract, I mean, I could. I'd say to have it added to the contracts tab as a method of "selling" immunity to targeting of the ransoming fleet for a period of time, but I think there is potential for abuse in fleet warfare (awoxing is one thing, using a spy to make a fleet of rokhs or maels or w/e unable to target certain ships in null-sec sov war is another).

So let's change direction. I've noticed on these forums before that people have been making suggestions about better ways to interact with NPC pirate factions, such as the Angel Cartel. How about we introduce low and npc-null sec space areas for these NPC pirate organizations to run out of, and then implement ransoming as a game mechanic similar to mission running? No time limit (or a long one, say, 2 weeks), but when you accept a "mission" for the AC or whoever, you gain a mechanic allowing for the issuing of ransom contracts during the time it's accepted. Every ransom (minimum amount of say, 10m) takes 50% of the ISK earned from the ransom and counts it towards a mission goal (arbitrary number, 30M Isk for example). Upon completion of the "mission" you gain LP's and standing with the pirate faction. However, it should be a bit more dangerous. While the "mission" is in progress you would be flagged, similar to a suspect flag, perhaps even preventing you from docking at non-pirate faction NPC stations (instead of the blanket of all stations that suspect status currently gives). And it doesn't just have to be missions for ransoming either. There could also be missions to destroy a certain Isk-value (EvE already acquires that information for kill-mails, I don't think it's unreasonable for that information to be used elsewhere). It could even extended further and be used as a basis for NPC's handing out bounty missions to do a certain amount of Isk-damage to players who are flagged with the "pirate faction suspect" flag described above. It really opens a whole world of possibilities, gets more players fighting (which is a driving force behind player interaction) and really solidifies both "piracy" and "bounty hunting" as the professions people seem to want without removing the PvP aspect.

Also, as for the issue of targeting invulnerability and warp bubbles, 60s should hopefully be long enough to get out of a bubble in a pod. And if it's not, either the time can be increased, or if the bubble is being moved, I imagine the player would take that as a hint to just suicide their pod.
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2013-06-26 01:49:41 UTC
I feel as though your post is off topic, as it aims to introduce PVE content instead of the original ideas in the thread. I would suggest making your own thread with these ideas if you are so inspired
Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2013-06-26 02:01:53 UTC
Gorgoth24 wrote:
I feel as though your post is off topic, as it aims to introduce PVE content instead of the original ideas in the thread. I would suggest making your own thread with these ideas if you are so inspired

I apologize if it seemed off-topic. The OP was talking about mechanics relating the the facilitation of piracy, and after outlining possible exploitation with such a mechanic, I suggested something in a similar vein the FW, a piracy system that, while run of of NPC stations would be entirely based around PvP and associated mechanics; so I thought this thread would be as good a place as any.
Vapour Holdings
#12 - 2013-06-26 02:25:26 UTC
First, I like this idea. A lot.

I would like to propose an 'honour counter' or something for both Alliances, Corps and individual pilots. If a ransom is honoured, the pilot being ransomed can chose to add 1 to the HC of the pilots/corps/alliances involved. If the ransom is NOT honoured, the HC of all involved is reduced by 1.

Neutral alts gaming the system. They're everywhere. Use them to artificially inflate your e-honour counter. Use them to pod a ransomed player.
Mixed fleets. What if one corp wants to honour the ransom but the other ones don't? What if one pilot isn't on comms and shoots anyway?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-06-26 02:32:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Shereza
Regarding enforced trust consider this. Pirates are not beholden to use any "ransom mechanic" implemented. They can choose to do so as they wish or they can tell the person whose pod they have locked down, "Send money, no bulls***, or else." The only thing some sort of built in ransom mechanic would do is give the person who's in a pod the guarantee that they'll have a window, however small it might be, to escape from their current situation

It does not prevent them from getting trapped by someone else at their destination station/PoS/whatever, on the other side of the gate, or at the destination gate in the next system. It also does not guarantee that other members of the ransomer's corporation/alliance(/fleet who aren't in that system?) won't be able to track down, lock up, and pod that person in a few minutes.

As long as it removes no existent gameplay I don't see that there's anything wrong with at least talking about such a mechanic being implemented. Even if the safety net it provides only appears half the time and is relatively illusory at that it will still induce some people into PvP whom might otherwise pass it over.

Above all just remember one basic thing. If it's done right no pirate should ever be forced to use a ransom mechanic. It would be solely up to their discretion to do so.
Vladimir Norkoff
Income Redistribution Service
#14 - 2013-06-26 02:52:15 UTC
The problem with such a system is that it deprives players of the ability to break their word. And while I don't condone dishonoring ransoms, players should ALWAYS have the choice to do so if they wished. Sure, the ebil pirate could still just ransom thru a convo like always. But if yor proposed system existed it becomes pretty obvious that the only reason anyone would ever ransom via convo is to dishonor it, so it would never work. Hence dishonoring ransoms would be impossible, and a choice is removed from players' options.

In any case, if you are having problems securing ransoms than perhaps you need to refine your approach. Be polite and casual. Keep the price low and reasonable. Feign disinterest as to which choice they make (pay or die). And show some sympathy for their plight. Usually worked pretty well for me.
Kirkwood Ross
Golden Profession
#15 - 2013-06-26 03:33:43 UTC
What stops a third party from keeping a lock on the pod? What stops the pirate from smartbombing and killing the pod anyways?
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2013-06-26 04:23:47 UTC
Nice Idea, but yeah, very exploitable. Neutral alts always ruin the day with stuff like this. ;(
Agree to ransom > ransomer can't engage you > neut alt pods you
Agreeing to ransom gives you temporary invulnerability > Use mechanic to fly into enemy fleet at perfect range + warp to 0/cyno

One way to make it work would be to have the Ransom contract fail if the ship is destroyed within X amount of time. So if you pay and you get blown up then you get your ransom back. Though it may be unrealistic, it is all i can think of to make it work so far.
Dring Dingle
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2013-06-26 04:30:18 UTC
Ransoming and piracy is player driven content.....

you don't need a ccp pop up box to facilitate it.... The dueling mechanism was called for.... because you couldnt legal dog fight a friend in high sec)

But i think thats really as far as it should go when creating or ending limited engagements. If you want to ransom someone you still can.
Next Stage Initiative
#18 - 2013-06-26 04:34:04 UTC
A 'ransom' option, I'm not against. Seems like a quick-market or contract system much like bounties.

As far as the trust mechanics, I prefer that the game leaves it to the players. Ransom, pay ransom, but don't hard-code any kind of restrictions. Let the pirate still be able to gank the pod after the ransom is paid. Thus is life.

I have (as a player) ransomed others. But I won't pay a ransom. It's not about trust. That's more a moral policy than any other.

Don't pay a ransom, and don't stop shooting until somebodies dead. It's why I personally play.

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

supernova ranger
The End of Eternity
#19 - 2013-06-26 04:51:57 UTC
I've been caught twice in lowsec and been offered ransoms, once because I was d-scanning with the wrong overview (noticed i was on the wrong one when my shield warning went off) and the other cause I managed to align alone the invisible exterior of an asteroid's sphere (at least they were curtious and blew my proc up with a vindicator... Was tanking the frigates fine till then)

I'd say the only rules needed is that the ransom is payed when a player docks to stop their buddies from shooting you. Rules could be placed on top of this to avoid exploiting it like "ransom is payed when u jump out of a dockable system" or "it is only payed when they reach highsec" making the pirates have to escort you out to receive their booty.

Could also be a way of bribing boarder guards :D or enforcing border crossing fees for major sovereign holders...
Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#20 - 2013-06-26 05:57:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Commander Ted
Perhaps there should be an ability to haggle the ransom?
One time during an awox I captured a pod and ransomed it for 200mil, the guy accepted extremely quickly and I had a poor friend with me so I demanded another 200mil and he gave it to me.

Then I let him go, i probably could have gotten a billion out of him.

It should work like a normal trade window where both parties have to click accept, you can drag and drop anything from your assets window and put in isk. Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

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