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Astrophotography continued...

#1 - 2013-06-25 15:27:15 UTC

Almost two years ago, I posted this, as I started my Astrophotography hobby:

My first attempts at Astrophotography

I've been on break from EVE since September 2012 and just came back on a free 5-day special. So in addition to checking out all the cool things that CCP has done to the game (Harbinger Navy Issue........YES!!!!!!), I thought I'd also drop in on the forums and post a link to my latest Astro shots.

At this link, you can see them all. The most recent ones are at the top. My older shots with my older equipment are further below (including the ones I linked above). In the grand scheme of things, I still have a long ways to go in taking better images of objects, as well as improving my post-processing skills. For the most part, I'm fairly happy with the improvements I've made so far.


Astrophotography on Flickr

5 days are up today or tomorrow. Looking forward to re-subbing soon afterwards. Stay tuned for m0ar!
#2 - 2013-06-25 15:30:25 UTC
Double poast, fail!