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Wardeck diviation

supernova ranger
The End of Eternity
#1 - 2013-06-25 03:09:44 UTC
I propose splitting the war deck system to give entities the option to choose what they want to fight and where they want to fight.

I see allot of wars start because people want easy kills in trade hubs and pipelines but I see a few that are pretty good and get some really good fights going, emphasis on few. Allot of wars are pointless, annoying and essentially ignored for most players and this idea is attempting to focus wars on their intent... be it an attack on the miners, good shoot em up fun, killing cargo transfer logistics, or going after rookies that aren't checking local. The current wardeck system engages all of these at once and then usually ignores most of the possibilities to focus on just one, leaving the others to be on high alert for nothing.

That, nothing happens part is the stupid

I would give the option for wars to be confined by the aggressor for solar system, constellation, and region the war is to take place and by ship type in regards to combat, subcap industrials, and capital industrial and POS'.

Before you enter the area in question, be an undock or jump, a notification pops up on your screen, that u can turn off from reoccurring in the main menu, that explains the current rules for the wars you are in - the wars tab also shows the current engagement rules - if you are in a warzone, you get a symbol at the top left of your screen that you can hover over and see who is at war with you here

being that this wardeck system only has three levels for combat and an optional extra, I'd recommend very clear I, II, or III plus an on/off circling of the number (for POS option) for the wardeck symbol to help differentiate when multiple wars are present or for quick refference

Even more so, have an option on the star map that turns systems red if your corporation has an ongoing war rules in it

So to give a few examples;

One might declare The Forge as the location for the war and that ships up to capital industrials and in addition POS's
-Cheaper then a full new eden war
-Same rules as the current war deck system
-The war is confined to The Forge and war like actions outside of this region are to be handled via non-war mechanics

One might declare Hek as the location for the war and that ships up to industials and not including POS's
-Cheaper then the war above
-Same rules as the current war deck system save that Player Owned Structures, orca's, freighters, jump freighters, and roquals are not included in the war on either side (war does have some implications in lowsec so rorqual can be included)
-The war is confined to Hek and war like actions outside of this system are to be handled via non-war mechanics

One might declare two wars on a corporation, the one discribed in hek and then another in Niraja
- same situation as above but now the system Niraja is included

I foresee a problem with the number of wardecks that may occur/ tracking them and if anyone has suggestions on this aspect I'm open ears. I think making a nice new shiny tool that organizes it all for you and pulls names out of local that are involved to display in the tool would be good. The tool would have 4 tabs,people in teir 1, 2, and 3 and then again in a POS tab to show you who was in local that could give you trouble and then each tab would have a list of corporations that would expand to show the people in a list that looked like a local of just wartargets... well hopefully that makes sense...
Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-06-25 04:35:05 UTC
Wouldn't really work on the largest levels of war, that is coalition warfare. Not to mention, I don't think corp directors would appreciate more tabs being added to the bunch they already have to keep track of everything. There was an idea posted a couple of days ago about simply adding a long-ish period of time between being able to declare war and being able to call it off that solves most of the problems surrounding the casual war-decs that happen in highsec. And as for finding convoys of miners to kills or transports or that kind of thing, most of the game is not highsec space and it can be done more easily there. Your idea almost trivializes war a bit, only declaring war on the enemy corps industrials and that kind of thing. IMO war should be serious business.
supernova ranger
The End of Eternity
#3 - 2013-06-26 03:54:50 UTC
Gigan Amilupar wrote:
Wouldn't really work on the largest levels of war, that is coalition warfare. Not to mention, I don't think corp directors would appreciate more tabs being added to the bunch they already have to keep track of everything. There was an idea posted a couple of days ago about simply adding a long-ish period of time between being able to declare war and being able to call it off that solves most of the problems surrounding the casual war-decs that happen in highsec. And as for finding convoys of miners to kills or transports or that kind of thing, most of the game is not highsec space and it can be done more easily there. Your idea almost trivializes war a bit, only declaring war on the enemy corps industrial and that kind of thing. IMO war should be serious business.

Well they should be but there not atm... Realistically speaking

I'd love to have a war system where when a war starts you can at least be assured that the enemy will undock at least once in the war... Small gangs sniffing for easy targets is not serious...

Do coalition wars even work through game mechanics?

It wasn't targeting industrialists specifically just giving them the option...

Low and null security doesn't get effected by war declarations unless they are going through highsec or want to avoid security status hits...Hmm, but maybe gate guns are an issue?.................... Right... Concord is the major issue in wars and that only applies to highsec...

I do think it could get confusing and why I'd want a war tool separate from the corporation ones that let you do allot at once and in a way that is as easy as throwing pies at peoples faces... :D... Nom Nom

On top of everything the old options for war decking would be there and just as easily accessed as before or maybe even more so if the tool would work like I would hope.... Something like this but maybe more elavorate...

Current wars:
List of all wars organized by Corp/ alliance

X (New button here to clear this enty)entity to be decked X system/ constellation/ region/ New Eden X Combat/ Industry/ Capitals/ Corp Assets X Another?
(If another is selected - another line shows up with the same settings as the one above it)

(button for declare war(s)) > Warning screen, you are about to declare war on (list of entities you selected) > goes through pages to specify settings for each war if u selected constellation/ region > Notice screen, All selected wars have been declared. Please refer to the status tab for their current status.

Kirkwood Ross
Golden Profession
#4 - 2013-06-26 04:56:11 UTC
This change would make it cheaper for trade hub campers to pop newbs in null-sec alliances. Kinda feels like a vet would want to sacrifice their newbs in jita for safe passage elsewhere in hi-sec.