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Safe log off cloaking

supernova ranger
The End of Eternity
#1 - 2013-06-25 03:49:12 UTC
This thread is for discussing this particular idea for cloaking only... I doubt saying that will work but please try to stay calm...


1. A player goes afk for 30min and doesn't interact with the game while cloaked
2. A safe log of timer starts (30 seconds)
3. Timer hits zero, client disconnects
4. Player logs back in at same location cloaked with cloak on (no warp in effect, it just appears)

Possible abuse:
Players can log off 100% safely via waiting 30min with a cloak on...

Good trade off? Or bad idea?

Logging off safely has its merit but I think when it comes to afk cloaking it's kinda a mute point... No need to log off, just go afk
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#2 - 2013-06-25 04:13:58 UTC
AFK cloaking would not be a problem if you couldn't see them in local. Therefore: remove local and all your worries go away.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#3 - 2013-06-25 04:19:07 UTC
While it looks like a nerf to AFK cloaking, it could actually turn out to be an amazingly hilarious buff.
Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2013-06-25 04:21:58 UTC
Aliventi wrote:
AFK cloaking would not be a problem if you couldn't see them in local. Therefore: remove local and all your worries go away.

+1 to that. Why should only cloakies have a mechanic that forces them to log off? For other players peace of mind? If the person is afk they aren't harming anyone, and people should be prepared to defend themselves or get help if they are running a PvE activity in dangerous space. If people are so worried about afk cloakies then they should do their L4 mission running or Mining in high-sec like so many other players do, and even then realize that no where is totally safe, just proportionally safer.
Dring Dingle
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2013-06-25 04:23:00 UTC
FFS.. Local isnt going anywhere. if it did. hot drops would become even more of a pain in the ass.

you dont want local. go to WH space.

as for OP's post. it could work... but afk-ing a system is still gameplay. and a strategy i suppose. ive done it once or twice. it was quite amusing watching the local chat flare up in annoyance. and after i was there for a few hours i managed to catch a 100 mil pod on undock. so not sure if dc-ing a player is a good thing, : /

Aquila Sagitta
#6 - 2013-06-25 07:32:36 UTC
ogod the fun you could have with this. Cloak in anom in ratting hub with covert cyno. Wait 30 mins. Have brand new alt watch that anom and soon as someone starts running it... Twisted
Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#7 - 2013-06-25 08:31:45 UTC
supernova ranger wrote:
This thread is for discussing this particular idea for cloaking only... I doubt saying that will work but please try to stay calm...


1. A player goes afk for 30min and doesn't interact with the game while cloaked
2. A safe log of timer starts (30 seconds)
3. Timer hits zero, client disconnects
4. Player logs back in at same location cloaked with cloak on (no warp in effect, it just appears)

Possible abuse:
Players can log off 100% safely via waiting 30min with a cloak on...

Good trade off? Or bad idea?

Logging off safely has its merit but I think when it comes to afk cloaking it's kinda a mute point... No need to log off, just go afk

What about people AFK in stations / POS / Outposts????
They are doing EXACTLY the same as a cloaker.... namely being AFK, Uncatchable and showing up in Local.

What mechanic are you suggesting is employed to detect inactivity???

Do you think this will just encourage more BOT use.... namely a bot that changes your flight direction once every 25mins, or simply wobbles the mouse....

But really.... why are you only targeting people with a cloak module? Care to tell us the story where an AFK cloaked ship touched you inappropriately?

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#8 - 2013-06-25 09:20:17 UTC
Beside the side-effect of making log-off traps overpowered (as someone already pointed at)...
Beside I don't see what this is suposed to fix...

Beside all this, what I'm doing behind the screen, if I'm afk or not, is none fo your business.

But if you really want to add a pain of anti anti iddle system in EVE then let's do it for everyone (figure the fun...), also for people docked in station, not only for playstyles you dislike.

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#9 - 2013-06-25 09:30:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Dring Dingle wrote:

you dont want local. go to WH space.

same for afk cloaker whiners.. if you dont want them, go to WH.

Sura Sadiva wrote:
Beside all this, what I'm doing behind the screen, if I'm afk or not, is none fo your business.

exactly this
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#10 - 2013-06-25 12:43:30 UTC
supernova ranger wrote:
This thread is for discussing this particular idea for cloaking only... I doubt saying that will work but please try to stay calm...


1. A player goes afk for 30min and doesn't interact with the game while cloaked
2. A safe log of timer starts (30 seconds)
3. Timer hits zero, client disconnects
4. Player logs back in at same location cloaked with cloak on (no warp in effect, it just appears)

Possible abuse:
Players can log off 100% safely via waiting 30min with a cloak on...

Good trade off? Or bad idea?

Logging off safely has its merit but I think when it comes to afk cloaking it's kinda a mute point... No need to log off, just go afk

Why do supercaps need this buff? How does it work in heavy TIDI?
supernova ranger
The End of Eternity
#11 - 2013-06-26 05:08:08 UTC
Well worth a shot, I didn't see it harm the cloaker or the others in local so I thought it might work

The double alt covert cyno thing, didn't see that coming... Nice creativity

No solution to cloaking "problem" and being in highsec I think more nullsecers should go get blown up