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Free To Play Idea

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Super Mining Bros - 3D
#41 - 2013-06-23 15:45:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Gnord
Mr Doctor wrote:

Its bad for the gamer. You cant pay £30 and get the game, £30 only gets you access to some features and usually for a limited time. I'm fine with subs for things like Eve and I'm fine with F2P if there is also an option for a full unlock for £30-40 but I'm not fine with the current model that rapes the people who love your game. F2P is build on a facade of "its so good!" while they stick a hoover on your bank account if you want anything near a full experience.

I can't tell if you're talking about my idea, or an experience you had with a different game.
I don't think it applies to my idea, since the existing payment isn't ramped up in any way.

If you don't need to dock or train, then you can play for free. Or, if you can live in a cruiser, then you can play for free.

If you're paying now, then you won't be affected at all by my idea, other than having more people to shoot at. Including some people who can't dock, because they're flying a restricted ship without a license. :D

Paying is identical to how it is now. This F2P idea is the same game, for the same cost, or a less convenient game, for free. Nothing costs more.

Omnathious Deninard wrote:

Free to play is bad for a game and a short term F2P is usually a last ditch effort to get subs.
Now to debunk your thread, I currently have 44m SP, 160 skill injected and only 17 of those cant be trained on trial accounts most of which are only to level 4 at most, some are still untrained and only 3 are to level 5.

I'm not sure how that debunks the thread. That's 17 reasons you wouldn't be able to dock/undock unless you were paying. (The level of those skills wouldn't matter)

If you can live without those ships, then you play for free. If you want to use those ships, you must do-so without docking. The reason I choose docking is because it works when you DO have those skills already. Nothing says you can't fly the ship. You just can't dock/undock with it.
Ice Fire Warriors
#42 - 2013-06-23 16:19:13 UTC
The issue here is that a F2P system wouldn't work very well in EVE for balance reasons.

As Omnathious Deninard was trying to say... you can use the trial period to get all the skills you need for a menial task (hauling, trading, basic mining, etc) and then just keep the character as a free to play alt til the end of time. It never needs to train beyond the skills it needs.
Of course... you wouldn't need a trial period when the game is F2P... but the workaround for that is to just PLEX the account for a month and then let it lapse back to F2P once it has what it needs. And getting the ISK required to buy a PLEX isn't all that hard when you know what you are doing... even with no skills (ie you can scam, beg, get a loan, perform an out of game service, etc).

PLUS... given how enterprising and quickly EVE players take advantage of any loopholes you will most certainly see such characters being used en mass... which may have an adverse affect to the in-game economy and gameplay in general.

I could totally see myself getting a couple dozen cyno-scout alts (which require, at most, 2 weeks of training) and deploying them everywhere in low sec. My enemies would do the same.
I can see myself spending a bit of PLEX to get a couple dozen accounts to use mining barges (takes about a month of focused training), let them go to F2P, then strip belts I find to fund my activities (because really... why SHOULDN'T I take advantage of having as many free income sources as possible?) and keep the only account I really care about PLEXed.

What you'd have to do to make this idea even remotely balanced is by banning multiboxing, limiting one player to one account, and making WAY too many restrictions on what ships you can fly with what modules (which can be easily gotten around if you don't first ban multiboxing). I see neither of these things happening in the foreseeable future.
Elizabeth Aideron
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2013-06-23 16:24:31 UTC
Gnord wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
God no, ccp needs money, otherwise we can't enjoy eve. Freeplay mmos are rarely the quality of eve and have never lasted as long. Some things are worth paying for.

It is quite possible to earn MORE money under a good microtransaction/free-to-play model. Granted, it must be done correctly.
Since the game is already made, and is already gorgeous and high-quality, the real goal now is simply: More players.

ccp would make more money if they made a time machine and made wow before blizzard did. i expect this wonderful idea to be implemented at once
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2013-06-23 17:08:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Shereza
Gnord wrote:
As Robert Caldera pointed out, you CURRENTLY cannot connect a trial account if there is another connection. I didn't know about that restriction, but since it's already there... It also addresses your concern. You CAN'T have unlimited scouts, or bots, or massive fleets of disposable alts, because you'd only be able to connect with one unpaid account if no other accounts are logged in from your location.

That might be the case if you're working with just one logical/physical machine, but the moment you bring in multiple PCs (with either friends, roommates, or just a KVM switch to swap controls while each machine is plugged into their own monitor) or virtual machines that restriction goes out the window. Yes, it's a violation of the ToS/EULA (at least if you use a VM IIRC), but CCP's going to have a hard time proving that that's what's going on.

Kay Ahn wrote:
EVE Forums could really use some sort of "Dislike" or "Hate" button... If nothing else, it would be nice to see how unpopular certain posts or topics really are.

Agreed. "Like" buttons/links without a "dislike" option are little more than lies in my less than humble opinion. I think it's grand that I have (ATP) 140 "Likes," but I have to wonder how many people would have Dislike'd stuff I've posted. I rather figure the number would be at least 3x the number of people who Like'd what I've posted.

ShahFluffers wrote:
As Omnathious Deninard was trying to say... you can use the trial period to get all the skills you need for a menial task (hauling, trading, basic mining, etc) and then just keep the character as a free to play alt til the end of time. It never needs to train beyond the skills it needs.

Here's a prime example of this. Train a couple pilots to fly Ventures. Give them maximum nav skills, some moderate shield buffer skills, and then use them to haul ore for mining ops. At 4km3 a pop they aren't shabby haulers by any stretch, and if they might take more trips to unload an orca they'll make those trips faster than some industrials, and as long as they keep up with the mining ships it doesn't matter how many trips they need to make.

ShahFluffers wrote:
PLUS... given how enterprising and quickly EVE players take advantage of any loopholes you will most certainly see such characters being used en mass... which may have an adverse affect to the in-game economy and gameplay in general.

The old "PLEX a buddy invite to yourself for a free replacement PLEX" issue is a prime example of that. You could effectively PLEX as many "51 day trial" accounts at a time as you wanted, and within a few days they'd all be flying a retriever, industrial, or cheapo combat cruiser. I mention the latter because if you got one ship to aggro everything in the room you could use vexors or arbitrators, deploy dozens of light drones, and watch the mission get done in relative ease.

ShahFluffers wrote:
What you'd have to do to make this idea even remotely balanced is by banning multiboxing, limiting one player to one account, and making WAY too many restrictions on what ships you can fly with what modules (which can be easily gotten around if you don't first ban multiboxing). I see neither of these things happening in the foreseeable future.

And if CCP had to ban multi-boxing I might very well have to quit playing the game. I've been playing the game about seven years now and I started multi-boxing within the first six months. At this point playing without multi-boxing practically makes my skin crawl.

Oh, yes, and CCP probably couldn't stop multi-boxing unless they made the client confirm that it's not being run in a virtual machine, a process which has been bypassed in several F2P MMOs, and/or not allow multiple connections from the same IP address which would effectively eliminate roommates/couples/families from playing together as well.

I could very easily see privacy nuts having a field day with the EVE Online client scanning active processes and whatnot to confirm that it's not being run in a virtual machine, and I could see the whole "friends and family" crowd having a field day with an "only one connection per IP address" restriction.
Super Mining Bros - 3D
#45 - 2013-06-23 19:33:59 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
The issue here is that a F2P system wouldn't work very well in EVE for balance reasons.

As Omnathious Deninard was trying to say... you can use the trial period to get all the skills you need for a menial task (hauling, trading, basic mining, etc) and then just keep the character as a free to play alt til the end of time. It never needs to train beyond the skills it needs.
Of course... you wouldn't need a trial period when the game is F2P... but the workaround for that is to just PLEX the account for a month and then let it lapse back to F2P once it has what it needs. And getting the ISK required to buy a PLEX isn't all that hard when you know what you are doing... even with no skills (ie you can scam, beg, get a loan, perform an out of game service, etc).

PLUS... given how enterprising and quickly EVE players take advantage of any loopholes you will most certainly see such characters being used en mass... which may have an adverse affect to the in-game economy and gameplay in general.

I could totally see myself getting a couple dozen cyno-scout alts (which require, at most, 2 weeks of training) and deploying them everywhere in low sec. My enemies would do the same.
I can see myself spending a bit of PLEX to get a couple dozen accounts to use mining barges (takes about a month of focused training), let them go to F2P, then strip belts I find to fund my activities (because really... why SHOULDN'T I take advantage of having as many free income sources as possible?) and keep the only account I really care about PLEXed.

What you'd have to do to make this idea even remotely balanced is by banning multiboxing, limiting one player to one account, and making WAY too many restrictions on what ships you can fly with what modules (which can be easily gotten around if you don't first ban multiboxing). I see neither of these things happening in the foreseeable future.

I certainly see where you're coming from, and this is certainly something that came up in earlier posts. What I did not know two pages back, was that you can't access a trial account if any other connection is currently open. I think that restriction ALREADY handles a lot of those loopholes you talk about. So, if we keep that, it already deals with most or all of the multibox issues you talk about here. Certainly it does with cyno's, since you'd have to have 2 accounts online at the same time. The only way to have two accounts open is for both to be paid accounts.

I'm sure there's other exploits, but so far as I've seen in this discussion, it should be pretty minor to deal with them as they arise. (which is already what happens with Trial Accounts)
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2013-06-23 19:53:14 UTC
Sorry, but the limit on client connections when trial accounts are involved is so easy to bypass that it does little to nothing to negate any abuse concerns. In addition to the two methods I mentioned someone mentioned a supposed third method of bypassing the restriction without using multiple machines, physical or otherwise, to achieve it.

ShahFluffers' comment on CCP needing to block multi-boxing whole hog to make this idea workable was indeed quite accurate.
Super Mining Bros - 3D
#47 - 2013-06-23 20:05:19 UTC
Shereza wrote:

That might be the case if you're working with just one logical/physical machine, but the moment you bring in multiple PCs ... that restriction goes out the window. Yes, it's a violation of the ToS/EULA..., but CCP's going to have a hard time proving that that's what's going on.

Here's a prime example of this. Train a couple pilots to fly Ventures...

The old "PLEX a buddy ... "51 day trial" accounts...

And if CCP had to ban multi-boxing I might very well have to quit playing the game. I've been playing the game about seven years now and I started multi-boxing within the first six months. At this point playing without multi-boxing practically makes my skin crawl.

Oh, yes, and CCP probably couldn't stop multi-boxing...

I trimmed your response a bit so that it wasn't so huge
I like your response. Your counterpoints are very specific, and indeed, I don't have a complete answer for them. Thanks for thinking about this, rather than knee-jerking. And my response:

Multiboxing and testing thereof: This is an interesting and sticky point. I run multiple clients, and I like that I can do that. I agree that I wouldn't want to go away either. But I want to make this point: We shouldn't design the game around cheaters. If THIS SPECIFIC IDEA can't work because of cheaters, then that is what it is.

But there are LOTS of games out there that have F2P, and manage this problem. We shouldn't abandon the whole concept of F2P just because of some cheaters. Done right, a good F2P option could have a HUGE benefit to the game. And, as I mentioned, I think PLEX as F2P is awesome, but it's also geared towards a play-style that isn't necessarily the best for the game. It drives players towards the same high-isk activities, which are the very activities that botters and cheaters use. PLEX just might be a contributing factor. I have no data to back that up, so it's just speculation. That would be something for CCP to investigate. If there were a F2P option that didn't require a high-isk income, then maybe some of that would not happen. The net effect would not be so simple. It could go either way, but we don't know without testing.

Also, despite me liking/defending multiboxing... Eve is one of the only games I know about that allows it (and even markets it). Due to the fact they market it, with the Power of Two campaign, I don't think they could legitimately ever revoke it.

PLEX: I want to use the PLEX exploit as *my* argument actually. There was an exploit. They identified it, tracked it, and closed the loophole. It's a live system with real people on the other end, constantly working for an advantage. ANY system will be imperfect, and require maintenance. Again, I think it's silly to throw out something that could be awesome, just because it people might find abuses. EVERY change they make has the potential to be exploitable. As long as they watch and maintain it, then it'll be fine.

VENTURES: ... as haulers? Iiiin-teresting.... I never looked at their stats closely. Agreed, there could be a problem there. Still, the definition of a hauler is the one who takes the ore to somewhere... like a station. They couldn't dock, which is basically the entire purpose of the hauler. Honestly, you could do the same with an Orca pilot. But if they can't dock, then they can't do their job. I won't say that it won't come up as a problem, but I think it could be fixed.

We shouldn't abandon the concept of F2P just because there's a few existing conflicts. I think your post demonstrates that it won't be as simple as I proposed. But I think it could still be done, making the whole game a lot more accessible to lapsed veterans, and new players alike.
Super Mining Bros - 3D
#48 - 2013-06-23 20:10:35 UTC
Shereza wrote:
Sorry, but the limit on client connections when trial accounts are involved is so easy to bypass that it does little to nothing to negate any abuse concerns. In addition to the two methods I mentioned someone mentioned a supposed third method of bypassing the restriction without using multiple machines, physical or otherwise, to achieve it.

ShahFluffers' comment on CCP needing to block multi-boxing whole hog to make this idea workable was indeed quite accurate.

We should fight cheaters, but we shouldn't let them rule us. We shouldn't let them prevent the game from getting bigger and better. F2P would bring a whole host of positive aspects to the game. Saying we can't do good stuff because of cheaters is letting the cheaters define the game.

You are letting the cheaters win! Twisted
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2013-06-23 20:17:19 UTC
The multiboxing trial accounts is easily circumvented. CCP would need to do a out right ban on all multi boxing.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Super Mining Bros - 3D
#50 - 2013-06-23 20:19:44 UTC
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
The multiboxing trial accounts is easily circumvented. CCP would need to do a out right ban on all multi boxing.

I think there is a VAST gulf between these two statements.
I'm sure that a perfectly reasonable middle ground could be accomplished that stops cheaters, and still allows real players to do their thing.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2013-06-23 20:38:30 UTC
Gnord wrote:
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
The multiboxing trial accounts is easily circumvented. CCP would need to do a out right ban on all multi boxing.

I think there is a VAST gulf between these two statements.
I'm sure that a perfectly reasonable middle ground could be accomplished that stops cheaters, and still allows real players to do their thing.

In eve if you give an inch they will take a mile, that is true for all thing. If you allow multiboxing people will find a way to exploit it. If the game has a free to play version people will find a way to exploit it.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2013-06-24 00:15:16 UTC
Gnord wrote:
Also, despite me liking/defending multiboxing... Eve is one of the only games I know about that allows it (and even markets it). Due to the fact they market it, with the Power of Two campaign, I don't think they could legitimately ever revoke it.

World of Warcraft has actively allowed multi-boxing for quite some time, and Rift has as well. Of course what makes Rift interesting as that it recently went F2P itself. Trion might have put multi-boxing limits on it as a response, or they might not have. It might be worth looking into to see both how they have handled it, what they have said about it, and what their take might be on, for example, people multi-boxing entire raids with free accounts.

Gnord wrote:
Again, I think it's silly to throw out something that could be awesome, just because it people might find abuses. EVERY change they make has the potential to be exploitable. As long as they watch and maintain it, then it'll be fine.

The problem isn't that something might be abused, exploited, or worked around. It's that sooner or later, more often than CCP would appreciate it's sooner, it will be done, and with the player:employee ratio in excess of thousands to one we can probably find and exploit things faster than they can patch them.

That might be par for the course with gaming in general, but it's also a drain on CCP's resources.

Gnord wrote:
Still, the definition of a hauler is the one who takes the ore to somewhere... like a station. They couldn't dock, which is basically the entire purpose of the hauler.

Why couldn't they dock? Ventures are mining frigates with 5km3 ore holds (my bad on saying 4km3) that can be trained and used on trial accounts. Unless I missed something saying otherwise they are allowable under the current suggestion for restrictions to F2P accounts. Making them unusable by trial/free accounts would require an active change to current game mechanics and would in turn cause problems with getting potential industrialists to play the game.

Gnord wrote:
We shouldn't abandon the concept of F2P just because there's a few existing conflicts. I think your post demonstrates that it won't be as simple as I proposed. But I think it could still be done, making the whole game a lot more accessible to lapsed veterans, and new players alike.

Unfortunately EVE Online is really not the sort of game that works well in an F2P environment, and by and large I don't believe that the player base is one that would work well with a free EVE Online either. At the very least many players would begrudge the time and effort developers have to spend on making it a workable solution, most if not all effort spent on "vanity items," and then there's also the ongoing development cost of having to deal with a player base like EVE's who like to break things such as concurrent trial account login restrictions. That's not getting into what might happen if CCP introduces, or even suggests introducing, anything that might in any way, shape, or form give some sort of tangible benefit to someone in-game that is purchasable. Even if it's purchased via aurum it would still cause outcry.

I'm not against the idea where it's warranted, but EVE Online is working just fine as-is. I don't see any significant reason why CCP should give up being one of the few games out there that shows that it's still possible to grow your player base year after year while charging a monthly subscription fee. I also don't want to see EVE diminished in the ways it almost certainly would need to be diminished to support a free to play environment.

As for getting former players to come back and play it can be handled as simply as CCP taking a page from Blizzard and offering the occasional, "Hey, come on back and try the game for a week. A lot's changed and you might like it" temporary game time. In point of fact CCP has offered such things in the past, though I don't know if they still do it anymore. For that matter if CCP were to do a little work with contracts and bring back the loan style contract then people could come back and play under "Hours for PLEXes" take out a PLEX/isk loan, and get back into playing the game that way. Of course there would be abuse concerns there, but I figure that some creative penalties could handle some if not most of them.

Gnord wrote:
We should fight cheaters, but we shouldn't let them rule us. We shouldn't let them prevent the game from getting bigger and better. F2P would bring a whole host of positive aspects to the game. Saying we can't do good stuff because of cheaters is letting the cheaters define the game.

You are letting the cheaters win! Twisted

How do you believe CCP should go about preventing people from concurrently logging in with more than one trial/free account without preventing multiple people under one roof from playing the game even if one or more of them is using a trial/free account? There's no significant difference between that scenario and someone multi-boxing with multiple physical machines.

Likewise how do you believe CCP should go about preventing the use of the game client inside a virtual environment without either causing privacy issues or being done in such a way that players can, and will, work around the restrictions to continue multi-boxing with VMs?

It's not about giving in to "cheating" or letting "cheaters" win, and for the record EVE Online does actively promote an atmosphere where "if you aren't cheating you aren't trying" is a valid viewpoint, so much as going with the most practical solution to solving a potential problem.
Azrael Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#53 - 2013-06-25 12:36:39 UTC
This F2P idea has been in the air for abit not and it got me thinking that it might not be a bad idea that you could be able to logon into the game and fly shuttles and buy something and do direct trades but thats it.

Now my idea is based on the fact the you need a pilot's license to play the game or the trial time but what if after your license expires you could still have minimal interaction with the game and after you reactivate your pilots license you could do what you wish again.

The idea is that even trying to play market games it would be so difficult that no one would do it. Well few might but it would be stupid and the market could alse be setup so that you need the plex in order to get all the bonuses like tax reductions and so on and to use sell / buy orders.

It might be a silly implemention but at least you would not drop out if you plex expires. Your char would just stop training. in empire corcord would tell you do dock up or they would shoot you if your in something else than a shuttle. In null you could be in your ship but not activate modules or something.

So pretty small addition and I have a feeling most of you think it would be a silly one to implement but at least people could come online and interact with other people and fly to a station and buy a plex if nothing else.

Don't hate me it's just an idea Lol

After centuries of debating and justifying... Break Cloaks tm

Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#54 - 2013-06-25 12:49:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Jint Hikaru
Gnord wrote:
The core of the idea is this: Focus on the "cannot be trained on trial accounts" skills.

You cannot dock/undock with any ship or module that uses a restricted skills.
You cannot train while not paying.
(From Danika Princip:) You cannot engage in PI while not paying.

*** That's it ***

If you attempt to undock, while piloting a battecruiser, mining barge, or industrial (or battleship, capital ship, siege module, etc), it fails and you stay docked. If any of these items are in your cargo hold, undocking fails.

Obviously, there's a handful of exploits to get around this:
Namely, you assemble your ship, transfer it to a friend, undock in a pod, and your friend undocks your ship.

Why allow this?
Basically, if you have a paying friend, your presence is improving your friend's experience. BUT, there's a lot of drawbacks to transferring a ship non-securely in space: Theft, Time, Irritation.
Paying friends will be a limited supply, and this won't be doable en-masse.
Second of all, you could be that friend: "I have your ship, pay me money or I'll keep it." :D

OP simply wants free-to-play suicide alts he can rinse and repeat.

I cannot safely type the words that describe how terrible this idea is, without causing the moderators to ban-hammer me so hard that my children's children wont be allowed to post on the forum.

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#55 - 2013-06-25 12:54:01 UTC
Jint Hikaru wrote:
Gnord wrote:
The core of the idea is this: Focus on the "cannot be trained on trial accounts" skills.

You cannot dock/undock with any ship or module that uses a restricted skills.
You cannot train while not paying.
(From Danika Princip:) You cannot engage in PI while not paying.

*** That's it ***

If you attempt to undock, while piloting a battecruiser, mining barge, or industrial (or battleship, capital ship, siege module, etc), it fails and you stay docked. If any of these items are in your cargo hold, undocking fails.

Obviously, there's a handful of exploits to get around this:
Namely, you assemble your ship, transfer it to a friend, undock in a pod, and your friend undocks your ship.

Why allow this?
Basically, if you have a paying friend, your presence is improving your friend's experience. BUT, there's a lot of drawbacks to transferring a ship non-securely in space: Theft, Time, Irritation.
Paying friends will be a limited supply, and this won't be doable en-masse.
Second of all, you could be that friend: "I have your ship, pay me money or I'll keep it." :D

OP simply wants free-to-play suicide alts he can rinse and repeat.

I cannot safely type the words that describe how terrible this idea is, without causing the moderators to ban-hammer me so hard that my children's children wont be allowed to post on the forum.

Free to play dictor alts I dump out of my SMA would be laughably easy too, don't forget those.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2013-06-25 12:59:33 UTC
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
Just make it skill point based, it is free to play for the first 659,874 skill points. After that you have to pay.

Holy s**t!!!... while I'd like to note I think this whole F2P idea is generally terrible... this is the best suggestion towards it yet!!! but go one further... F2P accounts also can't use clone facilities at all. No JC's & no upgraded clones.

But seriously there is already a F2P model in game, if you can't earn the isk to plex your account each 30 days just buy a sub.

Lets be honest, if you can't afford £10/$15/month you probably can't really afford your internet connection and should probably biomass and go play something outside instead.


Trumpets and Bookmarks
#57 - 2013-06-25 13:16:02 UTC
I have no problem with Free To Play accounts as long as they only last a month and no skills can be learned that can't be learned on the current trial account.

+1 to op for coming up with a genuinely original idea with no negative sides to the game and no ways of being abused whatsoever.

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#58 - 2013-06-25 13:46:51 UTC
Tchulen wrote:
I have no problem with Free To Play accounts as long as they only last a month and no skills can be learned that can't be learned on the current trial account.

+1 to op for coming up with a genuinely original idea with no negative sides to the game and no ways of being abused whatsoever.

The sarcasm is so thick I could spread it on toast and eat it for breakfast with a nice hot cup of tea and some delicious fried eggs and bacon.
CCP Eterne
C C P Alliance
#59 - 2013-06-25 22:04:22 UTC
I have removed some inappropriate posts from this thread.

EVE Online/DUST 514 Community Representative ※ EVE Illuminati ※ Fiction Adept

@CCP_Eterne ※ @EVE_LiveEvents

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#60 - 2013-06-25 22:16:19 UTC
I don't support any iteration of free to play for eve online, I might come around to the other if the accounts were severly restricted such as only being able to fly rookie ships until they upgrade to a paid account and were exempt from cloning until they subscribed, meaning that if someone pod kills them they are not coming back.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...