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Money, itself, is broken.

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Kiarra Steele
My Best Friend Is An Emu
Get Jiggy Wit It
#21 - 2013-06-22 00:23:37 UTC
Samuelem Veterani wrote:
Kiarra Steele wrote:

In 1942(ish - in Socialist Germany) a loaf of bread cost so much money you would need a wheelbarrow to carry all the money to go buy the thing.

Yet we continue in our arrocance to think we are better than those who failed before us and commit the very same mistakes/ atrocirys ?

I could not agree more but this is how its meant to happen though isn't it ? thats the plan!!

and your happy with that "progression" of humanity ?



Kijo Rikki
Killboard Padding Services
#22 - 2013-06-22 00:29:56 UTC
I'm not sure I follow you OP. Money is simply a socially agreed upon currency that people can use to exchange for goods and services rather than bartering with their own goods and services. It facilitates trade by allowing parties who want said goods and services from a vendor that doesn't necessarily want your goods or services, if you even have any to trade for.

In any case, your argument is somewhat flawed, and I certainly don't want to sell a cheeseburger to someone and when they get done eating it have the $3.00 I charged them for it to disappear out of my wallet. I would like the opportunity to trade it for something I would like, and that's what happens - the money gets circulated as it passes hands for one good to another.

Furthermore, inflation of whatever currency you are using isn't determined by people still having cash after commodities have been consumed, it doesn't work like that. That money had to be printed somewhere, and that somewhere is probably a government. Inflation and the value of a currency used to be tied directly to how much printed money there is versus how much gold a country has....I'm not quite sure how they do it these days but I want to say it's compared to a countries GDP.

Well, that's a simple backwoods hyper-chicken way of looking at it, it's alot more complicated than that.

You make a valid point, good Sir or Madam. 

Kiarra Steele
My Best Friend Is An Emu
Get Jiggy Wit It
#23 - 2013-06-22 00:36:12 UTC
Kijo Rikki wrote:
I'm not sure I follow you OP. Money is simply a socially agreed upon currency that people can use to exchange for goods and services rather than bartering with their own goods and services. It facilitates trade by allowing parties who want said goods and services from a vendor that doesn't necessarily want your goods or services, if you even have any to trade for.

In any case, your argument is somewhat flawed, and I certainly don't want to sell a cheeseburger to someone and when they get done eating it have the $3.00 I charged them for it to disappear out of my wallet. I would like the opportunity to trade it for something I would like, and that's what happens - the money gets circulated as it passes hands for one good to another.

Furthermore, inflation of whatever currency you are using isn't determined by people still having cash after commodities have been consumed, it doesn't work like that. That money had to be printed somewhere, and that somewhere is probably a government. Inflation and the value of a currency used to be tied directly to how much printed money there is versus how much gold a country has....I'm not quite sure how they do it these days but I want to say it's compared to a countries GDP.

Well, that's a simple backwoods hyper-chicken way of looking at it, it's alot more complicated than that.

Well spoken like a capitalist, user, exploiter, scycophant, lover of money, self serving, one world understanding, simple ineducated , lost for spirit, no future, hate filled, freedom denying, megalomaniac, manipulative, people and life hating son of a *insert expletive here* - just my opinion.



Kijo Rikki
Killboard Padding Services
#24 - 2013-06-22 00:37:35 UTC
I see, you were trolling. Well played, sir. Well played. Smile

You make a valid point, good Sir or Madam. 

Kiarra Steele
My Best Friend Is An Emu
Get Jiggy Wit It
#25 - 2013-06-22 00:40:57 UTC
Kijo Rikki wrote:
I see, you were trolling. Well played, sir. Well played. Smile

Not trolling at all and once i have broken the programming you and your paedophile masters have imposed apon our young we will brake free; and in doing so realise the full criminality of your impostion apon our humanity.

Once the people see what you and your evil greedy kind have done to the people of the world there will be no stopping the tide of vengance. YOUR TIME HAS COME !!




Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2013-06-22 00:41:49 UTC
Kiarra Steele wrote:

Well spoken like a capitalist, user, exploiter, scycophant, lover of money, self serving, one world understanding, simple ineducated , lost for spirit, no future, hate filled, freedom denying, megalomaniac, manipulative, people and life hating son of a *insert expletive here* - just my opinion.

As a lover of money, this post greatly offends me.

Excuse me as I go make another billion or so to feel better.
Kijo Rikki
Killboard Padding Services
#27 - 2013-06-22 00:43:40 UTC
Kiarra Steele wrote:
Kijo Rikki wrote:
I see, you were trolling. Well played, sir. Well played. Smile

Not trolling at all and once i have broken the programming you and your paedophile masters have imposed apon our young we will brake free; and in doing so realise the full criminality of your impostion apon our humanity.

Once the people see what you and your evil greedy kind have done to the people of the world there will be no stopping the tide of vengance. YOUR TIME HAS COME !!


Ok but when you take over the world can you get started on the space program? I want to really see humanity reach for the stars before I die. Cool

You make a valid point, good Sir or Madam. 

Samuelem Veterani
Ranger Regiment
#28 - 2013-06-22 00:45:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Samuelem Veterani
Kiarra Steele wrote:
Samuelem Veterani wrote:
Kiarra Steele wrote:

In 1942(ish - in Socialist Germany) a loaf of bread cost so much money you would need a wheelbarrow to carry all the money to go buy the thing.

Yet we continue in our arrocance to think we are better than those who failed before us and commit the very same mistakes/ atrocirys ?

I could not agree more but this is how its meant to happen though isn't it ? thats the plan!!

and your happy with that "progression" of humanity ?

lol no I was being sarcastic, in the current system there is so much debt that it can NEVER be paid, the only reason we have lasted this long is the time lag between the new debt being created to pay of the old debt(with some clever shenanigans thrown in for good measure.) The current system if left to go to its logical conclusion would mean all the money would be in the hands of the lenders. However this and can not go on forever without some serious changes to the masses lifestyles or some form of population reduction.

The outcome of all this basically there will be a ruling class elite controlling(much more than they do now) or the peasants will revolt string up the aforementioned ruling elite and bring with it all the death and chaos that comes with that naturally. Either way it doesn't look pretty however If I can break my shackles the consequences might be worth it.
Kiarra Steele
My Best Friend Is An Emu
Get Jiggy Wit It
#29 - 2013-06-22 00:45:31 UTC
Kijo Rikki wrote:
Kiarra Steele wrote:
Kijo Rikki wrote:
I see, you were trolling. Well played, sir. Well played. Smile

Not trolling at all and once i have broken the programming you and your paedophile masters have imposed apon our young we will brake free; and in doing so realise the full criminality of your impostion apon our humanity.

Once the people see what you and your evil greedy kind have done to the people of the world there will be no stopping the tide of vengance. YOUR TIME HAS COME !!


Ok but when you take over the world can you get started on the space program? I want to really see humanity reach for the stars before I die. Cool

The hive mind.

This is the way to the stars.



Samuelem Veterani
Ranger Regiment
#30 - 2013-06-22 00:57:29 UTC
Important point to be made, what we have now is NOT capitalism its some weird hybrid neo ****. Point in case when the banks failed in the U.K. they should of been allowed to fail so a new system(people) could be put in place. What we have now is socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor. Iceland was bang on the nose here they let capitalism work.

Corporate are owning governments atm, one of the notable signs of fascism is when the corporate and the state come together. In th past it was governments taking over corporates, its just going the other way around atm howver we are not quite there yet...
Kiarra Steele
My Best Friend Is An Emu
Get Jiggy Wit It
#31 - 2013-06-22 01:03:41 UTC
Samuelem Veterani wrote:
Important point to be made, what we have now is NOT capitalism its some weird hybrid neo ****. Point in case when the banks failed in the U.K. they should of been allowed to fail so a new system(people) could be put in place. What we have now is socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor. Iceland was bang on the nose here they let capitalism work.

Corporate are owning governments atm, one of the notable signs of fascism is when the corporate and the state come together. In th past it was governments taking over corporates, its just going the other way around atm howver we are not quite there yet...

Again i say Money is BROKEN!/



Adunh Slavy
#32 - 2013-06-22 01:08:21 UTC

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Kiarra Steele
My Best Friend Is An Emu
Get Jiggy Wit It
#33 - 2013-06-22 01:11:56 UTC
Samuelem Veterani wrote:
Kiarra Steele wrote:
Samuelem Veterani wrote:
Kiarra Steele wrote:

In 1942(ish - in Socialist Germany) a loaf of bread cost so much money you would need a wheelbarrow to carry all the money to go buy the thing.

Yet we continue in our arrocance to think we are better than those who failed before us and commit the very same mistakes/ atrocirys ?

I could not agree more but this is how its meant to happen though isn't it ? thats the plan!!

and your happy with that "progression" of humanity ?

lol no I was being sarcastic, in the current system there is so much debt that it can NEVER be paid, the only reason we have lasted this long is the time lag between the new debt being created to pay of the old debt(with some clever shenanigans thrown in for good measure.) The current system if left to go to its logical conclusion would mean all the money would be in the hands of the lenders. However this and can not go on forever without some serious changes to the masses lifestyles or some form of population reduction.

The outcome of all this basically there will be a ruling class elite controlling(much more than they do now) or the peasants will revolt string up the aforementioned ruling elite and bring with it all the death and chaos that comes with that naturally. Either way it doesn't look pretty however If I can break my shackles the consequences might be worth it.

As i SaId Money is Broken , yet people would let them have a second chance?

OK people are fat and lazy but they deserve the chance to be slapped in the face with a wet fish and ujderstand what is happening to them. Dont they ?



Rotten Legion
#34 - 2013-06-22 01:13:07 UTC
Money/Capitalism may be broken, but there is currently no better system. Just cause a system is ****, doesn't mean it's not the best one going. Until some genius finds a working alternative, saying it's broken is ultimately pointless.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Fenix Caderu
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2013-06-22 01:15:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Fenix Caderu
Kiarra Steele wrote:
A People without physical boundrys...
A people together for the good of the people.
A world not divided but united.
A world without money or greed ?
Can you imagine it ?

Money is broken on a fundamental level:

Money is intended to be a token of trade It would represent 1=1 of what exists if it worked as intended, but it does not.


I exchange with you one unit of currency for one unit of any commodity.

Now if that token of currency trully represented the comodity exchanged, then, it would dissapear from existance when the unit of commodity is consumed. Instead it remains.

What happens is the Commoditys of the earth are consumed and removed from the human domain whilst the currency grows and grows , ever more disrepresentative of what exists.

Money does not do the job it was *pretended* to do. Therefore Money is BROKEN !!

Long live the Human share !

Resource-based economy? If that's what your talking about, it's true that it would be a lot better than a money based economy. But it'd never happen. The corporations/banks would never let it. We already live in a world like EVE and the corporations already run everything. It's sad how many still don't realize that... Bigger picture = the very concept of money is broken, and has been since it was created. It may have started as a system of trade, but was easily turned into a system of control. And it's been so long no one even notices. Try burning a dollar bill in front of someone and watch them freak out. It's just paper. The real wealth is supposedly locked up in a vault, but you'll never see it. That's just how brainwashed we are...
Adunh Slavy
#36 - 2013-06-22 01:19:44 UTC
Money will exist as long as humans group together and wish to trade with one another. Which form it will take, who knows. There is far too much advantage in the ability to perform indirect trade by the use of the tool we call money.

Deluded Dreamers, Authoritarian Do Gooders and the Self Glorified Social Architects are the problem.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Kiarra Steele
My Best Friend Is An Emu
Get Jiggy Wit It
#37 - 2013-06-22 01:20:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiarra Steele
Arduemont wrote:
Money/Capitalism may be broken, but there is currently no better system. Just cause a system is ****, doesn't mean it's not the best one going. Until some genius finds a working alternative, saying it's broken is ultimately pointless.

Capitalism is not always the same thing as money.

Capitalism is the projection of imperial power apon the rest of the world.Capitalism is war for the sake of material gain. It might necessitate money but it is not money.

For Example:

To the people in Iraq and Afghanistand Capitalism looks like Depleted uranium bullets which cause not only the death of soldiers today, but the deformity and destruction of generations of familys for hundereds of not eternal years. yet we call ourselves civilised..

Capitalism is equivalent to struggle. It is darwinism. But as it stands today it ignores the individual. It hates and destroys the individual.

Money exists on its own without capitalism or communism and is a corrupt idea reguardless of the other credo/s we as humanity subscripe to.



Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#38 - 2013-06-22 01:21:19 UTC
So, real life needs LP stores to act as a sink to counter inflation. Yes? Big smile
Kiarra Steele
My Best Friend Is An Emu
Get Jiggy Wit It
#39 - 2013-06-22 01:24:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiarra Steele
Kiarra Steele wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
Money/Capitalism may be broken, but there is currently no better system. Just cause a system is ****, doesn't mean it's not the best one going. Until some genius finds a working alternative, saying it's broken is ultimately pointless.

Capitalism is not always the same thing as money.

Capitalism is the projection of imperial power apon the rest of the world.Capitalism is war for the sake of material gain. It might necessitate money but it is not money.

For Example:

To the people in Iraq and Afghanistand Capitalism looks like Depleted uranium bullets which cause not only the death of soldiers today, but the deformity and destruction of generations of familys for hundereds of not eternal years. yet we call ourselves civilised..

Capitalism is equivalent to struggle. It is darwinism. But as it stands today it ignores the individual. It hates and destroys the individual.

Money exists on its own without capitalism or communism and is a corrupt idea reguardless of the other credo/s we as humanity subscripe to.

What i propose, as a civilised conscious human being, is a system of survival that does not persecute humanity rather fathers or husbands it into a new age; untill one day we are ready to colonise the stars. Then we can be unleashed again to breed with inpunity.



Short Stack122
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2013-06-22 01:34:15 UTC
Samuelem Veterani wrote:
Short Stack122 wrote:
The New York Fed destroys approximately five million unfit currency notes each business day.

money is destroyed....

haha much more is created....... out of nowhere...

Q: What is currency paper made of?
A: Currency paper is one-fourth linen and three-fourths cotton.

not nothing, linen and cotton :D
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