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Too Another 3

Drake Arson
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#1 - 2013-06-21 04:10:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Drake Arson
On Saturday, June 22nd, will be my 7th year in EVE. I have never missed an subscription from the day I started.

While its not as long as those who Were given there gifts at Fan fest for there First Decade playing EVE and sticking with it, It is pretty close in the scope of things.

Alot of things have changed in EVE since I first started. To give you a good idea, I began near the end of Red Moon Rising. I remember when Nosferatu Domis were the Go to Solo boat for almost everyone. Back then Nosses Were Super Strong and stole cap to give to you, even if they had less capacitor then you. Stealth Bombers used Cruise missles instead of Torpedos, and they used to do Crap loads of damage to even frigates.

I remember the great Vagabond fleets, Back before there was the big Speed nerf to many of the ships. I remember the video on youtube were a group of industrialists killed a vagabondlinky Titans were able to push there doomsdays through Cynos, And had the big AOE Effect. I remember the big deal over the Titan Pilot Shrike (Of Band of Brothers) losing there Titan.

I was there when the Live events Team was restarted, Done via CCP Devs instead of the OLD Aurora team. I have to say The Live events were perhaps the most fun ive had in EVE to this day.

Im aiming for the big 10. For all those people who Have been playing for as long as me, or even longer them me, What do you remember Fondly of EVE that is no longer the same? I'm curious to hear what others say.

Thank you CCP for making the continuous fixes( and even the things you broke! Some of them were hilarious. Especially the Tengu That flew backwords. ) to EVE that you have. Heres to at least the next 3 years!

Sex Slave Girl
Dragonfire Industries
#2 - 2013-06-21 04:13:43 UTC
Can I have your stuff?

oh wait.