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Why We Should Support Off Grid Boosting

Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#61 - 2013-06-20 20:59:57 UTC
Benjen Gelade wrote:

If I have missed any of the main arguments, please let me know and I will include them.

Quality thread, + 1 for OP.

You missed two other important points, one of them being already repeatedly mentioned by other posters in this thread.

1. It didn't work with Logi and ECM either
Being on grid, targetable and attackable is a serious handicap for any force multiplier. Logis and electronic warfare ships already suffer from this rather unfortunate condition and subsequently found themselves primaried in fleets. The mere fact that those ships were vulnerable led to nobody using them anymore. Ever.
Seriously, shall our beloved booster ships become as obsolete as Logis and ECM ?

2. It will hurt small gangs
Now this is the big one. Every player knows that CCP hates nothing more than small gangs and every single balancing attempt by them had the one and only purpose of hurting small gangs.
The assumption that a 200 man fleet should be able to curbstomp a 10 man elite peeveepee fleet is simply ridiculous and sadly shows how detached CCP have become from reality. Under realistic conditions, the smaller fleet should always have an advantage over the larger one.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

neo smith
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2013-06-20 21:03:54 UTC
minimum put OGB on km

but should either be on grid or not at alll
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#63 - 2013-06-20 21:05:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
Zimmy Zeta wrote:

2. It will hurt small gangs
Now this is the big one. Every player knows that CCP hates nothing more than small gangs and every single balancing attempt by them had the one and only purpose of hurting small gangs.
The assumption that a 200 man fleet should be able to curbstomp a 10 man elite peeveepee fleet is simply ridiculous and sadly shows how detached CCP have become from reality. Under realistic conditions, the smaller fleet should always have an advantage over the larger one.

You're cute. The problem isn't 200 vs 10 that's the problem. It's 15 vs 12 and two kills in it feels more like 40 vs 10 due to the overwhelming effectiveness of gang links. Gang link strength is the core culprit here, and bringing them on grid won't solve that.


Ed: BTW, I should be clear here. Delete gang mods. All of them.

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Caldari State
#64 - 2013-06-20 21:07:37 UTC
Zimmy Zeta wrote:
Benjen Gelade wrote:

If I have missed any of the main arguments, please let me know and I will include them.

Quality thread, + 1 for OP.

You missed two other important points, one of them being already repeatedly mentioned by other posters in this thread.

1. It didn't work with Logi and ECM either
Being on grid, targetable and attackable is a serious handicap for any force multiplier. Logis and electronic warfare ships already suffer from this rather unfortunate condition and subsequently found themselves primaried in fleets. The mere fact that those ships were vulnerable led to nobody using them anymore. Ever.
Seriously, shall our beloved booster ships become as obsolete as Logis and ECM ?

2. It will hurt small gangs
Now this is the big one. Every player knows that CCP hates nothing more than small gangs and every single balancing attempt by them had the one and only purpose of hurting small gangs.
The assumption that a 200 man fleet should be able to curbstomp a 10 man elite peeveepee fleet is simply ridiculous and sadly shows how detached CCP have become from reality. Under realistic conditions, the smaller fleet should always have an advantage over the larger one.

Agree with your second point 100 percent, but the first, i do not, ECM and logi is used very often, and if anything, ECM is one of the most OP things in game, and should be looked into before OGB is.
Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#65 - 2013-06-20 21:13:10 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Zimmy Zeta wrote:

2. It will hurt small gangs
Now this is the big one. Every player knows that CCP hates nothing more than small gangs and every single balancing attempt by them had the one and only purpose of hurting small gangs.
The assumption that a 200 man fleet should be able to curbstomp a 10 man elite peeveepee fleet is simply ridiculous and sadly shows how detached CCP have become from reality. Under realistic conditions, the smaller fleet should always have an advantage over the larger one.

You're cute. The problem isn't 200 vs 10 that's the problem. It's 15 vs 12 and two kills in it feels more like 40 vs 10 due to the overwhelming effectiveness of gang links. Gang link strength is the core culprit here, and bringing them on grid won't solve that.


Ed: BTW, I should be clear here. Delete gang mods. All of them.

OK, serious proposal, without any sarcasm and trolling:
How about they just remove the boosting role from Command ships and t3 altogether and keep it exclusive to the t1 battlecruisers? Plenty of them are used, so it wouldn't be easy for the enemy to quickly find the booster and kill it.
Change the fleet mechanics so that there could be multiple boosters and distribute the links between your regular battlecruisers (since they can only support one single link per ship).
As a nice side effect, T1 BC bonus to ganglinks isn't as horribly overpowered than on t2 or t3 versions.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#66 - 2013-06-20 21:13:36 UTC
Leper ofBacon wrote:
Zeus Maximo wrote:
Those skills dont help you defend yourself, they dont make you go faster, and they sure as hell dont make you invincible. They just allow you to better to help a FLEET. Leadership skills are so out of the way the average pilot doesn't even train them......

If you're using an alt to boost then the skills are doing precisely this. They are increasing the statistics of the ship(s) that are actually in combat. What is 10m sp really worth in terms of isk (the only measure that matters)? Nothing significant.

OGB is in the game and the pay to win model is also already in, but it really should be moderated. Allow it to be an advantage but give players tools to detect and counter it.

Also although the economic reasons for keeping it are good, making changes to increase accessibility are also valuable for the same reason. Where OGB is truly sticking out is the 'low resource' pvp types like FW where casual play is suffering. If we're talking about 0.0 just bringing more material and balancing numerically imbalanced engagements is more important.

If I wanted to be more effective in a small gang I would use a logi or Falcon alt to jam everything. Boosting does boosts the stats of my ship but it is just another advantage like many other things in eve. It however is much more skill intensive.....

Advantages people can use in eve:

Falcon alt
Logi alt
Range Dampening alt
ECM drones
Common Sense
Off Grid Boosting

Out of all of those that I listed OGB is just another way to gain an advantage in PVP but is the least affective in a fight.

If you dont know how to run Dscan for a boosting ship then I dont know what to tell you. The new probing mechanics are extremely easy to use considering they allow you to probe down a booster alt in seconds.

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#67 - 2013-06-20 21:14:42 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Zimmy Zeta wrote:

2. It will hurt small gangs
Now this is the big one. Every player knows that CCP hates nothing more than small gangs and every single balancing attempt by them had the one and only purpose of hurting small gangs.
The assumption that a 200 man fleet should be able to curbstomp a 10 man elite peeveepee fleet is simply ridiculous and sadly shows how detached CCP have become from reality. Under realistic conditions, the smaller fleet should always have an advantage over the larger one.

You're cute. The problem isn't 200 vs 10 that's the problem. It's 15 vs 12 and two kills in it feels more like 40 vs 10 due to the overwhelming effectiveness of gang links. Gang link strength is the core culprit here, and bringing them on grid won't solve that.


Ed: BTW, I should be clear here. Delete gang mods. All of them.

If more numbers cant beat smaller numbers then OGB is not the problem. It comes down to the pilots and the ships they are in. You should better analyze the fight if thats the issue.


"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#68 - 2013-06-20 21:14:57 UTC
Zimmy Zeta wrote:

OK, serious proposal, without any sarcasm and trolling:
How about they just remove the boosting role from Command ships and t3 altogether and keep it exclusive to the t1 battlecruisers? Plenty of them are used, so it wouldn't be easy for the enemy to quickly find the booster and kill it.
Change the fleet mechanics so that there could be multiple boosters and distribute the links between your regular battlecruisers (since they can only support one single link per ship).
As a nice side effect, T1 BC bonus to ganglinks isn't as horribly overpowered than on t2 or t3 versions.

Serious proposal: delete gang mods. All of them.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#69 - 2013-06-20 21:16:47 UTC
Zeus Maximo wrote:

If more numbers cant beat smaller numbers then OGB is not the problem. It comes down to the pilots and the ships they are in. You should better analyze the fight if thats the issue.


You assumed that it was the 12 that lost their boosters. In reality, the 15 can feel like it's 10 vs 40 just as easily if they're the ones that suddenly lost their links. Again, the problem here is the overwhelming strength of gang mods.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Turbo-Encabulator LLC
#70 - 2013-06-20 21:18:27 UTC
Elaborate. Well thought out. Lengthy.

8/10 would laugh again.
Good troll post. CCP Gargant -  Dev of my heart.

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#71 - 2013-06-20 21:21:13 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Zeus Maximo wrote:

If more numbers cant beat smaller numbers then OGB is not the problem. It comes down to the pilots and the ships they are in. You should better analyze the fight if thats the issue.


You assumed that it was the 12 that lost their boosters. In reality, the 15 can feel like it's 10 vs 40 just as easily if they're the ones that suddenly lost their links. Again, the problem here is the overwhelming strength of gang mods.


Lets be extremely logical:

More is better
2 is larger than 1
2 cross beams holds more weight than 1
2 guns is better than 1
2 dps is greater than 1 dps
2 logis is better than 1 logi

Explain to me why 12 ships cannot destroy 10 ships?

If boosts were so effective how come during the alliance tournament fights, the fleets with the boosted ships never won?

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

The Executioners
#72 - 2013-06-20 21:21:55 UTC
lol at OP.

Rorq's are capital ships, perhaps that can be used as the excuse to allow them to boost whilst in a tower. Otherwise agree - death to the OGB.

Dave Stark
#73 - 2013-06-20 21:24:35 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Zimmy Zeta wrote:

OK, serious proposal, without any sarcasm and trolling:
How about they just remove the boosting role from Command ships and t3 altogether and keep it exclusive to the t1 battlecruisers? Plenty of them are used, so it wouldn't be easy for the enemy to quickly find the booster and kill it.
Change the fleet mechanics so that there could be multiple boosters and distribute the links between your regular battlecruisers (since they can only support one single link per ship).
As a nice side effect, T1 BC bonus to ganglinks isn't as horribly overpowered than on t2 or t3 versions.

Serious proposal: delete gang mods. All of them.


i wouldn't be completely against this, even if i am turning my orca pilot in to an OGB as we speak.
Rotten Legion
#74 - 2013-06-20 21:25:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
If Rorquals aren't realistic as On grid boosters, then CCP needs to make them realistic for on grid boosting. We shouldn't be making exceptions and invulnerable ships. Give them a reinforcement timer if they get attacked whilst deployed or something, but don't make an exception for them. Or give them fighters or something. I don't really care how you change it, but that's a better alternative to making an off grid exception.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#75 - 2013-06-20 21:25:22 UTC
Zeus Maximo wrote:

Lets be extremely logical:

More is better
2 is larger than 1
2 cross beams holds more weight than 1
2 guns is better than 1
2 dps is greater than 1 dps
2 logis is better than 1 logi

Explain to me why 12 ships cannot destroy 10 ships?

If boosts were so effective how come during the alliance tournament fights, the fleets with the boosted ships never won?

Your reading comprehension is absolutely terrible. You're trying to make it out like it's 20 vs 10 when the proposed problem is 12 beating 15 as though it were 40 vs 10. As to why fleets with boosted ships never won in the AT... well, confirming that AT PVP is exactly like TQ PVP. That's why kite setups work so well in the AT and suck so bad on TQ. Blink


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#76 - 2013-06-20 21:26:37 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Zeus Maximo wrote:

Lets be extremely logical:

More is better
2 is larger than 1
2 cross beams holds more weight than 1
2 guns is better than 1
2 dps is greater than 1 dps
2 logis is better than 1 logi

Explain to me why 12 ships cannot destroy 10 ships?

If boosts were so effective how come during the alliance tournament fights, the fleets with the boosted ships never won?

Your reading comprehension is absolutely terrible. You're trying to make it out like it's 20 vs 10 when the proposed problem is 12 beating 15 as though it were 40 vs 10. As to why fleets with boosted ships never won in the AT... well, confirming that AT PVP is exactly like TQ PVP. That's why kite setups work so well in the AT and suck so bad on TQ. Blink


My point was that winning fights in eve more or less comes down to skill.

I guess you are saying the 300 spartans had boosts

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zircon Dasher
#77 - 2013-06-20 21:28:23 UTC
Zeus Maximo wrote:
If you dont know how to run Dscan for a boosting ship then I dont know what to tell you. The new probing mechanics are extremely easy to use considering they allow you to probe down a booster alt in seconds.

Unfortunately, being able to probe down a booster alt means nothing if the warp-in is 20k km from the actual ship. Effectively, a booster alt can be 100% safe for at least an hour (and usually much longer).

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#78 - 2013-06-20 21:28:53 UTC
Zeus Maximo wrote:

My point was that winning fights in eve more or less comes down to skill.

I guess you are saying the 300 spartans had boosts

My point is that gang boosts provide the equivalent of multiple pirate implant sets and deadspace mods for your entire fleet. Bringing them on grid really doesn't change that. It is an insufficient and bad solution to an already bad problem. The correct answer is a complete rethink of the entire mechanic. That is to say: completely delete links in their current incarnation.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#79 - 2013-06-20 21:30:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Nicely done OP. Smile

To address some points made further down in the thread.

1. the larger force is more able to defend its boosting ships due to being able to proportionally field more logistics
2. the larger force is more able to attack the smaller force's boosting ships because its superior DPS overpowers them quicker
3. the larger force, by its very nature, is more able to field backup boosting ships to immediately replace the ones lost due to enemy action

1: The larger force (if properly outfitted) is better able to defend all of their ships in a stand up fight. Boosting has nothing to do with it. An effective smaller force will not be engaging them in a stand up fight.

2: You are assuming a stand up fight again, which is not likely to happen.

3: It won't often matter if there are back up boosting ships present, they won't be the primary target of a smaller gang. If they are present, they are a wasted asset unless the fight has already gone horribly wrong for the larger group.

Personally I'd like to see command link sub systems for Tech 3 cruisers also provide or allow for making the cruiser very difficult to catch and damage effectively via speed and sig radius enhancements (or work very well with subsystems that enhance those properties).

If this happened large fleets would come to depend on the more heavily tanked Command Ships as their on grid booster of choice (better boost bonuses, have more of them flown to offset the fact that each ship is limited in how many types of boost it can provide, better able to take advantage of logistics chains), and small hit and run fleets use Tech 3 cruisers for the job (not quite as good of boosts, but fewer of them needed, able to easily keep at range from the fight and very hard to catch or apply damage to).

This paradigm should become the "classic" usage of on grid boosting vessels.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#80 - 2013-06-20 21:33:49 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Zeus Maximo wrote:

My point was that winning fights in eve more or less comes down to skill.

I guess you are saying the 300 spartans had boosts

My point is that gang boosts provide the equivalent of multiple pirate implant sets and deadspace mods for your entire fleet. Bringing them on grid really doesn't change that. It is an insufficient and bad solution to an already bad problem. The correct answer is a complete rethink of the entire mechanic. That is to say: completely delete links in their current incarnation.


It was my understanding that the bonuses were going to be scaled down fairly significantly.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.