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What are your GO TO ships and what are your thoughts on the current combat dynamics?

Gallente Federation
#21 - 2013-06-16 03:05:15 UTC
Any drone ship. I still laugh at the sniping sentry domi I used years back before it caught on. People were like wtf.... oh crap....

Start with an Ishkur and move up. Hopefully you are better at combat than I ever was.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#22 - 2013-06-16 23:22:36 UTC
CCP is moving everything towards higher mobility and higher gank setups, because thats what people already use, and that's what people want. This hasn't changed much for brawling setups, just shuffled the go-to ships around a little. They have also made Gallente shield-gank a real thing, especially for the Thorax and Brutix.

For frigs, the Crucifier and maulus are my go-to ships. The Maulus is as broken as a Celestis for 20% of the cost, and with a bit of better target selection the Crucifier is as lulsy. Either that or use a vigil as hard counter for kitey damp condors and DD hookbills.

I hardly fly dessies, but if I did, it would be the Coercer, Thrasher or Algos.

Cruiser wise, for solo work I like my Bellicose, SFI and Omen. IMO the Bellicose set up right has the same DPS as a Caracal and better maneuverability - especially with small cap booster to ensure you don't cap out in stern chases.

The Cyclone I don't like so much anymore, whereas it used to be the best go-to buffer-gank BC in my opinion (68K EHP and 720 DPS). Now it's...not quite as crazy at it, because there's so much wasted PG and CPU with a LSE setup. With an ASB setup, it's got a little more buffer and a spare EWAR slot. But you may as well shield fit a Harby now. Thus I am in search of a new go-to BC.

I think the new BS changes are interesting, and will take a lot of time to wash through the implications, but the fact is that they are niche ships and their niches have been shuffled around, so the metagame will have a few months to sort out what the new meta is before the FOTM's settle out. But at least we can be assured that pipe bombers will be using the Geddon.
The Church of Awesome
#23 - 2013-06-17 05:41:42 UTC
Pax Thar wrote:
Frigate - Tristan is a straight beast with a full flight of lights

Cruiser - Vexor has huge ehp and DPS, need I say more?

BC - Brutix or Cane can both be buffer to active pretty well and the brutix DPS really shines.

BS - Tempest is versatile and have the two utility highs for heavy neuts.

Yes I think BCs are lackluster right now but I still use them sometimes. T1 frigs and cruisers are the best bang for your buck with the Tristan and Vexor dominating the brawlers.

For BC's - Ferox is a total beast now.
Approx 780dps with good skills + some cheap implants and void. And Null lets it hit targets out at point range and an OK tank.

Durbon Groth
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2013-06-17 18:43:43 UTC
Frigs: Executioner, condor, rifter, slicer, jaguar/wolf, retribution, malediction

Cruisers: omen/navy omen/Zealot, SFI, arbitrator for trollin'

Battlecruisers: harbinger, prohecy (cos there's nothing more entertaining than being a brick), Sleipnir, I'd like to say navy hurricane - never it but flew the old un-nerfed cane. Also brawling tornado.

Battleship: torp/nuet typhoon, used to enjoy the armageddon but havn't flown the new one. Looks nice though, I'd run it like the 'phoon - torps, nuets, heavy drones and MJD.
Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#25 - 2013-06-17 20:03:47 UTC
Plato Forko wrote:
Vyktor Abyss wrote:
T1 logi need a nerf

one already exists, it's this cruiser called the celestis.

And this is only because the use of damps is largely only now being discovered as a counter. It was always there, but ecm was always just that much better. People will fit eccm on logis though. They won't think to fit a sensor booster. Additionally the tactics have always been burn off the logis at range. Well then that only exposes them to the damp counter.

The Celestis is not op. It is just that it's been recently discovered to be an excellent counter to the existing logi fittings and tactics. Once people start adjusting to the new threat Celestis won't be anything more to worry about than the old everyone fly a Blackbird to counter logi tactic.

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

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