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Proposal - Non Faction War Low Sec

Gheng Kondur
Serva Fidem
#1 - 2011-11-07 16:19:53 UTC
Made a random 'I wish' in another thread where that was all people were doing, and it was suggested I post as a proposal so here goes.

#8Posted: 2011.11.02 22:57 | Report
To join the general 'how I like to play' I would like to be able to rent a system from the factions, pop in a station, drop a few pos's on the moons, stick some custom houses on the planets and do my care bear thing.

For the rent I'd like some faction police about, with options for pirates (and that's PVP players) to evade them, but make it hard and allow me to build up the gate defences. also would need minimum faction standing of say sec status +5 to rent.

Maybe even increase sec status if numbers grow and peace becomes the norm in a system, but that needs space to grow with new systems in null as well.

Not to happen in faction war areas though where while that needs work, should be for the militias to fight it out.

Yes I'll need to run the gauntlet moving my goods, yes I won't be as safe as hi sec, yes at first I'll be raising a big kick me sign for all local roaming gangs. But so what, it would be fun and give me a path to null
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2011-11-07 17:17:43 UTC
If you're aiming for null, why not just rent some null space?

Anything that brings NPCs in to look after space you're claiming for yourself is bad. You want it, you defend it.
Jay Pava
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2011-11-07 17:48:40 UTC
another post where the OP is simply stating his 'how i want to play' unfortunately. you have to look at the bigger picture and think about how other players are playing the game. EVE is not a system defense game. you can't just build a nest somewhere, throw some isk around, and expect everyone to fly around you whilst you do your awesome thing. and if every high sec player did this the game would need thousands of extra low-sec systems. like the poster above me is saying, join and alliance, get some contacts, talk to people and rent a system in null. that is what my corp and alliance is doing at the moment and it took a long while to sort out. but this is what EVE is all about, collaboration. its not just about making the game awesome for solo high-sec capsuleers with too much isk and not enough risk.
Gheng Kondur
Serva Fidem
#4 - 2011-11-07 18:30:00 UTC
Nice to see the expected comments.

What I want (and yes if you read the post it was me commenting somewhere else on a 'how I want to play' post) is a stepping stone out to null.

And no I don't want to join some massive established alliance or pay rent when in null space.

I would still need to defend what I had in low sec, but with some security, but a lot less than concord.

At the moment it's a cliff face drop from hi to low, which is one of the reasons it is so empty.

I do love the 'join up and become a part of a big group' lines. Not everyone in this game wants that and those same people usually complain about hi sec care bears who never leave it. All I'm suggesting is a way where there is more risk, and some extra gain, to entice smaller groups out of hi sec.

Without something just expect hi sec to stay as it is and get busier everyday, but with graduated risk/reward options people would move out.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2011-11-07 19:41:20 UTC
Gheng Kondur wrote:
Nice to see the expected comments.

What I want (and yes if you read the post it was me commenting somewhere else on a 'how I want to play' post) is a stepping stone out to null.

And no I don't want to join some massive established alliance or pay rent when in null space.

I would still need to defend what I had in low sec, but with some security, but a lot less than concord.

At the moment it's a cliff face drop from hi to low, which is one of the reasons it is so empty.

I do love the 'join up and become a part of a big group' lines. Not everyone in this game wants that and those same people usually complain about hi sec care bears who never leave it. All I'm suggesting is a way where there is more risk, and some extra gain, to entice smaller groups out of hi sec.

Without something just expect hi sec to stay as it is and get busier everyday, but with graduated risk/reward options people would move out. want NPC 0.0 then? I hear stain is nice this time of year.
Zircon Dasher
#6 - 2011-11-07 19:51:04 UTC
Gheng Kondur wrote:
What I want (and yes if you read the post it was me commenting somewhere else on a 'how I want to play' post) is a stepping stone out to null.

And no I don't want to join some massive established alliance or pay rent when in null space.

It has been a little while since I have been in the 0.0 game so can you confirm that:

1)0.0 now has NPC navies/gate guns to help out pod pilots
2) 0.0 is no longer controlled by established alliances

Seems to me that any player/corp/alliances that is using NPC to help them defend thier space and/or doesnt want to be a part of a comp. alliance/NAP isnt really wanting a stepping stone to 0.0...... unless 1 and 2 have been put in the game while i was not looking.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Gheng Kondur
Serva Fidem
#7 - 2011-11-07 21:23:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Gheng Kondur
Danika Princip wrote: want NPC 0.0 then? I hear stain is nice this time of year.

Nope, as I said low sec. Although the same could work there in npc 0.0, but they are generally a bit small for that and it starts getting too close to sov
Gheng Kondur
Serva Fidem
#8 - 2011-11-07 21:30:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Gheng Kondur
Zircon Dasher wrote:

It has been a little while since I have been in the 0.0 game so can you confirm that:

1)0.0 now has NPC navies/gate guns to help out pod pilots
2) 0.0 is no longer controlled by established alliances

Seems to me that any player/corp/alliances that is using NPC to help them defend thier space and/or doesnt want to be a part of a comp. alliance/NAP isnt really wanting a stepping stone to 0.0...... unless 1 and 2 have been put in the game while i was not looking.

Well as I haven't said this was sov in low sec, but rather renting from a faction as a stepping stone to carry on building to move out to 0.0, I can't see what you are getting at.

0.0 should rightly be what you can take and hold through your own might, with no convinient security force to help you.

Hi sec is minor holdings on planets and pos, with the full might of concord to protect you.

Low sec should allow for something in between where the sov is still the faction, and supplies some security, but players can control more and have to bolster the security to protect assets.
Zircon Dasher
#9 - 2011-11-07 23:17:18 UTC
Gheng Kondur wrote:
0.0 should rightly be what you can take and hold through your own might, with no convinient security force to help you.

Hi sec is minor holdings on planets and pos, with the full might of concord to protect you.

Low sec should allow for something in between where the sov is still the faction, and supplies some security, but players can control more and have to bolster the security to protect assets.

1)All of EVE is based on what you can take and hold by your own might.
2)CONCORD does not protect you. CONCORD only provides consequences for the rapists.

3) Lowsec already does what you say it should.

Even if 1 and 2 were not true, your proposal does not do what you say.

By increasing NPC protection you move the "stepping stone" closer to being high sec. This means that there is a larger "jump" to 0.0. So you are not doing anyone who wants to go from High --> 0.0 any favors by making things more (relative to now) safe.

Now if this is a "low sec is too hard" thread at least be man enough to admit it.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Solo Player
#10 - 2011-11-07 23:30:11 UTC
Gheng Kondur wrote:
Made a random 'I wish' in another thread where that was all people were doing, and it was suggested I post as a proposal

In that case, why didn't you post it as a proposal but as a random wish?
With your "I would like tos" and "maybes" thrown in, people here are not likely to take this seriously but as a welcome bait for trolling and name-calling. I believe you might serve your idea better if you proposed a clear and concise change and illuminated what previous discussion came up with as both advantages and disadvantages.
That way, you'd let readers make an informed decision whether they want to support the proposal or not.

Sorry if that sounds patronizing, but it grates terribly how good proposals everybody agrees on end up on page 2 after a couple of days by vague ideas that are discussed heatedly.
Gheng Kondur
Serva Fidem
#11 - 2011-11-08 20:02:43 UTC
Zircon Dasher wrote:

By increasing NPC protection you move the "stepping stone" closer to being high sec. This means that there is a larger "jump" to 0.0. So you are not doing anyone who wants to go from High --> 0.0 any favors by making things more (relative to now) safe.

Now if this is a "low sec is too hard" thread at least be man enough to admit it.

Would disagree with the first point, there already is a massive drop from hi to low which is why many people stay in hi.

As for low sec being too hard, I do spend time there now and other than the choke points out a lot can be dealt with by being attentive to your surroundings, but I wouldn't build there as a small corp as you might as well throw the isk away.

But thanks for the usual troll, pretty much as expected
Gheng Kondur
Serva Fidem
#12 - 2011-11-08 20:11:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Gheng Kondur
Solo Player wrote:
Gheng Kondur wrote:
Made a random 'I wish' in another thread where that was all people were doing, and it was suggested I post as a proposal

In that case, why didn't you post it as a proposal but as a random wish?
With your "I would like tos" and "maybes" thrown in, people here are not likely to take this seriously but as a welcome bait for trolling and name-calling. I believe you might serve your idea better if you proposed a clear and concise change and illuminated what previous discussion came up with as both advantages and disadvantages.
That way, you'd let readers make an informed decision whether they want to support the proposal or not.

Sorry if that sounds patronizing, but it grates terribly how good proposals everybody agrees on end up on page 2 after a couple of days by vague ideas that are discussed heatedly.

i did in a thread where somebody else had taken that approach and it was suggested I post here.

Also I expect that if it was to become a workable idea others would contribute and refine to something useful as I don't claim to have the answers to all of low secs problems or even claim this is the right idea. It's a thought that springs to mind and as so far all I have had is the expected negative stuff and join an alliance time I haven't been disuaded that it's a bad option.

I doubt it would be the best option and would expect that people with better knowledge of EVE than me to say why it wouldn't work, how it would unbalance the game or whether it's something that could be adapted to provide something that would encourage people out of hi, rather than the majority of comments that either say make hi care bear heaven or nerf it completely.

There has to be draw to low other than faction war or the few loners who play there.
Sephiroth Clone VII
Brothers of Tyr
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2011-11-08 20:15:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Sephiroth Clone VII
People already pay ridiculous amounts to rent nullspace systems, and they don't get any NPC help, and need to invest more isk for upgrades.

So it seems a bit off for anywhere the same ammount of isk you get NPC help, and do they shoot anyone red to you, or everyone not blue? Could stations still be docked in?

I support maybe having more npcs guarding lowsec (no insta-stop god concord, regular navy ships) that would make it much more 'low security' vs no security it is currently but to have it become exclusive like nullsec in access to stations, no way.

Its low sec for a reason, and sov is held by the empires. so it technically regardless of your friendliness to them still belongs to them, its a lawless frontier compared with high but that does not mean they will willingly relinquish it.

and BTW moons can be taken in lowsec anyway if it meets the right sec status, sov holding and moon holding can be very independent. Just that all the good ones have been staked out forever ago, changing hands between powers.
Gheng Kondur
Serva Fidem
#14 - 2011-11-08 20:55:31 UTC
Sephiroth CloneIIV wrote:
People already pay ridiculous amounts to rent nullspace systems, and they don't get any NPC help, and need to invest more isk for upgrades.

So it seems a bit off for anywhere the same ammount of isk you get NPC help, and do they shoot anyone red to you, or everyone not blue? Could stations still be docked in?

I support maybe having more npcs guarding lowsec (no insta-stop god concord, regular navy ships) that would make it much more 'low security' vs no security it is currently but to have it become exclusive like nullsec in access to stations, no way.

Its low sec for a reason, and sov is held by the empires. so it technically regardless of your friendliness to them still belongs to them, its a lawless frontier compared with high but that does not mean they will willingly relinquish it.

and BTW moons can be taken in lowsec anyway if it meets the right sec status, sov holding and moon holding can be very independent. Just that all the good ones have been staked out forever ago, changing hands between powers.

was not wanting concord there, far too much, and not sov either.

I know about moons etc. in low sec

protection would have to be no auto-death scenario like concord, but something that could be avoided and hunt you at least while in system. Faction still owns and does not attack as you direct, only on agression. If you built a station you would have to conform to docking rights of the faction to a large extent, if not complete. It's always seemed daft to me that you can dock when being shot at, so it would need something to allow agressors or dec'd corps locked out.

I can agree that factions would not want to give up sov, but if you were in good standing with them (and the need to keep it there as a corp/alliance) and were willing to pay them tax and effectvley fund a safer area of low sec to increase trade and other income, why not?

Anything spent on upgrading the system if that was an option would have to be accepted as open to anybody not set as shoot on sight by the faction, so that it doesn't become a private semi sov excluding other people. If that's wanted it would have to be null and hold yourself.

If it was to work it would need the same costs as sov for upgrades etc., but without the exclusive rights. Still be unsafe, but not completely lawless. A place where you can break the law and get away with it without simply having to tank the gate sentries, but rather have the local coppers trying to find and kill you who you could fight back against with a chance of winning or play with brains and avoid.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#15 - 2011-11-09 14:34:33 UTC
Here's a counter-idea. Leave lowsec as it is. Take concord out of 0.5, put faction police there instead. Then, you have more of a stepping stone from high to low, and you don't have to turn low into some kind of weird NPC policed wasteland, instead of just a wasteland.
Laechyd Eldgorn
Hole Control
#16 - 2011-11-09 15:12:32 UTC
i dont know what are you smoking

low sec is pretty safe for starters, just use mwd and cloak to get almost anywhere with perfect safety

then you have gate guns which keep campers off the gate most of the day, counting out some more frequently camped systems where you are not forced to go by any means

furthermore if you want protection you can either pay someone or gather a corp or alliance who protect you, it is still lot of safer than 0.0

and because non factionwar low sec is pretty much most useless space to be at the moment you're pretty safe almost anywhere you go, just look for some system not next to freaking jita.

if you use even a little bit of brain low sec is probably safer than hi sec, at least you know every neutral with guns probably tries to gank you.

just saying.
Gheng Kondur
Serva Fidem
#17 - 2011-11-09 16:41:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Gheng Kondur
Danika Princip wrote:
Here's a counter-idea. Leave lowsec as it is. Take concord out of 0.5, put faction police there instead. Then, you have more of a stepping stone from high to low, and you don't have to turn low into some kind of weird NPC policed wasteland, instead of just a wasteland.

Valid option, the only negative I can see is the full care bear tears and that what is left of concord space would become even more crowded. I would still prefer some graduation rather than the cliff face from 0.5 to 0.4 though and spread into low as about half the systems I fly through in low are just empty. But anything rather than the cliff face would help.
Gheng Kondur
Serva Fidem
#18 - 2011-11-09 16:50:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Gheng Kondur
Laechyd Eldgorn wrote:
i dont know what are you smoking

low sec is pretty safe for starters, just use mwd and cloak to get almost anywhere with perfect safety

then you have gate guns which keep campers off the gate most of the day, counting out some more frequently camped systems where you are not forced to go by any means

furthermore if you want protection you can either pay someone or gather a corp or alliance who protect you, it is still lot of safer than 0.0

and because non factionwar low sec is pretty much most useless space to be at the moment you're pretty safe almost anywhere you go, just look for some system not next to freaking jita.

if you use even a little bit of brain low sec is probably safer than hi sec, at least you know every neutral with guns probably tries to gank you.

just saying.

And valid and from experience I've sat in empty systems for hours with a lot less hassle than high. But the choke points out are the problem and i must admit I don't fancy cloaking my hulk unless ninja mining through worm holes.

I don't know any corp of players that will sit around alert for hours for a level of pay that would make the work in low worthwhile, and I don't blame them. Makes mining exciting if nobody turns up.

But the point that low sec is useless and empty is surely a good reason to change something so people want to go there and do something. As most in high sec are care bears, noobs, indy alts and small corps it seems sensible to pitch at those who would be willing to move for some gain.