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CCP Soundwave seems to think an apple really is an orange

Azahni Vah'nos
Vah'nos Family
#1 - 2011-11-07 11:42:27 UTC
PCGamer Interview

PCG: So why exactly did you think that virtual goods were something that EVE specifically – of all games – needed? I mean, EVE’s not a garden variety MMO. So why try to shove a square peg into a round hole?

KT: I think it’s just becoming such a common part of gaming. We see a lot of free-to-play games. A lot of other MMOs are free-to-play now. Virtual goods and character customization are just becoming very standard parts of gaming. And we thought that they’d kind of enrich the environment. And I think they could. The problem was that we were doing it for the first time, and it just didn’t go as it well as it did for some companies who’ve been at this for years. We didn’t have the experience to do it properly.

We screwed that up a bit, but we just see so many games where people react positively to being able to customize their character. We thought it’d be a natural fit for the Incarna expansion.
Please tell me that Soundwave knows that EVE isn't a free-to-play title. Does he not realise that through the sale of vanity items, etc is how F2P titles get revenue because unlike EVE they don't have a subscription/PLEX. Trying to rationalise the NEX Store based on F2P games, your a long way out on a very small limb there Soundwave.

I'd say the thing that Soundwave screwed up is thinking that the EVE players wanted an additional microtransaction on top of their sub/PLEX.

Interesting that I don't think we have seen the true impact of trying to run a F2P title for an extended number of years. Even Farmville is reporting lower profits and less logged in users recently. Also the market is being saturated with games and the point has to be reached where the spread out number of 'paying' customers no longer support the game and the infastructure required.

Work on Earth Eternal is grinding to a halt with Lego Universe and Troy Online being another couple of games that are about to bite the dust shortly.

Nex (Cash Shop) / Aurum - removing sand from the sandbox since Incarna. Currently the only use for aurum is to buy virtual items in the in-game store, but Cockerill expects to expand its uses in the future.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-11-07 11:52:05 UTC  |  Edited by: DarkAegix
KT: I think[...]free-to-play games[...]are[...]good. [...]I think[...]We screwed[...]their character. We thought it’d be a natural fit.


OP, don't read too much into things and shape them into sensationalistic bullcrap.
Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#3 - 2011-11-07 11:56:47 UTC
Please tell me you are not skipping elementary school to write this garbage .. Goddess knows you are obviously falling behind as it is.

Soundwave is an idiot (as far as I am concerned), but nothing in that quote is false or proof of his idiocy. Eve will, can and shall benefit from a more personal interaction by use of avatars and CCP did in fact **** it up something fierce ..

PS: Go for brand tinfoil, the cheap **** you have is evidently not strong enough.
Imajitaaltofanalt ofanalt
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-11-07 11:58:27 UTC
They are trying to bring Eve into the life style MMO genre. By adding avatars and clothing options they are doing just that. The only real problem is the very delayed delivery and execution of the CQ part of it.

I think It's a great idea personally, and see it as ccp's dedication to this game long term. So stop complaining, play the game.
Tedril Goveko
Br0wn Coat5
The Gorram Shiney Alliance
#5 - 2011-11-07 12:37:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Tedril Goveko
Not really apples and oranges to be honest, although he states free to play games, i think he knows and many others do that there are also games out there which are subscriiption based with a vanity style store tacked on that work very well, star trek online being one of them. The difference between them and what CCP tried to do is simple.

  1. Vanity items are very cheap to buy, in some case mere pennies.
  2. The items are only vanity they're not needed items.
  3. They have aq large selection of items which are added to regularly.
  4. They have a "finnished" walking around engine so people can actually view your vanity items.

I've always felt that if CCP folowed these simple rules in the first place this would never have gotten the enormous negative reaction they did.

Granted, it's all about making money, but what's better?

Expensive limted amounts of items that only a few people will buy,
lots of small cheap ticket items that a huge amount of people will buy?

Why do you think pound/dollar stores are so common nowdays? It's because they make money hand over fist selling lots of cheap items all the time instead of one or two expensive items now and again. This business model could easily be used by CCP to make the NEX store popular.
sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#6 - 2011-11-07 12:57:26 UTC  |  Edited by: sYnc Vir
Tedril Goveko wrote:
Not really apples and oranges to be honest, although he states free to play games, i think he knows and many others do that there are also games out there which are subscriiption based with a vanity style store tacked on that work very well, star trek online being one of them. The difference between them and what CCP tried to do is simple.

  1. Vanity items are very cheap to buy, in some case mere pennies.
  2. The items are only vanity they're not needed items.
  3. They have aq large selection of items which are added to regularly.
  4. They have a "finnished" walking around engine so people can actually view your vanity items.

I've always felt that if CCP folowed these simple rules in the first place this would never have gotten the enormous negative reaction they did.

Granted, it's all about making money, but what's better?

Expensive limted amounts of items that only a few people will buy,
lots of small cheap ticket items that a huge amount of people will buy?

Why do you think pound/dollar stores are so common nowdays? It's because they make money hand over fist selling lots of cheap items all the time instead of one or two expensive items now and again. This business model could easily be used by CCP to make the NEX store popular.

4 accounts, 5500 free aura on each, none used.

Don't care how cheap that **** is. In the end, **** is ****, the price doesn't matter.

saying that I was one that never cared too much about the store. It was and is purely for dumbass's who want some extra connection to there toon. Fine by me, I thought people made way to much of it and if you're against it or just dont care, the best way to show that is to just leave your aura sat in your wallet collecting dust.

After that, what does it matter? If someone wants to spend a Billion isk on an ugly eye piece, then let them. As for what soundwave said, god I really dont care at this point. Walking in station overheats everything too much to use anyway so until thats fixed does it matter if they add to it? Not to me, so I really don't care.

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

Azahni Vah'nos
Vah'nos Family
#7 - 2011-11-07 13:01:04 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
Please tell me you are not skipping elementary school to write this garbage .. Goddess knows you are obviously falling behind as it is.

Soundwave is an idiot (as far as I am concerned), but nothing in that quote is false or proof of his idiocy. Eve will, can and shall benefit from a more personal interaction by use of avatars and CCP did in fact **** it up something fierce ..

PS: Go for brand tinfoil, the cheap **** you have is evidently not strong enough.

Seems reading comprehension escaped you, practise some more and you may yet get into secondary school.

Where did I say anything about avatar interaction being a bad thing? WiS if done right can be a great thing for EVE.

The point of the original post is that Soundwave appears to be setting the bar for the inclusion of vanity items based on F2P games rather than the unique game that he is the lead designer for. You do realise it is possible to deliver vanity items in EVE but still remain true to the sandbox or can't you comprehend that.

Nex (Cash Shop) / Aurum - removing sand from the sandbox since Incarna. Currently the only use for aurum is to buy virtual items in the in-game store, but Cockerill expects to expand its uses in the future.

Zebb Eriker
#8 - 2011-11-07 13:01:12 UTC
I say EVE cannot be F2P because it's a niche kind of game. I don't play every month, but I am happy to pay when I can, to keep this great game alive. I would be very surprised if CCP doesn't already know that.
I can only show one expample, the one of Turbine. They switched their games to F2P and have made loads of money apparently. But that switch took a couple of years to implement. And they survived because of the LOTR IP. Maybe CCP needs to work more on it's IP to make it more solid and appealing to the mass market if that's what they want. Books, Graphic novels, short films, whatever.
Incarna should be kept in development on the side. I think we all want to see each other avatars in a station. Even if it's just walking from one quarter to another in the beginning. Or just one bar per station.
#9 - 2011-11-07 13:04:03 UTC
I don't think Soundwave doesn't understand the outrage, I believe he is afraid to say loud that there is a big pink elephant in the middle of the room.

If you want to understand outrage you have to figure out what ppl fear. Humans are driven by feelings and EVE rage is no difference. After moving the semi end game into a direction where you pretty much have to have 3 accounts (Can anybody light me a cyno pls? Hello? Anybody there?) and making it common practice to not pay for those 3 accounts, introducing competition over PLEXes with some silly vanity items will force players to fear that PLEXes sky rocket and thus may drive them out of the game. It does not matter if that fear is justified. Fear does not care about reason.

Another big point of fail that is not named in that article is that there is some sort of unwritten agreement. We make CCP get $ and we get nice shinies to make and sell to fill out wallets. By creating any form of inverse RMT you Mr Gamedesigner try to compete with me over the iskies of my fellow players. AND IF YOU COMPETE WITH ME IN EVE I WILL MAKE YOU FEEL REALLY REALLY BAD. Try again and you get more pain.

There are quite a few players that didn't like the idea of having a CSM. Since there is one you better vote or you might get woman with a unspeakable name into it again. So counting the number of votes does not tell you that ppl like it, even if marketing pretends otherwise. If you then go and let a most undesired change of direction getting signed of by monkies who where willing to put their name under a NDA you should not wonder to find yourself in the middle of a shitstorm.

Incarna wasn't just "We screwed that up a bit", it was a prime example of cooperate blindness, caused by a complete disconnection from the player base. It happend because of t20 and the CSM. The rules of dev participation in the game got changed and a proxy was setup between them and the player base.

As long as you keep the CSM and refrain from holding space in 0.0 you wont get my trust back because you don't play the same game then I do. I can't trust you because I can't expect you to understand what is driving me.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Princess Cellestia
Friendship is Podding
#10 - 2011-11-07 13:32:19 UTC
You people keep going on and on about outrage. Well guess what, people are buying this ****, EVEN THE MONOCLES! And once a bit more stuff gets into the nex store even more will buy it. So your arguments are dead, the only issue ANYONE had was over game changing items like buyable ships and ammo and such. You guys are making a huge deal over clothing that just looks fancy.
Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#11 - 2011-11-07 13:32:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Hirana Yoshida
Azahni Vah'nos wrote:
The point of the original post is that Soundwave appears to be setting the bar for the inclusion of vanity items based on F2P games rather than the unique game that he is the lead designer for.

Errrm, Eve Online is Free-to-Play .. has been since the introduction of plex. The uniqueness of Eve stops at the game itself, the underlying business model is a copy of a copy of a copy of copy maybe with a twist.

Where it differs from the "others":
- It doesn't have a glaringly obvious Pay-to-Win scheme (Plex is of Pay-for-a-leg-up-depending-on-market-price kind of thing).
- Everyone has access to all content regardless of whether one pays with time or cash.
- CCP's revenue is recieved from macro-payments (subs/GTCs) rather than micro-payments (P2W, cheap vanity).

Incarna was supposed to be introduce the micro-payment revenue stream to Eve as a supplement (or even replacement) to the macro-payment, but due to euthanasia worthy stupidity they started out with <10 items priced at more than one months worth of game time .. that glorious fiasco is on top of the developer time they burned on the SpaceBarbies and thus didn't have available for the actual game giving them the corporate headache they are now trying to get rid of.
thoth rothschild
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2011-11-07 13:44:00 UTC  |  Edited by: thoth rothschild
I'm pretty sure NEX would work very very well if they would sell somethin' for our Ships in this game. 90% of our game time we are inside a ship and adding somethin' personal to it is what amny players want. My ship, with my Pimped fashion and my style.
That's what eve players identify with.

- Shiny SKins like the Scorpion they showed
- Corp, personal Crests on the Ship Hulls
- pirate flags whatever
- different light color
- a comet police light :p

I really think a lot of Empire dwellers would pimp their most used beloved ages old mission ship with some kind of optic tuning!
This would really work, if (one side note) the price would be reasonable, like 1300 aurum for a Logo.

At this point we are back to the "flavor of the month" word immersion. Players do identify with their ships and can say. This ship has no one else in this exact fassion. It is my personal pimped fashion velator.

And to be honest
YOU! can still do that and trust me space barby for space ships and not avatars will sell and ppl will want that and will be happy about that shiny stuff!
@players who do not like a successfull NEX
A successfull NEX would mean more cash for developers, more developers mean more FIS, WIS whatever.
@gm reading this post.
show this post to the devs who lost any faith in NEX. it can work. The key is to know the demands of the customers. And your customers like spaceships, awesome spaceships. PPL get greedy when they see a nightmare.
The Greater Goon
#13 - 2011-11-07 13:46:55 UTC
all I really see is that CCP still has no understanding of WHY microtrans failed.

They seem to think that the product and mechanism for delivery are the issues and not the fact that most people don't want what is commonly perceived as a gateway to P2W

its not what you did, or how you did it, and if you could quantify the real problem it was more like too much radical change too quickly
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#14 - 2011-11-07 13:58:50 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
Azahni Vah'nos wrote:
The point of the original post is that Soundwave appears to be setting the bar for the inclusion of vanity items based on F2P games rather than the unique game that he is the lead designer for.

Errrm, Eve Online is Free-to-Play .. has been since the introduction of plex. The uniqueness of Eve stops at the game itself, the underlying business model is a copy of a copy of a copy of copy maybe with a twist.

Where it differs from the "others":
- It doesn't have a glaringly obvious Pay-to-Win scheme (Plex is of Pay-for-a-leg-up-depending-on-market-price kind of thing).
- Everyone has access to all content regardless of whether one pays with time or cash.
- CCP's revenue is recieved from macro-payments (subs/GTCs) rather than micro-payments (P2W, cheap vanity).

Incarna was supposed to be introduce the micro-payment revenue stream to Eve as a supplement (or even replacement) to the macro-payment, but due to euthanasia worthy stupidity they started out with <10 items priced at more than one months worth of game time .. that glorious fiasco is on top of the developer time they burned on the SpaceBarbies and thus didn't have available for the actual game giving them the corporate headache they are now trying to get rid of.

Having PLEX doesn't mean it's free to play... just means some other player is paying your subs for you
Andreus Ixiris
Stay Feral
#15 - 2011-11-07 14:02:58 UTC
You know what? I like my new shirt. Y'all just hatin'.

Stop hatin', haters.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Azahni Vah'nos
Vah'nos Family
#16 - 2011-11-07 14:06:03 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
Azahni Vah'nos wrote:
The point of the original post is that Soundwave appears to be setting the bar for the inclusion of vanity items based on F2P games rather than the unique game that he is the lead designer for.

Errrm, Eve Online is Free-to-Play .. has been since the introduction of plex. The uniqueness of Eve stops at the game itself, the underlying business model is a copy of a copy of a copy of copy maybe with a twist.

Where it differs from the "others":
- It doesn't have a glaringly obvious Pay-to-Win scheme (Plex is of Pay-for-a-leg-up-depending-on-market-price kind of thing).
- Everyone has access to all content regardless of whether one pays with time or cash.
- CCP's revenue is recieved from macro-payments (subs/GTCs) rather than micro-payments (P2W, cheap vanity).

Incarna was supposed to be introduce the micro-payment revenue stream to Eve as a supplement (or even replacement) to the macro-payment, but due to euthanasia worthy stupidity they started out with <10 items priced at more than one months worth of game time .. that glorious fiasco is on top of the developer time they burned on the SpaceBarbies and thus didn't have available for the actual game giving them the corporate headache they are now trying to get rid of.

Two other things that are different from Free-to-Play games with regards to using PLEX:
1) Regardless of if you use PLEX or a sub, someone pays for every single last player in EVE.
2) Selling PLEX for ISK and using it to purchase ships/items doesn't circumvent the player economy.

I can only agree that CCP made some rather poor decisions leading up to where we are now. Either taking bad advice or to much volcanic ash maybe. Smile

See, we can agree on some things, who would have thought.

Nex (Cash Shop) / Aurum - removing sand from the sandbox since Incarna. Currently the only use for aurum is to buy virtual items in the in-game store, but Cockerill expects to expand its uses in the future.

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#17 - 2011-11-07 14:21:08 UTC
sYnc Vir wrote:
Tedril Goveko wrote:
Not really apples and oranges to be honest, although he states free to play games, i think he knows and many others do that there are also games out there which are subscriiption based with a vanity style store tacked on that work very well, star trek online being one of them. The difference between them and what CCP tried to do is simple.

  1. Vanity items are very cheap to buy, in some case mere pennies.
  2. The items are only vanity they're not needed items.
  3. They have aq large selection of items which are added to regularly.
  4. They have a "finnished" walking around engine so people can actually view your vanity items.

I've always felt that if CCP folowed these simple rules in the first place this would never have gotten the enormous negative reaction they did.

Granted, it's all about making money, but what's better?

Expensive limted amounts of items that only a few people will buy,
lots of small cheap ticket items that a huge amount of people will buy?

Why do you think pound/dollar stores are so common nowdays? It's because they make money hand over fist selling lots of cheap items all the time instead of one or two expensive items now and again. This business model could easily be used by CCP to make the NEX store popular.

4 accounts, 5500 free aura on each, none used.

Don't care how cheap that **** is. In the end, **** is ****, the price doesn't matter.

saying that I was one that never cared too much about the store. It was and is purely for dumbass's who want some extra connection to there toon. Fine by me, I thought people made way to much of it and if you're against it or just dont care, the best way to show that is to just leave your aura sat in your wallet collecting dust.

After that, what does it matter? If someone wants to spend a Billion isk on an ugly eye piece, then let them. As for what soundwave said, god I really dont care at this point. Walking in station overheats everything too much to use anyway so until thats fixed does it matter if they add to it? Not to me, so I really don't care.

Want a connection to the way your avatar looks?

Lets have a complicated exploration/manufacture system that means if you wanted to dress up with a super rare blood raider bikini you'd have to run missions in cosmos, trade parts on the market, explore for rare fabrics / invent blueprints and fund planetary factories to produce this rare stuff. When you wear that bikini it says "I put some effort into aquiring this thing" ... not

"I clicked a button on the damn NeX store"

Nothing that will ever be sold in the NeX store can ever be unique or impressive because anyone with a credit card to buy an unlimited number of them.

Eve is a game where truly impressive rare things are rare because they take a lot of time and effort to construct.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2011-11-07 14:23:16 UTC
microtransactions are good because everyone else is doing it too? That seems to be the only reason to support it.

We all already pay ccp. That payment should include the clothes as well.
sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#19 - 2011-11-07 14:33:52 UTC  |  Edited by: sYnc Vir
Jade Constantine wrote:
sYnc Vir wrote:
Tedril Goveko wrote:
Not really apples and oranges to be honest, although he states free to play games, i think he knows and many others do that there are also games out there which are subscriiption based with a vanity style store tacked on that work very well, star trek online being one of them. The difference between them and what CCP tried to do is simple.

  1. Vanity items are very cheap to buy, in some case mere pennies.
  2. The items are only vanity they're not needed items.
  3. They have aq large selection of items which are added to regularly.
  4. They have a "finnished" walking around engine so people can actually view your vanity items.

I've always felt that if CCP folowed these simple rules in the first place this would never have gotten the enormous negative reaction they did.

Granted, it's all about making money, but what's better?

Expensive limted amounts of items that only a few people will buy,
lots of small cheap ticket items that a huge amount of people will buy?

Why do you think pound/dollar stores are so common nowdays? It's because they make money hand over fist selling lots of cheap items all the time instead of one or two expensive items now and again. This business model could easily be used by CCP to make the NEX store popular.

4 accounts, 5500 free aura on each, none used.

Don't care how cheap that **** is. In the end, **** is ****, the price doesn't matter.

saying that I was one that never cared too much about the store. It was and is purely for dumbass's who want some extra connection to there toon. Fine by me, I thought people made way to much of it and if you're against it or just dont care, the best way to show that is to just leave your aura sat in your wallet collecting dust.

After that, what does it matter? If someone wants to spend a Billion isk on an ugly eye piece, then let them. As for what soundwave said, god I really dont care at this point. Walking in station overheats everything too much to use anyway so until thats fixed does it matter if they add to it? Not to me, so I really don't care.

Want a connection to the way your avatar looks?

Lets have a complicated exploration/manufacture system that means if you wanted to dress up with a super rare blood raider bikini you'd have to run missions in cosmos, trade parts on the market, explore for rare fabrics / invent blueprints and fund planetary factories to produce this rare stuff. When you wear that bikini it says "I put some effort into aquiring this thing" ... not

"I clicked a button on the damn NeX store"

Nothing that will ever be sold in the NeX store can ever be unique or impressive because anyone with a credit card to buy an unlimited number of them.

Eve is a game where truly impressive rare things are rare because they take a lot of time and effort to construct.

I don't disagree with you with you to the extend that rare is rare for a reason and that reason should be kept. I just don't actually care, if 10,000 people wanna pay 40 bucks for a common dress or shoes.

I dont envision me actually every using my aura, unless ccp give out so much free aura I can actually get a monofagwear, at which point I would have enough for 4. This would of course mean CCP would have basiclly given me (think they are 1.4b) 5.6Billiion isk for free. Which is nice for me, so people earning everyone free aura, for sure keep it up. but outside of that don't every expect to see my aura used.

hmm are we still on the path to more free aura? Has my post just jinxed myself and now no more free aura will be given out?

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#20 - 2011-11-07 14:35:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Constantine
Bischopt wrote:
microtransactions are good because everyone else is doing it too? That seems to be the only reason to support it.

We all already pay ccp. That payment should include the clothes as well.

Yes this.

There is a part in that interview where Soundwave justifies clothing being MT/extra on the grounds that extra clothing designers were hired that need to be paid with MT income. What he fails to understand is that Eve shipped in 2003 with an avatar designing system as part of the game within the subscription model. We customized our avatars with wild and outlandish "space clothes" to make these icons and build identity.

The whole thrust of the new avatars/3d look was improving something we already had rather than introducing something new that we had to pay extra for.

Basically yes. Eve players want clothing in the character designer and customization to be included with the subs. Pay the clothing designers with money raised from our subs by all means. But don't be surprised when people are pissed off when something that used to be included in the subscription fee suddenly becomes an "optional extra" just because you've modernized the graphic look.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

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