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E3 announcements today

Sebastian N Cain
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2013-06-13 23:21:40 UTC
Grimpak wrote:

basically, M$ response to PS4 is stick to the 360.

Well, one could also say that basically, MS response to offline gaming is f... you, we have some old stuff for that around.

I got lost in thought... it was unfamiliar territory.

Sebastian N Cain
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2013-06-13 23:26:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Sebastian N Cain
Jada Maroo wrote:
Already preordered a PS4.

Though I may end up selling off my preorder if supply dries up and prices skyrocket. I do want a PS4 eventually, but I don't particularly care if I get it day one.

XB One isn't even being considered. But I'll be honest. If Microsoft suddenly announces a partnership with Occulus, I'll order one. Because Occulus + Kinect is a dream combo.

If you really want a Kinect 2, there will be a PC version of it, so you can have your combo. No need to screw yourself with the XBone.

I got lost in thought... it was unfamiliar territory.

Lothian Enterprises
#63 - 2013-06-13 23:29:12 UTC
I've heard on a few sites, can't find official verification so it might be here-say.

But as it stands, Amazon has a 17:1 ratio of PS4 to XboxOne preorders.

Wow. If that's true then I think Microsoft will have to withdraw if they don't change, ergo they will change their current offerings significantly.

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Gallente Federation
#64 - 2013-06-14 17:03:59 UTC
Kirjava wrote:
I've heard on a few sites, can't find official verification so it might be here-say.

But as it stands, Amazon has a 17:1 ratio of PS4 to XboxOne preorders.

Wow. If that's true then I think Microsoft will have to withdraw if they don't change, ergo they will change their current offerings significantly.

well if the release is planned for this year's end, then they either delay it, or they won't change it at all.


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

#65 - 2013-06-14 17:49:27 UTC
Aragoni wrote:
Reiisha wrote:

All of Microsoft's failings at this moment of time can be traced back to when they fired J Allard and kept Steven Sinofsky. With that decision they firmly planted themselves as a 'business only' company in practice, but stubbornly thought they could still appeal to consumers.

EVERYTHING that's going on at MS right now can be traced to this event:

At that point MS chose to follow rather than lead.

That was a very interesting article as I had no idea about courier. Thanks. Smile

I only found out about that thing half a year ago aswell. I'd have loved one of those... One can only imagine what the Courier 2 or 3 would have looked like by now. Also, lots of people making Hitchhiker's mods for that thing :>

But seriously, Allard and Sinofsky were the only 2 people left at MS with any kind of vision. Sinofsky was an idiot, but at least he did have a vision. There's no one left except Ballmer (honestly, he's not that bad of a guy), but he's mired up in red tape simply because of being the CEO. Gates has washed his hands of the company years ago and thinks he's still relevant to the industry while all he does is reap the benefits of his massive stockpile of... stocks.

If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all...