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Bounty System - Another Different View

#1 - 2013-06-11 10:09:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Zhurong
Issue - every podpilot can bounty.

Seeing it in the view of more a rpg its bogus.

My humble solution: Personal / Corp Standings.


1. I see a podpilot.
2. I want to bounty the pilot
3. I set him personally to -10
4. Now I may bounty him to my heart content. Example 10Million isk
5. .... time elapses in eve and see there that podpilot becomes my friend. I set standing to +5
6. O gosch, his bounty is -10M to his current bounty.
7. My wallet blinks +1M payout. Due to heavy fees CONCORD keeps 90%

So what might this really do.
First, those see icon, click , set bounty, click , *snicker* will be halved.
Second, in a RPG point of view it makes more sense. I don't like that person. Ok. I set him to -10.
I set bounty on said person.

Thats just some player, who is pissed off getting bounty. Reason: I put a bounty on your head, please put a higher on mine.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2013-06-11 10:34:27 UTC
This just adds a step to the whole process though. What's the point?
#3 - 2013-06-11 13:38:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Zhurong
Danika Princip wrote:
This just adds a step to the whole process though. What's the point?

People commonly are
a) lazy
b) greedy
c*) not fond to be in local with to many red on a personal level.

So what's your point leave it as it is or try to make it a tiny bit better.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2013-06-11 14:06:15 UTC
Zhurong wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
This just adds a step to the whole process though. What's the point?

People commonly are
a) lazy
b) greedy
c*) not fond to be in local with to many red on a personal level.

So what's your point leave it as it is or try to make it a tiny bit better.

But adding in a step, (literally 'search for character, add to contacts) doesn't do anything other than make adding bounties a tiny little bit more annoying. Greed and reds in local are meaningless in this instance.

I suppose it does mildly nerf my ability to randomly bounty my corpmates when they're annoying/dumb/asking for it/it's funny, and why is that a good thing?
#5 - 2013-06-11 15:05:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Zhurong
Simple: it makes setting bounty a little bit more realistic. What most people forget, is that eve is not only a jump and run game.
This has next to a major pvp base, some RPG aspects.

Have you ever met a player, who done something really stupid or unrealistic, you just said "duh". Me, too many times. Ok I thought, ask why he did it. Answer: "Because I can do it"

Thus bounty someone, because that another player has to much rouge in his pic ..... ehrm...
So if it annoys just one senseless person to click a few times more, I have won already.

Think of it you go through RL. Someone pins a paper with dork written on it on your back. What do you do ? Laugh with him, NO most likely you would punch his lights out. If you ask him, why he did it.Answer: "Because I CAN".

I do not take it personally as such. I think its just not right how it is used. I think bounty is good game playing asset, but with every dork with an IQ below an ape can push the bounty button, without a realistic reason... me argggh. Just senseless. (Sorry in advance, if you take this personally, you are one of them)

Thus I "proposed" an idea, how this asset might be more useful.

Just my 2 cents.

P.S. My blood pressure is high again Shocked
Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2013-06-11 15:26:39 UTC
Nope. If this happens I can't put bounty on my alliance mates for the lolz.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2013-06-11 15:38:52 UTC
Zhurong wrote:
Simple: it makes setting bounty a little bit more realistic. What most people forget, is that eve is not only a jump and run game.
This has next to a major pvp base, some RPG aspects.

Have you ever met a player, who done something really stupid or unrealistic, you just said "duh". Me, too many times. Ok I thought, ask why he did it. Answer: "Because I can do it"

Thus bounty someone, because that another player has to much rouge in his pic ..... ehrm...
So if it annoys just one senseless person to click a few times more, I have won already.

Think of it you go through RL. Someone pins a paper with dork written on it on your back. What do you do ? Laugh with him, NO most likely you would punch his lights out. If you ask him, why he did it.Answer: "Because I CAN".

I do not take it personally as such. I think its just not right how it is used. I think bounty is good game playing asset, but with every dork with an IQ below an ape can push the bounty button, without a realistic reason... me argggh. Just senseless. (Sorry in advance, if you take this personally, you are one of them)

Thus I "proposed" an idea, how this asset might be more useful.

Just my 2 cents.

P.S. My blood pressure is high again Shocked

Where is the realism in your proposal though? I can still put a bounty on absolutely anyone I want, it just takes about three more clicks to do it. You don't stop anything, you just make it a little harder to bounty my friends for laughs.

The rest of your post doesn't actually appear to make any sense. I think the basic gist of it is that you hate fun, and think three more clocks is enough to stop people enjoying themselves?
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#8 - 2013-06-11 16:37:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
- This post was removed -
#9 - 2013-06-11 16:51:00 UTC
If you need to see bounties in a role-playing light, think of them like this:

You are giving a third party money to reward to others when your enemy is dead. All transactions are final, once you pass the isk to the third party there is no going back. If you think you're going to like that pilot one day down the road, don't make a permanent action against him or her. This third party is not directly affiliated with any law enforcement agency and so bounties are not in any way related to the law.
#10 - 2013-06-11 17:07:09 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Zhurong wrote:
Simple: it makes setting bounty a little bit more realistic. What most people forget, is that eve is not only a jump and run game.
This has next to a major pvp base, some RPG aspects.

Have you ever met a player, who done something really stupid or unrealistic, you just said "duh". Me, too many times. Ok I thought, ask why he did it. Answer: "Because I can do it"

Thus bounty someone, because that another player has to much rouge in his pic ..... ehrm...
So if it annoys just one senseless person to click a few times more, I have won already.

Think of it you go through RL. Someone pins a paper with dork written on it on your back. What do you do ? Laugh with him, NO most likely you would punch his lights out. If you ask him, why he did it.Answer: "Because I CAN".

I do not take it personally as such. I think its just not right how it is used. I think bounty is good game playing asset, but with every dork with an IQ below an ape can push the bounty button, without a realistic reason... me argggh. Just senseless. (Sorry in advance, if you take this personally, you are one of them)

Thus I "proposed" an idea, how this asset might be more useful.

Just my 2 cents.

P.S. My blood pressure is high again Shocked

Where is the realism in your proposal though? I can still put a bounty on absolutely anyone I want, it just takes about three more clicks to do it. You don't stop anything, you just make it a little harder to bounty my friends for laughs.

The rest of your post doesn't actually appear to make any sense. I think the basic gist of it is that you hate fun, and think three more clocks is enough to stop people enjoying themselves?

Its a mechanic thats not working as it should. You don't seem to get the grip of having fun and playing with fun. Having fun means mostly the other one is not enjoying it. Playing with fun, means both parties enjoy. I rather play with fun, don't you ?

I do not understand you. You dislike my idea, fine. Trolling about it, fine. Rather then discussing the vice versa, you say the idea is shite. No constructive cristism. For you its just fine as it is. For me its not. That simple !

What does setting bounty on someone mean to you, please enlighten me?

#11 - 2013-06-11 17:13:02 UTC
paritybit wrote:
If you need to see bounties in a role-playing light, think of them like this:

You are giving a third party money to reward to others when your enemy is dead. All transactions are final, once you pass the isk to the third party there is no going back. If you think you're going to like that pilot one day down the road, don't make a permanent action against him or her. This third party is not directly affiliated with any law enforcement agency and so bounties are not in any way related to the law.

I am not against bounty. I am against Fire&Forget.

What is bounty ? You personally put an amount of isk on someones head. You have to dislike that person, to really want to do that. He either called you a *****, killed you bro, killed your pod, scammed you or is just an annoying SOB. Well, put him personally on -10. Set reward, the 3rd party can collect the bounty. Its possible in my idea to retract the bounty, with heavy loss of isk. The mechanic to collect is still the same, its just making it a bit more realistic.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#12 - 2013-06-11 17:21:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
The whole point of "set a bounty on anyone" with Retribution was that you'd be able to bounty anyone who wronged you - even if it didn't carry a sec status penalty. Someone scammed you? Bounty. Someone ganked you? Bounty. Someone awoxed your corp? Bounty. Corp thief? Bounty. Reverse awox corp? Bounty the lot of them. The new bounty system was supposed to give us the freedom to put a price on the heads of those who messed with us while making it impossible for them to profit by claiming the bounty themselves with an alt.

CCP looks at their metrics a few times, sees that bounties are being placed everywhere as well as collected upon and declares the new system a success. We know better though. That's not what really goes on, now is it?

Instead, people are putting bounties on each other as a joke. I, for one, am hugely disappointed. This bounty system is even more broken than the old except where payouts are concerned - too small for profit by suicide, but also too small for anyone else bother with. Instead, it's just a little reward for PvP that would have been engaged in anyway.
#13 - 2013-06-11 18:10:09 UTC  |  Edited by: paritybit
Zhurong wrote:
The mechanic to collect is still the same, its just making it a bit more realistic.

I don't understand how this is more realistic. This is a dark future where you are controlling an enormous spacecraft with your mind. You're plugging implants into your head. You're travelling faster than light. There is a megacorporation acting as a broker for bounties on other pilots. I don't see how that last one is any crazier than the others.

Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
it's just a little reward for PvP that would have been engaged in anyway.

But it's great at this. If you see a pilot in a shiny ship with a bounty, can you honestly tell me you don't go the extra mile to try to explode his ship?

True there are bounties all over the place which probably aren't the result of somebody being "wronged", but what's the problem with that? Anything that rewards pvp is a good thing. It gets more people out there giving it a shot or encourages those already out there to try a little harder sometimes.
#14 - 2013-06-11 18:37:38 UTC
paritybit wrote:
Zhurong wrote:
The mechanic to collect is still the same, its just making it a bit more realistic.

I don't understand how this is more realistic. This is a dark future where you are controlling an enormous spacecraft with your mind. You're plugging implants into your head. You're travelling faster than light. There is a megacorporation acting as a broker for bounties on other pilots. I don't see how that last one is any crazier than the others.

The human nature will not change in thousand years. Sardistic and narcisstic.

paritybit wrote:
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
it's just a little reward for PvP that would have been engaged in anyway.

But it's great at this. If you see a pilot in a shiny ship with a bounty, can you honestly tell me you don't go the extra mile to try to explode his ship?

True there are bounties all over the place which probably aren't the result of somebody being "wronged", but what's the problem with that? Anything that rewards pvp is a good thing. It gets more people out there giving it a shot or encourages those already out there to try a little harder sometimes.

There is a difference between voluntary and forced PvP. Going into space below 0.4 is PvP. Going nullsec or WH its PvP.
These are voluntary.
Corp/Alliance wars or duells in empire are voluntary PvP.
Using bounty to set someone up to get podded, without a reason (except gosh did I have fun now) is forced PvP.
Using bounty to set someone up to get podded, WITH a reason that makes sense is voluntary PvP. Why because the person, who got the bounty did something that made him a target with a reason that makes SENSE.

What I've seen here up to now is. Do not take my fun away, to hell with the others. Only I count.