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Market Discussions

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What's the deal with salvaging book prices?

Diomedes Calypso
Aetolian Armada
#1 - 2013-06-10 06:21:05 UTC
I left the game for a couple years.. and came back and activated my accounts a week ago. Of course lots of things went up in isk value and a few fell. A few went up suprisingly though.

I came back to find I had 1500 salvaging books that I'd been buying in new player systems from players who some how didn't want them (either they'd trained it already from buying it , or got a duplicate or something)

Suddenly they'r selling for very close to 1 million k npc price. I guess they're not giving out extra's anymore or something.

What I don't get is how eager traders are to buy them from me at a 5% discount to NPC cost. Sure they'll sell but ...maybe its just my trading style but I like to mark thing up 50% if i'm even going to bother.. some rare times 20% but anything less it feels like a poor use of time. Even selling PLEX I'd aim for 10% .

Anyway.. is it just people looking for a 5% gain on putting up 50 of them for sale a bit higher ? I'd have better things do do with my mouse clicks .......

... so it makes me think. " am i getting screwed for selling them near npc price somehow? " which is very confusing.. which is why I ask.


Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#2 - 2013-06-10 18:05:41 UTC
market price dictates the rules for low volume items.

Manipulating the price DOWN dictates the value of an item's rolling real value if you are bent on dominating your item.

Sell it at a 5% loss if you must or wait till the price spikes if you want to contend over the item with your new found best friend and competitor.