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Remove Titans & Supercarriers

Enidan Lost
Cutting Edge Incorporated
#21 - 2013-05-15 14:18:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Enidan Lost
DeLindsay wrote:
No, I'm using Goons as an example because they are EXACTLY the type of Alliance that stands in the way of the smaller Alliances that YOU hope to help with the removal of Supers. And I was around when BoB was the evil of Eve and Goons were the good guys... Then we all learned differently once BoB was gone.

As plain as I can explain it, your idea simply will not work. Smaller Alliances will NEVER be competitive against much larger ones NO MATTER WHAT ship types are in the game, period.

yo bro, he never mentioned smaller alliances in his startpost. so why do you come up with that **** all day long??

@tib: u mad bro?
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#22 - 2013-05-15 14:25:25 UTC
Sadly i think CCP have invested too much into them to simply agree to remove them. But at the same time it's difficult to see how they can ever really be put into proper balance.

Unless they are massively powerful they have no valuable.


If they are massively powerful there are too many which can be put into a overpowered concentrated force.

it's a shame, cos the early days of titans where pretty awsome, and it was a ship that struck fear into players. now there are hundreds of them, it's hard to be taken seriously if you can't field them.
Xavier Thorm
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2013-05-15 15:34:37 UTC
I doubt CCP will ever just remove Titans and Supercarriers, but they do need a very comprehensive rebalance pass.
Marcus Junius
Nephilim Ordo
#24 - 2013-05-15 16:03:31 UTC
Remove them all then reseed so only one of each type can exist.

Make them a unique item in which only one can exist at any given time.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#25 - 2013-05-15 16:26:31 UTC
Marcus Junius wrote:
Remove them all then reseed so only one of each type can exist.

Make them a unique item in which only one can exist at any given time.

And then when PL have all eight of them...
Khan Farshatok
Pandemic Horde
#26 - 2013-05-15 16:38:00 UTC
Tiberu Stundrif wrote:

I want to bring back Dreadnought slugfeasts and the days when Carriers were considered something amazing. .

the only reason i support this is because of this one single line in his entire thread

Theia Matova
Dominance Theory
#27 - 2013-05-15 17:06:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Theia Matova
I think the game needs fleet jump hull such as titan. But perhaps titans could be repurposed just as that make tham normal capitals lower their size less EHP than dreads but still capable to jump fleet and use DD. Also reduce the requirements and cost of course.

I think such oversized hull idea as titan cant really go any other way than wrong. Any MMO should have anything that just one can have. Few perhaps but how the titan concept is now its not really working out.
Marcus Junius
Nephilim Ordo
#28 - 2013-05-15 17:54:48 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Marcus Junius wrote:
Remove them all then reseed so only one of each type can exist.

Make them a unique item in which only one can exist at any given time.

And then when PL have all eight of them...

Far less of an issue that what we have now.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#29 - 2013-05-15 18:11:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
monkfish2345 wrote:
Sadly i think CCP have invested too much into them to simply agree to remove them. But at the same time it's difficult to see how they can ever really be put into proper balance.

Unless they are massively powerful they have no valuable.


If they are massively powerful there are too many which can be put into a overpowered concentrated force.

it's a shame, cos the early days of titans where pretty awsome, and it was a ship that struck fear into players. now there are hundreds of them, it's hard to be taken seriously if you can't field them.

The key really is in the nature of the deployment - currently they can hit and run at will more or less and one super/titan can die all on its own unsupported to a sub capital fleet (quite often what happens the odd times one does die). When a super/titan is deployed it should stimulate gameplay - be a catalyst for further warfare.

On a related note, somewhat prompted by EVR - I do miss the whole "launching fighters" aspect of many movies, etc. when it comes to super deployment.

I've got a rough, completely off the wall concept in my head of facilities dotted around highsec that you can dock at as an NPC corp player, buy what is essentially a "fighter frig" wait in a queue to be bridged out to support a super in waves as though launched from it (obviously the idea would need a lot more development than that - none the least you'd be waiting quite awhile at the moment)
Xeros Black
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2013-05-15 19:20:10 UTC
I have always thought that jump portals was a silly thing its one of those OP aspects of the game you can move huge forces with very little risk to the titan pilot in question.. My thought is make carriers/supers carry ships to combat instead of jump portals. (so ships dock with carriers and then undock when the jump is complete) I agree with the poster that mentioned that capital ships should be able to move themselves (which will never happen because CCP makes too much money off cyno alts)..

As for titans and supers being removed from the game i disagree i think you could balance both ships out pretty well just by removing their EWAR immunity. I never have agreed with anything in eve being immune to another effect in eve it doesn't make sense resistant but not immunity and this includes ships in triage and siege mode. If you balanced supers and titans to have a base warp strength of say 10+ and a sensor strength of 200+.

It seems to me like the last bit to balance supers and titans out would be an anti-capital ship counter something like a stealth bomber only anti titan / super. Maybe a Cruiser class ship that equips capital sized torps. Something a carrier could take out easy with a 10 hammer heads but would be less vulnerable to titan and fighter bomber tracking. They should be expensive though maybe 200-500 mil for a cruiser class ship extra specialized
Antagonistic Tendencies
#31 - 2013-05-15 19:38:38 UTC
Xeros Black wrote:

It seems to me like the last bit to balance supers and titans out would be an anti-capital ship counter something like a stealth bomber only anti titan / super. Maybe a Cruiser class ship that equips capital sized torps. Something a carrier could take out easy with a 10 hammer heads but would be less vulnerable to titan and fighter bomber tracking. They should be expensive though maybe 200-500 mil for a cruiser class ship extra specialized

I'm not a fan of specialised ships designed purely to take out high end ships that people have spent a long time training and getting into unless they also take as much investment.

I think the main balancing factor should be that they can't be evacuated off the field as quickly and easily as they are now and using one in a fight is somewhat a proper commitment. Personally I think they should go into a reinforced mode once they've taken a certain amount of damage so that it is a catalyst for further fighting - I die a little inside when I see a capital die all on its own unsupported to a gank fleet.
Xavier Thorm
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2013-05-16 15:40:01 UTC
One proposal for Titans that I've thrown out in a couple of threads like this in the past is to require a Titan at either end of the jump bridge to send ships through.
Maximus Andendare
Rote Kapelle
#33 - 2013-05-16 21:24:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Andendare
Tiberu Stundrif wrote:
First of all, I'm a Supercapital pilot. I own an Avatar and a Nyx.

Remove them from the game.

- Reprocess ships and place all minerals in "Redeemable Items" based on ME 0 Titan/Supercarrier BPO
- Refund all skillbook costs & refund skillpoints
- Place character in home station.

The Supercapital problem will not improve by simply nerfing these ships into uselessness as CCP has intended to do. My Avatar is a giant logistics cannon and mobile jump bridge. It is a 80-100 billion ISK sink that simply isn't worth what it is intended for.

- The power of the Doomsday is fine as it is, but when you look at the numbers of Titans owned by any one corporation/alliance, it is unbalanced. When an alliance can drop 50 titans on an opposing fleet, there is something terribly wrong.

- I don't want to bring tracking titans back. This was a stupid mechanic and far too easy to make subcapital fleets inferior.

I want to bring back Dreadnought slugfeasts and the days when Carriers were considered something amazing. Remove Supercapitals from the game completely.

This will go a long way to balancing the game and giving newer alliances the chance to succeed.
I'm sort of in the mindset that mega-large supercap fleets (like the ones PL is fond of dropping) does hurt the overall gameplay, especially considering the effect TiDi has on Capital movements into a fight. (Shadoo is quoted as saying that with TiDi, no fight is too far away to bring the full cap fleet to bear.)

I don't think the solution would be to remove Supercaps, though. It wouldn't fit Eve. And although the power creep associated with Alliances having fleets of supers to drop into a battle is horrendous, the best solution--the one that gives smaller alliances at least some sort of chance would be to install some sort of mass limits on ships that cyno into the system per time period.

Not an overall mass, mind you, since that'd just lead to supers being deployed like drones when one goes down. It'd have to be an overarching "mass limit" on the cyno jumps into the system per time period. Once the cyno limit is reached (either through traditional bridging of subcaps or by cap or supercap jumps, the system is unable to take more mass via cynos for a given cooldown period.

I think another way to redistribute some of the supers' power is to require a titan on both ends to bridge a fleet in. This would mean that titan pilots would have to commit their ships to the fray or the support fleet couldn't just be magically "beamed" into battle.

Yes, this is a very "wormhole" way of looking at the ever-increasing supercap buildup problem, but the only way for fights to happen is to have some semblance of order. I know in a wormhole fight, for example, that the amount of Dreads that can come through that hole--indeed the amount of anything--is limited, so I can somewhat forecast what we may face even in the worst of times. Simply put, a small-to-medium alliance with moderate combat assets won't commit to a fight where they think "yeah we can probably take those two titans or supers" if there is a constant threat of PL dumping 70 supers in the battle and utterly obliterating them. It's not worth the whelp, especially considering that a supercarrier can deploy 12500 dps without having to commit to a siege timer or anything. If they going gets tough, they can cyno out. If the going gets tough for a dread or carrier, too bad. They're stuck there for 5 minutes.

Enter grid and you're already dead, destined to be reborn and fight another day.

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Maximus Andendare
Rote Kapelle
#34 - 2013-05-16 21:29:42 UTC
Xeros Black wrote:
I have always thought that jump portals was a silly thing its one of those OP aspects of the game you can move huge forces with very little risk to the titan pilot in question...
This is very true. It should be that smaller fleets are more mobile and can move more quickly vs large fleets that should move slowly. In fact, it's quite the opposite: the more wealth and power you have, the easier it is to move around. This is backward. There should be room for guerrilla tactics.

Enter grid and you're already dead, destined to be reborn and fight another day.

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Xavier Thorm
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#35 - 2013-05-16 21:44:05 UTC
Maximus Andendare wrote:
Xeros Black wrote:
I have always thought that jump portals was a silly thing its one of those OP aspects of the game you can move huge forces with very little risk to the titan pilot in question...
This is very true. It should be that smaller fleets are more mobile and can move more quickly vs large fleets that should move slowly. In fact, it's quite the opposite: the more wealth and power you have, the easier it is to move around. This is backward. There should be room for guerrilla tactics.

I think there needs to be a balance though. Wealthy alliances and coalitions should also be able to put massive amounts of resources behind an operation to move ships quickly. The problem right now is that there is little risk associated with Titan bridges.
Tiberu Stundrif
Nifty Idustries
Pandemic Horde
#36 - 2013-06-09 21:51:44 UTC
Bump cuz this still needs to be addressed. Big smile
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#37 - 2013-06-09 22:16:24 UTC
Limiting something like titans would not be too difficult... but it would be impossible to insure they stay distributed without some very funky rules on how they are limited.

For instance, you could tie them to SOV, and allow x amount per whatever metric you like--moons mined, systems owned, etc... but sooner or later someone would gain the upper hand and own them all.

Something I like better is to actually buff them more, but give them an absolutely ruinous fuel cost to move them--- you get them where you want them, and they park there until another couple freighter loads of fuel arrive to allow them to move again. They become reinforced positions in space, and seeing one jump in would be headline news as you know it took the total fuel production of the alliance a week or more to get it there, and now it cannot even move from it's current location without more fuel.

Combined with a similar fuel cost for opening bridges, or only allowing Titans to be the end point of a bridge and making it a structure that opens them would limit those shenanigans. Alternatively, add a module with high fitting costs to allow jumps on regular hulls to keep the strategic mobility but force a trade off for it.
Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#38 - 2013-06-10 17:24:55 UTC
All I got from this thread was "lower the amount of supercaps in game"

Simple, put a station realated tax on them, VOILA


Why its never going to hapten?
Im sorry I cant discus this because not only will CCP be Peed off but many old vets looking to quit.

Supercaps are the driving force for those players playing the game for 7+ years, take the force away and we end up with WoW and who knows what else.

the change would be so big, not in the form of big ships being removed but literally hearts broken.

Keep these crappy ships in the game, their just crappy, my naglfar does 1500 DPS and Im just bashing myself for ever going full ******, training for and getting any kind of capital ship.
Tiberu Stundrif
Nifty Idustries
Pandemic Horde
#39 - 2013-06-10 18:00:11 UTC
Kara Books wrote:
All I got from this thread was "lower the amount of supercaps in game"

Simple, put a station realated tax on them, VOILA


Why its never going to hapten?
Im sorry I cant discus this because not only will CCP be Peed off but many old vets looking to quit.

Supercaps are the driving force for those players playing the game for 7+ years, take the force away and we end up with WoW and who knows what else.

the change would be so big, not in the form of big ships being removed but literally hearts broken.

Keep these crappy ships in the game, their just crappy, my naglfar does 1500 DPS and Im just bashing myself for ever going full ******, training for and getting any kind of capital ship.

"Remove Titans & Supercarrier"
Tilly Delnero
#40 - 2013-06-10 18:32:32 UTC
Tiberu Stundrif wrote:
The Supercapital problem will not improve by simply nerfing these ships into uselessness as CCP has intended to do. My Avatar is a giant logistics cannon and mobile jump bridge. It is a 80-100 billion ISK sink that simply isn't worth what it is intended for.

- The power of the Doomsday is fine as it is, but when you look at the numbers of Titans owned by any one corporation/alliance, it is unbalanced. When an alliance can drop 50 titans on an opposing fleet, there is something terribly wrong.

- I don't want to bring tracking titans back. This was a stupid mechanic and far too easy to make subcapital fleets inferior.

I want to bring back Dreadnought slugfeasts and the days when Carriers were considered something amazing. Remove Supercapitals from the game completely.

I agree, NERF PL!

On a serious note, there are also plenty of people who want all capitals removed and want to revert to the days of old where battleships were the dominant heavy combat platform. Times change, capitals and supercapitals are part of the game and many alliance logistics and (IMHO) should remain so. Removing titans means removing bridging, and that would be a nerf too far for many people (unless POS bridges didn't require sov anymore). It would also make large, well-piloted pantheon/slowcat carrier fleets virtually indestructible, since the only real way to kill those is via massive alpha (doomsday) unless you happen to have a ridiculous number of dreads at hand. In which case people would complain about the number of dreads. Ugh

IIRC supercaps were a response to this type of capital escalation. If anything should be done about their proliferation, personally I'd like to see something more along the lines of supercapitals being subject to some form of ongoing tax like the alliance/sov system. Not necessarily ISK-based though. Maybe for the mechanics to treat them as a corp/alliance asset rather than a ship - perhaps even have ongoing fuel costs like a POS while they are online/in use?

Whatever happens, I'd like to see supers reclaiming their 'special' status as end-game goals and something unique people really go 'OOH' at when they see them. At the moment they're far too common and lack anything that makes them really stand out. Except titan bridges, which are awesome. Big smile