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Moving Jita! Lets Do The Impossible!

Grandma Squirel
#21 - 2013-06-10 01:06:30 UTC
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:
I've thought about doing something like this myself but I thought at coming at it from a different angle.
What if a group of people was large enough to fill up say 500 slots in jita with just alts forcing people to start looking to go somewhere else because they simply cannot get in. This, along with the combination of your idea of either setting up a brand new hub or making Amarr or something the new main trade hub, could be possible.

CCP has said that docked players don't contribute much to the load. They already account for idle players when adjusting the cap, and so they would just up the cap by the new number of idle players.
The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#22 - 2013-06-10 01:09:22 UTC
Grandma Squirel wrote:
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:
I've thought about doing something like this myself but I thought at coming at it from a different angle.
What if a group of people was large enough to fill up say 500 slots in jita with just alts forcing people to start looking to go somewhere else because they simply cannot get in. This, along with the combination of your idea of either setting up a brand new hub or making Amarr or something the new main trade hub, could be possible.

CCP has said that docked players don't contribute much to the load. They already account for idle players when adjusting the cap, and so they would just up the cap by the new number of idle players.

who said anything about being docked? why not clog up jita undock while we are at it too Blink

better yet, what if we made this some kind of player event like flight of a thousand rifters where we purposely fill up jita with not only hundreds of people working together for this event but also making TiDi the lowest % causing all the people trying to go about their normal business to stop and think about what the hell is going on.
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#23 - 2013-06-10 01:42:10 UTC
The issue is that it is the defacto trade hub. If you move the main market hub to another system then all the Jita traffic will follow. Same issue, different system. The only solution that will work is CCP upgrading their server architecture to the point where the server can handle the load.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#24 - 2013-06-10 01:45:39 UTC
Aliventi wrote:
The issue is that it is the defacto trade hub. If you move the main market hub to another system then all the Jita traffic will follow. Same issue, different system. The only solution that will work is CCP upgrading their server architecture to the point where the server can handle the load.

They would just swap their jita node to the new system, i don't think it would be an issue.
Diomedes Calypso
Aetolian Armada
#25 - 2013-06-10 03:09:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Diomedes Calypso
They could really help the other hubs out with some map improvements.

Short verion: 3 new connections improving minor hub convenience and volume
Hek to Rens gate
Orvolle to Dodixie gate
Bournes to Gyng gate

I think it would be doable to get volumes up to a critical mass point where the most common items are priced nearly as efficently as Jita if it were a bit more convenient to get to them.....

.. it could snow ball a bit.. sort of recursively.

The map really favor's Jita in that the maps in the Gallente and Minmataur areas have much worse sirculation within regions and the regions do not flow into each other as effeiciently as the The Forge - The Citadel - Lontrek (and half of black rise) do.

Amarr isn't half bad with Kor-Azor dumping right into it.. Tash Murkon both having a good internal flow making it attractive to locate in and pratically dumping right into Amarr too. Kador flows in a loop that lets a couple tributaries flow into Amarr and while it loses some "while i'm at it i'll go another 6 jumps" trafic from parts of kador and norther Domain, domain has mutiple loops within it and they allow good access to amarr on alternate routs. Tldr Amarr aint so bad.

The big problem is the Minmataur and Gallente areas. Their internal circulation sucks, There is some flow to Hek within Metropoils but some pipes are so long that their back excit into Hemitar is prefferable.. flowing towards Rens. Derelek is hell and gone and drops only to Rens and rens if far from other stuff... too far relative to the caldari and Amarr spaces to each other. There is a good deal of 0.0 access... Rens make sense as a hub but not for a lot of Metropolis.

Discussing Gallente space is even tougher and I'll spare you but I will say it's regions are far more chopped up with low sec strings and they don't gracefully flow to any center space.... and its generally just as easy to get to Jita as it would be to Rens from a lot of it . Dodixie doesn't logically servern Sinq, Placid Essense Everyshore in a geographically natural way the way to the level that routes flow to Amarr and even less like how the caladari regions flow into Jita.

I'm not Jita bashing. It is logical to have a dominant hub but just -How- much market share it has of the most common items can fluctuate. For certain specialty items places like NYC or London or Moscow will always be the place to find reasonable choice and supply but those cities don't sell more milk and bread and dish soap per capita than the rest of the country. Its a vague example, but with decent "Super markets" selling a broad variety of normal goods at as low of a price as you'll get anywhere, you'll only make the trips to the "big city" when you know you'll need specialty items.

My solution.

Improve the Gallente - Minmataur trade routes ... that will keep a portion of Jita business from those areas more local and as it is recursive loop, the more efficient the market gets due to increased volume the more it will happen.

Stop Hek and Rens from canibalizing each other and make both regions more comfortable to move about with a long stargate between Hek and Rens... one or the other will die.. and combined will be stronger.

Create a jump from Orvolle in Placid to Dodixie . That will drastically help Essence and Sinq Laison be more like Amarr as well as bringing the mini hub in Orvolle to combine its volume with Dodixie.

Then, there needs to be a way to get From Dodixie to Rens far more easily to allow traders to stock both. I've tried.. they're just too far and what happens is that i made separate trips back and forth to Jita as a central restocking area. If I had some sort of supply of a good from an outlying area, dropping some of the supply in Gallente space and some in Rens seemed like a good idea till I made the trip. ... I'd end up too tired and stopping after supplying one or the other.

Make a long jump between Bournes (Sinq Laison) and Gyng (Hemitar two jumps from rens) . The economy in the Gallente and Minmataur regions would have far more cross access, allowing producers to stock both the Dodixie and Rens hubs easily while still consolodating more business in those two with the probable elimination of Hek and the vastly improved access to Dodixie relative to Jita that the connection to Orvolle would allow.


Ministry of Offense
Goonswarm Federation
#26 - 2013-06-10 03:44:44 UTC
I have only just started as a trader / Hauler, but this sounds like a fun challenge. Count me in
Joan Greywind
The Lazy Crabs
#27 - 2013-06-10 05:58:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Joan Greywind
the question is why?? this seems totally pointless. You want to write history fine, but do it for a reason, not just because it is a challenge, especially something that involves this many people. And sorry to break your bubble but this is definitely going to fail (I don't mean to be mean). Jita is a major trade hub for a reason and not just random, Being the trade hub (and the only I might add, highsec at least) on the Chinese server also is no accident. We as players weren't forced to use Jita, we chose it because it was the most convenient. At the end of the day most "logical" traders trade for isk (anyone that does trading in Jita just for "fun" needs to be committed) and moving it doesn't provide extra profit, for a huge increase in risk, much lower volumes and much more hassle.

As someone mentioned before, if you want a challenge, establish low sec and nullsec (I know too optimistic) trade hubs.
Jin d'SaanGo
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2013-06-10 14:59:10 UTC
Diomedes Calypso wrote:


Even though I appreciate your effort you put in your analysis, I don't like your conclusion. At least not the general approach.

My impression is ... the EVE universe is too small already. There is only limited effort needed to get from one side. I'm not sure if you still got to know the "warp to 15km" instead of "warp to 0km" times (manually piloted); but when CCP introduced this, the universe became so much smaller and considerably less dangerous.

I also like that different region in EVE have a different character. Yes, some might be quite badly connected, relatively insecure, uninviting etc. But that is great, that is flavour, that give me the feeling I'm not moving on a chessboard but in a real universe.

Even as a trader I welcome the fact that for example Hek and Rens are so far away from Jita. It gives me the reason to trade and haul between trade hubs and so I can earn extra profit because prices for consumer goods are higher in the more remote regions.

So my suggestion is ... make it harder, more dangerous, more demanding to get to Jita (or to travel between regions). If you need 50min instead of 25min (one way) to get from a random high sec system to Jita, then clever people might think twice and prefer the closer but more expensive hub.

When it comes to raw materials, I'm still missing insights in that field. Moon goo, t2 components, minerals, ... I can see how everything flows to Jita and bounces back from there. In fact, that is the only reason why I'm active in that system. If you can make other place attractive for suppliers of raw materials, you have made a significant step towards dethroning Jita. Many haulers will hate you because you just destroyed their means of income.
Esyavore Lando
Talu Shaya Industries
#29 - 2013-06-10 15:30:02 UTC
Joan Greywind wrote:
Jita is a major trade hub for a reason and not just random, Being the trade hub (and the only I might add, highsec at least) on the Chinese server also is no accident. We as players weren't forced to use Jita, we chose it because it was the most convenient.

Jita changed over time. I think one major reason it became a hub was, that additionaly to its location it was a Mission hub in the early days. But CCP moved the agents. Jita stayed the hub because it was established. That doesnt mean that there are no better places.

Joan Greywind wrote:
At the end of the day most "logical" traders trade for isk.

sure, but pure isk is not the only source of fun. The question is what you do with it.
Esyavore Lando
Talu Shaya Industries
#30 - 2013-06-10 15:36:20 UTC
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:
What if a group of people was large enough to fill up say 500 slots in jita with just alts forcing people to start looking to go somewhere else because they simply cannot get in.

this seems to me kind of a dirty trick. But this has a point without the need of alts. Jita cant handle the number of players already. Yesterday there were 200 to 300 people in New Caldari waiting at the gate to get into Jita over several hours.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#31 - 2013-06-10 17:16:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Has anybody yet asked, why?

Jita already runs on its own server, so moving it isn't useful.
Vincenzo Arbosa
Locust Assets
#32 - 2013-06-10 17:35:06 UTC
I would be opposed to any additional links making the universe any smaller or more ‘accessible’ than it already is, including the Hek -> Rens suggestion above. If demand is high enough to move certain goods to other regions, it will happen organically. Eventually a player base will not spend 300% markup on goods and someone will decide to increase the supply, these sorts of things will accumulate with time, and new markets will sprout, and eventually perhaps a new hub. I don’t want anything forced in this game though, as it kills that potential for gamesmanship in the markets. Let it happen as it will happen. If Jita access continues to be an issue, increase server capacity there, or watch as the surrounding systems slowly become more and more active.
"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli." 
Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#33 - 2013-06-10 17:47:19 UTC
I was drunk when I wrote this
Esyavore Lando
Talu Shaya Industries
#34 - 2013-06-10 18:37:24 UTC
I checked the low sec access of New Caldari . Its slighly better than Jita.

New Caldari - Aurohunen : 3 Jumps (Jita 4 )
New Caldari - Pakkonen: 4 Jumps (Jita 4 )
New Caldari - Tama: 4 Jumps (Jita 4 )
New Caldari - Jan: 4 Jumps (Jita 5 )
New Caldari - Mara: 4 Jumps (Jita 5 )
New Caldari Passari: 5 Jumps (Jita 5)
New Caldari - Maila (Forge) 9 Jumps (Jita 10)

Some demand is already there. Today I sold an item for 54 million in New Caldari which costed 25 in Jita at the time. I guess because of traffic jam.

Also I checked the area around Kaaputenen but didnt find a satisfying place.
Sad Najwyzszy
#35 - 2013-06-10 19:04:17 UTC
2 jita`s will be ok imo. One can have higher prices however CCP would need to add jump gates to the new system.

And of coz it will have to be in forge anyway.

But....but tbh, even jtia lack many of needed items especially after weekend. Problem is that u have to many bots macroes running in jita and AFK ppl and logistic become to painfull right now.
Esyavore Lando
Talu Shaya Industries
#36 - 2013-06-10 19:08:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Esyavore Lando
I dont expect CCP to change anything but server capacity if needed. This endeavor should be player driven, not imposed by CCP.
Adunh Slavy
#37 - 2013-06-10 19:37:43 UTC
You can trade in Jita, with out having to go into Jita ya know.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

#38 - 2013-06-11 05:38:42 UTC
Esyavore Lando wrote:
I checked the low sec access of New Caldari . Its slighly better than Jita.

New Caldari - Aurohunen : 3 Jumps (Jita 4 )
New Caldari - Pakkonen: 4 Jumps (Jita 4 )
New Caldari - Tama: 4 Jumps (Jita 4 )
New Caldari - Jan: 4 Jumps (Jita 5 )
New Caldari - Mara: 4 Jumps (Jita 5 )
New Caldari Passari: 5 Jumps (Jita 5)
New Caldari - Maila (Forge) 9 Jumps (Jita 10)

Some demand is already there. Today I sold an item for 54 million in New Caldari which costed 25 in Jita at the time. I guess because of traffic jam.

Also I checked the area around Kaaputenen but didnt find a satisfying place.

So is New Caldari one jump further away when coming from Amarr or Gallente space? Does one have to pass through Jita to get to New Caldari?

I do not think it is a good idea to bank on not being able to get into Jita, or logging in alts into Jita to block it up. The new hub should attract customers without relying entirely on the traffic jam. Yes, certainly take advantage of the jam to establish the hub, but the jam may not last long, if CCP have any sense.

Why don't we just dump lots of stuff in New Caldari and see if it sells? Which station to use?

Also: another place one jump from Jita which is reasonably well established is Soebeski. The Caldari Navy station there has a pretty active market, though it is in Lonetrek. There's usually a jam there as well, as people use this route to get to Jita from much of Caldari space.

Any colour you like.

Mateber Mining and Manufacturing Company
#39 - 2013-06-11 06:31:48 UTC
This is not possible to do because to move jita you need the biggest ISK holders in eve to cooperate and it will still cost hundreds of trillions Just by taking the taxes into account.Last I heard not many have several hundred trillion to trow away.

knowledge is power.

SJ Astralana
#40 - 2013-06-11 08:54:08 UTC
One simple long-overdue game mechanic could solve the congestion problem. As office rents are now demand-driven, if production slots received the same mechanic, costs would naturally drop the farther you get from the established hubs. Even though my production model would have to adapt, I still would support this change for the overall good and fairness of the game.

Hyperdrive your production business: Eve Production Manager