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Sleeper Invasion

Mark Androcius
#1 - 2013-06-10 12:01:34 UTC
Just like incursions, maybe CCP could do something funny with Sleepers.

If i read the lore right, Sleepers were autonomous drones, which took on a life of their own, nearly destroying their own creators.
In an attempt to save themselves, they destroyed the stargates connecting the systems the Sleepers resided in, these systems are what we now know as wormholes.

Now for the idea.

Some of these Sleepers, have decided to disassemble and become part of a giant Sleeper Carrier ( capital or super-capital, i don't know which ones best ).
Just like the normal sleepers, these carriers only have Armor and Hull and have roughly the same AI.

Using a rudimentary FTL-Drive, they have set course for Empire space to invade it.

Just like incursions, players need to destroy these carriers ( one per system, very hard to kill and accompanied with many Sleeper drones ).
Players have 5 days to do this and if they fail, the system will fall into Sleeper control for a month, or until a player staged attack has liberated it ( this requires MASSIVE player involvement ).

These attacks occur randomly and at least 6 times per year in about 24 systems ( 6 systems per faction per year ).

Of course this idea hasn't been finalized at all, but this is why i post it here, give me your opinions or ideas for any additions.

Cheers and fly fearlessly,

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#2 - 2013-06-10 12:21:53 UTC
On the one hand, the risk of incursion pigs who are even more elitist than the ones we have now.

On the other hand, the incursion pigs we have now trying to run against full-strength Sleeper AI and getting their multi-billion-ISK pigboats shot and destroyed.

This is a hard decision. Perhaps you might expand more upon what "falling into Sleeper control" entails.
Galaxies Fall
#3 - 2013-06-10 12:53:14 UTC
I'm all for new content in Eve.

The Operative: "There are a lot of innocent people being killed in the air right now".

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: "You have no idea how true that is".

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2013-06-10 14:37:13 UTC
Six systems per faction per year?

So, it's only available in highsec then? In that case it should offer lower rewards than the current ones, which are still too lucrative for the complete lack of risk entailed. And there should be no sleeper loot or salvage or whatever it is WH guys make their money off of to avoid crashing that market.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#5 - 2013-06-10 14:48:47 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Six systems per faction per year?

So, it's only available in highsec then? In that case it should offer lower rewards than the current ones, which are still too lucrative for the complete lack of risk entailed. And there should be no sleeper loot or salvage or whatever it is WH guys make their money off of to avoid crashing that market.

The current incursion model yields no Sansha loot, no salvage, nothing. The only payout is ISK and LP, given after the incursion as a whole has been closed by destroying the mothership.
Mark Androcius
#6 - 2013-06-10 14:49:38 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Six systems per faction per year?

So, it's only available in highsec then? In that case it should offer lower rewards than the current ones, which are still too lucrative for the complete lack of risk entailed. And there should be no sleeper loot or salvage or whatever it is WH guys make their money off of to avoid crashing that market.

Well, i didn't say the idea was finished, i was hoping for some input from others to make it better.

Doing it in low-sec makes it a bit useless i think, cause there would be very little incentive for high-sec dwellers to want to defend it.

They could do it so the system effectively turns into null-sec for the duration of the invasion and as long as the system isn't liberated ( so up to a month ).

The Sleepers would be roaming around everywhere in the systems, able to kill anyone at any time, so teamwork becomes a must.
Also allow bombers and bubbles in there, seeing as it's null at that moment ( just not the usual sov claiming and stuff related to null).
No Titans or super-caps allowed.

And yes, the loot is something that needs to be looked at, obviously we don't want wormholers to lose out on this.

It could introduce wormhole and null dynamics to people unfamiliar with it.
It would be interesting to me, to see what will happen if one of the systems right in the middle of a trade route was invaded.
Mark Androcius
#7 - 2013-06-10 16:17:56 UTC
Come on people, get your creative mind in gear.

I'm sure that with the right mindset and some cool addition ( or subtractions ) this could become something pretty awesome.

Just imagine what would happen if Jita got invaded by Sleepers, that would really stir up the market and cause people to have to become more creative ( aka less repetitive ).
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#8 - 2013-06-10 16:40:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
You should.. probably.. reconsider the notion of bubbles being allowed in places that are temporarily null. They would persist even after the sec status was restored to something that does not allow bubbles. That would be what we in Features & Ideas call "horribly broken".

I agree with the notion that letting the incursion last longer than absolutely necessary should have consequences, though. Sansha incursions should be looked at with this in mind as well. Such that the longer you let the incursion exist, the harder it is to clear (up to a point) and after a while gatecamps start happening and just get bigger and bigger until even a battleship is in trouble and a small fleet is required to clear them out. Under such a mechanic, the incursions should also not despawn until the mothership is cleared.

One more thing I've been meaning to address, although it's of little importance, is that I doubt something as advanced as Sleeper drones would need to resort to a "rudimentary" FTL drive. I'm sure with the remarkable technology they have control over (technology that our T3 ships represent only a very primitive, barbaric understanding of) that they could easily create and use Jump Drives that are capable of spanning double- and triple-digit distances (measured in LY) without needing a cyno or beacon on the other side.

Also, as much as I want to say "Oh my god CCP, can we have a C6-level Sleeper Incursion in Jita? Please please please?" I'm not sure I want to put on my fullerite-and-technetium-alloy wading boots and traverse the boiling oily river of tears that would result.
Mark Androcius
#9 - 2013-06-10 17:26:40 UTC
lol, yes, bubbles indeed represent a small problem, now that you mention it.
Perhaps a mechanic that puts them offline or something or allows you to kill them once sec status has been restored, without concord showing up.

On the FTL point though, yes, maybe some jump drive, but the result will remain the same, they will just pop into empire all the sudden.