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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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61M/51M/56M returning pilot looking for corp

Karim alRashid
#1 - 2013-06-07 13:05:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Karim alRashid
Hi there,

I'm looking for corp for my three toons.

This one - flies pretty much everything sub-BS (except T3, but 8 days training so meh), Minnie and Gallente BS, Logi 5, Recon 5, BC 5, etc., everything t2 fit with the relevant support skills, yada, yada, yada ...
Another toon flies Phoenix/Moros and Chimera/Thanatos + triage and Caldari/Gallente BS (doesn't own any caps), plus Basilisk.
Third industrial toon T2/capital builder, plus perfect probing skills, Falcon, Basilisk, Charon/Crane.

Definitely looking for a PvP corp, most interested in small gang mixed WH/0.0, less interested in blob/sov warfare (but not really a deal breaker), least interested in hisec wardecs.

PS. EU timezone (currently living in GMT+3/GMT+2 depending on DST)

PPS. Also got WIng Command 4 and Armored/Skirmish/Siege boosting skills.

PPPS.If I'm on auto-reject (happens ocassionally) don't get discouraged and feel free to shoot an EVEmail ;)

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Ertai Vodalion
LifeLine Solutions
#2 - 2013-06-07 13:43:15 UTC
Hello Karim,

you might want to check us out - LifeLine Solutions is recruiting:

LifeLine Solutions - Recruitment

fly safe
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-06-07 14:45:15 UTC

Check us out and drop in for a chat even..


In Ordo Drakonis we trust!

Oli Robbo
#4 - 2013-06-07 14:57:57 UTC
Thern alpha
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2013-06-07 17:42:37 UTC
Unlawful Unit (UUNIT) is looking for pvpers and some new bro's looking for a STABLE and ACTIVE corp to pvp in. We are a nullsec corp, who roams 3-4 times a day, loves to pvp from dawn to dusk and dont mind teaching others how to pvp.

Info on the corp:

US & EU tz

very active cap and black ops wings

Good mix of older experinced players and newer pew pewers

always active on comms and pvp ops

We have an -.9 system with a station as our home system. Its upgraded for ratting and open for all corp members to fill their wallets.

Killboard link:

Reqs to join: Full api key/user id

10 mil sp with most of it in combat skills

TS3 and a mic

Ability to take a joke and trolling in corp chat/corp comms, we troll everyone and love to have a nice laugh.
We play eve to have fun and enjoy the game, but that doesnt mean we dont know when to be serious and get **** done.

Anyone looking to join pls convo/mail: Thern alpha

Public chat: UUINT Public
feel free to drop in and have a chat
Von Seth
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-06-07 21:19:24 UTC
Give us a look!!

Join ingame Dark-Rising channel and get to know us, or look up our website:

We're a long standing corp with experience and history, and quite a unique way of corp management
#7 - 2013-06-07 21:32:09 UTC
The usual dribble everyone is posting here.

Founder/CEO of Wraithguard.

Karim alRashid
#8 - 2013-06-08 08:10:32 UTC
Thanks for the heads up, both here and in game, folks, I really liked quite a few of them. Gonna start talking with people, but keep posting regardless. ;)

Anyway, updated a little the first post, not that it matters that much, hehe, ...

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Cackling Jack
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#9 - 2013-06-08 13:07:29 UTC
Hi there…
I see that you are looking for a corporation to join.
I will only post this once, don’t want to spam you.

If you are interested, Flying Dangerous maybe the place for you.
Every Corp will say that they are the best, this is what we do, but ultimately trying to find one that fits with your style and what you want to do may take time, so I wish you all the best and hope you find what you are looking for.

A little about Flying Dangerous
We are part of The Dinner Squadron coalition and look forward to many large SOV engagements with the members of the alliance.
We have strong US & EURO TZ and we currently reside in 0.0 and are in the process of moving deeper into null sec.
If you are interested here is our forum post with a little of what we do and some useful links.

If you want to chat to some members in game then look at joining our in game channel FD 4 PVP.
Hope to see you online, better to fly along side of you, however if you choose elsewhere then GF all round
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2013-06-08 13:20:34 UTC

Hello matey!

I represent BIG part of Insidious Empire based in 0.0... Be part of BIG corp and not just a number!

Founded in 2002 during early beta testing, BIG is one of the oldest and most successful corporations in EVE. We're known to most for the various products and services we offer to players, including the BIG Lottery, BMBE, and BTF

We're also an experienced nullsec-dwelling corporation having served in many of the games great Alliances and founded a couple along the way too.

After a period of recent inactivity we are now actively recruiting again and in need some driven new members to help us reach new heights, Currently we are looking for industry minded players that are new to the game but perhaps have a desire to experience 0.0 and learn PVP in the not too distant future. Experienced players are most welcome aswell especially if you have experience building and in sales.

With the wealth of experience our members have in all aspects of the game we can help you experience and learn whole new areas in EVE, all without having to worry about your ISK balance as we share everything, aslong as you are contributing to the corp you are welcome to use whatever you wish.

For more info, join the ingame channel BIG, or to apply head over to our website BIG in EvE and familiarise yourself with how we do things, You can apply here: Recruitment App BIG

Kind regards,

Cyrane Aurorea
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-06-09 10:30:14 UTC
Hey Karim,

I sent you an ingame mail but thought it prudent to leave a quick reply in your thread as well. :)

I'd like the opportunity to have a chat with you ingame, in my opinion being able to actually speak to someone is a much better way to properly introduce myself and my corporation to you.

I'll link you to our recruitment thread so you can review that at your convenience;

Feel free to contact me either through mail or private convo if you would be interested in learning more about us. Alternatively you are more than welcome to hop into our public recruitment channel; Asteria Recruitment.

I hope we're able to speak to each other soon.

Kind regards,

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#12 - 2013-06-09 10:31:03 UTC
The Great Harmon Institute Of Technology Recruitment is Open again.

We are currently looking for pilots willing to join a Established Corporation within Caldari Factional Warfare

We offer you.

*>Faction Warfare - Caldari State -
*>Regular PvP - With Corp & Friends
*>Active Teamspeak3 Server
*>Chilled laid-back enviromen

What we require from you.

> Between 8-10 Million Skill points
> Basic English skills (written and spoken)
> Active Subscription (no trial accounts)
> Interest in Corp activities
> Being an Active player

Interested in The Great Harmon Institute Of Technology, Please feel free to apply or join our public channel

Hope to see you soon!

Feel free to check out our facebook page :)

Donny Osmond
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2013-06-09 17:00:46 UTC
Ezio Sotken
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#14 - 2013-06-09 17:05:43 UTC

I would like to introduce my corporation: nul-li-fy. we're in a fantastic non-pet/renter alliance (Nulli Secunda) and we hold our own space.

We have 90% killboard efficiently if you care about such things and we are topping the aliiance killboard consistently.

We have a great ship replacement program, fantastic space to rat in and some various services like: daily courier service to help you get moved in, capital deliveries and capital build program.

At the moment we're looking for like-minded combat pilots to come join the fun. Expect quality FCing, several ops/roams per day, hundreds of killmails and friendly people to play the game with again.

Check out our killboard here: and our forums here:

Alliance killboard stats:

We will require you full api to check you're not an terrible spy.

If you're interested or just want some more info come have a chat via the ingame channel 'NUL-L'.

Looking forward to flying with you.

Ezio Sotken
Karim alRashid
#15 - 2013-06-09 21:13:40 UTC
Thanks to everyone.

For the time being, as far as this thread is concerned, it's game over, man, game over. Cool

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Half Empty
#16 - 2013-06-10 03:50:06 UTC
Dear mr alRashid,

Nefarious. is a WH corporation specializing in small to medium fleets into the various different nullsec connections we get every single day. We live in a C5 with C5 static.

Nefarious was founded on the following 2 ideas;
1) Losing ships is not a bad thing, as long as you learn from the experience. We will not yell at you for losing a ship. We are convinced that the only way to truly learn the game is by doing, by falling and by standing up again. Watching vids and reading guides will only get you so far.
2) Wormholes, and using its' regular and random entries to roam into different regions of nullsec every day for PVP, is in the current state of the game the best place to live in / base out of.

We have experienced players in corp that can help you with any questions you might have regarding Fits, Tactics and whatnot.

If you'd like to know more, I'd like to direct you to our recruitment post. Or just hop into our public channel, "Nefarious."
