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View of a newbie

New Eden Tank Testing Services
#41 - 2013-06-09 02:05:47 UTC
Fenris Purvanen wrote:
Cass Lie wrote:
I will just say that you had bad luck going into null. It sounds like you didn't join a particularly newbie friendly organisation (which makes me wonder why they recruited you in the first place) that was quite bad to top it off. Also, joining while getting invaded by PL is pretty much the worst time possible. Not all null alliances are like that however, some of them offer plenty of support for their newbies.

That said, I second the FW suggestion. Plenty of small gang cruiser sized warfare, good isk to be made even by a newer player, no do or die CTAs.


My problem with FW as I understand it is that 1. I WILL die thus loosing my implants yet again and more importantly 2. I will loose faction standings with other empires to the point I will get blown up even attempting to leave Caldari space. Maybe I'm wrong?

FW lowsec regions are the answer. Pirate if you can afford it (more targets) or join FW if you can't (good isk).

About losing your pod: this is lowsec so unless you travel in your pod and run into a smart bombing ship your pod losses should be rare.

You will lose your T1 frig or dessie a lot but just make sure you align when you hit structure and spam Warp To. No bubbles to ruin your day.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Silivar Karkun
#42 - 2013-06-09 03:31:12 UTC
going a bit intromissive with the OP but people have asked to know which corp was (im prepared for getting flamed).

this was the corp acording to its employment history:

Mordu's Military Industrial Command

and it belonged to the following alliance:


Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#43 - 2013-06-09 04:19:41 UTC
As pretty much everyone else has already said, don't let people tell you what you or cannot do. This is a game and it should be about fun, not about pleasing your alliance leadership.

If ISK is really an issue then I would strongly recommend FW. I'm not personally doing that but I hear the ISK is pretty good plus when you sit in those plexes PvP will find you. At first you will lose a bunch of ships but the ISK from running the plexes should easily cover the losses. Just don't fit warp core stabs or I'll personally come over there and hunt your capsule Smile

On the other hand, if you have some means to make ISK you may want to try solo / small gang piracy in low-sec. You get to roam around and shoot anything that moves (well, mostly). As long as you can fly a frigate, shoot at things and are willing to learn you should have no trouble finding a good corp to help you get started.

"The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp."

Fenris Purvanen
#44 - 2013-06-09 05:47:28 UTC
I wanted to thank you all. When I wrote the OP I was expecting to get hammered by trolls. Instead I got a lot of support. Im going to wait another couple weeks to finish some long haul trains and look into RvB and null FW and once I loose my implants oh well. Due to being new and making some poor skilling choices in a hope of being able to fly with the fleet of my original alliance I way over stretched my self. So now I'm going back and really pouring it into support skills. I made an alt too so I can pursue multiple options at once. So if anyone finds themselves in need of a T2 fit interceptor of AF or even an Interdictor...drop me a line. For now, I'm out prowling low sec in a little hookbill looking for my first kill.

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#45 - 2013-06-09 06:19:20 UTC
Many people will be helpful on the forums when its a new player asking for help, and your post did not really come across as whining or similar, more frustrated and i think many can relate to how you were feeling.

I know you said in your last post you are interested in rejoining your old alliance, but if you change your mind i would advice you to read over this thread (also a wall of text Lol ), since it might guide you and help you avoid ending up in a similar situation in the future.

Good luck and happy to see your sticking around even if you had a rough start Big smile
#46 - 2013-06-09 06:44:38 UTC
NightCrawler 85 wrote:
thread (also a wall of text Lol )

That is a good thread. I've read it before. Thank you for writing it. To the OP, I hope things better for you soon. Your story saddens me. You were used. Not even seen as a human being. I think that sucks. You deserve better.
Mackies Raiders
Wild Geese.
#47 - 2013-06-09 08:05:10 UTC
Eve players are many things, but we're pretty protective of our newbs if they've got the right mindset. Especially when they're being taught wrong by people who fail at eve.

Make your own path. Answer to no one.(but don't be afraid to ask more experienced players for pointers)

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#48 - 2013-06-09 09:07:49 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Your old corp sucks. Name and shame please.



They do not deserve to be in Null sec or whatever other place in Eve. Those deserve to get perma camp/wardec and get the crap out out of them.

As for you request about corp/alliance names, just take a close look at your thread you'll see a lot of those newbie friendly corp/alliances even if most of our gaming time we kick each others ass, but heh, it's where the fun is in Eve.

Time for revenge dear noobie, set your goals do your researches (takes some dedication and thinking) make your choice and go for it, if don't succeed or find the one that sticks to your goals asap don't bother, it's ok, just gives you more targets to asskick later, restart until you feel "home" and at that point you'll already have one of the best assets in Eve:lots of jerks to kill

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Fenris Purvanen
#49 - 2013-06-09 09:11:12 UTC
NightCrawler 85 wrote:
I know you said in your last post you are interested in rejoining your old alliance Big smile

Shocked I whaaaaatttt.... Im pretty sure a misread or mistype has happened here as I would not rejoin if you held a gun to my head. Shocked

The article was nice though

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

Fenris Purvanen
#50 - 2013-06-09 09:15:17 UTC
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Your old corp sucks. Name and shame please.



They do not deserve to be in Null sec or whatever other place in Eve. Those deserve to get perma camp/wardec and get the crap out out of them.

As for you request about corp/alliance names, just take a close look at your thread you'll see a lot of those newbie friendly corp/alliances even if most of our gaming time we kick each others ass, but heh, it's where the fun is in Eve.

Time for revenge dear newbie, set your goals do your researches (takes some dedication and thinking) make your choice and go for it, if don't succeed or find the one that sticks to your goals asap don't bother, it's ok, just gives you more targets to asskick later, restart until you feel "home" and at that point you'll already have one of the best assets in Eve:lots of jerks to kill

Lol I thought about it for a bit but realized that there were plenty of people (admittedly a bit drone like, even on voice chat lol) that the quotas and such worked for. I am just not one of them. They answered my questions when I did have them and didn't do anything horrible to me. It was just a system and setup I was not compatible with on any level.

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#51 - 2013-06-09 09:18:20 UTC
People have said this before, but your old corp were mentally handicapped.

Someone suggested RvB, they are epic. Brave Newbies is also epic.

Here is a tip for you though. Implants are awesome, yes. But if you are too scared of losing them then you get to the point where you might as well be playing EVE just for the skills. Or just paying for a year of the game before you actually play.

The first thing, though. You made a good choice asking about this on the forums rather than just ragequitting. Whatever else EVE might be, you can usually find people willing to give you the right advice.

Secondly, stick to it.

Third, there are plenty of wimps out there. Once you find the right kind of people, don't get sucked back in with the wussies. Play the game the way that it's fun. Getting obsessed with sustaining no losses is the path to losing without even playing.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Gordon Esil
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2013-06-09 09:24:30 UTC
FW would be nice thing for you
Many newbie friendly corps there, you can join, or just sit solo there blowing up your ships and see how it goes for you
Caldari State
#53 - 2013-06-09 10:22:33 UTC
Fenris Purvanen wrote:
My problem with FW as I understand it is that 1. I WILL die thus loosing my implants yet again and more importantly 2. I will loose faction standings with other empires to the point I will get blown up even attempting to leave Caldari space. Maybe I'm wrong?

You WILL lose your ship but not every time will you get podkilled if you're smart and keep dotlan open. Most of the time in low sec you will be able to save your implants if you align and hammer the "warp to" button on your keyboard so hard the letter flakes off. As long as you're making the isk to replace those implants it's not so bad losing them to a smartbomb every once in a while.

So then the only worry is faction standings. You can roam allied space also not just Caldari.

Check out my corp if you're interested in grouping for highsec missions and incursions (boring missions are a LOT more fun with others) with a bit of lowsec pvp roaming thrown in. Think they'd love to have another pvper along, and they took me in as a noob. Actually Slick locked me and tried to ransom and when I said "what isk? hahaha like I have isk xD" he offered his corp and tons of advice. xD

Otherwise, I hear good things about BNI, RvB and E-UNI constantly.

New target lock death animation problem #1 ^ eye strain and pain Temporary workaround found to one of these.

Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#54 - 2013-06-09 10:27:32 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Fenris Purvanen wrote:
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Your old corp sucks. Name and shame please.

They were not bad guys and ran a successful outfit, it just was not for me. They were never assholes to me, we just did not see eye to eye.

Their corp policy is to actively discourage new players from trying out anything fun or different other than mining and cowering in a station from hostiles. They've pushed you, and doubtless other recruits, from 'excited wide-eyed newbie' to 'bored of Eve and reconsidering their subscription'. They are, in their petty and selfish attitudes, actively damaging the game by driving away the lifeblood of new players by making them think that Eve is a game about F1'ing a rock whilst AFK and running away whenever other players show up.

They may not have called you names or blown up your ship, but that doesn't mean they don't suck.


Also I feel sorry for you, OP, since most of the new players (myself included) made similar experiences, i.e. joining a corp that cares more about f*cking killboard efficiency than for it's new members.
Those corps are bad corps, led by bad people. No Stockholm syndrome, please- your corp was bad and it deserves to be wiped off the face of the galaxy. Keeping newbies from playing the game is maybe the single most harmful thing corps can do to Eve, since without new players, this game will eventually die.

For future reference, if a corp tells your either to stay docked or "you can't do X, you are too young" you have two choices:

1. Leave the corp immediately.
2. Steal everything you can, kill as many barges and industrials as time permits and then leave the corp.

Someone suggested RvB for you, and it is surely a lot better than everything you have experienced so far while living among those douchebags.
But there are several thing to consider: you will need money for ships- even if you only fly T1 frigs, it can get a little difficult for a newbie without any means to make money. Should you still wish to join, know that you are welcome, write me a short mail after joining and I will give you a moderate amount of isk that will help you getting started.
Although we have a no-podding rule, please note that accidents do happen and also we often have third-party war targets that will definitely go for your pod, so while implants are fine, I would advise against anything stupidly expensive.
LAst, RvB is awesome because it is full of nullsec and lowsec alts who just want to have some laid back pewpew. If you want to join a lowsec or nullsec corp later, this is one of the best places to make contacts to the better ones.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Galen Darksmith
Sky Fighters
Rote Kapelle
#55 - 2013-06-09 12:26:18 UTC
Garresh wrote:
Seriously who were these guys? I need names. They need a good hard dickslapping.

Mordu's Military Industrial Command [MOMIC]
Member of Circle-Of-Two [CO2]

It's his first corp out of the gate.

OP, sorry you had to deal with that nonsense. There ARE nullsec alliances out there that actually flythings that newbies fly. And, like many other have suggested, EVE Uni, RvB, and FW are all viable options for you at this point. I prefer wormhole space myself, but you might want to get comfortable with PvP in general before you PvP in a wormhole.

Don't let some random nullbears ruin EVE for you.

"EVE is a dark and harsh world, you're supposed to feel a bit worried and slightly angry when you log in, you're not supposed to feel like you're logging in to a happy, happy, fluffy, fluffy lala land filled with fun and adventures, that's what hello kitty online is for." -CCP Wrangler

Orpheus Sin
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#56 - 2013-06-09 13:50:44 UTC
I don't have a new suggestion exactly. Just wanted to to say keep at it. Once you find your niche, you will have a blast.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#57 - 2013-06-09 14:27:33 UTC

OP, I suggest you speak with Monk or me in game.

I have a feeling we can help you find your path.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Fenris Purvanen
#58 - 2013-06-09 14:47:26 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:

OP, I suggest you speak with Monk or me in game.

I have a feeling we can help you find your path.

...Your the ISK doubler from Jita! I have seen you. Im pretty sure now that I think of it I blocked you too since I block all scammers/doublers/etc as a general rule. I will drop you a chat anyway though, but no iskies for you! *jealously guards his small pile of hard won iskies*

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

Gordon Esil
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2013-06-09 14:55:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Gordon Esil
Dude, just find an FW corp who is willing to take any chars with any SP amount and do your thing there!
After 1 or 2 months you will be completely on your own, I've been there before, I know what is it like

And if anyone wants to help you he can sure help you in here rather than in-game...
Bimbi Norris
#60 - 2013-06-09 15:57:08 UTC
Talk to your leadership, whinging about it on the forums will get you knowhere fast, if all you can fly is a rifter, **** the implants off and get into rvb or a lowsec corp to learn how to pvp so your not a complete knob. Even then you might be **** at pvp like me XD