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I want CCP to abandon DUST

Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#61 - 2013-06-08 09:52:35 UTC
Aria Ning wrote:
[Your comparisons are Wayyyy off. It's not like WoW trying to tie in Diablo III they're not even in the same world or much less universe

Play Diablo III and then WoW, and let me know if Azeroth is in Diablo isn't...let alone the RMT auction house.

And while you're at it, check to see if Azeroth is in StarCraft too!

Separate brands. Separate play styles. Separate games.

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

knobber Jobbler
State War Academy
Caldari State
#62 - 2013-06-08 10:02:26 UTC
Charles Javeroux wrote:
Noooo Noooooo NOOOOOOOOO wrote:
I love EVE, I think most of all for it's sandbox. Also because of the space genre. They fit perfectly and there's so much to do with this, my mind imagination is constantly exploding from it as I know other people's are as having spoken to them over the years. That being said the DUST issue brings up an interesting problem. Even though I love EVE and want CCP to do well with it, everything I know tells me DUST is a failure.

So is it more morally right to support EVE and DUST until it bleeds EVE dry and dies, or to call it out as it is now and ask CCP to put an end to it?

What is your opinion on DUST?

Dust514 is a cool game and it's already a success.
When EVE started, there were lot's of peeps who told pretty much the same story like the OP - " EVE is a failure and going to die some horrible death".

Well EVE has been dieing for 10 years now, but as a long there's still one pilot flying or one merc stomping the grounds, EVE and DUST514 will be around.

Eve has no competition, dust on the other hand has planetside 2, a vastly better game.
Count MonteCarlo
Gods Holy Light Bringing You're Penance
#63 - 2013-06-08 11:02:54 UTC
eve dota m8
Dorothy Michelle Reigh
Mastermind Enterprises
#64 - 2013-06-08 11:12:25 UTC
I have to admit: This has been one of the most interesting tug-of-war forum debates I've seen in a while. I'm more than willing to admit that I haven't invested as much time into EVE as most of you here, but I'm also more than willing to admit that if I hadn't actually played DUST I never would've given EVE a chance. It's kind of funny how that works. My question to the OP, who doesn't even seem passionate enough about the cause to post under his or her main character is: Have you actually tried DUST? Have you taken the time out to see how many people play it or even glanced at the DUST forums? I mean maybe you're right about the long term future of EVE, but presently DUST is doing pretty well and I can tell you that CCP probably won't abandon a project that's been years in the making. You're free to think what you will and so is anyone else that believes what you're saying, but I think it's a bit short sided. As for "your money" well... it was no longer yours when you opted to pay CCP to access their servers. They're free to do whatever they wish with it and all we can do is hope that they make positive business decisions. It's not our place however to tell them how to run a successful business. I'm sure they've gathered a fair amount of experience in the past 10 years wouldn't you agree?
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#65 - 2013-06-08 11:24:46 UTC
Ace Uoweme wrote:
It won't bleed EvE dry. Two different markets.

The problem is DUST isn't a standalone MMOFPS. It needs it's own space, literally. Not piggybacked on an established IP.

The gaming world is littered with such attempts. They fail because it's half of what they could've been if not tethered to an established IP.

It's like Blizzard tying Diablo III into WoW. It wouldn't work, and it hampers both franchises if it were linked. Two different worlds, two different play styles. Best in their own.

I agree with your first point.
And disagree with everything else you said.

What litter where ?? please provide links to the these historical attempts, but I remember nothing like this and i've been gaming since the 70's.

The Dust concept is built on and extends the Eve Online IP
There is scope for further expansion, a certain project displayed at fan-fest showed as much.
Different play styles maybe, but they are the same worlds as they are within the same universe
Just because you do not like it, does not mean that it has no place within eve

The eve player base is supposed to be smarter than average, yet the dust project and every expansion CCP release sees countless threads and posts, that merely show that a majority of the eve player base is simply narrow minded, self centred and incapable of understanding broad concept thinking.
Caldari State
#66 - 2013-06-08 12:13:37 UTC
Connecting Dust to Eve while a novel approach was a terrible idea.

Console games have very short lifespans. Console systems even have short lifespans, what is CCP going to do when Sony shuts down the PS3 servers?

Add to that they made a mediocre FPS at a time when the market had many FPS that were more than mediocre.

I understand CCP's desire to have more than one product but this is not the way to go.
Zane Tekitsu
The Munitions Miracle Network
#67 - 2013-06-08 12:16:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Zane Tekitsu
Noooo Noooooo NOOOOOOOOO wrote:
Just a reminder that this is your money going to a console game you probably don't even play.

Just a reminder that you paid money to CCP for entertainment. That is now CCP's money to do with as they choose. For example a console game that you may or may not choose to play. A game that CCP has invested it's resources into to entertain a wider audience, and make more money. Everybody wins.

I srsly do not understand communists.
Stetson Eagle
Paird Technology
#68 - 2013-06-08 12:27:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Stetson Eagle
Dust is a terrible failure and soon a cash sink for CCP. Reviews say the full story as far as an fps game is received at it's core. The sandbox dwindles to being limited to only the best of the best players due to the 16vs16 limitations and numbers making no difference.

Pull the plug imho, before the p2w filth corrupts eve sandbox and ships can be created ingame for cash.

Greed is good, but purity is better.
Ari Laveran
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2013-06-08 12:42:58 UTC
There are a lot of us having tons of fun with Dust, console games only have short lifespans because no one has ever tried to support a console game past its launch date. I'm not really going to spend a lot of time arguing with the doom sayers but I'll say it again classifying PC gamers and console players as some type of separate species is a colossal mistake, and one I'm glad to see CCP is not making.

Pay 2 win it is not(try some math),

Duster out. \o
Adunh Slavy
#70 - 2013-06-08 13:12:17 UTC
Delen Ormand wrote:

That.. still doesn't make it a fact.

It's a concept known as brand dilution. Feel free to look it up and see how it applies to Dust and Eve.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#71 - 2013-06-08 13:14:27 UTC
Screw DUST (we're stuck with that I thinks)...I want them to abandon the vampire WoW game...World of Twilight or something?
Aria Ning
White Rabbit Industries
#72 - 2013-06-08 13:54:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Aria Ning
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Aria Ning wrote:
[Your comparisons are Wayyyy off. It's not like WoW trying to tie in Diablo III they're not even in the same world or much less universe

Play Diablo III and then WoW, and let me know if Azeroth is in Diablo isn't...let alone the RMT auction house.

And while you're at it, check to see if Azeroth is in StarCraft too!

Separate brands. Separate play styles. Separate games.

I know that's my point. Diablo III and WoW have NOTHING in common, thus they're completely separated even the IPs don't connect and not just in name either but in everything. However, Warcraft 1-3 have a lot in common with WoW, they're not separated. DUST and EVE have A LOT in common, therefore they work in cohesion. That's why your bad analogy of D3 and WoW doesn't make any sense.

The problem you're getting confused with is that EvE is a spaceship game not a first person shooter. Sure that's separate, just like Warcraft was a RTS and WoW is an MMO but the point is the base of both games Eve & DUST and even Warcraft and WoW their IPs are the same, the story between the two are the same, the connections are relevant to each other, and they both make references to each other.

In fact if DUST was a complete stand alone shooter with no ties or connections to EvE, it probably wouldn't do well at all, I mean worst than it currently is.

But then again if they had both PC port and even had the game on all consoles it probably would be doing a lot better than it currently is. For me that's the flaw I see in DUST because there are a lot more PCs sold than Playstation 3's. Since 7/26/2012 there's only been 57 million units of PS3's sold and that number includes all the PS3 that have been sold since it's birth in 11/2006. In 2011 over 94 million units of PCs were sold and this is just in one year if you count 2010, another 93 million units of PCs were sold. So yeah I don't understand why DUST is on PS3 only, and not on the PC or heck even on the other consoles like Xbox360

Here are my links for PC and PS3 Data:
Delen Ormand
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2013-06-08 15:24:36 UTC
Adunh Slavy wrote:
Delen Ormand wrote:

That.. still doesn't make it a fact.

It's a concept known as brand dilution. Feel free to look it up and see how it applies to Dust and Eve.

I'm fully aware of what brand dilution is, thanks. But a concept is not the same thing as a fact, is it?
Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2013-06-08 15:25:48 UTC
Noooo Noooooo NOOOOOOOOO wrote:
I love EVE, I think most of all for it's sandbox. Also because of the space genre. They fit perfectly and there's so much to do with this, my imagination is constantly exploding from it as I know other people's are as having spoken to them over the years. That being said the DUST issue brings up an interesting problem. Even though I love EVE and want CCP to do well with it, everything I know tells me DUST is a failure.

So is it more morally right to support EVE and DUST until it bleeds EVE dry and dies, or to call it out as it is now and ask CCP to put an end to it?

What is your opinion on DUST?

You can go hump yourself. I love sending orbital bombardments.

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...

Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#75 - 2013-06-08 16:19:00 UTC
What's with the anger? If you don't care about Dust ignore it and go shoot things.

Maybe try mining, it's said to be quite relaxing.

"The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp."

Aidan Brooder
Dynasphere Ltd.
#76 - 2013-06-08 16:46:26 UTC
First of all, as many others have said: You paid CCP for a service. Now it is their money.

Yesterday I stumbled over one of the systems Dusties are in between games. Curious I took the chance and talked with them for a few hours, asking about the game, etc.

The five big points that came out of almost 3 hours talk were:

1. A LOT of them wanted to know more about EVE. Many of them plan to try it. Some were a bit scared because of EVEs complexity. But agreed that with a corp to show you the ropes they would be able to cope.

2. Many of them formerly played BF or other of the prominent shooters, but were looking for something new, something more persistent. Most said that DUST could use more development, but also most agreed that DUST was on the right track.

3. All - capsuleers & Dusties - were very much looking forward to the market integration. EVE players wanted to be able to supply DUST players. They wanted a realistic market with player driven economy. And generally all wanted more integration between the two games.

4. Also, there seems to be little knowledge on what options there currently are for Space-Ground support. CCP should make this clear on both sides. The only thing I know is you can somehow do it as part of faction warfare.

5. There was a fear on both sides that this will be a game dominated by major EVE Alliances. Both on the DUST side and the EVE side most players agreed that there should be an opportunity for smaller corporations to have a DUST contingent (... or DUST merc corps having their own 'air support' and enjoy the full scope of the game, including setting up bases, etc.. Also both EVE players & DUSTies agreed it should NOT only be part of factional warfare. They are mercs. We can all use mercs to harass our neighbors. ;)

Until yesterday I didn't really care about DUST that much. As many others I would play it if there was a PC version.
But I do see a lot of dreams there and a lot of inspiration. Which means that CCP has a great chance to make DUST a second EVE.

It will never be a BF or COD replacement. And in my opinion we should be happy about that. It could be another slowly & steadily growing game. Just like EVE never had and never will have the subscription numbers that WOW has.

Blog: My EVE Playlist on YouTube:

Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#77 - 2013-06-08 16:46:39 UTC
Your name is my reply to your wish for them to abandon DUST.


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Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#78 - 2013-06-08 16:48:01 UTC
....Is it some enlightened persons first year in college again? I hate when this happens, time to go find food then.


Robus Muvila
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#79 - 2013-06-08 16:50:12 UTC
Chribba wrote:
Your name is my reply to your wish for them to abandon DUST.


[stoned voice] Your reply is Robus Muvila?.... Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?[/stoned voice]

TMC Senior Developer - Because EvE has needed a proper news site for ages

Marxzo Andoun
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2013-06-08 17:08:13 UTC
Barakkus wrote:
I don't want them to abandon it, I want them to port it to PC so I can play it. I would probably be all over that.

This. Plus I think the currently lame Eve-Dust links have boundless future potential.