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Fitting Window - INSURED notification

FoxFire Ayderan
#1 - 2013-06-08 05:31:13 UTC

It would be quite helpful if on the Fitting Window there were a notification (perhaps a stylized stamp or plackard if you want to get fancy) that indicates whether the ship we are currently looking at is 'Insured' or 'Not Insured' (in the requisite red text of course).

Lost a ship I meant to have insured but forgot. Since we look at the fitting window all the time, that would be a useful location to display that information.

And obviously when you click on 'Insured' or 'Not Insured' it brings up the Insurance window, duh. Blink
Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-06-08 05:33:34 UTC
I don't really see the point. The insurance window tells you what ships in station are insured. Insurance isn't a fitting, so why should it be in the fitting window?
FoxFire Ayderan
#3 - 2013-06-08 05:43:00 UTC

Because it's your active ship, insurance is definatley ship related, all those expensive fittings will be painful to replace if you don't have insurance, and the fitting window is a window that we look at all the time, so you will be MUCH less likely to forget to insure your ship (if you are so inclined to keep your active ships insured).

I suspect I'm not the only one who, given that you don't need to insure your ship that often, forgets to do it. I would very much appreciate seeing a red lettered 'Not Insured' or "Uninsured' staring at me when I open the fitting window, as a handy reminder.

Maximus Aerelius
#4 - 2013-06-09 08:37:22 UTC
When you look in Ship Info it states "Ship Uninsured" in red letters.

Insurance doesn't cover fittings just the Hull.

Less stupid, pay more attention and if you don't want to lose it check the insurance before you undock. I saw a similar suggestion for "Auto Drone Recall" when you warp like Probes no no. Let's not dumb down EVE any more than it has been. These not only affect players but the market as well e.g.

You didn't insure your ship > you lost it > you bought a new one > someone got paid >with your ISK they bought some more hulls to trade or mins to manufacture...

You've helped the community by losing your ship and we thank you.