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Outside the BOX - A solution for a overpopulated Jita

Vincent Athena
#21 - 2013-06-07 20:47:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Athena
Lozif wrote:
Outside the box would be something like this:

Make Jita THE tradehub, allow people to asses Jita trades from where ever they are, meening that every one can buy/sell stuff in Jita 4-4 nomatter where they are in EVE.
( U still need to get your stuff in and out of Jita somehow.)

At first glance this would seem dumb, but it has some benefits.

1. I don't have to be in Jita to make a trade. (so my char and ship wount be there to increase lag)
2. If people don't have to be in Jita for a trade, then it wouldn't be so attractive for the scammers. (less people = less scammers = less people overall)
3. If people don't have to goto Jita to trade, they would be more likely to use Courier contracts, so that freight corp´s and solo freighter players will move more stuff in and out per shipload/ship, than if every player just moved what he/she need moved. (less ships in and out of Jita)

There might be more benefits to this, but with just these 3 there would be less people in Jita, and we can all still use it.

Note to self: If CCP do this i dont have to visit Jita ever again \o/

You can trade remotely right now. The reason many people do not do that is they do not want to wait a day for their stuff to be moved.

Ex: I got a pile of loot to sell and I want to by a new shiny. Go to Jita, sell loot, buy shiny, go home.

Or: Go to perimeter. Make a courier contract to move the loot to Jita. Buy shiny remotely. Make a second courier contract to have it delivered to Perimeter. Wait a day for the deliveries. Sell loot remotely. Go home.
No thanks.

What would be needed is a way for stuff to get from Jita to Perimeter and back almost instantly with 100% safety. My guess is that will not be added to the game, ever. The closest I can see is if Red Frog set up a Jita shuttle service where they tried to make all deliveries between Jita and some other system (chosen for fast warping of a freighter) in less than 30 minutes.

Edit: Another way CCP could reduce Jita lag: Move the Perimeter stargate so its lined up with the Jita undock. That way people could warp to it much quicker, and hence spend less time in system. (I think the Perimeter stargate is the most used. Well, move whichever one is most used.)

Edit: How about a "Jita ration". Each player gets 1 hour a day to be in Jita. You can save up 5 hours. Use up your ration and your ship it towed to another system.

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Haulie Berry
#22 - 2013-06-07 20:53:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Haulie Berry
Chic Botany wrote:

It is getting worse, I was down earlier this evening and was spamming jump on the new-caldari to jita gate to get in.

Er... that's your problem, not Jita's problem.

You could have just not gone to Jita.

There seems to be a lot of conflation between, "I have a problem with going to Jita," and, "Jita has a problem."

Edit: Another way CCP could reduce Jita lag: Move the Perimeter stargate so its lined up with the Jita undock. That way people could warp to it much quicker, and hence spend less time in system. (I think the Perimeter stargate is the most used. Well, move whichever one is most used.)

This is now a nerf suicide ganking thread. Roll
Vincent Athena
#23 - 2013-06-07 21:00:05 UTC
Haulie Berry wrote:
Chic Botany wrote:

It is getting worse, I was down earlier this evening and was spamming jump on the new-caldari to jita gate to get in.

Er... that's your problem, not Jita's problem.

You could have just not gone to Jita.

There seems to be a lot of conflation between, "I have a problem with going to Jita," and, "Jita has a problem."

Edit: Another way CCP could reduce Jita lag: Move the Perimeter stargate so its lined up with the Jita undock. That way people could warp to it much quicker, and hence spend less time in system. (I think the Perimeter stargate is the most used. Well, move whichever one is most used.)

This is now a nerf suicide ganking thread. Roll

No, many use a quick undock and warp right away right now. But then they need to a second jump and that consumes the time. Lining up the stargate will save the time to do two jumps.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

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Haulie Berry
#24 - 2013-06-07 21:05:44 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:

No, many use a quick undock and warp right away right now.

And many don't, because they're stupid or lazy, and end up as attractive killmails - a feature which isn't really worth losing for the sake of fixing this non-problem.
Mc Scam
#25 - 2013-06-07 21:19:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Mc Scam
Chic Botany wrote:
I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again.

Mute Jita Local = problem solved, the spammers will go, local will probably halve and people are happy, except CCP of course, depending on how many spambots are unique accounts instead of alts.

It is getting worse, I was down earlier this evening and was spamming jump on the new-caldari to jita gate to get in.

Yes it is a player created problem, yes I've got no doubt that CCP have done everything hardware they can to jita, biggest node, individual server etc, but I do wonder if they've reached the limit and are just waiting for people to start another trade hub to split the load, but that's unlikely, and it needs to be a shared trade hub since if suddenly people started selling everything in New Caldari instead of Jita 4-4 then the server that new caldari is on will face the same problems.

There has to be a software solution to the problem, be that CCP start introducing market restrictions as to what can be sold in jita and what can't (very unpopular for both buyers and sellers) to concord permacamping the undock ramp to 4-4 cnap and shooting everything that doesn't make a player controlled movement within 2 minutes of undocking, and putting an end to the ganking which again is unpopular.

Muting local would work, but it's using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but it seems fairly easy (not that I know anything about coding) to work out, compared to some other solutions.

No, local wouldn't halve, make a new toon go there and block the spambots & scammers during primetime till local is clear for a while, you'll realise the number of active scammers at that time is well below 100. You don't seem to realize that some traders scam to earn some extra money, these people would't leave. Remove scamming in Jita(a part of the sandbox by the way) and you will still have the problem of overcrowding, only slightly improving the situation.

I'd rather remove idle players on all gates and the station by disabling Jita as final destination for the autopilot and maybe add a timer of 1h of idling till you are kicked from the system. That would clear room without removing active players or any legit playstyle.
Melvin Earl
#26 - 2013-06-07 21:24:11 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
Add low sec with no stations between the four great empires is high sec. Presto. Cool

And make trading and gathering supplies even more of a hassle?! I am so glad you will never in a million years be a developer for EVE-Online. Your ideas would turn this game into a wasteland. I don't know what your obsession is with forcing everyone into combat they don't want, but please - get out! X

Do I make myself crystal clear?
Atreyu Bayne
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2013-06-07 21:32:12 UTC
Lozif wrote:
Outside the box would be something like this:

Make Jita THE tradehub, allow people to asses Jita trades from where ever they are, meening that every one can buy/sell stuff in Jita 4-4 nomatter where they are in EVE.
( U still need to get your stuff in and out of Jita somehow.)

At first glance this would seem dumb, but it has some benefits.

1. I dont have to be in Jita to make a trade. (so my char and ship wount be there to increase lag)
2. If people dont have to be in Jita for a trade, then it wouldnt be so atractive for the scammers. (less people = less scammers = less people overall)
3. If people dont have to goto Jita to trade, they would be more likly to use Courier contracts, so that freight corp´s and solo freighter players will move more stuff in and out per shipload/ship, than if every player just moved what he/she need moved. (less ships in and out of Jita)

There might be more benefits to this, but with just these 3 there would be less people in Jita, and we can all still use it.

Note to self: If CCP do this i dont have to visit Jita ever again \o/

I kind of like this, because this would possibly allow expansion on the trade skills line. Right now you're limited to region with current skillsets at maximum. Being able to access remote market data in realtime via a skill is definately a skill i'd pay for, they can even charge 100m for the skillbook and I wouldn't care.

The only thing that actually pisses me off about jita crowding is that a good majority are spambots whom in my eyes can't be removed by any you have what I believe to be "Bots" taking up slots in Jita while those of us who actually play must wait for another real player to finish shopping/move out. These chat scammers are people that are lower than bot miners imho (whether they use a bot to spam chat or not).
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#28 - 2013-06-07 21:44:37 UTC
Melvin Earl wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
Add low sec with no stations between the four great empires is high sec. Presto. Cool

And make trading and gathering supplies even more of a hassle?! I am so glad you will never in a million years be a developer for EVE-Online. Your ideas would turn this game into a wasteland. I don't know what your obsession is with forcing everyone into combat they don't want, but please - get out! X

Do I make myself crystal clear?

Actually it would only force risk adverse players to develop the market hubs in their own regions. The only people that would cross the borders would be people who are not risk adverse and are equipped specifically to travel those regions in relative safety (to capitalize on the inevitable dispairities between the various, now isolated, trade regions).

Ultimately you would end up making the same profits as you do now, but with less travel.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Anti-social Tendencies
Society for Miner Education
#29 - 2013-06-07 21:44:55 UTC
Interesting ideas. I generally have a trade alt in Jita most of the time, but I like the idea of an activity timer for Jita only. It would get me logged out, but it would still be beneficial for many of the players.

"Patience: n, a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue." - AMBROSE PIERCE

Capt Tenguru10
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#30 - 2013-06-07 22:33:55 UTC
Move all hubs within 1 jump from each other or in the four corners region where all faction space meet.
Prob solved thank you. Where's my bakon

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#31 - 2013-06-07 22:40:25 UTC
How about a cataclysm of sort so horrendous and disrupting that an entire generation of neckbeards will have a 1000 yard stare when they say "I was there!".

I'm talking dogs and cats living together biblical level.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Noooo Noooooo NOOOOOOOOO
#32 - 2013-06-07 22:45:42 UTC
Avett Brother wrote:
Quick question. So, there is no time limit now that a person can be idle?

I'm new, just figured everyone who was idle for more than 15-30 min is kicked, like in most traditional MMO's.

I understand AFKers who walk away from a mining operation in effect is different than someone who jumps into said area and never comes back to the computer and is actually idle.

That does sound like it would help.

Of course, i'm too new to see the adverse side of it.

Amarr Empire
#33 - 2013-06-07 22:51:39 UTC
What do you mean "Jita is the trade hub now"? Ever since I started playing this game way back when Jita has always been the trade hub. Sure some others have tried to take the business but Jita is still number one. I went there once - I was a noob - and haven't been back.

If you really don't like Jita and the spammers and everything else than don't go. Jita is part of the game driven by market and location. It always has been and always will be. Just like any major market you are going to get all sorts of things going on in that place. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

For those that don't like the spamming in local - don't look at it. From the mouth of the famous Walter a "dummy" that worked with an old Earth comedian Jeff Dunham:

"Welcome to Jita!
Get your **** and get out!"
Noooo Noooooo NOOOOOOOOO
#34 - 2013-06-07 22:58:52 UTC
anti-Jita people are socialists
Delen Ormand
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2013-06-07 23:11:30 UTC
Can we just get rid of the bots and see how things go from there?
Ricard Chastot
Snake Eye Production
#36 - 2013-06-08 00:40:49 UTC
JamnOne wrote:
What do you mean "Jita is the trade hub now"? Ever since I started playing this game way back when Jita has always been the trade hub.

Yulai was the big trade hub way back when.

Hello ladies (and dudes pretending to be ladies)! Say hello to New Eden's 2nd hottest Intaki! It's me. You can say hello to me. Hi.

Niko medes
Freeman Technologies
#37 - 2013-06-08 05:58:05 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
Add low sec with no stations between the four great empires is high sec. Presto. Cool

Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#38 - 2013-06-08 06:59:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipher Jones
**** that. I make great money in those other hubs.

You know, the people that are "too lazy" to fly to Jita and buy/sell.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Djana Libra
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#39 - 2013-06-08 07:11:02 UTC
Lozif wrote:
Outside the box would be something like this:

Make Jita THE tradehub, allow people to asses Jita trades from where ever they are, meening that every one can buy/sell stuff in Jita 4-4 nomatter where they are in EVE.
( U still need to get your stuff in and out of Jita somehow.)

At first glance this would seem dumb, but it has some benefits.

1. I dont have to be in Jita to make a trade. (so my char and ship wount be there to increase lag)
2. If people dont have to be in Jita for a trade, then it wouldnt be so atractive for the scammers. (less people = less scammers = less people overall)
3. If people dont have to goto Jita to trade, they would be more likly to use Courier contracts, so that freight corp´s and solo freighter players will move more stuff in and out per shipload/ship, than if every player just moved what he/she need moved. (less ships in and out of Jita)

There might be more benefits to this, but with just these 3 there would be less people in Jita, and we can all still use it.

Note to self: If CCP do this i dont have to visit Jita ever again \o/

you realize there are skills that allow you to manipulate and create orders and contracts from anywhere in the same region right? so other than dropping off/picking up stuff you can market manipulate jita in a quieter system in the same region.
DRGaius Baltar
Caldari State
#40 - 2013-06-08 07:12:42 UTC
Move Jita to HED-GP, Natural selection at it's best!
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