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EVE General Discussion

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All through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.

First post
Scope Works
#61 - 2013-06-06 16:11:47 UTC
Arcelian wrote:
My god how does one person cause so much unrest? Do you really think this one person is going to have that much pull on CCP?

I admit I was a little miffed by it at first, but then my sanity kicked in. It's really not that big of a deal. We have giant idiots on the CSM, and they have far more influence on the game, but no one is up in arms about that.

Grow up.

See post #52.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Elizabeth Aideron
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2013-06-06 16:12:44 UTC
cut my sub into pieces
this is my last toon
no mining
dont give a **** if i cant go ratting
0Lona 0ltor
Adeptio Gloriae
#63 - 2013-06-06 16:16:23 UTC
Arcelian wrote:
My god how does one person cause so much unrest? Do you really think this one person is going to have that much pull on CCP?

I admit I was a little miffed by it at first, but then my sanity kicked in. It's really not that big of a deal. We have giant idiots on the CSM, and they have far more influence on the game, but no one is up in arms about that.

Grow up.

Yes, if I was her I'd phone in sick claim bulling, depression, off the record I'd just tell the boss that I'm just here for the cash, keep the cash flowing & the pension building & I won't cause any grief or sue.

Just put it to them straight. I'm a $50k per year liability just write me off as that, don't speak to me, write me or call me unless it's about my pay or pension. If you don't do this then I will get a lawyer involved which could cost you millions & even sink CCP.
Scope Works
#64 - 2013-06-06 16:19:13 UTC
0Lona 0ltor wrote:
Arcelian wrote:
My god how does one person cause so much unrest? Do you really think this one person is going to have that much pull on CCP?

I admit I was a little miffed by it at first, but then my sanity kicked in. It's really not that big of a deal. We have giant idiots on the CSM, and they have far more influence on the game, but no one is up in arms about that.

Grow up.

Yes, if I was her I'd phone in sick claim bulling, depression, off the record I'd just tell the boss that I'm just here for the cash, keep the cash flowing & the pension building & I won't cause any grief or sue.

Just put it to them straight. I'm a $50k per year liability just write me off as that, don't speak to me, write me or call me unless it's about my pay or pension. If you don't do this then I will get a lawyer involved which could cost you millions & even sink CCP.

So now you're going to start rumor mongering to close a thread that was legitimate and within the rules? How sad.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

0Lona 0ltor
Adeptio Gloriae
#65 - 2013-06-06 16:21:18 UTC
Is CCP nuking threads again? What is this T2BPO deja vu?
Scope Works
#66 - 2013-06-06 16:22:50 UTC
0Lona 0ltor wrote:
Is CCP nuking threads again? What is this T2BPO deja vu?

No, it's against the rules and you know this. As such, you're trying to close the thread. Unless you have something to actually contribute constructively that does not involve unfounded conjecture, I suggest you don't post.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Revman Zim
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#67 - 2013-06-06 16:23:13 UTC
Dare I even post.... Ok.. what the heck. My 2 cents on the MINTCHIP issue (not going to obscure the point).

1. CCP can hire anyone they want. Period. Obviously CCP Mintchip had some qualities that CCP believes will benefit their company. To hire anyone on any other basis would be foolish, and I always give the benefit of the doubt when it comes to foolishness until proven otherwise.

2. Everyone deserves the chance to prove themselves. Some of the crap I read on an earlier forum post was ridiculous. CCP Mintchip deserves the chance to succeed or fail just like anyone else starting a new job.

3. She is the DUST Player Rep. Not EVE. So all this vitrol is very much wasted.

4. So much hate, so early, forces CCP to defend MINTCHIP because to not do so would put every other developer at risk for anything they do for the game. That is an intolerable situation for any gaming developer.


1. A lot of this drama would have been avoided if CCP Mintchip would have been introduced as CCP CLEANSLATE in the DUST forums. No reference to her blog or youtube videos. Later, during a fanfest or some other event, her identity could have been exposed, but only after she had the opportunity to make a name for herself as a competent CCP employee. To come out from the beginning with so much baggage, puts her in a difficult postion.

2. As a DUST player rep, announcing your new job on the EVE forums, was probably a bad move.

3. We as CUSTOMERS of CCP have the right to communicate our displeasure with their decisions. As long as it is professional, this communication should not be censored or deleted. And in the end, we as CUSTOMERS have the right to stop using the company's product if we feel their decisions are egregious enough.

Personally, I didn't even know who MINTCHIP was before this all happened. And, after a little research, I don't care. It will not affect my game play or how I view the game.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#68 - 2013-06-06 16:23:16 UTC
Friends all tried to warn me
But I held my head up high
All the time they warned me
But I only passed them by
They all tried to tell me
But I guess I didn't care
I turned my back and
Left them standing there

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me
All the lonely feelings and the burning memories
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door
Burning bridges lost forevermore

Joe Phoenix tried to help me find a job
A while ago
When I finally got it I didn't want to go
The party Mary gave for me
When I just walked away
Now there's nothing left for me to say

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me
All the lonely feelings and the burning memories
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door
Burning bridges lost forevermore

Years have passed and I keep thinking
What a fool I've been
I look back into the past and
Think of way back then
I know that I lost everything I thought that I could win
I guess I should have listened to my friends

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me
All the lonely feelings and the burning memories
Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door
Burning bridges lost forevermore

Burning bridges lost forevermore

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#69 - 2013-06-06 16:23:17 UTC
Elizabeth Aideron wrote:
cut my sub into pieces
this is my last toon
no mining
dont give a **** if i cant go ratting

Grats bug in ear successfully planted and now i have the guitar riff going on in my head. LOL


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Venerated Stars
#70 - 2013-06-06 16:23:32 UTC
Lusty Wench wrote:

I guess the TL;DR is that I'm not comfortable contributing to one of your employees salary.

I am almost certain this is what it sounds like when a hipster realizes that his cherished nitch hobby is about to go mainstream.

Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#71 - 2013-06-06 16:25:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Dominous Nolen
Revman Zim wrote:

1. A lot of this drama would have been avoided if CCP Mintchip would have been introduced as CCP CLEANSLATE in the DUST forums. No reference to her blog or youtube videos. Later, during a fanfest or some other event, her identity could have been exposed, but only after she had the opportunity to make a name for herself as a competent CCP employee. To come out from the beginning with so much baggage, puts her in a difficult postion.

Probably alot of truth here, however given how people would have started reacting the same way once it was known CCP NEWNAME was actually NAME REDACTED regardless of the work being done inside the walls of CCP headquaters because; well you know, people are like that.

Either way this feels like someone is beating a dead horse with this topic and honestly I'm content to just sit back and let this person give it their best shot.

If people are un-subbing because of this... Well I'm always happy to accept contracts for stuff you won't need anymore.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#72 - 2013-06-06 16:25:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Xinivrae
Anslo wrote:
The company continually totted how close it was with its community and how the players really did make the game, as we all try to give suggestions and identify bugs to help hold Eve high. We don't just come in and consume. A lot of people really try to make Eve a legitimate hobby and work to better the game and help the community (i.e. Chribba).

So when you hire a community rep that is not only unversed in the game, but dislikes it, actively, and very publically, it's expected people will be very angry. We may not have a say in who is hired, but we will speak out against it and, since CCP is 'so close' to we the community, would like an explanation as to why this person was hired given their history.

I'll admit right out the gate I'm pretty unfamiliar with said person's history, though I have heard things, but I'm pretty ok with the fact that someone dissatisfied with eve got hired. It gives them a more rounded idea pool. I don't agree that we're owed any explanation though. We get a fair bit of say game play wise, and that's great, but I think people are seriously overstepping themselves by saying they should also be included in the HR manager's job.

It isn't a handful of people. The entire game does not monitor the forums. You must be new here.

When there are riots across eve, people shooting statues or something similar, I'll concede the point, but until then you're not convincing me you're the 99%.

This is being used a lot in protection of this person. However, DUST is Eve, Eve is DUST. That was the point of DUST. It was meant to be a game that bridges the two into a single universe. They may be a DUST rep, but the person is still at CCP, making suggestions and planning actions that have a good chance of simply not resonating with the community if implemented by OUR reps. Also, DUST has a lot of Eve players, denying this is lol. Their attitudes don't change because they play a different game on top of Eve.

That's fair, I suppose I don't give dust a lot of credit. Are they at the point where they're actively making in impact in eve yet? I'm genuinely asking because I haven't noticed if they have, and I don't really keep tabs on it.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#73 - 2013-06-06 16:33:37 UTC
Im actually, genuinely and without reservation starting to like the Goons again.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Zircon Dasher
#74 - 2013-06-06 16:39:29 UTC
Sooooo many catty (ingame) women and their little man-puppets in this thread....

Eve's player generated content is almost as satisfying as the comment section of the Guardian.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Scope Works
#75 - 2013-06-06 16:40:41 UTC
Xinivrae wrote:
I'll admit right out the gate I'm pretty unfamiliar with said person's history, though I have heard things, but I'm pretty ok with the fact that someone dissatisfied with eve got hired. It gives them a more rounded idea pool. I don't agree that we're owed any explanation though. We get a fair bit of say game play wise, and that's great, but I think people are seriously overstepping themselves by saying they should also be included in the HR manager's job.

Their ideas have always been against the grain of what Eve is. Eve is gritty, dark, foreboding, tough, and uncaring. This person continuously spoke out against those characteristics and said they should change to make the game 'better.' This, obviously, did not set well with people.

And yes, we are owed an explanation by the company who 'prides itself' in staying close to its community. They rode that credit again and again and again. So yes, we are owed an explanation because CCP maneuvered themselves that way. And who are you to say we cannot criticize their decision? What authority to you have to decree our right to speak out forfeit because 'mother knows best,' so to speak?

When there are riots across eve, people shooting statues or something similar, I'll concede the point, but until then you're not convincing me you're the 99%.

You're making a comparison to an irrelevant organization. Incarna impacted the game immediately and thus, garnered an immediate reaction. This situation will be more latent. I anticipate no burn jita again, unless the employee's HKO opinions actually come to Sajuuk...(yes I went there).

That's fair, I suppose I don't give dust a lot of credit. Are they at the point where they're actively making in impact in eve yet? I'm genuinely asking because I haven't noticed if they have, and I don't really keep tabs on it.

Not yet. They need to set the code and such up to have them spread across all of Eve. Right now they're limited to FW, but the orbital strikes and such are having an impact. I think there was an event that actually pushed the Arch Angels out of their territory because DUST players roflstomped them, hard.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Caius Sivaris
Dark Nexxus
#76 - 2013-06-06 16:47:39 UTC
0Lona 0ltor wrote:
It's mildly scary that CCP Mintchip is actually one of the most critical devs in respect to CCP, they literally can't even touch her or face a massive law suit for unfair dismissal, alongside a huge amount of negative press CCP's EVE will get for being an institutionalised racist & sexist place.

Mintchip you go girl, take it easy get them feet in the air & let these good times roll. You've got them by their fing balls.

The words you are looking for are : trial period
Prince Kobol
#77 - 2013-06-06 16:48:07 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Massive wall of text

So her view of Eve is not your view so what.

No you are not owned anything. CCP hire and fire who they want, when they want and do not have to tell you squat.

Who gave you the authority to dictate to CCP who they can and can not hire. You don't like it then the solution is very easy.. quit.

Also please do not use the "I am a paying customer" line.

You have no right to tell CCP who they can hire like you have no right to tell any other company that you use who they can hire.

At the end of the day, the percentage of players against this hiring is minuscule. A handful of players on a forum that only a tiny percentage of subscribers use.
floating in space
#78 - 2013-06-06 16:48:47 UTC
0Lona 0ltor wrote:
It's mildly scary that CCP Mintchip is actually one of the most critical devs in respect to CCP, they literally can't even touch her or face a massive law suit for unfair dismissal, alongside a huge amount of negative press CCP's EVE will get for being an institutionalised racist & sexist place.

Mintchip you go girl, take it easy get them feet in the air & let these good times roll. You've got them by their fing balls.

Wow, just wow
Delen Ormand
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2013-06-06 16:52:15 UTC
Xinivrae wrote:
Anslo wrote:
The company continually totted how close it was with its community and how the players really did make the game, as we all try to give suggestions and identify bugs to help hold Eve high. We don't just come in and consume. A lot of people really try to make Eve a legitimate hobby and work to better the game and help the community (i.e. Chribba).

So when you hire a community rep that is not only unversed in the game, but dislikes it, actively, and very publically, it's expected people will be very angry. We may not have a say in who is hired, but we will speak out against it and, since CCP is 'so close' to we the community, would like an explanation as to why this person was hired given their history.

I'll admit right out the gate I'm pretty unfamiliar with said person's history, though I have heard things, but I'm pretty ok with the fact that someone dissatisfied with eve got hired. It gives them a more rounded idea pool. I don't agree that we're owed any explanation though. We get a fair bit of say game play wise, and that's great, but I think people are seriously overstepping themselves by saying they should also be included in the HR manager's job.

It isn't a handful of people. The entire game does not monitor the forums. You must be new here.

When there are riots across eve, people shooting statues or something similar, I'll concede the point, but until then you're not convincing me you're the 99%.

This is being used a lot in protection of this person. However, DUST is Eve, Eve is DUST. That was the point of DUST. It was meant to be a game that bridges the two into a single universe. They may be a DUST rep, but the person is still at CCP, making suggestions and planning actions that have a good chance of simply not resonating with the community if implemented by OUR reps. Also, DUST has a lot of Eve players, denying this is lol. Their attitudes don't change because they play a different game on top of Eve.

That's fair, I suppose I don't give dust a lot of credit. Are they at the point where they're actively making in impact in eve yet? I'm genuinely asking because I haven't noticed if they have, and I don't really keep tabs on it.

floating in space
#80 - 2013-06-06 16:54:29 UTC
Revman Zim wrote:

1. A lot of this drama would have been avoided if CCP Mintchip would have been introduced as CCP CLEANSLATE in the DUST forums. No reference to her blog or youtube videos. Later, during a fanfest or some other event, her identity could have been exposed, but only after she had the opportunity to make a name for herself as a competent CCP employee. To come out from the beginning with so much baggage, puts her in a difficult postion.

They didn't hire her as a random person / dev they hired her because she's Mintchip. Probably to try to attract players for DUST because of internet celebrity.