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Unit - Communication Thread.

Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#41 - 2013-06-04 22:39:19 UTC
Kim Ji-Young wrote:
Unit XS365BT wrote:
Pilot Ji-Young, We would suggest that you be direct regarding your interest and intent.
It may be that you will recieve a rejection, however, it would appear from your query that you would prefer to know whether the possibility of future interaction with your object of interest exists.

We must however state for the record that we are not likely to be the best source of information regarding interpersonal relations and the internal processes of the male mind.
We would suggest seeking advice from a more apt source in future.

We Return.




Hey, you got rejected. Both at the party and here. You'll deal with it. I've been rejected so many times, and face-slapped as well. It gets better.

If I may say, you seem a little crazy. Yelling like that. But I can do crazy. Hit me up some time.


CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#42 - 2013-06-04 22:44:11 UTC
Pilot Ji-Young.
It would appear you mistake the act of returning with the ability to instil the desire to return in another.

These are two remarkably different actions.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this misunderstanding may have caused.

Should you seek further education in the specific act of social interaction often referred to as the 'art of flirting' we would suggest that further enquiries be made to an individual with a more developed set of social skills and ability to impart the correct methodology with which to utilise these skills.
It is likely we are not the most suitable candidate for such a role.

We Return.

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#43 - 2013-06-04 22:53:53 UTC
Andrea Okazon wrote:
So, what do you do for fun? Does the Unit Commune have slumber parties? Sing-a-longs?

Each member of Unit Commune seeks their own particular variant of 'fun' pilot Okazon.

I have been known to play the guitar and sing on occasion. Though I have had little opportunity or desire to do so recently.

We Return.

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#44 - 2013-06-18 10:57:18 UTC
Unit Commune update.
RE : Power generation system requirements for stable Rift generation.

Simulations have shown that coronal mass from stars often referred to as 'blue' or 'white' stars may contain sufficient charged particles to be used as a form of hyper efficient fuel.
Research begins into the required methodology to harvest, contain and utilise these fuels for small scale testing.

We Return.

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Naraish Adarn
Alexylva Paradox
#45 - 2013-06-18 11:27:15 UTC
good day Yuni i might suggest some older research on Ion scoops which could be used either using electromagnetic or electrostatic method to capture particles from vast area of space. that kind of thing should be fairly easy to make using modern superconductors which are available for manufacturing or purchase. might not be a end product but atleast a start.
Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#46 - 2013-06-18 18:21:37 UTC
Unit XS365BT wrote:
Unit Commune update.
RE : Power generation system requirements for stable Rift generation.

Simulations have shown that coronal mass from stars often referred to as 'blue' or 'white' stars may contain sufficient charged particles to be used as a form of hyper efficient fuel.
Research begins into the required methodology to harvest, contain and utilise these fuels for small scale testing.

We Return.
Blue stars? Don't accidentally cause another Seyllin event now, ok?
Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#47 - 2013-06-18 19:25:52 UTC
It is not our intent to cause an uncontrolled detonation of any sort pilot Biko.

We Return.

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

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