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EVE Online: Odyssey Issues

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Utassi Security
#221 - 2013-06-04 16:45:08 UTC
CCP TomB wrote:

Tested this myself but unable to reproduce it. The modified standing never goes below the base. Can you file a bug report so that we can check this out further?

Bug report submitted ID: 160226

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

My Own One
#222 - 2013-06-04 16:45:44 UTC
Its not about what I have had or now not have.

Its the point that another people gained 1,536,000 SP for having a prereq skill with 40,000 SP
Dimple Dallocort
#223 - 2013-06-04 16:46:36 UTC
This only happened once but has never happened before odyssey.

After I jumped through a gate my over view went completely blank. I could select thinks in space and interact that way.
but the overview remained blank until I jumped to a new system.

I'll edit if it happens again.
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#224 - 2013-06-04 16:46:49 UTC
Tessle Aesis wrote:
Aiko Hanomaa wrote:
Dominous Nolen wrote:

Just curious. What card are you running and what driver.

I had this and dumped the shader to Medium as per the provided work around until Nvidia/CCP get this worked out.

Gf 650ti, and 320.18 (the latest recommended version).
Reducing the setting does indeed "fix" the problem. The low frame rates remain, though.

i've got lots of problem with lastest driver 320.18 with many games and with Windows 7 64bit too. I had to rollback to 314.22 which worked fine with all and with EVE until Odyssey... with GTX650Ti I've different problems... but because my CPU usage goes up and up and all is slow with Odyssey (running at 4 fps) i guess it's not related to the graphic card

Weird. I'll be interested to see if I run into the same issue when i log in once im home. I'll keep it at 320.18 with the shader reduced to Med hope for the best.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Mangala Solaris
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#225 - 2013-06-04 16:49:41 UTC
Dimple Dallocort wrote:
This only happened once but has never happened before odyssey.

After I jumped through a gate my over view went completely blank. I could select thinks in space and interact that way.
but the overview remained blank until I jumped to a new system.

I'll edit if it happens again.

I am at 2/20ish jumps for that happening.

yet to be able to reproduce any specific conditions.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#226 - 2013-06-04 16:51:09 UTC
Phext wrote:
Necroromantic wrote:

1. OP = ?
2. Graphics card = ?
and so on

If you can't file a petition because you already filed two petitions with topics not related to your graphic problems, why don't you just file a bug report (you should've done it in instead of filing a petition anyway):

That said, if one of your petitions is addressing the things you are talking about here, why don't you just attach the information the support personal is requesting?

Necroromantic wrote:

then i can give them what they want and know my home system will not be targeted by their enemies who do stuff like ddos attacks...

Everytime you connect to the cluster you deliver "them" more relevant data than the stuff they are asking you for right now...your "home system" is totally irrelevant as a dos target for "their enemies". It's relevant as a source for "their enemies" though,...but that's totally unrelated to whatever scenario you are trying to create here...

only problem with having to reply is i keep sayin same stuff lol the pets have nothing to do with this how can they as stated over and over they a month old at least if not longer one goes back to retribution and and im awaiting a senour (well over gm paygrade) to reply... so obviously not very concerned with cash paying 7 year players but hey computer games companies the world over are renowned for a complete lack of customer service.. i wouldn't stand in a shop for a month to talk with someone from customer service and my money is no different when in a shop than it is when im paying for eve.. as for bug report thanks for the link i posted origanally on page 3 or 4 between trollers and even a few helpful suggestions i have managed to get the nothingness to stop - by opening map closing map - though i think this shows bad programing pathways for this to be effective, yet as stated im not a programer i cant just lift the hood and fiddle with the game program like so many others are claiming to do and maybe the link that brought me to the forum to disguss the issues with the expansion should have taken me to the page for bug reports... again must be my fault for not popping the hood and writting ccp's software for them!

as for scenarios for how anyone who would attack ccp would attack a home system... I MAKE NONE.. i simply state that anyone who would interrupt 65k+ players for over 18 hours cost ccp god and ccp only know how much - could easily use the wrong info given to totally wipe out someones system by using that info to make hacking simpler and then who knows what they are willing to do if they are willing to commit cyber terrorism...

Quick see if you can spot the grammer and spelling mistakes b4 someone else does.. i left them just for you!! :)

State War Academy
Caldari State
#227 - 2013-06-04 16:53:21 UTC
After Undocking or jumping into a system your ship will automaticaly scan using the system scanner and the results will be displayed in a list on your scanner.
But after reshipping in space for example in a POS, all the results dissapear from the scanning list and are not coming back.
The only way to get them back is either dock/undock or jump out/in..... This also happens when you start probing. once you have probed something all the other results are not coming back in your result list.
And I can not use the "analyze" button from the ships onboard scanner anymore without probes :S

Using PC
Caroline Grace
Retrostellar Boulevard
#228 - 2013-06-04 16:54:07 UTC
Sensor overlay and new Jump tunnel effect are laggy, overlay sometimes violently stops the animation or "shutters" for no reason. Jump effect tunnel is laggy in animation and shutters (chops, lags) when the game is loading new system.

PC. Full details. GeForce. Had no problems with graphics prior to Odyssey, though a small lag after jumping to new system was always visibly present until the game "settled" down.

I'm Caroline Grace, and this is my favorite musical on the Citadel.

CCP Engineering Corp
#229 - 2013-06-04 16:59:16 UTC
Hi all,

We figured out the issue with the Caldari Battlecruiser and Destroyer skill being set to 0. We are working on a fix which we hope to deploy tomorrow during downtime.

Until then we ask that you do not waste time training this skill as you will correctly be reimbursed tomorrow. Apologies for this but bare with us as we fix it. You can read more information in this news post:

Feel free to poke me on: Twitter

Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#230 - 2013-06-04 17:01:52 UTC
CCP RubberBAND wrote:
Hi all,

We figured out the issue with the Caldari Battlecruiser and Destroyer skill being set to 0. We are working on a fix which we hope to deploy tomorrow during downtime.

Until then we ask that you do not waste time training this skill as you will correctly be reimbursed tomorrow. Apologies for this but bare with us as we fix it. You can read more information in this news post:

Sweet! Thanks for the quick response folks


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#231 - 2013-06-04 17:04:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Sizeof Void
CCP Eterne wrote:
Closed socket errors MOST USUALLY tend to be due to your ISP. However, we'll monitor things to see if multiple people are reporting them in case it is on our end.

FYI - Closed socket errors have sharply increased in frequency after *every* expansion release (as well as after several major patches) in the past 5 years. Go back and check the old petition logs for connection problems. And, it always seems to take between a few and several days to go away.

It behaves as though timeout parameters on the server side had been reset to some low-tolerance default, during the server-side deployment, and then are quietly restored to pre-deployment values by CCP someone, after determining that it really isn't a client-side ISP problem. Or it could be that it is a client-side timeout parameter issue, which ends up getting stealth fixed in one of the post-deployment patches.

Ofc, I could be entirely wrong, but it shouldn't take much time/effort to check, anyways.
Maximus Andendare
Rote Kapelle
#232 - 2013-06-04 17:05:05 UTC
thunXa wrote:
Its not about what I have had or now not have.

Its the point that another people gained 1,536,000 SP for having a prereq skill with 40,000 SP
Apparently, it is about what you "now not have." The topic and discussion was announced months ago. Countless forum questions were asked about how the skill changes would work. There was an entire dev blog on the subject. Yes, people got 1,536,000 sp for having a prereq skill with 40,000 sp. You could have been one of those people. CCP announced this MONTHS ago.

They first announced some changes here, nearly a year ago, then followed up six months later here, the lastly posted yet again the final design iteration in February 2013 here. Throughout this time, countless (1000s+) forum posters asked for specifics on how this works, and they were provided with countless answers.

I'm sorry if you weren't up to date, or following the discussions ongoing over and over for the past year. Aside from CCP's hosted forums, there were various blog posts, reddit threads, and others all explaining how you could get in on the "6.2 million sp jackpot." (Reddit even had it pinned to the side.) Unfortunately, you didn't heed all those warnings or read up on the skill changes, and you'll lose out on 1,536,000 sp for a 40,000-point rereq.

I feel for you. I do. But that's the way it is.

Enter grid and you're already dead, destined to be reborn and fight another day.

>> Play Eve Online FREE! Join today for exclusive bonuses! <<

Maximus Andendare
Rote Kapelle
#233 - 2013-06-04 17:06:45 UTC
Mangala Solaris wrote:
Dimple Dallocort wrote:
This only happened once but has never happened before odyssey.

After I jumped through a gate my over view went completely blank. I could select thinks in space and interact that way.
but the overview remained blank until I jumped to a new system.

I'll edit if it happens again.

I am at 2/20ish jumps for that happening.

yet to be able to reproduce any specific conditions.
Just please no overview loading bugs again! It was so frustrating to be left behind because you had to relog!

Enter grid and you're already dead, destined to be reborn and fight another day.

>> Play Eve Online FREE! Join today for exclusive bonuses! <<

Alex Doom
RAZOR Alliance
#234 - 2013-06-04 17:21:14 UTC
If you have "merge 'items' and 'ships' into station panel" activated, the buttons "unrent office" and "move hq here" are in some cases visible under the "items"-tab.
WarpToMe AtZero
Sodium Chloride Mining Logistics
Domain Research and Mining Inst. Logistics
#235 - 2013-06-04 17:21:31 UTC
There are no gate activation sounds when watching someone jump a gate.

Also I have not seen any gate flashes when someone enters a system.
Dimple Dallocort
#236 - 2013-06-04 17:23:02 UTC
Mangala Solaris wrote:
Dimple Dallocort wrote:
This only happened once but has never happened before odyssey.

After I jumped through a gate my over view went completely blank. I could select thinks in space and interact that way.
but the overview remained blank until I jumped to a new system.

I'll edit if it happens again.

I am at 2/20ish jumps for that happening.

yet to be able to reproduce any specific conditions.

Just happened again, But this time the overview did not go blank until I opened the map system map from with in the scanner.
But now I also cannot see brackets in space, making it impossible to target anything.
No idea whats causing this,
Benito Arias
Angry Mustellid
#237 - 2013-06-04 17:27:20 UTC
An issue. Faulty AI of FW NPCs in FW missions. Bug report 152094, submitted 2013.01.23 18:13. Please fix, thank you.
Callic Veratar
#238 - 2013-06-04 17:28:30 UTC
I am highly confused by how many people seem to be checking the prerequisites for every ship they board.
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#239 - 2013-06-04 17:29:25 UTC
Benar Ellecon wrote:
I have a friend that says he experienced the same thing at one time...he just hit F10 to go to the star map and went back out and space was there again....don't know if it will help or not, but it is a try...

Just sayin...

Wasn't there the SHift + Backspace key combo as well to come out a black screen issue? Never had to use it. Maybe it works here.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

My Own One
#240 - 2013-06-04 17:30:12 UTC
Maximus Andendare wrote:
thunXa wrote:
Its not about what I have had or now not have.

Its the point that another people gained 1,536,000 SP for having a prereq skill with 40,000 SP
Apparently, it is about what you "now not have." The topic and discussion was announced months ago. Countless forum questions were asked about how the skill changes would work. There was an entire dev blog on the subject. Yes, people got 1,536,000 sp for having a prereq skill with 40,000 sp. You could have been one of those people. CCP announced this MONTHS ago.

They first announced some changes here, nearly a year ago, then followed up six months later here, the lastly posted yet again the final design iteration in February 2013 here. Throughout this time, countless (1000s+) forum posters asked for specifics on how this works, and they were provided with countless answers.

I'm sorry if you weren't up to date, or following the discussions ongoing over and over for the past year. Aside from CCP's hosted forums, there were various blog posts, reddit threads, and others all explaining how you could get in on the "6.2 million sp jackpot." (Reddit even had it pinned to the side.) Unfortunately, you didn't heed all those warnings or read up on the skill changes, and you'll lose out on 1,536,000 sp for a 40,000-point rereq.

I feel for you. I do. But that's the way it is.

I didnt play in february nor in march.

But do i really have to read through every post?

I do not much read the forums.

I have been told to train BC and Destroyers up, but not all racial cruiser skills.

Well anyway..
From my petition I have been told that it will be fixed and I clearly stated that it is on Gallente skills.