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Windows 8 Support - Feedback Requested

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Subsidy H.R.S.
Xagenic Freymvork
#161 - 2013-05-11 02:13:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaara
[[ Disregard this post. It appears I didn't search hard enough though I really do not want to downgrade my drivers to 314, according to said post but I suppose in order to play I'm gonna havta! ]]

I decided to start my subscription of Eve back up. However I am now on Windows 8 Pro 64-bit and I'm having a peculiar graphic issue. It's only the coloration like, it's red and white mainly however the interface is perfect as is the Captain's Quarters. No graphic issues in this mode. Only when the engine switches to the normal In-Station/Space does the colors switch to red/white. I am also running the latest Nvidia drivers on a single GTX 680.

I may have missed a fix but setting it to Windows 7 or any compatability does not fix the issue. Nor does clearing cache.
Tek Handle
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#162 - 2013-05-12 22:01:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Tek Handle
I am running Eve in full window mode, more clients are running in usual window mode. From time to time I get the bug that the running Eve task running in full window mode dissapears from the task bar after a while. Apparently Win8 thinks Eve in full window mode is a metro app, which also do not display an entry in the task bar when running. I am still able to get the window into to the foreground by ALT+TABing but the task won't appear on the task bar until I restart the client. No issue with the other clients running in normal window mode on multiple monitors.

Please fix. Big smile
Jonathan Barnet
Raytheon Heavy Industries
#163 - 2013-05-15 00:51:11 UTC
Gubah Rakun wrote:
I was all good on my W8 machine until the nVidia 320.x drivers pwned my Shaders settings. Reading around it appears that the solution is to set ones shaders to Medium in order to resolve the image problem.

I run Windows 8 with i7 920 6gb RAM and a GTX 590.

With the NVidia driver stay with the WHQL 314.22 drivers, as the 320.xx are still beta. I have no issues with these drivers and run multiple clients, all windowed or full screen and at max settings getting 58-60 fps.

Hope this helps.
Animal Nitrate
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#164 - 2013-05-18 11:14:57 UTC
Eve crashes every time I open the escape menu (whether I try to change a setting or not).

Am running Windows 8 with the latest drivers ( for GeForce GTX 680.

Other than that, seems to work generally there any way to manually edit the game settings/options somewhere?
CCP Eterne
C C P Alliance
#165 - 2013-05-18 18:38:27 UTC
I have removed some off-topic posts about the merits of Windows 8 from this thread.

EVE Online/DUST 514 Community Representative ※ EVE Illuminati ※ Fiction Adept

@CCP_Eterne ※ @EVE_LiveEvents

C0LD Fusion
#166 - 2013-05-21 11:14:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Queitis
ok. 2 items, first is the shader issue.

I have to run the game on low shader otherwise it looks like >
this first happened with the 314 drivers, so I updated to the 320's to try and solve it but it didn't.

Second, since the last patch, opening the launchers takes almost a minuet ... once the launcher is open, clients open as normal. its only started since the last patch.

680 GTX
32gb Corsair 12800
120gb OCZ Agility3

Win 8 64bit

Been running win 8 since the Developers prewiew without issues, until this recent patch.
Signal Cartel
EvE-Scout Enclave
#167 - 2013-05-22 00:20:08 UTC
After making sure all graphics updates were installed and all windows updates were installed I haven't had a single issue using eve with windows 8. I came from windows 7. I don't know if there are certain things that don't get updated that might end up causing these problems. I have an ATI Radeon HD 5770.
Kern Walzky
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#168 - 2013-05-22 10:45:25 UTC
After install of all updates in drivers, and Windows updates i have only positive things to say about Windows 8.

i really like the way to maximize the fixed window by dragging it to the Top of screen. Maximizes only to 1 screen (using 3 screens)
Love the good support for 3+ screen support... much better then in Windows 7... No need for Eyefinity, native support in Windows 8. Cool

So all in All..very Stable Eve in Windows 8. Bear
Out of Focus
Odin's Call
#169 - 2013-05-22 15:18:01 UTC
right now i cant even start the launcher....
Dyrion Aideron
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#170 - 2013-05-22 18:05:38 UTC
poerkie wrote:
right now i cant even start the launcher....

I had the same issue, try installing the launcher again from this link:
Serge Slade
Exiles of Chaos
Balcora Gatekeepers
#171 - 2013-05-28 11:28:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Serge Slade
Running Windows 8 64 Bit. Wondering why the Nvidia 320.18 drivers are causing my graphics to be completely FUBARed when in the hangar/undocked, yet displays perfectly when in the CQ environment. Will attempt to downgrade the shaders to medium when the server comes up. In addition, the launcher refuses to start at all unless I manually dig through the file structure and launch the updater located in the cache file. In addition, the launcher does not retain login info.

Update: Setting shader quality to medium did correct the neon colors (not impressed with the medium quality settings though, something needs to be done about this problem asap). Still unable to run the launcher without manually launching the updater in cache.
Fascist Penguins of Purgatory
#172 - 2013-06-02 05:17:10 UTC
With the issues people are reporting I might fire up my Samsung series 7 in notebook mode and see how it performs
Hazen Koraka
HK Enterprises
#173 - 2013-06-03 12:37:37 UTC
It seems that Steam is a bit funny when it comes to installing Runtime libraries. I've had this issue and many others games (games that aren't EVE). Sometimes, validating the steam program can help at times (from Within the Steam GUI). That said, I've not tried to login with SSO via the STEAM login interface.

Exploration is Random. Random is Random... or is it?!

Ace's And 8's
#174 - 2013-06-03 20:48:15 UTC
its probly been posted but i dont want to read 9 pages to find out and far as i can tell its not a ccp isue so much as a win 8 sucks ass

but seems to me like i get some serious lag the longer i play probly a memory leak in 8 but my i play on a laptop to and it has low ram for a new pc its only got like 8 gigs
Jonathan Xavier
Discrete Solutions Ltd.
#175 - 2013-06-04 13:28:07 UTC
No issues here. Latest NVidia drivers, GTX 580. I'm running 3 clients windowed and haven't had a problem. I've run Windows 8 Pro since December.
Society of Conscientious Thought
#176 - 2013-06-04 13:33:59 UTC
Dyrion Aideron wrote:
poerkie wrote:
right now i cant even start the launcher....

I had the same issue, try installing the launcher again from this link:

Same problem with me.

repair tool worked to get Odyssey up and running.

Re-downloaded launcher from above link and it worked but when I made a short cut to my desktop from
the EVE Online Launcher shortcut in the EVE folder it failed again.

Making a new shortcut directly from the launcher.exe in the launcher folder seems to work
Drop Dead Sexy
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#177 - 2013-06-04 21:54:23 UTC
Yutou Narukami wrote:
So I'm having 2 issues with EVE on my Win8 laptop, both of which appear to be mentioned in this thread:

1: Whenever I play EVE fullscreen, when I quit the game my desktop basically looks like a Carebear puked on it while tripping on acid. I can fix it by changing my resolution settings in Control Panel, this causes the monitor to do a soft power cycle, and when the picture comes back it is fine. That's not really a big concern for me, however;


Hey im having the same problem, quit eve and screen shows up in distorted colors...
i had my new laptop almost returned to shop... god this is so annoying.
now i see this is not hardware problem. thanks!!
Grojar Flesp
SQS Group
#178 - 2013-06-05 19:17:12 UTC
No problems for me

Win 8 Pro 64-bit
CPU: i5-3570k overclock @ 4Ghz (from 3.4).
16Gb ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti
Large Collidable Object
#179 - 2013-06-11 20:32:34 UTC
Drop Dead Sexy wrote:
Yutou Narukami wrote:
So I'm having 2 issues with EVE on my Win8 laptop, both of which appear to be mentioned in this thread:

1: Whenever I play EVE fullscreen, when I quit the game my desktop basically looks like a Carebear puked on it while tripping on acid. I can fix it by changing my resolution settings in Control Panel, this causes the monitor to do a soft power cycle, and when the picture comes back it is fine. That's not really a big concern for me, however;


Hey im having the same problem, quit eve and screen shows up in distorted colors...
i had my new laptop almost returned to shop... god this is so annoying.
now i see this is not hardware problem. thanks!!

I'm having the same issue on my surface pro. Moreover, stylus projection in the esc menu is way off, whereas it works fine otherwise, but that's most likely not Windows 8 related but rather a wacom driver issue with eve.
You know... [morons.](
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#180 - 2013-06-11 22:06:44 UTC
Large Collidable Object wrote:
I'm having the same issue on my surface pro. Moreover, stylus projection in the esc menu is way off, whereas it works fine otherwise, but that's most likely not Windows 8 related but rather a wacom driver issue with eve.

W8 user checking in (desktop self build stuff) nVidia GC, no issues at all (after CCP patched something about January) including all the issues people had with launcher, for me launcher just worked fine since the first version but I'm not a Steam user, don't have it nor intend to.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne