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Combat Fitted NYX - SOLD

No Danger
#1 - 2013-05-24 23:57:32 UTC  |  Edited by: No Danger
Grendells 3rd party used for this sale Big smile
Glaurung Draco
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-05-25 13:37:21 UTC
in game mail sent
No Danger
#3 - 2013-05-26 01:50:59 UTC
k i have a 30bil B/O ingame.
I will accept this as a starting bid as 32bil is the B/O price
No Danger
#4 - 2013-05-27 12:20:50 UTC
Still looking for a good home
Ruptured Spleen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2013-05-28 01:02:34 UTC
Mail sent in game
No Danger
#6 - 2013-05-29 22:26:32 UTC
OK Nyx still for sale, ingame B/O offer has fallen through.
#7 - 2013-05-29 23:05:09 UTC
28 bil buy out for full fit
Glaurung Draco
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2013-05-30 00:20:14 UTC
in game mail sent
No Danger
#9 - 2013-05-30 21:53:48 UTC
current ingame offer is 29bil by the guy who had offered 30 bil so this fine ship is still looking for a good home.
No Danger
#10 - 2013-05-31 21:19:47 UTC
K 30bil B/O offer from ingame mail is now the top bid.
No Danger
#11 - 2013-06-05 06:47:12 UTC
Still looking for a good home
Nubcake Fleetme
Black Horizon inc.
#12 - 2013-06-05 14:33:36 UTC
30bil buy off tonight
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-06-05 23:30:00 UTC
run out of isk for that 2nd a-type?
No Danger
#14 - 2013-06-11 02:32:05 UTC
Still for Sale if i get get a decent offer Blink
Fresh Ducktape
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2013-06-11 23:00:56 UTC
J Black
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2013-06-12 02:50:44 UTC  |  Edited by: J Black
31 Bill BuyOut
No Danger
#17 - 2013-06-12 03:32:24 UTC
K still for sale - waiting for 2 guys to get back to me ingame as they have mailed me so to be polite i will wait for there reply but that said and done i wil accept the 31bil B/O from J Black shortly to save any mucking around.
J Black
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2013-06-12 05:20:13 UTC
Bid Retracted
Canibeat ProperAllDay
Hovis Medium Soft Bread
#19 - 2013-06-12 19:49:45 UTC
Can do 30b b/o 2nite. Let me know if it is still for sale.
No Danger
#20 - 2013-06-19 23:32:43 UTC
after 2 more ppl pulling out after i have accepted there B/O offers - this ship is still for sale
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