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Cold Fusion reactor independently verified.

Purple Void Corporation
#61 - 2013-05-28 23:57:01 UTC
If this happens in my lifetime and it really does turn out to be real cold fusion, then I'm glad I live in Italy, hehe. One of two things will happen: it'll be bogus and the rest of Europe will continue making fun of Italy, or we have the next Da Vinci on our hands and there will be about 60 million Italians giving the finger to Europe's austerity measures.

On the following day, the politicians will figure out a way to **** us out of any of the benefits.
Lothian Enterprises
#62 - 2013-05-29 00:09:13 UTC
Hey, North Italies cool.

As I understand the proposal for Cold Fusion, the way it works is by using a very fine EM force to fuse materials. Take a cake, and now stick thirty sticks of dynamite inside it, the EM force at that scale would be stronger as it infiltrates the porus Palladium core and thats where it's fused.

It doesn't work though, and to scale it up to a usable model is ITER, the most advanced Tokamak design being worked on in France. See at the bottom left, there's a man there for scale. We cracked the Higgs Boson at CERN, lets put that research to work and get commercial fusion running, Europe booya Big smile

[center]Haruhiists - Overloading Out of Pod discussions since 2007. /人◕‿‿◕人\ Unban Saede![/center]

Gallente Federation
#63 - 2013-05-29 00:28:04 UTC
Akita T wrote:
I'll believe it when it starts going massively commercial, and early adopters have at least one year of hands-on experience.

I would be a bit more scared, considering that said method is basically creating a micro-sun in a tube.

we shall see if this is safe or not.


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Purple Void Corporation
#64 - 2013-05-29 00:37:12 UTC
Kirjava wrote:
Hey, North Italies cool.

Yeah, I know...that's where I live, haha! Anything south of Rome can just fall off into the ocean for all we care.
#65 - 2013-05-29 01:12:59 UTC
The E-Cat is back, and people are still falling for it!

The independent test was ...... well, read the article on how unscientific the test was. Here's the conclusion:

"I’m done pretending that this is science, or that the “data” presented here is scientifically valid. If this were an undergraduate science experiment, I’d give the kids an F, and have them see me. There’s no valid information contained here, just the assumption of success, the reliance on supplied data, and ballpark estimates that appear to be supplied “from the manufacturer.”"

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#66 - 2013-05-29 02:42:50 UTC
Yup. Lots of verbage that boils down to: "Extra-ordinary claim, crap-all for verifiable evidence."
It's quackery.

Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

Adela Talvanen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#67 - 2013-05-29 08:34:43 UTC
If you think the subject of this thread is quackery, you should read about Professor John Roy Robert Searl's "device".

He is no more a "Professor" then you are.

silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#68 - 2013-05-29 14:06:20 UTC  |  Edited by: silens vesica
Adela Talvanen wrote:
If you think the subject of this thread is quackery, you should read about Professor John Roy Robert Searl's "device".

He is no more a "Professor" then you are.

There's a LOT of quackery out there.

And actually, I'm qualified to teach basic nuclear physics, Basic Nuclear Reactor Operation (PWR only), basic electrical therory, basic mechanical plant operation and maintenance, turbine theory, and basic electronics - Plus I can teach electrical motor theory, and actually teach how to physically rebuild and rewind motors. and more beyond - I probably 'out-professor' most of these quacks hands-down.

Benefits of a Naval career in the nuclear engineering field.

Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

Pr1ncess Alia
#69 - 2013-05-30 06:10:11 UTC
Astenion wrote:
and there will be about 60 million Italians giving the finger to Europe's austerity measures.

On the following day, the politicians will figure out a way to **** us out of any of the benefits.

They might have to.

If we woke up to "limitless" "free" energy tomorrow, it's likely every economy in the world would have some serious changes going on.

Just what changes and how bad? Who knows? But something on such a scale could temporarily unravel the global economic balance in such a way that things could get much worse before they got better.

How much b.s. would that be? Most of us not surviving the societal collapse before we ever get to see the Star Trek society that arises in light of such a scientific advance?
Lothian Enterprises
#70 - 2013-05-30 06:34:26 UTC
Well yes, but there's the issue of building it and getting to a position where we are using it exclusively post transition.

The ambulences of tommorow till use Petrol, as will the Fire services, the existing military and naval technology will be retrofitted over time, but today, right now all this needs to work as if we never heard of it in the first place.

[center]Haruhiists - Overloading Out of Pod discussions since 2007. /人◕‿‿◕人\ Unban Saede![/center]

silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#71 - 2013-05-30 14:10:20 UTC
The economic impact of limitless cheap energy are HUGE - transport industry will explode, as will construction. Anyone with money in utilites or fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal, oil sands, shale) and derivitive industries (shipping, pipelines, refineries) will be wiped out. OPEC nations will be beggared, leading to (fairly brief) surge in terrorism as newly-impoverished and desperate people lash out - untl the sponsors run out of cash, at least. Mining will explode, too - And the environment will get creamed as mining tailings pille up into whole new mountain ranges...

Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

Gallente Federation
#72 - 2013-05-30 19:26:49 UTC
silens vesica wrote:
The economic impact of limitless cheap energy are HUGE - transport industry will explode, as will construction. Anyone with money in utilites or fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal, oil sands, shale) and derivitive industries (shipping, pipelines, refineries) will be wiped out. OPEC nations will be beggared, leading to (fairly brief) surge in terrorism as newly-impoverished and desperate people lash out - untl the sponsors run out of cash, at least. Mining will explode, too - And the environment will get creamed as mining tailings pille up into whole new mountain ranges...

thing is, the world won't stop using oil in a moment's notice.

also, oil isn't only used for fuel. amazingly there are some medical drugs that require oil byproducts, and can't be made by any other form.

sharp drop in price however? yes that will happen, but it might rise up again and stabilize after some time.


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right