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I made my own launcher, with blackjack and hookers

Shish Tukay
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-05-23 17:44:13 UTC
I made my own launcher, with blackjack* and hookers**, and several other features you guys might like:

Linux command line only for the moment, hence I'm only announcing to the linux tech forum for now, as I'm sure you guys can deal with that (I've only been working on it for a couple of hours, a windows port and GUI are on the drawing board)

Feedback and suggestions appreciated :)

* by "blackjack" I mean "saving passwords for all your alts under one master password"
** by "hookers" I mean "launch multiple clients logged into different accounts with a single command"

PS. CCP please don't sue me <3
#2 - 2013-05-23 20:18:14 UTC
Do you handle the "input a character name" quiz? Also, which license? — v0.13.5 — A browser-based fitting tool and loadout sharing platform

Shish Tukay
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-05-23 21:22:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Shish Tukay
Indalecia wrote:
Do you handle the "input a character name" quiz? Also, which license?

Not yet, haven't come across it.

For license, I'm not 100% sure yet, thinking MIT? Seems pretty similar to WTFPL, but lawyer-approved :P TBH I mostly just want people to have a good launching experience, not particularly interested in politics in this specific case :)

ED> Windows port works, but it's still command-line only, and I doubt windows users will like that. Next stop: cross-platform GUI /o/
Karti Aivo
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2013-05-24 08:02:05 UTC
Shish Tukay wrote:
TBH I mostly just want people to have a good launching experience, not particularly interested in politics in this specific case :)

Then just go with GPL, thats at least Law-Proofed in most countys (germany e.g.)

ofc may quick read about it
FumbleFamily Corp
#5 - 2013-05-24 09:06:19 UTC
Anyway creating an alternate launcher for Eve is probably a copyright infringement anyway, so who cares about the exact licence ;-) I mean, reverse engineering and all this stuff is pretty much on the edge of the law, depending on the country where it occurs...

Maybe you should petition to know if it's ok to do a custom launcher ? CCP does not seem totally closed to Linux those days, and you may have a positive answer, who knows ?
Shish Tukay
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-05-24 17:57:01 UTC
First-draft GUI is done, screenshots and stand-alone binary downloads here -->

Anyway creating an alternate launcher for Eve is probably a copyright infringement anyway

It could be a lot of things, but not copyright infringement :P My biggest serious worry is that CCP just don't like it, and shut down my account, because it's their game and they can do what they want.

reverse engineering and all this stuff is pretty much on the edge of the law, depending on the country where it occurs...

I haven't done any reverse engineering myself - the login protocol was already figured out by another user, and I figured it out by reading their code :)
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2013-05-25 17:49:49 UTC
maybe you should just ask them directly what they think of it? ccp usually are relatively tolerant of third party tools, but their ways are strange at times.
Shish Tukay
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-05-25 19:42:29 UTC
Looks like somebody else mentioned it in one of the many other threads; response is "I would not like to comment [...] primarily because it could be misconstrued as some sort of official support or endorsement or the code, project and initiative"

But they do know about it and I haven't been banned \o/

So yeah; it's useful, it works, but don't hold CCP responsible if my third-party app eats your cat.
Anarchy Squad
UA Fleets
#9 - 2013-05-26 07:16:04 UTC
Ebuilds please.
Shish Tukay
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-05-26 19:30:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Shish Tukay
From the general discussions thread:

ISD Eshtir -- until this has been looked into by CCP and properly investigated i will apply a lock for a possible violation of the EULA

Aww, dammit :( I'm fairly sure it's not violating the EULA, but it *is* a case that's never been brought up before...

I will continue working on it in the background though, since I'm sure the investigation will eventually say that it's ok :3
White Wolf Enterprises
Harmonious Ascent
#11 - 2013-05-28 18:56:27 UTC
Doesn't work with character name challenge indeed.

What to do if i get "Need to accept EULA"?

Open your eyes. And awaken.

After Shok
Ruthenia Co
#12 - 2013-05-28 21:53:37 UTC
move files and to up folder - from curent locations when run
python ./
it runs with errors (don't see imports)

Правдой нельзя оскорбить, уважаемый адвокат!

Тот самый Мюнхгаузен

Золотая орка

Shish Tukay
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-05-29 07:31:55 UTC
Elegbara wrote:
Doesn't work with character name challenge indeed.

What to do if i get "Need to accept EULA"?

For the moment, you'll need to use the regular launcher to deal with the CCP paperwork; you should only need to do that once (per account / per PC? Not entirely sure). If I can get some samples of those pages I'll see if I can present them nicely rather than erroring...

move files and to up folder - from curent locations when run
python ./

That's not how I'd intended it to be run, but I can't see any harm in making it work both ways Smile
Torgeir Hekard
#14 - 2013-05-29 09:04:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Torgeir Hekard
Shish Tukay wrote:
[quote=Elegbara]For the moment, you'll need to use the regular launcher to deal with the CCP paperwork; you should only need to do that once (per account / per PC? Not entirely sure). If I can get some samples of those pages I'll see if I can present them nicely rather than erroring...

The following code worked for me at least once

#r =,data)
#where s is a session in terms of the HTTPBasicAuth python module
#the above line posted our login and password when prompted, and the result is some page after posting login/pass
#therefore r represents the supposed EULA page, and r.text is the raw html code of the page which is the stuff that really matters
#exception and logical error handling is omitted for simplicity's sake

soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
if unicode(soup.title) == unicode("[title]License Agreement Update[/title]"):

#HTML tags screwed because forum suxx

#I believe the code worked without forced conversion to unicode when I tried it on TQ, but I might have been mistaken, and it didn't work without it on SiSi. Yes, it's a simple check against page title

for i in soup.find_all('input'):
if (i['value']!="Decline") & (i['value']!="Отколнить"):

url = site + soup.find('form')['action']

#Probably input value handling also needs unicode conversion. Also localization. Or, alternatively, checking against some other field like id, because the buttons can have different names under different languages. The above one checks against russian as an option, though I don't know if successfully, since I've got it in english.,data)

PS: found an EULA page dump (from TQ IIRC), but there seems no way to attach it, Also it's in russian, and now I see that checking against page title won't work. Probably should check against div class="eula" or form action="/OAuth/Eula"
New Eden Trading Association
#15 - 2013-06-01 12:45:35 UTC
i fixed the EULA/Char-challengs in my fork .. but only on linux-console:

pretty early fork - could not send it upstream due to config-stuff changed heavily.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2013-06-02 00:20:28 UTC
Will test it this evening!