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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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70+ Million SP Gallente/Amarr/ Minmatar Pilot LF Null NPC or SOV Corp

Wrench McCoy
#1 - 2013-05-25 19:16:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Wrench McCoy
Hello All,

A little bit about my toon:

70+ Million PVP focused Gallente toon. My actual PVP is limited but I know what it takes, and follow directions very well. I also have a 20+ million scout/ indy toon. I can fly Gallente carrier and pretty much all races sub-cap, and efficiently at that. However, I love my drones and sleep with a Hammerhead II under my pillow, so Gallente is my main focus. I have found that most of my Eve career has been limited to backoffice work, ie Director work and helping in recruiting, etc. I've also had some toons in the past where most of my focus was on indy, but I have sold most of those toons. I am loyal to a fault when I find the right corp. All of my toons support themselves in PI work. I find it to be a great passive income and utilize it tremendously.

A little bit about me:

EST US TZ player. I never ask for corp handouts. I am self-sufficient in null/low/high sec. 42 years young with a wife and two chillin.....A corp that respects real life is a priority. I love all types of music, so you are likely to hear anything from 'The Gladiator' soundtrack to Motorhead playing in the background on comms Lol I like to read. Have you read the WOOL series by Hugh Howley? You should. I am also a blogger and writer myself. I'm sarcastic, yet respectful, and come complete 100% drama free. Self proclaimed zombie aficionado and the original disaster prepper LolShockedLol

A little bit about you (hopefully):

Strong family/ friend atmosphere and well- established....ACTIVE! Preferably NPC nullsec but SOV space will be considered.
Hopefully team members that have the same RL priorities and interests. Drama free/ Easy going/ No overly inflated internet spaceship egos. Not pirate. Teamspeak a must, and active forums. Killboard nice too!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I look forward to hearing from you.

Wrench McCoy
#2 - 2013-05-26 15:40:03 UTC
Thanks so far for all the emails. Very much appreciated. Keep 'em coming!
Wrench McCoy
#3 - 2013-05-27 14:52:18 UTC
Glad to be getting responses from many small & med sized corps. Having played in the larger alliances, it may be a much needed change of scenery

Happy Memorial Day!
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2013-05-27 16:27:02 UTC
I think you will fit in well with Hull Breach. Check out our recruiting thread for more info about us.

Would like to chat and answer any questions you have.
Wrench McCoy
#5 - 2013-05-28 15:02:53 UTC
Wrench McCoy
#6 - 2013-05-29 00:44:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Wrench McCoy
I've had some great responses, and some really, really crummy ones so far. A few pointers:

1) Don't even bother setting up a recruitment channel if you're not going to man it. Its a really, really bad first impression.

2) Don't put people in charge of recruiting who don't have a conversational IQ and/or who answer questions with "yep", "sure" or "maybe". Its called ELABORATION.

3) And whatever you do, don't allow people to 'troll' your recruitment channels....they are never going to join, and are there to just turn off possible recruits. Don't befriend them or feed them. Kick them.

Keep 'em coming folks.
Ezio Sotken
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2013-05-29 00:58:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Ezio Sotken
I know your preference is non sov holding corps, alliances, but you maybe interested in my corp.

We are Nul-li-fy, a PVP focused corp part of the Nulli Secunda alliance

We also have access to a large amount of pve options as well.

You can find alot of information about us at

We are a sov holding alliance, but we have territory all over the map. We also have a extensive logistics network.

If you have any questions or just want to chat and get to know us, feel free to join our public channel: NUL-L

We also can offer industrial opportunities if that is your preference.

To answer your question, my favorite band is a toss up between Def Leppard and Aerosmith.
Wrench McCoy
#8 - 2013-05-30 00:00:27 UTC
Azrael Acid
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-05-30 00:10:42 UTC
Take a look and see if we may be a fit for you:
Cackling Jack
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#10 - 2013-05-30 02:53:48 UTC
Hi there…
I see that you are looking for a corporation to join.
I will only post this once, don’t want to spam you.

If you are interested, Flying Dangerous maybe the place for you.
Every Corp will say that they are the best, this is what we do, but ultimately trying to find one that fits with your style and what you want to do may take time, so I wish you all the best and hope you find what you are looking for.

A little about Flying Dangerous
We are in the process of gaining SOV and have built up some alliances.
We have strong US & EURO TZ and we currently reside in 0.0 and are in the process of moving deeper into null sec.
If you are interested here is our forum post with a little of what we do and some useful links.

If you want to chat to some members in game then look at joining our in game channel FD 4 PVP.
Hope to see you online, better to fly along side of you, however if you choose elsewhere then GF all round.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-05-30 07:10:10 UTC
lol guys xd pls no troll be better recruiters tia
Edghariuss I
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#12 - 2013-05-30 12:18:09 UTC
Send u mail ingame
#13 - 2013-05-30 14:13:28 UTC
Hello man, hope my corp can be what your looking for? Please read out recruitment thread below and see what you think...

hope to chat once im online later on
C Klinchock
Winter Legion
#14 - 2013-05-30 16:26:20 UTC
Hey There Wrench,

Interested in trying WH life out at all for something new and fresh?

0ne Percent is a tight knit group of very experienced pilots that focuses on Small Gang PvP and PvE when there is nothing to shoot.
We are looking to bolster our numbers with active/friendly/experienced pilots who share our love and thirst for the type of PvP this awesome game has to offer.

What we can offer you:
• Daily PvP and PvE Opportunities
• Our C5 WH with a SC3 provides plenty of HS/LS/0.0 Access
• Experienced Pilots and WH Dwellers for help and guidance if WH life would be new for you
• Access to POS's for security with ability to eventually setup your own POS
• Vast amounts of PvP and PvE Opportunities and PI Access with our personal Custom Offices with 0% Tax
• Alliance Ops (WH Evictions/WH Sieges/Roams/C1-C6 Plexing)

Only mandatory CTA is if a Alliance Corp is being attacked
• Corp Advancement Opportunities Exist

What we are looking for:
• Highly Active Players
• PvP Experience
• Ability to be self-sufficient in WH space during times when there may not be a lot of activity in Corp/Alliance, which is rare (Ability to Solo PvP/PvE, Gas Mining/Mining, Scanning, PI)
• Comms
• Personable and Fun People

I've done it all in Eve the HS Carebearing, LS and 0.0 Politics and BLOBS, since I've left all that and been with 0ne Percent for over 2 years I've never considered leaving. This corp and their players fit my personality, my play style and I have found that something that has and will continue to keep my attention in Eve.

Start your journey today by joining 1% Public or EveMailing me or Minus Dronus whichever is more accommodating for you.
We hope to fly with you soon!

Swing by our Forums/KB too if you'd like our link to it and our Application can be found below.

Below is out long and outstanding recruitment post as well.

Thor Skylar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2013-05-31 02:35:37 UTC
Wrench McCoy wrote:
Hello All,

A little bit about my toon:

70+ Million PVP focused Gallente toon. My actual PVP is limited but I know what it takes, and follow directions very well. I also have a 20+ million scout/ indy toon. I can fly Gallente carrier and pretty much all races sub-cap, and efficiently at that. However, I love my drones and sleep with a Hammerhead II under my pillow, so Gallente is my main focus. I have found that most of my Eve career has been limited to backoffice work, ie Director work and helping in recruiting, etc. I've also had some toons in the past where most of my focus was on indy, but I have sold most of those toons. I am loyal to a fault when I find the right corp. All of my toons support themselves in PI work. I find it to be a great passive income and utilize it tremendously.

A little bit about me:

EST US TZ player. I never ask for corp handouts. I am self-sufficient in null/low/high sec. 42 years young with a wife and two chillin.....A corp that respects real life is a priority. I love all types of music, so you are likely to hear anything from 'The Gladiator' soundtrack to Motorhead playing in the background on comms Lol I like to read. Have you read the WOOL series by Hugh Howley? You should. I am also a blogger and writer myself. I'm sarcastic, yet respectful, and come complete 100% drama free. Self proclaimed zombie aficionado and the original disaster prepper LolShockedLol

A little bit about you (hopefully):

Strong family/ friend atmosphere and well- established....ACTIVE! Preferably NPC nullsec but SOV space will be considered.
Hopefully team members that have the same RL priorities and interests. Drama free/ Easy going/ No overly inflated internet spaceship egos. Not pirate. Teamspeak a must, and active forums. Killboard nice too!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I look forward to hearing from you.


Hey McCoy - please see our full recruitment post details

You'll fit right in, we have several EU/UK/US/AU pilots.

We are a top line corporation operating out of nullsec. If you take a look at you'll see we are active and have a long history :)

Idea We also have carrier and dread programs to assist members into those capital ships they have always wanted.

We are primarily a bunch of UK/EU pilots with several USTZ members all in our 20 to 40-somethings out for a good laugh and pvp goodness

For further information, join our in game channel NSBG.Public

Some key points about NS-BG
Arrow PVP Corp - See BattleClinic
Arrow Nullsec Corporation located in Tribute Region
Arrow Capital Programs
Arrow Ship replacement programs
Arrow Implant replacement programs
Arrow Ore buyback programs
Arrow Mining 24/7
Arrow PvE
Arrow Mining

Thor Skylar
Chief Executive Officer
Founding Member of NS-BG
Amarr Merchant Navy
#16 - 2013-05-31 09:51:31 UTC
Hi there,

We are looking for higher sp chars in our corp this is our recruitment thread have a read and see what you think.

Wrench McCoy
#17 - 2013-05-31 22:26:36 UTC
Making a decision at the end of this weekend. Thank you for all of the responses and I have enjoyed talking with everyone thus far!
Thern alpha
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2013-06-03 15:00:11 UTC
Unlawful Unit (UUNIT) is looking for pvpers and some new bro's looking for a STABLE and ACTIVE corp to pvp in. We are a nullsec corp, who roams 3-4 times a day, loves to pvp from dawn to dusk and dont mind teaching others how to pvp.

Info on the corp:

US & EU tz

very active cap and black ops wings

Good mix of older experinced players and newer pew pewers

always active on comms and pvp ops

We have an -.9 system with a station as our home system. Its upgraded for ratting and open for all corp members to fill their wallets.

Killboard link:

Reqs to join: Full api key/user id

10 mil sp with most of it in combat skills

TS3 and a mic

Ability to take a joke and trolling in corp chat/corp comms, we troll everyone and love to have a nice laugh.
We play eve to have fun and enjoy the game, but that doesnt mean we dont know when to be serious and get **** done.

Anyone looking to join pls convo/mail: Thern alpha

Public chat: UUINT Public
feel free to drop in and have a chat

**We are not looking for anyone just looking to rat or mine in null. If u want to join U MUST BE ABLE AND WILLING TO PVP! We do have good ratting space and mining space, but sitting there all day ratting or mining and not pvping at all, will result in your removal from corp. U have been warned.**
Donny Osmond
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2013-06-04 11:43:49 UTC
Tactical Narcotics Team
#20 - 2013-06-04 17:12:51 UTC
Brimstone Tactical members of Covert Intervention

Recruitment is OPEN

In our previous regions, we were a thriving Mercenary Alliance helping the Gallente Federation win its war against the Caldari State. Upon our entrance into the age old war our intel gathering branch caught wind that the Caldari were contracting to pirate alliances to halt our resupply.

In the months to follow we swiftly and silently claimed system after system. Slowly reducing the Caldari Footprint that had made its way into the forever claimed Gallente Territories. With our extensive research and planning we quickly reclaimed systems for key strategic positioning.

After months of conflict many thought the day would never come. The day the Vile Caldari State were forced out of Old Man Star and the people were liberated.

Brimstone Tactical is the known holding corporation to Covert Intervention. If and when you pass through the selection process you will join the ranks of the Covert Intervention family. Once you have proven yourself to the alliance you will be placed up for bid to enter the elite ranks of our members.

Your group inactive? Your team mates not team players? Your corp unable to find direction? No one is helping you learn?

VERUM Offers Hope
- Active Alliance, Active Fleets, Active Team!
- All Time Zones for EVE & DUST514
- Free ships for Pilots on FC Ops
- Competent Alliance FC's
- Solid Ground Support in DUST514
- Quality PvP training
- Professionally managed Teamspeak 3
- Forum Boards to Coordinate Events
- New Player Friendly
- FULL API Required
- Join VTS Pub Channel for Details to Apply at Brimstone Tactical !!