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[Video] SISI - New Cyno Jump Effect

Asayanami Dei
Adhocracy Incorporated
#1 - 2011-11-04 20:19:55 UTC
In case you haven't seen it yet, here's a short video of the new Cyno Jump effect.

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I--THE CAPACITOR IS EMPTY

Youtube: /asayanami

Twitter: @asayanami

David Grogan
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-11-04 20:35:15 UTC
Asayanami Dei wrote:
In case you haven't seen it yet, here's a short video of the new Cyno Jump effect.

ah nice i see they listened to players and fixed the timing on the new effect..... looks much better now

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Jooce McNasty
Islefive Consulting
#3 - 2011-11-04 20:45:37 UTC
I hope that the direction that the light takes off is in the direction of the cyno you are jumping too. It might be a little thing but I think that's the coolest part of the new Cyno effect
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-11-04 21:01:33 UTC
Not bad, though if you had to ask, i still prefer the effect of seeing caps jump in with the old cyno effect, including audio.

For people who don't know what that looked like:

Old Cyno effect + Audio, caps jumping in
#5 - 2011-11-04 21:05:56 UTC
I can't wait to see a video of an entire fleet landing with that new cyno effect. The sight of so many of those shock waves going off could be really cool.
JC Anderson
#6 - 2011-11-04 21:09:07 UTC
Me likes.
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#7 - 2011-11-04 21:09:56 UTC
ship pop in timing is a bit off still however... If possible would like to see colors shifting during the shockwave.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Ice Liberation Army
#8 - 2011-11-04 21:53:34 UTC
Much better, but the old one was still the best.

The one on sis is just a modified wormhole and then a gate jump tacked on, while the original had the unique light tunnel.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2011-11-04 22:12:04 UTC
The timing's much better now! Thanks for listening to the feedback, CCP.
Jodis Talvanen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2011-11-04 22:12:51 UTC
More directional lighting storm!
Inir Ishtori
Caldari State
#11 - 2011-11-04 23:25:59 UTC
not really liking it all that much. would prefer something of Babylon 5 style or from that DoW fan project that was linked several times already. what CCP did there looks just like a bigger cyno effect and a bit of smartbombing added to it. somewhat underwhelming, imo.
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#12 - 2011-11-05 00:47:45 UTC
wouldn't it look 1-4 times better in a different color? Blue, black.. hell even green but not pink!

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Vicker Lahn'se
Stryker Industries
Stryker Group
#13 - 2011-11-05 00:53:02 UTC
Jooce McNasty wrote:
I hope that the direction that the light takes off is in the direction of the cyno you are jumping too. It might be a little thing but I think that's the coolest part of the new Cyno effect

And how are you going to tell how the solar system is oriented with respect to the star map?
The Short Bus Squad
#14 - 2011-11-06 22:48:33 UTC
Bienator II wrote:
wouldn't it look 1-4 times better in a different color? Blue, black.. hell even green but not pink!

Yea, Red going into jump, Blue coming out of jump. Like when you look forward while warping you get red tinge, and blue when you look back due to doppler effect. And a bit like B5 :D
Soi Mala
Whacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Arm Tubemen
#15 - 2011-11-06 23:07:45 UTC
Looks great, but they need to get rid of the rippling water effect. It has been over-used on webs, gates, cynos etc.

It's good, but by doing away with the ripple and keeping the flash/lightning, it could be 1000 times better.

Little Delicious
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#16 - 2011-11-06 23:39:13 UTC
Nova Fox wrote:
ship pop in timing is a bit off still however...

no it's not