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how much of your fortune in EvE is invested in plex?

First post
Harry Forever
#21 - 2013-05-23 16:59:24 UTC
honestly I would recommend you invest more in plex, it seems supply and demand is completely out of hand, I assume the prices therefore will skyrock, would not be suprised if they tripple within a year or two
Felicity Love
#22 - 2013-05-23 22:45:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Felicity Love
None of it. I think of them as the "junk bonds" of EVE and there are far better things in EVE's markets to invest in.

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

#23 - 2013-05-24 04:38:46 UTC
May I suggest that a number of other factors are likely to influence PLEX prices. The number of market orders is one of the many factors that influence the demand of an item.

For plex, most important to remember is that CCP have categorically stated, for 2 years, that they will ensure that the price is not manipulated too much. They did not interfere with the plex market for the first of the 2 years, but more recently Dr. E dumped plexes on the market to get the price down towards 500.

So the price could hit 600, even 650 imho, but unlikely to go much higher, as people are then likely to stop plexing their accounts, which is not in CCP's interest (they love >50k "subscribers").

There is little chance of plex doubling or tripling imho. In fact I nearly did not reply to this thread, as initially I thought you were trolling, but after reading your other threads, and your employment history, I'm going to presume that you're a relatively new player and actually believe what you're posting.

Any colour you like.

Harry Forever
#24 - 2013-05-24 12:29:08 UTC
Samroski wrote:
May I suggest that a number of other factors are likely to influence PLEX prices. The number of market orders is one of the many factors that influence the demand of an item.

For plex, most important to remember is that CCP have categorically stated, for 2 years, that they will ensure that the price is not manipulated too much. They did not interfere with the plex market for the first of the 2 years, but more recently Dr. E dumped plexes on the market to get the price down towards 500.

So the price could hit 600, even 650 imho, but unlikely to go much higher, as people are then likely to stop plexing their accounts, which is not in CCP's interest (they love >50k "subscribers").

There is little chance of plex doubling or tripling imho. In fact I nearly did not reply to this thread, as initially I thought you were trolling, but after reading your other threads, and your employment history, I'm going to presume that you're a relatively new player and actually believe what you're posting.

yea sure i believe in that, but until then i did not know that CCP is selling plex to isk themselfes, however I hardly believe they will sell a lot of PLEX for ISK because they do not get real money for that, so it would not make sense, however if plex go up in ISK value more poeple will buy them with real money to assure they can get more ISK in the game, therefore I still believe in Plex going up

PLEX is only valuable for CCP if a real player buys it with real money, if they sell Plex themselfe they loose on every plex they sold, basically they would give away free subscription by doing that, however if a player buys plex from another player who bought it for real money then the subscription cash is not lost for CCP
Invisible Exchequer
#25 - 2013-05-24 12:43:46 UTC
They used 2000 plex or so last time I believe
#26 - 2013-05-24 13:10:35 UTC
0 %

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#27 - 2013-05-24 13:27:32 UTC
Why would anyone invest in PLEX?
Lfod Shi
Lfod's Ratting and Salvage
#28 - 2013-05-24 14:17:15 UTC
0%. I invest my isk in isk. Solid and stable.

♪ They'll always be bloodclaws to me ♫

#29 - 2013-05-24 14:55:48 UTC
I bought 4560 PLEX so i invested about 0.001% of my fortune in plex.

The tears of the many, outweigh the tears of the few. Or the one. enterprise-psi©

Minmatar Heavy Industries
#30 - 2013-05-24 20:11:15 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
DarthNefarius wrote:
% as in ISK:PLEX ratio? or (assets + ISK):PLEX?

(assets + isk) : plex please

An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Britta Nolen
Sama Guild
#31 - 2013-05-25 10:55:31 UTC
The only time it's anywhere near worth it to invest in Plex is during a sale. Dump it after the prices go up again. Much better deals to be had though.
Harry Forever
#32 - 2013-05-25 11:15:50 UTC
Britta Nolen wrote:
The only time it's anywhere near worth it to invest in Plex is during a sale. Dump it after the prices go up again. Much better deals to be had though.

it is easy to look into the past and say what was the right thing to do... predicting is somewhat harder because it involves thinking
Invisible Exchequer
#33 - 2013-05-25 11:31:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhivre
Well, to be honest, you prefer thinking your own way, instead of logically "Hmmm...Power of 2, hmm...upcoming expansion, hmmm...dust launch promotion...hmmm...dual character mining increase in profitability...hmm..upcoming wars"

And, you reject the idea that "the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour"

So, making posts asking questions which you have no intention of listening to the answers of is a strange pastime to have

Although, crystal balls are hot this time of year, no data crunching required, and definitely no reading of devblogs
Harry Forever
#34 - 2013-05-25 11:43:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Rhivre wrote:
Well, to be honest, you prefer thinking your own way, instead of logically "Hmmm...Power of 2, hmm...upcoming expansion, hmmm...dust launch promotion...hmmm...dual character mining increase in profitability...hmm..upcoming wars"

And, you reject the idea that "the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour"

So, making posts asking questions which you have no intention of listening to the answers of is a strange pastime to have

Although, crystal balls are hot this time of year, no data crunching required, and definitely no reading of devblogs

you are not able to put down a single conclusion or explanation, you do not want to think it through, come up with a explanation if you have one, and then write it down, your hmmm... mystery hmmm... that kind of talking is silly, write it down and bring it to the point, if you are not able to then please post somewhere else, this is annoying
Sevastian Liao
DreamWeaver Inc.
#35 - 2013-05-25 11:49:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Sevastian Liao
There's a significant difference between "PLEX prices are most likely headed only up, long term" and "PLEX prices are going to skyrocket tomorrow, next week, or next month". Just like real estate IRL, just because it has steady long term potential doesn't mean it's the best investment out there. If I can invest in something else that provides the same or higher margins and turns over in a shorter period of time, I'll make more than enough to buy that PLEX in future and have ISK leftover besides.
Harry Forever
#36 - 2013-05-25 11:54:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Sevastian Liao wrote:
There's a significant difference between "PLEX prices are most likely headed only up, long term" and "PLEX prices are going to skyrocket tomorrow, next week, or next month". Just like real estate IRL, just because it has steady long term potential doesn't mean it's the best investment out there. If I can invest in something else that provides the same or higher margins and turns over in a shorter period of time, I'll make more than enough to buy that PLEX in future and have ISK leftover besides.

sure as long as you keep an eye on it, but as an investor it is written that: "if you don't have it when its low, you will not have it when it goes up" because with investments you tend to wait for the prices to go down again when they start going up, so if you are not invested and they never come down again, you miss the rally
Invisible Exchequer
#37 - 2013-05-25 12:02:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhivre
Harry Forever wrote:
Rhivre wrote:
Well, to be honest, you prefer thinking your own way, instead of logically "Hmmm...Power of 2, hmm...upcoming expansion, hmmm...dust launch promotion...hmmm...dual character mining increase in profitability...hmm..upcoming wars"

And, you reject the idea that "the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour"

So, making posts asking questions which you have no intention of listening to the answers of is a strange pastime to have

Although, crystal balls are hot this time of year, no data crunching required, and definitely no reading of devblogs

you are not able to put down a single conclusion or explanation, you do not want to think it through, come up with a explanation if you have one, and then write it down, your hmmm... mystery hmmm... that kind of talking is silly, write it down and bring it to the point, if you are not able to then please post somewhere else, this is annoying

Ok, let me see if this bear of little brain can think of anything:

1) Buy orders and sell order numbers have absolutely nothing to do with the supply and demand of PLEX
2) CCP just did a "OMG Power of 2" promotion
3) CCP just did a "OMG Plex sale, buy lots at a cheaper price
4) Dust just launched, for which CCP did a "514" promotion

So, 2-4 are reasons why people might have more plex than they can shake a stick at

5) Expansion is coming in a few weeks (Also mentioned in the youtube videos)
6) Dual character training is coming (I heard a rumour somewhere)
7) Changes to the availability of ice may interest some people to resub their mining accounts (I heard something somewhere in some channel sometime about some ice mining changes)

Reasons 5-7 are why there might be an upward pressure on plex prices

8) CCP dont like it when inflation is more than 1% a month
9) CCP have the bank of eve ready to intervene with plex prices

Reasons 8-9 have to do with why plex wont hit too high prices

10) Historically, expansions which have a lot of changes (I heard this one time at bandcamp that there were some big changes coming on june 4th) interest people to resub, to check out the changes
11) Any resource based wars which break out may lead to people resubbing their OMG big ship account which they let lapse between wars, also cyno alts, JF Alts

Reason 10-11 are other possibilities for why plex demand might increase

As you dont like "actual information", I have decided to annoy you by putting some pretty pictures up which I obtained by nefarious wizardry.

Even more wizardry!

Fortunately for me, you like using your own thinking, and totally not asking other people for their ideas/answers and then ignoring them, so chances of you actually finishing this wall of text are approaching zero
Dark Odile
Red Rock Heavy Industries Ltd.
#38 - 2013-05-25 12:13:35 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
Samroski wrote:
May I suggest that a number of other factors are likely to influence PLEX prices. The number of market orders is one of the many factors that influence the demand of an item.

For plex, most important to remember is that CCP have categorically stated, for 2 years, that they will ensure that the price is not manipulated too much. They did not interfere with the plex market for the first of the 2 years, but more recently Dr. E dumped plexes on the market to get the price down towards 500.

So the price could hit 600, even 650 imho, but unlikely to go much higher, as people are then likely to stop plexing their accounts, which is not in CCP's interest (they love >50k "subscribers").

There is little chance of plex doubling or tripling imho. In fact I nearly did not reply to this thread, as initially I thought you were trolling, but after reading your other threads, and your employment history, I'm going to presume that you're a relatively new player and actually believe what you're posting.

yea sure i believe in that, but until then i did not know that CCP is selling plex to isk themselfes, however I hardly believe they will sell a lot of PLEX for ISK because they do not get real money for that, so it would not make sense, however if plex go up in ISK value more poeple will buy them with real money to assure they can get more ISK in the game, therefore I still believe in Plex going up


One thing to point out is that CCP is not printing PLEX to sell it on the market. Instead they are using PLEX from banned accounts, so the amount of PLEX CCP can sell on the market in somewhat limited.
Harry Forever
#39 - 2013-05-25 12:16:55 UTC
Rhivre wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
Rhivre wrote:
Well, to be honest, you prefer thinking your own way, instead of logically "Hmmm...Power of 2, hmm...upcoming expansion, hmmm...dust launch promotion...hmmm...dual character mining increase in profitability...hmm..upcoming wars"

And, you reject the idea that "the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour"

So, making posts asking questions which you have no intention of listening to the answers of is a strange pastime to have

Although, crystal balls are hot this time of year, no data crunching required, and definitely no reading of devblogs

you are not able to put down a single conclusion or explanation, you do not want to think it through, come up with a explanation if you have one, and then write it down, your hmmm... mystery hmmm... that kind of talking is silly, write it down and bring it to the point, if you are not able to then please post somewhere else, this is annoying

Ok, let me see if this bear of little brain can think of anything:

1) Buy orders and sell order numbers have absolutely nothing to do with the supply and demand of PLEX
2) CCP just did a "OMG Power of 2" promotion
3) CCP just did a "OMG Plex sale, buy lots at a cheaper price
4) Dust just launched, for which CCP did a "514" promotion

So, 2-4 are reasons why people might have more plex than they can shake a stick at

5) Expansion is coming in a few weeks (Also mentioned in the youtube videos)
6) Dual character training is coming (I heard a rumour somewhere)
7) Changes to the availability of ice may interest some people to resub their mining accounts (I heard something somewhere in some channel sometime about some ice mining changes)

Reasons 5-7 are why there might be an upward pressure on plex prices

8) CCP dont like it when inflation is more than 1% a month
9) CCP have the bank of eve ready to intervene with plex prices

Reasons 8-9 have to do with why plex wont hit too high prices

10) Historically, expansions which have a lot of changes (I heard this one time at bandcamp that there were some big changes coming on june 4th) interest people to resub, to check out the changes
11) Any resource based wars which break out may lead to people resubbing their OMG big ship account which they let lapse between wars, also cyno alts, JF Alts

Reason 10-11 are other possibilities for why plex demand might increase

As you dont like "actual information", I have decided to annoy you by putting some pretty pictures up which I obtained by nefarious wizardry.

Even more wizardry!

Fortunately for me, you like using your own thinking, and totally not asking other people for their ideas/answers and then ignoring them, so chances of you actually finishing this wall of text are approaching zero

you just repeat things somebody did say already, you got the opinion of the masses, the masses however never tend to be good investors because they leave out important facts like the ones I mentioned, facts not everybody thought about... but its ok, you just go with the herd then, and I do something different...
Harry Forever
#40 - 2013-05-25 12:33:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Dark Odile wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
Samroski wrote:
May I suggest that a number of other factors are likely to influence PLEX prices. The number of market orders is one of the many factors that influence the demand of an item.

For plex, most important to remember is that CCP have categorically stated, for 2 years, that they will ensure that the price is not manipulated too much. They did not interfere with the plex market for the first of the 2 years, but more recently Dr. E dumped plexes on the market to get the price down towards 500.

So the price could hit 600, even 650 imho, but unlikely to go much higher, as people are then likely to stop plexing their accounts, which is not in CCP's interest (they love >50k "subscribers").

There is little chance of plex doubling or tripling imho. In fact I nearly did not reply to this thread, as initially I thought you were trolling, but after reading your other threads, and your employment history, I'm going to presume that you're a relatively new player and actually believe what you're posting.

yea sure i believe in that, but until then i did not know that CCP is selling plex to isk themselfes, however I hardly believe they will sell a lot of PLEX for ISK because they do not get real money for that, so it would not make sense, however if plex go up in ISK value more poeple will buy them with real money to assure they can get more ISK in the game, therefore I still believe in Plex going up


One thing to point out is that CCP is not printing PLEX to sell it on the market. Instead they are using PLEX from banned accounts, so the amount of PLEX CCP can sell on the market in somewhat limited.

in addition to that, why should they dump Plex from banned accounts for free, if they could just wait and let players buy plex with their mony and sell it on the market if a certain ISK price will make it worth... dumping 2000 plex like that did cost them basically 40.000 EUR, they could have waited until player sell plex they bought, and they would have done it if the price would have gone up further

in my opinion CCP just paniced, it would have been better for them and the player if they had not done intervention and the plex price would go where it belongs, now it just did holdup the rally, what will happen next time if it goes up and they need 4000 plex to stop it, sure they will think about that someday, that would be 80.000 EUR free subscriptions given away for nothing...