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Cannot see my pretty face, help!

Gloriana Thalanis
#1 - 2013-05-23 02:38:40 UTC
My avatar appears to be missing. Is there a delay before it shows up or is my account messed up?
Nayo Renyk
Armored Corps
#2 - 2013-05-23 03:11:10 UTC
There is a delay.
I cant remember for how long but basically you design your character and those specs goes to ccp servers where your charactor is rendered with optimal graphics.
It will come, just takes awhile sometimes
Gloriana Thalanis
#3 - 2013-05-23 03:23:53 UTC
Thanks. That is good to know!
Pitrolo Orti
#4 - 2013-05-23 05:50:35 UTC
Confirming I cant see your pretty face in the forum post.

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

Erika Hamasaki
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2013-05-23 08:42:22 UTC
Pitrolo Orti wrote:
Confirming I cant see your pretty face in the forum post.

Hopefully it's an attractive avatar or this post may look... What?
Merouk Baas
#6 - 2013-05-23 11:46:14 UTC
Hey baby, what's a pretty girl like you, all dark grey and mysterious, doing in a place like this? Let me buy you a drink, get to know you better. Look at you, all that silhouette, perfectly shaped like an angel, mm mmm hmm!
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#7 - 2013-05-23 17:32:29 UTC
Vincent R'lyeh
Screaming Hayabusa
#8 - 2013-05-24 15:23:36 UTC
Confirming I can now see your pretty face

Could do with a bit of meat on dem bones tho Blink

I have deliberately developed an air of cynicism that I originally intended to make me appear somewhat louche and caddish but actually comes across as irritable hostility combined with the unspoken threat of sudden violence.....

Nerath Naaris
Pink Winged Unicorns for Peace Love and Anarchy
#9 - 2013-05-24 16:56:53 UTC
It´s not your face you should be concerned about, it´s your shoulder....

Je suis Paris // Köln // Brüssel // Orlando // Nice // Würzburg, München, Ansbach // Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray

Je suis Berlin // Fort Lauderdale // London // St. Petersburg // Stockholm

Je suis [?]

Merouk Baas
#10 - 2013-05-24 16:59:45 UTC
She's giving us the cold shoulder, heh.
Gloriana Thalanis
#11 - 2013-05-25 20:13:29 UTC
What's wrong with my shoulder? Oops
Erika Hamasaki
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2013-05-25 20:21:24 UTC
I think they're seeing it as rather... pointy and white?
Gloriana Thalanis
#13 - 2013-05-25 20:55:38 UTC
Oh god.. nobody will ever love me. Sad
Vortexo VonBrenner
#14 - 2013-05-25 23:19:31 UTC
Alone in space, poor thing...

Actually I think you've done ok with the shoulder(S)-angling man miss. If you wanted, there is a thread in the Out of Pod Experience (OOPE) subforum on here that is "rate the avatar above you". Could go well or not for you.
NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#15 - 2013-05-26 09:49:04 UTC
I really only have one advice for you, which can be really really hard to follow depending on who you are.

Dont care about what other people think about your avatar!
Of course its nice when someone likes your avatar, and it stings when someone says "Oh my God that avatar is so ugly that i dont want to even look at it!". But there are two things you have to keep in mind.
A) Some people are just assholes that wants to get you down in any way they can.
B) Everyone has a different taste

In the long run, if you are pleased with how your character looks be proud of it and dont try to change it because someone else did not like it.

I made that mistake, had a character i was actually quite pleased with (with this bloodlines the eyes are so difficult!) but several people commented on certain things and i changed it. Lets just say that now i really really wish i had not changed it Lol
And some of the things that others have wanted me to change (the tattoos especially) others have reacted with "Wait, were are your tattoos? You need them back! They basically represent who you are and makes you unique..its just not right!".

Bottom line is.. If you look at your character when you make it, and you are happy with it, stick with it! And if you think that you would be affected by someones opinion on your character, stay away from the "rate my avatar" thread, unless you are willing to change it over and over again and never be able to please everyone anyway Smile

Nerath Naaris
Pink Winged Unicorns for Peace Love and Anarchy
#16 - 2013-05-26 10:49:09 UTC
Well, there was once a guy whose portrait looked like this and then this thread resulted.

CCP even immortalized it with a collector item.

Je suis Paris // Köln // Brüssel // Orlando // Nice // Würzburg, München, Ansbach // Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray

Je suis Berlin // Fort Lauderdale // London // St. Petersburg // Stockholm

Je suis [?]

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-05-26 10:53:19 UTC
I don't like people who are that skinny. Grow some fat on those bones...

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Jimmy Morane
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2013-05-26 19:14:03 UTC
Nerath Naaris wrote:
Well, there was once a guy whose portrait looked like this and then this thread resulted.

CCP even immortalized it with a collector item.

Thanks so much for posting that - hilarious! I noticed the guy at some time changed his avi. He should've kept the chin. LOL

BTW, J'Poll, you are kind of skinny yourself there.
NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#19 - 2013-05-26 19:21:34 UTC
Jimmy Morane wrote:
Nerath Naaris wrote:
Well, there was once a guy whose portrait looked like this and then this thread resulted.

CCP even immortalized it with a collector item.

Thanks so much for posting that - hilarious! I noticed the guy at some time changed his avi. He should've kept the chin. LOL

The character with the chin is the old characters and everyone had to change them with the introduction of Incarna. There is a few of us out there that still miss our old avatars Smile
Using this link you can look up older characters and find out what they used to look like, using BB since his old portrait was awesomeBig smile
Ice Fire Warriors
#20 - 2013-05-26 19:56:39 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Gloriana Thalanis wrote:
Oh god.. nobody will ever love me. Sad

That's not true... I'll love you... endlessly... as long as you stand still and smile to the blaster. Pirate

Edit: that sounded WAY less dirty in my head. Oops