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Total amount of raw ISK in EVE economy?

Boundary Wardens
#21 - 2011-11-04 15:35:30 UTC
MeestaPenni wrote:
Cpt Fina wrote:
MeestaPenni wrote:
1) Far too much.

The stock of nominal money in an economy is pretty much irrelevant.
It's the flow that has real consequenses.

This is not a 'real' economy. It wasn't too long ago that EvE advertised a special deal on PLEX. With a couple of hundred dollars it was a simple process to suddenly inflate a wallet by 5,000,000,000 ISK; without generating it via the EvE economy. When the wealth is created without flowing through the has real consequences.

There is far too much liquidity sitting in corp and individual wallets. It tends to produce boredom. Of course, it can also tend to produce creative ways of burning off some of the liquidity....[ref: suicide ganks].

Unless I am mistaken, getting a plex then selling it on the market doesn't create isk at all. You are getting isk from another players wallet not generating it out of nowhere.

EDIT : PAGE 2 SNIPER!...did I do it right?
Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#22 - 2011-11-04 15:49:58 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Astrid Stjerna wrote:
MMORPGs operate on a 'closed economy' -- nothing is imported or exported from a game's economy. Accordingly, all of the money currently in the game stays there, unless something is done to remove it.
…which CCP has solved by making EVE an open economy by having a number of item and currency faucets and sinks to ensure that stuff and money constantly gets both added and removed from the game.

With respect, that's not actually an 'open economy' -- EVE, despite its scale, does not have exterior trading partners (such as another galaxy) to which it can export or import goods into the local economy. As a result, the value of the ISK remains static -- there aren't any exchange rates to alter the value of the currency, so ISK remains at a 1:1 basis (one ISK goes into the economy, one ISK comes out of it).

The design of 'money sinks' ensures that ISK can be removed from the economy, but they're artificially implemented as an economic workaround.

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

Sunshine and Lollipops
#23 - 2011-11-04 16:01:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Astrid Stjerna wrote:
EVE, despite its scale, does not have exterior trading partners (such as another galaxy) to which it can export or import goods into the local economy.
No, but it has faucets and sinks that perform the same function.
As a result, the value of the ISK remains static -- there aren't any exchange rates to alter the value of the currency, so ISK remains at a 1:1 basis (one ISK goes into the economy, one ISK comes out of it).
No, the value is not static. In fact, it has gone through several cycles of inflation and deflation (and the question on everyone's mind is which one we're in at the moment — different indicators are pointing in different directions).

The ISK has no value, except as defined by what you can buy for it. Most items don't have any value either, except as defined by how much ISK people want to trade them for. The only “true” value of anything in EVE is how much minerals are worth if you build a ship out of them and then blow it up, but not even that is a static amount any more.

As the supply of ISK and items wax and wane, the value of both change. There is no fixed 1:1 flow in and out of the system of either ISK or items, but rather those faucets and sinks that get activated at various intervals, and as a result, the value of ISK (and items) is not static in the least. That 1:1 ratio was what UO had back in the closed-economy days, and it didn't work. That's why they had to change to the open model, and that's why EVE was never designed with a closed economy to begin with — at most it had something of a “subsidised” economy in the early days until it grew large enough to cut NPCs out of the deal, and the influx of resources was never tied to the outflux.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#24 - 2011-11-04 16:14:53 UTC
You hear a lot of whining about inflation this and inflation that, but in the 3 years I have been playing prices of most items I commonly buy and trade in have stayed remarkably stable. Sure there are seasonal highs and lows for every item, but there is no wild out of control inflation that you see in a ton of other MMOs.

People are screaming about inflation now because they are looking at one item (PLEX) that seems to be rising in price. Of course it's rising in price. PLEX has acquired a new usage with the introduction of the Nex store. It largely rose in price because it rose in usefulness outside of just paying for game time. It was also not all that long ago the PLEX were made movable and destroyable. On top of that, there is normally a rise in PLEX prices around this time of year. I suspect it is due to people spending more time inside and playing games as the weather turns cold. It leads to veterans coming back and plexing their accounts as they test new features.

I have a theory that the recent bouts of **** expansions play a role as well. The CCP failure to bring in lots of new blood (who are probably more likely to sell PLEX for ISK) resulted some PLEX scarcity as an ever increasing pool of aging veteran players who PLEX their accounts have to rely on a smaller number of PLEX sellers. I don't have numbers to back that theory up so it will have to remain just that, a theory.

There is also the possibility that there are a large number of players who are on PLEX waiting to see if CCP earns enough trust back before they resub.

TL;DR Stop crying about PLEX prices anyone with a brain saw this coming. Inflation really isn't the primary driver of PLEX prices atm.

PS: I still hope CCP decides to nerf the hell out of highsec incursions. You highsec incursion pussies don't deserve to make so much ISK.
Carceret Rinah
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2011-11-04 16:23:48 UTC
If anyone is really concerned that there is too much ISK in the economy, there's a real simple solution that everyone with some spare cash can contribute to.

1- Make alt.
2- Buy PLEX from CCP.
3- Sell them on market, collect ISK.
4- Delete the alt (WITH THE ISK).

When you get your next paycheck, repeat all steps until either you are broke or the ISK supply is at the level you want.
Digital Messiah
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2011-11-04 16:25:12 UTC
Tainted Karma wrote:
MeestaPenni wrote:
Cpt Fina wrote:
MeestaPenni wrote:
1) Far too much.

The stock of nominal money in an economy is pretty much irrelevant.
It's the flow that has real consequenses.

This is not a 'real' economy. It wasn't too long ago that EvE advertised a special deal on PLEX. With a couple of hundred dollars it was a simple process to suddenly inflate a wallet by 5,000,000,000 ISK; without generating it via the EvE economy. When the wealth is created without flowing through the has real consequences.

There is far too much liquidity sitting in corp and individual wallets. It tends to produce boredom. Of course, it can also tend to produce creative ways of burning off some of the liquidity....[ref: suicide ganks].

This isn't true at all. PLEX is no different than a ship or an other item in the game. It's merely a destructible item that some people deem have value. An introduction of a PLEX into the market is no different than getting a nice drop off a mission.

True, a real isk sink is clone upgrades, ship repairs, lp store, npc corp tax, etc. Anything that takes isk away from the game and it simply never returns Shocked

Something clever

3 R Corporation
#27 - 2011-11-04 17:12:11 UTC
Carceret Rinah wrote:
If anyone is really concerned that there is too much ISK in the economy, there's a real simple solution that everyone with some spare cash can contribute to.

1- Make alt.
2- Buy PLEX from CCP.
3- Sell them on market, collect ISK.
4- Delete the alt (WITH THE ISK).

When you get your next paycheck, repeat all steps until either you are broke or the ISK supply is at the level you want.

Better yet, everyone should send me 1 Billion ISK. I promise to place 90% of it with my alts and never, ever touch it. So effectively by doing this you will be helping to remove 90% of the isk from the economy, without having to touch real money at all. Deal? P
Mercantile and Stuff
#28 - 2011-11-04 17:13:44 UTC
Tainted Karma wrote:

This isn't true at all. PLEX is no different than a ship or an other item in the game. It's merely a destructible item that some people deem have value. An introduction of a PLEX into the market is no different than getting a nice drop off a mission.

Nonsense. No manufacturing, mining, missioning, research, ratting, etc., is involved in the creation of PLEX. They cannot be refined into their base elements.

PLEX wildly outnumber officer drops.

PLEX magically appear when GTC are converted; with significant value. Nothing in the EvE economy is needed for me to instantly become a billion ISK richer. Nothing. Sure, mission loot and salvage appears magically, but I still need to purchase a ship, fit it with modules, arm the weapons with ammo, etc....before I can reap those magic loots. In other words, I have to interact with the EvE economy in order to accumulate that type of ISK. More importantly, I need to spend the intangible cost of "time".

Not so with PLEX......the very moment I convert GTC to a couple of PLEX.......BAMM!!......there's nearly a billion ISK suddenly appearing in the economy.

I am not Prencleeve Grothsmore.

3 R Corporation
#29 - 2011-11-04 17:18:46 UTC
MeestaPenni wrote:

PLEX magically appear when GTC are converted; with significant value.

That said, there is absolutely nothing stopping from CCP from manipulating the price of PLEX because CCP has the magical ability to create probably ISK and PLEX, certainly modules and ships, out of thin air. So if they want less PLEX on the market they can just make the ISK to buy up a certain amount of PLEX. Conversely if they want more PLEX on the market they can probably have GM accounts create PLEX out of thin air, give them to alts, and place them on the market.

I'm not saying this is happening, but CCP has the same power that a federal reserve bank has. They are the only ones that can "print" both ISK and PLEX and thus ultimately can determine the "value" of this currency.
Carceret Rinah
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2011-11-04 17:37:43 UTC
MeestaPenni wrote:
Tainted Karma wrote:

This isn't true at all. PLEX is no different than a ship or an other item in the game. It's merely a destructible item that some people deem have value. An introduction of a PLEX into the market is no different than getting a nice drop off a mission.

Nonsense. No manufacturing, mining, missioning, research, ratting, etc., is involved in the creation of PLEX. They cannot be refined into their base elements.

PLEX wildly outnumber officer drops.

PLEX magically appear when GTC are converted; with significant value. Nothing in the EvE economy is needed for me to instantly become a billion ISK richer. Nothing. Sure, mission loot and salvage appears magically, but I still need to purchase a ship, fit it with modules, arm the weapons with ammo, etc....before I can reap those magic loots. In other words, I have to interact with the EvE economy in order to accumulate that type of ISK. More importantly, I need to spend the intangible cost of "time".

Not so with PLEX......the very moment I convert GTC to a couple of PLEX.......BAMM!!......there's nearly a billion ISK suddenly appearing in the economy.

That billion came from ANOTHER PLAYER'S WALLET. They are now a billion ISK poorer. Check your market logs. The PLEX system doesn't create ISK, it enables trade of ISK in vast amounts among players. The thing created out of thin air is the game time on the account itself when you use a PLEX.

If you don't trust CCP to run the sandbox economy rationally, that is a whole other level of problem. Maybe you should start an Occupy EVE movement, for all the good it will do.
Pappy McGee
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#31 - 2011-11-04 17:51:13 UTC
More interesting question...

How much RL money would a troll of truly epic proportions need to invest in order to temporarily collapse EVE's entire economy?

Or would it be impossible to even convert that much money via plex in a timely manner?
Boundary Wardens
#32 - 2011-11-04 17:54:41 UTC
Thanks Carceret, was just about to post again trying to explain that very point. Personally I don't understand why everyone thinks CCP should regulate the plex prices. They are entirely player driven so why would CCP step in to change it?

Only reason I could think of would be to make sure the prices stay reasonable so people who can't afford the RL money but have lots of isk keep buying them, and don't stop buying them due to in game prices, which would lower further sales of plex, meaning less money for CCP. That is more of a cascade effect and as demand lowers on the plex the prices will to, thus keeping the roller coaster going.
Rocky Deadshot
In The Goo
EVE Trade Alliance
#33 - 2011-11-04 18:01:08 UTC
probably the only real ISK sink in this game is War Dec payments, taxes, and other payments imposed by npcs that actually removes isk from player hands.
Plex are not an isk sink... because as mentioned.... the isk you pay for it goes to another person's hands.
Stealing Honest
Stealing Honest Speculation Group LLC
#34 - 2011-11-04 18:04:45 UTC
Rocky Deadshot wrote:
probably the only real ISK sink in this game is War Dec payments, taxes, and other payments imposed by npcs that actually removes isk from player hands.
Plex are not an isk sink... because as mentioned.... the isk you pay for it goes to another person's hands.

Plex sales on the market produce a very large tax sink.

So lets get those plex to 600m+ where they should have been all along. Big smile
Fille Balle
Ballbreakers R us
#35 - 2011-11-04 18:43:44 UTC
Carceret Rinah wrote:
If anyone is really concerned that there is too much ISK in the economy, there's a real simple solution that everyone with some spare cash can contribute to.

1- Make alt.
2- Buy PLEX from CCP.
3- Sell them on market, collect ISK.
4- Delete the alt (WITH THE ISK).

When you get your next paycheck, repeat all steps until either you are broke or the ISK supply is at the level you want.

I have a better idea. Transfer all the isk to me and I'll made sure it's disposed of in a safe and harmless manner. Then get all your friends to transfer all their isk to me. Then get their friends to tranfer all their isk to me. Then make their friends to do the same. Keep on going until you feel there is a suffcient lack of isk in eve.

Stop the spamming, not the scamming!

Mercantile and Stuff
#36 - 2011-11-04 18:45:01 UTC
Carceret Rinah wrote:

That billion came from ANOTHER PLAYER'S WALLET.

I don't think you're getting the point.....

Here, I'll shout it as well, maybe you're a touch deaf....


It's assets out of thin air. Are you not paying attention to the real world? There is no economical model that can sustain a situation where assets and wealth are created out of nothing.....

POOF! I'm rich.

I am not Prencleeve Grothsmore.

3 R Corporation
#37 - 2011-11-04 18:53:25 UTC
Pappy McGee wrote:
More interesting question...

How much RL money would a troll of truly epic proportions need to invest in order to temporarily collapse EVE's entire economy?

Or would it be impossible to even convert that much money via plex in a timely manner?

Well if you wanted a truly epic troll, CCP should just sell off EVE to Electronic Arts who would promptly shut it down and I dunno, spin off parts of it to the Sims, I guess. How's that for a collapsed economy?
3 R Corporation
#38 - 2011-11-04 18:54:57 UTC
Stealing Honest wrote:

So lets get those plex to 600m+ where they should have been all along. Big smile

Grunt, so I'd have to work a whole week every month instead of 3 days, to keep my 6 accounts alive? Sigh. Party pooper.
The White Aces
#39 - 2011-11-04 19:03:57 UTC
MeestaPenni wrote:
Tainted Karma wrote:

This isn't true at all. PLEX is no different than a ship or an other item in the game. It's merely a destructible item that some people deem have value. An introduction of a PLEX into the market is no different than getting a nice drop off a mission.

Nonsense. No manufacturing, mining, missioning, research, ratting, etc., is involved in the creation of PLEX. They cannot be refined into their base elements.

PLEX wildly outnumber officer drops.

PLEX magically appear when GTC are converted; with significant value. Nothing in the EvE economy is needed for me to instantly become a billion ISK richer. Nothing. Sure, mission loot and salvage appears magically, but I still need to purchase a ship, fit it with modules, arm the weapons with ammo, etc....before I can reap those magic loots. In other words, I have to interact with the EvE economy in order to accumulate that type of ISK. More importantly, I need to spend the intangible cost of "time".

Not so with PLEX......the very moment I convert GTC to a couple of PLEX.......BAMM!!......there's nearly a billion ISK suddenly appearing in the economy.

The billion isk does not appear in the economy, an asset with a certain value does. The isk to purchase said asset must come from somewhere, that somewhere is another player who must spend his isk. Isk is transferred with respect to plex transaction, not created.
3 R Corporation
#40 - 2011-11-04 19:05:00 UTC
MeestaPenni wrote:
Carceret Rinah wrote:

That billion came from ANOTHER PLAYER'S WALLET.

I don't think you're getting the point.....

Here, I'll shout it as well, maybe you're a touch deaf....


It's assets out of thin air. Are you not paying attention to the real world? There is no economical model that can sustain a situation where assets and wealth are created out of nothing.....

POOF! I'm rich.

Think about it. If faction stuff wasn't getting blown up all the time why do prices remain so expensive? Surely at one point you saturate the market with faction stuff. No, the prices stay high because ISK is not being added to the economy by people who buy PLEX. For everyone who buys PLEX with US dollars, someone is subbing their account with PLEX for free (well, for ISK). So PLEX just moves ISK around from A to B and back to A. PLEX does not CREATE ISK. PLEX is destroyed, however, when people add game time to their accounts. If it wasn't for this, then we would be seeing devaluation of PLEX over time. In fact the opposite is happening. What does that mean? That ISK is losing value compared to PLEX because ISK is easier to get. But ISK is not created when people buy PLEX. PLEX is created when people buy PLEX. ISK is created by rat bounties, incursions, mission rewards and insurance - and probably once in a while by devs when they feel like tanking a market for "game balance".