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New player waning to get into exploring and worm holes

Asi Toki
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-05-22 18:11:17 UTC
kind of new player here

Played a long time go for a few months but did not really have a good direction so got bored fast and gave up :(

So decided to make a new char and give it another shot

Really like the idea of worm holes and exploring but i really have no idea where to start and what to train.

Any advice would be amazing :)


Merouk Baas
#2 - 2013-05-22 18:21:10 UTC
Wormholes are the advanced form of exploration lifestyle. Wormholes have 0.0 rules as far as combat and the absence of Concord, and you have to maintain your own POS tower as a base if you want to live there, and these towers get attacked by roaming PVP groups regularly.

So, to start with, look on the market and find the exploration frigate for your race (or just one that you like to fly). The ship will have a bonus to probing of some sort. Show info on it, look at the required skills, and also at the recommended certificates to fly it properly, and get started training those skills.

Get the ship, outfit it with probe launchers, and make sure you have the Astrometrics skills listed under the Science group trained to 3-4. Then you can probe for exploration sites in high-sec, and get a taste for the lifestyle by competing with other players in finding the sites fast and completing them. A lot of the sites will require a proper combat ship to complete, so you're also training a combat pilot.

There are guides for exploration and guides for combat pilots out there, check the evelopedia and the eve-university wiki, to name two.

Once you get some experience, try to find and join a wormhole corporation. You need solid combat skills and probing skills to be able to survive out there, and doing it with a group of people who can coordinate defense and logistics is a lot better than solo.
Snaggletooth Slackjaw
Banana Moon Industries
#3 - 2013-05-22 20:36:43 UTC
Good advice by Merouk.

It's very difficuly to actually do much within a wormhole solo, especially while you're a newish capsuleer.

I recommend you look for a corp that does wormhole dives/daytrips, where you find a nice quiet (hopefully) wormhole, scan out a couple of grav or ladar sites and grab as much resources as you can before the exit collapses or the bad guys turn up.

A well organized team will need people monitoring the exit hole, and any other exits, checking for new incoming k162 holes, checking d-scan, someone to kill sleepers, people to extract ore or gas, and probably a hauler.

A not so well organized team will often come to a sticky end in one of a variety of ways.

Three little tips:

1) Bookmark the wormhole exit
2) When the wormhole says it is nearing the end of its life, take that message seriously, especially if it was saying that when you first found it.
3) Sisters core scanner probes are expensive, but totally worth it. Buy them.

CEO, Banana Moon Industries. Alliance Diplomat, Rim Worlds Protectorate

Karloth Valois
1st. Pariah Malefactor corp.
The New Eden Yacht Club.
#4 - 2013-05-22 21:08:00 UTC
Merouk Baas wrote:
and you have to maintain your own POS tower as a base if you want to live there, and these towers get attacked by roaming PVP groups regularly.

Most of the advice was good, but attacking POS's in WH space is more of a pain than it is in k-space due to mass limits, lack of caps in C4 and below etc. Unless someone decides they want your WH or you really annoy someone chances are your POS will be fine, especially if you have a large POS in C4 or below with decent defences.

It's not been nice, but thanks for using lube

Asi Toki
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-05-22 22:57:34 UTC
Thanks for the input all :)

So my best bet right now really is keep training combat what is what i had training any way lol

Then once i am a bit better off in that area look into the probing skills etc

Think worm holes are a bit far off for me right now but getting to know what i need and the direction i need to go in is good :)

Snaggletooth Slackjaw
Banana Moon Industries
#6 - 2013-05-23 00:48:25 UTC
It's more about the people you are with than your individual skills.

I had about 600,000 SP when I did my first wormhole dive with the small corp I had just joined.

I was in a Heron, scanned out a couple of gas sitesand spent the rest of the expedition sitting on the exit hole, watching d-scan, and looking out for new sigs appearing, My share of the loot was about 10 million for two hours work, which was quite fantastically good for me at that time.

Eve is all about teamwork, rather than eternally waiting for the next skill to finish.

Find a decent corp, and you can jump right in, and get involved......

CEO, Banana Moon Industries. Alliance Diplomat, Rim Worlds Protectorate

Zak Breen
Breen Enterprises
#7 - 2013-05-23 03:44:39 UTC
Asi Toki wrote:
Thanks for the input all :)

So my best bet right now really is keep training combat what is what i had training any way lol

Then once i am a bit better off in that area look into the probing skills etc

Think worm holes are a bit far off for me right now but getting to know what i need and the direction i need to go in is good :)


Combat is always a good thing to have regardless of what you do.

If you want to get some practice in, you can buy one of the cheap exploration frigs (use the Sarum Magnate if you have that) and practice scanning in high sec. You might get lucky and find some sites that will net you a little ISK. The scanning system is going to be changed in the next expansion (Odyssey) so don't get frustrated if you find it a bit difficult now. Smile

Maturity, one discovers, has everything to do with the acceptance of not knowing.

Merouk Baas
#8 - 2013-05-23 11:54:31 UTC
You can continue training combat, but the high-sec sites don't require that big of a combat ship; some can be done in a frigate, most in a cruiser, some may require a battlecruiser. It's high-sec, the sites are limited in power.

But the rewards could be good. 6 mil - 70 mil in the boss containers, or in random wrecks, for maybe 20 minutes work tops. Depends on luck. So, because of this, don't wait till later, try it soon so you can get some experience AND some cash.
VaDaath Dethahal
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2013-05-23 18:44:07 UTC
Kinda of new to WH's myself but I hope this site helps Big smile

Lots of useful information that covers quite a bit.

Asi Toki
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-05-23 23:07:32 UTC
Thank for all the help

Just trying to get my foot in the door right now with everything so much to learn and do right now not another hours in the day lol

Thanks for that link Vad will give it a good read after work tomorrow :)

Still getting my combat skills up right now and then move on to more scanning and trying to find some more isk from mining , kind of boring but missions are not really my thing dont want to risk to much to early. Did missions my last go round with EVE and i think that is what made me leave so avoiding them like the plague lol

Andres Talas
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#11 - 2013-05-23 23:51:22 UTC
Asi Toki wrote:
Thank for all the help

Just trying to get my foot in the door right now with everything so much to learn and do right now not another hours in the day lol

Thanks for that link Vad will give it a good read after work tomorrow :)

Still getting my combat skills up right now and then move on to more scanning and trying to find some more isk from mining , kind of boring but missions are not really my thing dont want to risk to much to early. Did missions my last go round with EVE and i think that is what made me leave so avoiding them like the plague lol


What Id recommend is to do more of what you find fun. One good score in an exploration site is a *lot* of hours mining in a Venture.
Trevor Dalech
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#12 - 2013-05-24 05:29:17 UTC
Merouk Baas wrote:
You can continue training combat, but the high-sec sites don't require that big of a combat ship; some can be done in a frigate, most in a cruiser, some may require a battlecruiser. It's high-sec, the sites are limited in power.

But the rewards could be good. 6 mil - 70 mil in the boss containers, or in random wrecks, for maybe 20 minutes work tops. Depends on luck. So, because of this, don't wait till later, try it soon so you can get some experience AND some cash.

High sec mag and radar sites do not require a combat ship at all. In fact, if you take the time to switch ships you will enter the site to find someone has beat you to it and looted it. Once you get a bit fast at exploring, you will be scanning down about 10 systems an hour or more, and switching to combat ships becomes really impractical, you don't want to do 10 jumps back and forth. Best bet is to rain some drones skills, a scanning frigate with drones can do every mag and radar in high sec, and I've been able to do most sites in low sec as well (I would recommend tech 2 drones for those) in general you don't need to kill the rats, just loot the containers, and they contain great loot.

The 'unknown' combat sites are the sites that require a real combat ship, usually a BC or BS (I've done em in a cruiser, but it takes hours, and some guy in a tengu always races past me and steals the best loot) I tend to avoid em, since I've focused on my exploration and drone skills.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-05-24 10:37:50 UTC
I used to explore wormholes on a regular basis. It is a risky business in regards to entering a wormhole that is occupied, starting to get unstable and the NPC's inhabiting it...not to mention the other players scanning wormholes and entering it as well.

It can be very lucrative to farm wormholes by ratting and mining but you better have a good combat fleet protecting you who knows how to take out the NPC's and who know how to PvP. Most times of the worm hole is occupied by players I usually just leave it and move on to scan down another wormhole in a different solar system.

Cloaking is a must when exploring wormholes. Train covert Ops to level 4 and cloaking up to a minimum of level 3 will give you that extra protection if you get into a situation were another fleet is exploring the same wormhole...if I am not mistaken the local channel in a wormhole does not show the system population so remaining out the of the local chat is a good idea.

I also had a PoS in a wormhole and it became such a pain to keep it running we moved it out.

Asi Toki
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#14 - 2013-05-24 21:30:04 UTC
Celestyal wrote:
I used to explore wormholes on a regular basis. It is a risky business in regards to entering a wormhole that is occupied, starting to get unstable and the NPC's inhabiting it...not to mention the other players scanning wormholes and entering it as well.

It can be very lucrative to farm wormholes by ratting and mining but you better have a good combat fleet protecting you who knows how to take out the NPC's and who know how to PvP. Most times of the worm hole is occupied by players I usually just leave it and move on to scan down another wormhole in a different solar system.

Cloaking is a must when exploring wormholes. Train covert Ops to level 4 and cloaking up to a minimum of level 3 will give you that extra protection if you get into a situation were another fleet is exploring the same wormhole...if I am not mistaken the local channel in a wormhole does not show the system population so remaining out the of the local chat is a good idea.

I also had a PoS in a wormhole and it became such a pain to keep it running we moved it out.

Going down the covert ops line defo sounds like my cup of tea , but have no idea how fair off i am from that a long long time i would guess. Right now i am more about trying to make some more isk for a few skill books, i did look at a few bits on it and at my current isk rate would be years lmao