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Ideas for "Spacescape", better visuals and interactive environments

Galaxies Fall
#21 - 2013-05-15 07:59:12 UTC
+ 1 from me.

No star = no light. That would be.... AWESOME!

This is a fallacy, light can indeed escape a Black Hole, and other celestial objects in the system (then revolving around said Black Hole) do often emit light as well. Such as system would not necessarily be pitch black.
No sun = no planets.

Fallacy #2. There are in fact MANY Black Holes that scientists have discovered that have everything from Planets to binary Stars to many other object orbiting them, in a sharp decay, but on the scale of a human life, we wouldn't even notice the difference. Some of such orbits wouldn't even decay 1 cm over the course of a human lifespan... Bah, Felsusguy beat me to it.

The Operative: "There are a lot of innocent people being killed in the air right now".

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: "You have no idea how true that is".

Steve Spooner
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#22 - 2013-05-15 08:13:16 UTC
Comet mining for ice?
Galaxies Fall
#23 - 2013-05-15 08:29:57 UTC
Steve Spooner wrote:
Comet mining for ice?

Absolutely love this idea.

The Operative: "There are a lot of innocent people being killed in the air right now".

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: "You have no idea how true that is".

Eldorado Exhumers
Fractions of PI
#24 - 2013-05-16 21:44:45 UTC
Newly formed systems can be added too, that most of the planets still in the phase of becoming planets but still mostly in the form of gases. It'll do great for gas mining too.
Eldorado Exhumers
Fractions of PI
#25 - 2013-05-22 04:19:45 UTC
Around 60% of the star systems are made up by 2 or more suns in a system, which is a fact in astronomy. And sometimes even black hole comes in pairs...

Add some neutron stars, like magnetar, pulsar, or magnetar-pulsar neutron star they affect surrounding area....
Neutron star
Embasy of Federated Suns
#26 - 2013-05-22 12:24:43 UTC
Mr VonBraun
Collegium Ignis
#27 - 2013-05-22 13:41:36 UTC
bump. This needs to happen. More random natural events, different enviroments and stuff. There is a lot more to a galaxy than people flying around in ships trying to pick fights with each other. Let's make the Enviroment a major part of EVE again!
Craig Bennett2th
Bennett Corp
#28 - 2013-05-22 14:13:14 UTC
Adding something to the list.

I think it would be great if they can make everything orbit. I know they can't make any real orbits because things will hit each other, but they can make a fixed orbit. However, if they make any type of orbit, they need to realistically do something with the speeds.
(You orbit faster when you're closer to the sun)

The cool thing with this is it would add an interesting layer pvp since the gates could move far or close to their target.

Hell is around every turn. It's your choice to go in it or not. Please check out the Rookies in EVE video playlist.

Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#29 - 2013-05-22 15:00:32 UTC
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
Yes, yes and yes again to dynamic astrological events but not with the damage or knocking out of electrical systems. Or ships are hardened to this due to the harsh environments we came from and go into (role playing this a bit.).

Nice ideas though, I like where your head is at.

I especially the idea of an almost dark system that required lights to be used and with a possible NVG look to the screen, maybe even a "Flood Light" module or "NVG" module that uses cap but grants more visibility.

+1 and a little bumpage too for free :)

EDIT: Check out my idea in my sig, give it some love, give it some venom but it a look nonetheless Blink

You realize that in space:

1) Space is already very very dark.
2) Dispite all that, Even on the darkside of a planet, stars provide some illumination
3) A 'flashlight' is entirely USELESS IN SPACE since there are no objects for the light to bounce off of within reasonable distance. (in space, no one can see your flashlight beam, not even you.)
4) Your EVE starship is outfitted with sensors capable of detecting stellar phenomenon instantaneously (that needs to be explained to me =P ) and is also capable of tracking targets no larger than a few meters at distances greater than 100 or 200 KM.
5) according to eve lore, this data is all interpreted into a graphical interface for your convenience anyway. if a capsuleer chose to represent a titan as loveybear in his UI he could.

this 'darkness' mechanic is as gimicky as it is unsound in RL mechanics and lore...
Craig Bennett2th
Bennett Corp
#30 - 2013-05-22 15:20:24 UTC
Blastil wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
Yes, yes and yes again to dynamic astrological events but not with the damage or knocking out of electrical systems. Or ships are hardened to this due to the harsh environments we came from and go into (role playing this a bit.).

Nice ideas though, I like where your head is at.

I especially the idea of an almost dark system that required lights to be used and with a possible NVG look to the screen, maybe even a "Flood Light" module or "NVG" module that uses cap but grants more visibility.

+1 and a little bumpage too for free :)

EDIT: Check out my idea in my sig, give it some love, give it some venom but it a look nonetheless Blink

You realize that in space:

1) Space is already very very dark.
2) Dispite all that, Even on the darkside of a planet, stars provide some illumination
3) A 'flashlight' is entirely USELESS IN SPACE since there are no objects for the light to bounce off of within reasonable distance. (in space, no one can see your flashlight beam, not even you.)
4) Your EVE starship is outfitted with sensors capable of detecting stellar phenomenon instantaneously (that needs to be explained to me =P ) and is also capable of tracking targets no larger than a few meters at distances greater than 100 or 200 KM.
5) according to eve lore, this data is all interpreted into a graphical interface for your convenience anyway. if a capsuleer chose to represent a titan as loveybear in his UI he could.

this 'darkness' mechanic is as gimicky as it is unsound in RL mechanics and lore...

Some of that is not entirely true. Space isn't dark. It's just nothing with our eyes.(If you have the right cameras for finding x-ray, etc. space glows up like a christmas tree. In fact, most gas giants are invisible to the naked eye.)
Most of the "dark" in space is dark matter. (A fancy way of saying we know it's there, but we don't know what it is) Basically we know dark matter can bend light, but light can go through it like water. You can't see, touch, measure, etc yet. The only reason why we know it's there is the fact that it bends long distance light.

However, in theory if you have a bright enough light and a wide beam. You should be able to light up an entire side of a planet. But, the thing you need to keep in mind is in real life, light takes about a bill of a second to travel 1 foot. (so if you're far away it could take a while before the light bounces back. Also, you're never seeing anything in real time. (I think it takes 5 bil of a second for the light to travel from your eyes to parts of your brain that knows what it sees)

Anyways, nav space with a floodlight is stupid (If you know anything about space). In real life, there is too much out there we don't know.

Hell is around every turn. It's your choice to go in it or not. Please check out the Rookies in EVE video playlist.

Luc Chastot
#31 - 2013-05-22 15:32:44 UTC
First two and last three, yes; everything else, no. The reason is that they make no sense at all.

Solar flares and gamma rays are things that could be added for more variety and are still real space phenomena.

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Mr VonBraun
Collegium Ignis
#32 - 2013-05-22 16:17:48 UTC
What would be awesome is if they removed the 'roid belts in their current form, and introduced proper asteroid belts circling the much further apart (maybe need to scan them down?) but make them larger to reward the effort.

Systems with ice could have a Oort Cloud style outer belt of icy bodies with the same mechanics. It wouldn't be hard to implement and would be much more realistic than current belts (seriously, a cloud of rocks near a planet would be torn apart by gravity in short order)
Eldorado Exhumers
Fractions of PI
#33 - 2013-05-25 06:00:03 UTC
realistic system environment would be nice, and dynamic astrological activities will definily add more fun to the game.
Mackies Raiders
Wild Geese.
#34 - 2013-05-25 08:17:09 UTC
Ever heard of W-space?

Binary systems?

Black holes?

Destroyed Planets?

Unusual Systems?

Yeah I think we've got it covered. You're just not looking in the right places. Of course HIGHSEC, the most settled region in eve, isn't going to have black holes and **** like that. Life on planets wouldn't survive.

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Mackies Raiders
Wild Geese.
#35 - 2013-05-25 08:34:31 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:

besides, do you know how FAR a planet would have to be from ANY black hole to "orbit" it without being sucked towards its extreme gravity? far enough that warping from the "sun" to planet I would take half an hour.

That's actually not true. A black hole exerts the same gravitational force it did as a star before collapse. If, for example, our star were to collapse into a black hole, our orbit would not change. The event horizon of our star would actually only be like a couple hundred miles wide IIRC. Could be off on that, but the event horizon would definitely be MUCH smaller than the size of our star, as if it were larger then our sun wouldn't be able to emit light to begin with.

For supermassive black holes it's a different story, but most black holes are actually quite "reasonable" in terms of their gravitational force they exert. The perception of black holes as some force gobbling up everything in the universe is flawed. They are, but in order for that to happen, a much smaller object must orbit it, or a collision must occur. And if such an event were to happen between two stars, you'd still see a massive exchange of material, potential accretion disks forming, and one star would likely consume the other.

The issue with black holes in habitable systems is simply that they don't emit light, and if it were in a binary system, the irregular orbit pattern would screw with the rhythms of most life forms on any earthlike planet, crippling it's habitability. To get to a far enough distance that a stable orbit occurs would probably be too cold for life to be supported.

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Cesare Randor
#36 - 2013-05-25 22:40:33 UTC
This +9000. I find the as it stand EvE is an immensely beautiful game & great to look at visually. Although it can be monotonous in terms of the aesthetics of the environment.

I'd love to see the features that the OP suggested, in order to spice up the dynamic interaction with the gameworld. Would be great if these elements had an effect on gameplay as well as many have suggested. Would love to see all these ideas implemented.
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