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Question on how clones work

Viper Darkshine
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-05-22 12:30:08 UTC
My understanding about clones has been that the grade you buy only matters upon death and determines how many skill points can be transferred over to the new clone. So you have an "active" clone which has no skill point limitations and a "backup" clone which has the limit of X SP that can be transferred if you die in your active clone.

However I was recently talking to someone who insisted that the clone grade you buy is also a hard cap on the skill points of your active clone and thus if you don't upgrade your clone you would stop gaining skill points. In regards to the upcoming expansion and the additional SP people are getting from the Destroyer and BC changes he said that CCP stated if you don't upgrade your clone to account for the additional SP you will lose out on any SP over your current clone grade. Although I remember it being emphasized to upgrade your clone if your headed into hostile territory as there would be a higher chance of getting podded.

So how exactly do clones work?
Daniel Plain
#2 - 2013-05-22 12:35:12 UTC
you were right and the other guy was wrong. i currently have about half a dozen characters in training, all of them are past 5mil SP and all of them have the basic 900000SP clone. i plan to upgrade their clones if and when i undock them for the first time, not any sooner.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Viper Darkshine
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-05-22 12:57:16 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
you were right and the other guy was wrong. i currently have about half a dozen characters in training, all of them are past 5mil SP and all of them have the basic 900000SP clone. i plan to upgrade their clones if and when i undock them for the first time, not any sooner.

Thanks for the clarification.
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#4 - 2013-05-22 14:23:00 UTC  |  Edited by: monkfish2345
yes he said your interpretation is the correct one.

However if you were to be podded and your death clone has a lower SP cap than your total SP then a random skill is select and iirc a % amount of a level is removed. not the total amount of SP over your death clone cap.

so make sure your always up to date :)
Merouk Baas
#5 - 2013-05-22 14:34:35 UTC
When you die (get podded), you lose 5% of the skill points that are not covered by your clone, from one skill. If none of your skills has that many skillpoints, you lose whatever that skill has (less than 5%).

All in all, it hurts a bit, but it's not that terrible. At 2 months you may have 3 million skillpoints, and the bottom clone automatically covers 900k, so you'd lose 5% of 2.1 million = 105k skillpoints, which will probably take one of your level 5 skills to level 4. You gain about 2500 skillpoints per hour, so 105k is 2 days to re-train it.

For veterans, skills really have a lot fewer points in them than 5%, so they often lose much less than the 5%. Still, it's better to pay to renew your clone after each death, but sometimes there aren't any medical facilities in the station and you have to risk it to get to a medical facility.

There's no hard limit for training skillpoints; you definitely CAN train past what the clone can hold.
Galaxy Pig
New Order Logistics
#6 - 2013-05-22 14:37:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Galaxy Pig
Yeah, but it's not the end of the world if you go getting yourself podded and forgot to upgrade your clone, prettymuch everyone's done it at least once I think. Like monkfish said, you only lose a percentage of 1 skill.

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Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2013-05-22 15:43:03 UTC
Here is an explanation of clones that I wrote 18 months ago. It is still relevant.